08 spreludenew (Prelude in C Minor) (Ib OST)

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 173

  • @mjstudios97
    @mjstudios97 9 лет назад +496

    "In the early afternoon, under a grey sky. Ib and her parents were on their way to an art gallery..."

    • @garrettsattem4799
      @garrettsattem4799 6 лет назад

      mjstudios97 why is it that I could play the Max Payne theme over that sentence and make it sound more awesome?

    • @hannahhadley8261
      @hannahhadley8261 4 года назад +16

      Did you bring your handkerchief, Ib?

    • @7XHARDER
      @7XHARDER 2 года назад +1

      @@garrettsattem4799 3 years late but the nostalgia from this video AND max Payne is gonna kill me

    • @garrettsattem4799
      @garrettsattem4799 2 года назад +1

      @@7XHARDER What would you like your epitaph to be if it came to that?

    • @MarieTudorr
      @MarieTudorr 4 месяца назад

      @@7XHARDERI’m already dead of nostalgia

  • @frostbite8967
    @frostbite8967 2 года назад +84

    For anyone trying to find the origin of this piece or wants it on another platform like Spotify basically it’s a sped up version of Augustine Barrios’ Preludio en do menor (which basically translates to prelude in c minor) which is based off of Bach’s Prelude and Fugue in C minor.

    • @melong.g
      @melong.g Год назад +1

      you’re a saint thank you so much 😭 this song randomly popped up in my head earlier today and i thought i’d have to spend days searching for it because it’s instrumental, luckily i remembered i first heard this from Ib and your comment saved me hours of research lol

    • @GeraldMountaindew
      @GeraldMountaindew 8 месяцев назад +1

      I was trying to find this for my dnd game, you sir, are a lifesaver

  • @lilachan3567
    @lilachan3567 2 года назад +29

    idk why but i'm crying.... there are some comments from 10 years ago.... wow...

  • @kedamono639
    @kedamono639 7 лет назад +483


    • @ryolightswan
      @ryolightswan 6 лет назад +15

      a cheapstake or a weirdo xD

    • @blara2401
      @blara2401 6 лет назад +141

      Cheapstake ? Ib's handkerchief is real lace. It's a delicate, ladylike present that's explicitly meant to contrast her young age. It's not cheap at all.

    • @wingardiumlachancla9078
      @wingardiumlachancla9078 6 лет назад +20


    • @pobythestranger4889
      @pobythestranger4889 5 лет назад +4

      Kedamono Rick people do

    • @creamcreak
      @creamcreak 5 лет назад +74

      It is said that Ib is from a middle upper/upper class family. In the safe room, Garry comments that her clothing is high quality and the fact that the lace handkerchief is a birthday present from her mother

  • @TheLilyanD
    @TheLilyanD 12 лет назад +143

    This one is my favorite. Reminds me about the ending when Eve had to decide whether she goes with Garry or her (the fake) mother.

    • @hannahhadley8261
      @hannahhadley8261 4 года назад +6

      That's because it plays when you have to make that choice

    • @cheeseboy4958
      @cheeseboy4958 3 года назад +8

      her name is actually Ib lmao. I don't mean to be THAT guy but.. it literally says it on screen haha

    • @acronolozki
      @acronolozki 3 года назад +11

      @@cheeseboy4958 eve = ib. japanese people just cant say V, so they say and write it ib, but her name is actually eve

    • @cheeseboy4958
      @cheeseboy4958 3 года назад +6

      @@acronolozki oh wait, really? that's cool I didn't know they couldn't pronounce their V's.

    • @trikebeatstrexnodiff
      @trikebeatstrexnodiff 2 года назад +1

      I know I'm like 9 years late but FAKE MOTHER? How was she fake?!

  • @Amberblaze223
    @Amberblaze223 11 лет назад +56

    One of my favorite parts about this recording is that the sound of the performer's fingers sound almost like a woman whispering. Absolutely breathtaking :,)

  • @jilluji3
    @jilluji3 8 лет назад +101

    The beginning reminds me of "Once Upon a December".

  • @ninezeddness8976
    @ninezeddness8976 3 года назад +14

    "??? World"
    Once you go in, there's no going back.
    All your time here will be lost.
    Will you still jump in?

  • @winterbrella
    @winterbrella 3 года назад +15

    Revisiting old memories

  • @RosieGoldie85
    @RosieGoldie85 7 месяцев назад +2

    I still come back here every now and then and revisit the memories and emotions i felt back then. Fittingly, its like looking at a gallery, works of art from a time long since past. This game will always have a spot in my heart, my soul, my very being. It is a core part of who i am, a crucial part in my development as a child. Sometimes i wish i could experience it for the first time again, but thats just a distant dream, im content with just visiting and revisiting ocasionally, taking in the sights and sounds

  • @mothcooke6175
    @mothcooke6175 9 лет назад +47

    GAHD this song 😭😭 basically anything that is considered "Garry's theme" just makes me 😭😭

  • @MyEvilCreeper
    @MyEvilCreeper 5 лет назад +14

    One of the best games.

  • @iluvpokemon00
    @iluvpokemon00 11 лет назад +130

    This song is so pretty! This is the song that plays at the Fabricated World painting with Garry and Ib, non?

  • @theinfantmetroid
    @theinfantmetroid 8 лет назад +12


  • @rainbowArsonal
    @rainbowArsonal 10 лет назад +190

    Ok so I speak japanese, and let me
    Tell you guys her name is actually eve, its just that the romaji for the ee sound is I and there isn't a v sound so you said b sound instead so in Japanese eve is actually ibu which is where you get ib but its supposed to be eve

    • @kordeliiius9821
      @kordeliiius9821 7 лет назад +22

      yes, i figured this out as well, but even the creator Kouri spells it as "Ib", even on merch and promotional stuff.

    • @blara2401
      @blara2401 7 лет назад +37

      Even though "Ib" isn't a name and "Eve" is, even despite the symbolic weight of the name "Eve", Ib is Ib. The English translation by vgperson did not change any of the names, as she herself mentioned in her translation notes...and we have proof of it. Just the image in this video is one : the game's title is very clearly "Ib", written in plain latin letters, not katakana.

    • @ericspace121
      @ericspace121 6 лет назад +1

      Informative. Thank you.

    • @wingardiumlachancla9078
      @wingardiumlachancla9078 6 лет назад

      Ok, I kinda guessed by myself

    • @jimmyjenkins1907
      @jimmyjenkins1907 5 лет назад +2

      this has shattered my entire world veiw

  • @Hidantehreapah76
    @Hidantehreapah76 11 лет назад +7

    In the early afternoon, under a gray sky....
    Ib and her parents were on their way to an art gallery...
    "Did you remember everything, Ib?"
    "Oh! Do you have your handkerchief? You know, the one you got for your birthday?"
    "Keep it safe in your pocket, okay? Don't lose it!"

  • @HawkyStudios
    @HawkyStudios 12 лет назад +5

    Isn't it amazing, how such a beautiful piece of music can be rendered so obscure... I think it is some manner of blessing in disguise, however because like this, then we fans can keep this piece sacred in a way, right? Without narrow-minded people judging it.. Still one of the most beautiful pieces of music I have ever heard~♥

  • @zekeram129
    @zekeram129 3 года назад +10

    The song that always plays whenever you go to the Guertena exhibition, be it from outside or inside.
    And in the latter case, where the secret of the Fabricated World is laid bare in the first word of its name.

  • @Elfie_t.A.
    @Elfie_t.A. 6 лет назад +9

    Nostalgia T_T

  • @bugaciu-5282
    @bugaciu-5282 5 лет назад +3

    how much memories

  • @Amberblaze223
    @Amberblaze223 12 лет назад +10

    I am learning how to play this on the guitar.
    You have no idea how much my pinky hurts right now.

  • @Grinchcoolrancho
    @Grinchcoolrancho 12 лет назад +3

    I'm leaning it too! IT'S SO BEAUTIFUL! My fingers hurts too. It's a great prelude. God bless RPG Makers.

  • @malictory
    @malictory 7 лет назад +3

    This is the prettiest track!

  • @LemonPieRocks
    @LemonPieRocks 8 лет назад +22

    [S] Prelude: new.

    • @txrizzy3014
      @txrizzy3014 4 года назад +2

      dont mix homestuck and ib together, man. my feels cant take it.

    • @KukoBerry
      @KukoBerry 4 года назад

      actually, DO mix homestuck and Ib together, man. My feels can't take it either but DAMN would it be one hell of a feast

    • @alexkatakuna2615
      @alexkatakuna2615 3 года назад +1

      why would you write this. still not too late to delete the comment

  • @SarkenHS
    @SarkenHS 12 лет назад +2

    This theme... ... just, nothing to say. no words to describe it. just take my like.

  • @Amberblaze223
    @Amberblaze223 12 лет назад +2

    Yeah, if it wasn't for this game I never would have heard of this!!!

  • @kixlepixel
    @kixlepixel 9 лет назад +15

    I wish this had a guitar tab because I'd love to be able to play this. I guess I'm just gonna have to figure it out by ear :/

    • @Sly_Spy
      @Sly_Spy 5 лет назад

      Barrios glamore

    • @Sly_Spy
      @Sly_Spy 5 лет назад

      Barrios glamore prelude in c minor

  • @mirychan382
    @mirychan382 5 лет назад +3

    Fantastic💞 i looove this track this made me... ahhh

  • @chappalakaLOLL
    @chappalakaLOLL 12 лет назад

    thank youuu soo muchhh!!!

  • @RawrDinosaur607
    @RawrDinosaur607 12 лет назад

    I found iiiiiiiiiitt!!!
    I have been looking for this song.

  • @Haishi-is-a-mess
    @Haishi-is-a-mess 8 лет назад +18

    Anyone know where I can find a guitar tab for this song?

  • @Amberblaze223
    @Amberblaze223 11 лет назад +1

    To tell you the truth, I don't plan to upload it anytime soon. I don't think I'll have the skill to play this confidently and perfectly enough for me to feel like it's good enough to upload. :)

  • @garrettsattem4799
    @garrettsattem4799 6 лет назад +3

    I don’t know why, but I am getting slight Max Payne vibes from this

  • @Amberblaze223
    @Amberblaze223 12 лет назад +1

    On their website, they say it's just pronounced Eeb, or Eve. It's still supposed to be Ib though, just pronounced differently then we would think.

  • @PuppetMaster.
    @PuppetMaster. Год назад

    i cried 😢 aaaa

  • @mariamoooooo
    @mariamoooooo 12 лет назад

    Ahh, ok. Thank you :D

  • @glorp0426
    @glorp0426 12 лет назад

    Omg this made me cry, when Ib, had to choose Gary, or her fake mom.

  • @Amberblaze223
    @Amberblaze223 12 лет назад

    no worries ^_^ You should see me when i'm sleep deprived!

  • @Amberblaze223
    @Amberblaze223 12 лет назад

    couldn't have said it better myself :)

  • @ILoveVideos133
    @ILoveVideos133 12 лет назад +3

    well, its actually Ib, ussualy said as Eeb. now everyone knows :)

  • @raulalmeida2524
    @raulalmeida2524 10 лет назад +11

    Mano, esse jogo é bem famoso!!

    • @voltex12345
      @voltex12345 10 лет назад +3

      é mas não o suficiente

    • @raulalmeida2524
      @raulalmeida2524 10 лет назад +1


    • @frogglia
      @frogglia 10 лет назад

      Esse jogo me da vontade Chorar Muito eu simplesmente estou despencando

    • @voltex12345
      @voltex12345 10 лет назад +2

      Julia sardinha ya a quem o dizes

    • @breninho353
      @breninho353 4 года назад +3

      pois é...8 anos depois e eu ainda to aqui

  • @almendriitap
    @almendriitap 11 лет назад

    Oh ok gracias! ^^

  • @nestle6198
    @nestle6198 11 лет назад +1

    why didnt you upload it? :( subscribed to u alr haha

  • @Elfie_t.A.
    @Elfie_t.A. 4 месяца назад

    Prelude in c minor - Agustin Barrios-Mangore

  • @Grinchcoolrancho
    @Grinchcoolrancho 12 лет назад

    @Amberblaze223 We can post a tab in order to all people can learn it :).

  • @milhomemcomn5552
    @milhomemcomn5552 6 лет назад +1

    Is It like "Prelude by Bach", but in a diferent Key?

    • @dickubuspruitt3268
      @dickubuspruitt3268 5 лет назад +2

      very late reply, but this piece is called Preludio in Do Menor by Agustin Barrios Mangore. c:

  • @sYZazie
    @sYZazie 11 лет назад

    It is supposed to be pronounced "Eeb" but some people call it Ib. Different people think different things.

  • @chen_dll
    @chen_dll 11 лет назад +1

    It's "Ib", but some think it's pronounced "Eve"

  • @TheLilyanD
    @TheLilyanD 12 лет назад

    I really don't know why I wrote 'Eve' :/

  • @nabbyhyung
    @nabbyhyung 12 лет назад


  • @perrytheplatypus4620
    @perrytheplatypus4620 4 года назад

    Wonder if Patrick likes this one too.

  • @rhuit
    @rhuit 12 лет назад +1

    Agustin Barrios

  • @superonni3073
    @superonni3073 8 лет назад

    ĪAAAAAAAA ! GEIRĪ !!!!!!

  • @naramurasaki
    @naramurasaki 11 лет назад

    Would you post some sort of thing for the chords you used? I'd love to learn how to do this, but I don't know that many chords, and I can only seem to learn by ear.

    • @blara2401
      @blara2401 4 года назад

      The uploader isn't the player behind this track. This player (who unfortunately speaks little English) is a Japanese guitarist who goes by Yasupochi. He has his own channel.

  • @joanpalma1355
    @joanpalma1355 8 лет назад

    make an extended version

  • @syndicatephilharmonic9205
    @syndicatephilharmonic9205 8 лет назад +1

    Ugh, notice how the guitarist breathes in at at every beat. I hate it when players do that.

    • @bellaibarra1750
      @bellaibarra1750 8 лет назад +4

      Rukongai Philharmonic D; it helps us concentrate it? for me it actually feels like im in the music and i forget to breathe when i play my violin it's a wonderful feeling

    • @syndicatephilharmonic9205
      @syndicatephilharmonic9205 8 лет назад

      Esma Ibarra I can bear when it's Gould, but that's because he's Glenn fucking Gould.

  • @WanderSeth
    @WanderSeth 12 лет назад


  • @supremeawsomeninja1
    @supremeawsomeninja1 12 лет назад

    @Amberblaze223 could you send me tabs??

  • @Amberblaze223
    @Amberblaze223 11 лет назад

    Hey :) yeah I answered this question before. Just go down the comments a tiny bit and you should see my directions to find them just fine :)

  • @Freddyfaz37
    @Freddyfaz37 6 лет назад

    This song makes me think of fran bow

  • @fr801
    @fr801 12 лет назад

    i think they call her Eve because in japan Ibu is Eve. =/ who knows

  • @thebridgeofmadness3606
    @thebridgeofmadness3606 7 лет назад

    Is there a guitar sheet?

    • @andresminder9598
      @andresminder9598 2 года назад

      Search: Preludio in C Minor - Agustín Barrios Mangoré

  • @myew8238
    @myew8238 7 лет назад

    Tabs plz

  • @БогданаКосенко-и3о
    @БогданаКосенко-и3о 3 года назад

    Барриос и сюда попал, вау..

  • @chappalakaLOLL
    @chappalakaLOLL 12 лет назад


  • @chappalakaLOLL
    @chappalakaLOLL 12 лет назад

    how?? please can you send me the tabs? pleaseeee!!!!

    • @andresminder9598
      @andresminder9598 2 года назад +1

      Search this: Prelude in C Minor - Agustín Barrios Mangoré

    • @bitshox1215
      @bitshox1215 Год назад +1

      @@andresminder9598 I think you're 10 years too late XD

  • @almendriitap
    @almendriitap 11 лет назад

    Esta cancion es de un juego o un anime?

  • @jamiehello
    @jamiehello 12 лет назад

    When does this play in the game?

    • @hannahhadley8261
      @hannahhadley8261 4 года назад

      It's the introduction theme, and it's in a few other parts in certain endings

  • @MooseA454
    @MooseA454 8 лет назад

    What game is the picture from?

  • @mariamoooooo
    @mariamoooooo 12 лет назад

    Who's Eve?

  • @aeoae..
    @aeoae.. 7 лет назад


  • @xcalibur0645
    @xcalibur0645 11 лет назад

    You mean 'Ib'.

  • @sigma2781
    @sigma2781 8 лет назад +2

    일러가 심히 아청스럽다....ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    • @sigma2781
      @sigma2781 8 лет назад

      컵에담긴물 내가 의미상으로 적절하지 않는 말이라도 썼나?ㅋ

  • @ellkatt2010
    @ellkatt2010 11 лет назад

    Nope, Eeb.

  • @raptorjesus6953
    @raptorjesus6953 9 лет назад +4

    Really? Is this all you can do? Take one of Bach's most famous piano/harpsichord works and take out a few notes?

    • @metroidpowner27
      @metroidpowner27 8 лет назад

      +Raptor Jesus Which song?

    • @raptorjesus6953
      @raptorjesus6953 8 лет назад +1

      Endymion Zero "Song" lmao

    • @raptorjesus6953
      @raptorjesus6953 8 лет назад +1

      Endymion Zero Insulting me isn't the best way to get an answer.

    • @metroidpowner27
      @metroidpowner27 8 лет назад +18

      +Raptor Jesus If you couldn't answer the first time then I'm better off finding out myself then. No such thing as a bad excuse to listen to classical again anyways.

    • @raptorjesus6953
      @raptorjesus6953 8 лет назад +1

      Endymion Zero Good luck with that.

  • @ellkatt2010
    @ellkatt2010 11 лет назад

    Who's Eve?