  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 180

  • @cawicab1
    @cawicab1 3 года назад +60

    In my point of view, when it comes to two high end tools, these tests are useless. If In the market for a tool, I would go for battery platform I'm already on, or better value for money. A few seconds here and there does not matter, money does. Both of these are great tools.

    • @jacksmith2315
      @jacksmith2315 3 года назад +3

      Exactly. When the tests are so close, it comes down to money, what works better for you, feels more comfortable for you, and of course reliability. Milwaukee has the problem w the collet not holding the bits, but was fixed in the 3.5 same part number just later manufacturing date, or if its under warranty and it happens it will be fixed. They also have the trigger problem. It will just stop working and you have to release the trigger and pull it again. Not a huge deal, but that will eventually turn into the trigger not working at all. Flex hasnt been out long enough to find it what are or if there are know problems and how common they are.

    • @jmackinjersey1
      @jmackinjersey1 3 года назад +1

      The other thing to consider is the amount of tools they offer. If you are just starting out and only need a few tools to make your job easier, then they are both viable. However, if you are well seasoned, then it is a no-brainer to go with the Milwaukee, as they have a much larger selection of tools.
      However, with the Flex having more powerful batteries, you would think that they would have walked all over the competition. But they don't.

    • @jacksmith2315
      @jacksmith2315 3 года назад +1

      @@jmackinjersey1 if your well seasoned, you're already on a platform, or multiple platforms. You're going to buy what you like, or replace broken tools and switch over as needed. You're not just going to dump all your tools and say ok im starting fresh w flex and ill get them as they come out because i want to switch platforms. You're just going to replace them as needed if you're well seasoned.

    • @YoungDen
      @YoungDen 3 года назад

      That's founders lifetime warranty is a nice catch. Glad I my gf grabbed one for me

    • @mannyfresh8504
      @mannyfresh8504 2 года назад +1

      Thats a fact on the few seconds comment… all these comparisons bet. Flex and other brands are so close it doesn’t matter. That last flex show was criiiiiingy. They seem desperate for buys.

  • @TheSirPotato
    @TheSirPotato 3 года назад +16

    With 24v batteries so big might aswell use ho batteries in the m18

  • @rich-qk7dc
    @rich-qk7dc 3 года назад +25

    I'm gonna trade all my Milwaulkee tools for Flex so they won't get stolen on the jobsite

    • @henri6595
      @henri6595 3 года назад

      How do you safeguard your tools on the jobs site? Do you just move the whole Packout platform to where ever you go?

    • @rich-qk7dc
      @rich-qk7dc 3 года назад

      @@henri6595 I use 2 large tool boxes and bolt them to the floor

    • @henri6595
      @henri6595 3 года назад

      @@rich-qk7dc I guess that would slow people down if they are really determined to cut chains. How do you address the issues that you now have random bolts drilled into concrete everywhere you go? I wonder if some people just keep their tools in locked vans and only carry what they need around? I've read most people bring all their tools off the jobsite when they leave everyday. I'm not a contractor or in construction so I always wondered these things.

    • @rich-qk7dc
      @rich-qk7dc 3 года назад +1

      @@henri6595 i just left a 8 unit apt building and currently working on a 23 unit so I'm gonna be here for a very long time and luckily this one is next to a Boston police station

    • @Freeknickers24
      @Freeknickers24 Год назад

      ​​@@rich-qk7dcwell yo are really screwed now they won't prosecute each other for stealing your tools and steal your tools they will. You better keep them bolted down and in your sight at all times and take them home with you every evening and not one box at a time either, all the boxes at the same time or you won't have them all within your sight. And have someone wat hing the ones you have to let out of your sight. Actually you just need to get the hell out of there as fast as you can.

  • @mytoolbox871
    @mytoolbox871 2 года назад +7

    personally i find these tests, while pointless for real world, are pretty entertaining. that's why ppl are doing them. pointlrss to me especially running twi sidr hy side,... Nobody on the jobsite cares if their impact driver is a milli second faster than the next one.
    Its all about trigger control at low speed, quality of built, choices battery sizes/ platform and depth of tool line and what tools are available, also ergonomics.

  • @delosaurasrex732
    @delosaurasrex732 3 года назад +29

    Use Milwaukee’s “High Output” battery…a game changer…👍

    • @diegodog20270
      @diegodog20270 3 года назад +1


    • @martylucas8557
      @martylucas8557 3 года назад +5

      Sick and tired of these channels always running the damn 5amp battery vs the 3amp HO, 6 amp HO or the 8 amp HO. The Fuel technology was meant to be used in conjunction with 21700 cell batteries.

    • @wjw2962
      @wjw2962 3 года назад

      @@Protoolreviews True, I think he meant to say the HO batteries are meant to be used in conjunction with FUEL technology. Which is true as well.

  • @BouncyThrone
    @BouncyThrone 3 года назад +5

    I build and install commercial and residential ductwork, install hvac systems and pull service calls, etc... I have an impact in my hand 75% of my day.. I've held and used likely all the typical top tier impacts you'll find on any given jobsite.
    I get weak in the knees over new tools and fall into the "latest and greatest" lure like any other tool enthusiast in the trades..
    But the truth is, ALL of these impacts are fully adequate in power for the intended jobs we'd use a 1/4" impact for.
    So what makes a great impact,
    in mho,
    is durability, high rpm and torque, a good trigger for control when low speed and torque are desired, compactness, and lightweight maneuverability..
    I recently picked up this Flex impact when my last Makita and Dewalt both finally died.. Both had served me well.
    The Flex felt well balanced, high quality, smoothe and responsive, and had a great charger, but totally turned me off because of its unnecessary bulk and weight.
    Doable, yes, but that monster battery was just goofy.
    It also had a smoothe but finicky trigger lag..
    I picked up this 2853 Milwaukee after avoiding it and calling it trash for the longest time, due to coworkers struggling with the first run of crappy collet and trigger issues..
    And I'd watch these comparisons hoping to see the Milwaukee destroyed.. But, it has been well established as being the king in power and performance all others compare themselves to as the standard.
    Well, I have to say, I pulled this gen 3.5 2853 Milwaukee out of the box and discovered I had received the upgraded version with the collet issue being addressed..
    I love the tool..
    Powerful, ergonomic, and well balanced..
    I'm not a fanboy of any brand..
    I love and use quality flagship tools from every brand..
    I'm in several platforms and have many options..
    The latest revised version of the Milwaukee 2853 is presently the better tool, all points considered..

    • @collin1463
      @collin1463 2 года назад

      As an hvac tech you never mentioned the self tapping mode for sheet metal on the flex impact?? You're full of it if you say you're putting together duct work and no comment on the self tapping sheet metal mode 🤡

    • @BouncyThrone
      @BouncyThrone 2 года назад

      Good point, good point..
      If I recall, my arm got fatigued by the weight of the tool before I got a chance to try out all the manly modes..

  • @jamessimmons5597
    @jamessimmons5597 3 года назад +11

    I will stick with Milwaukee, only because I am already in that battery platform. The Milwaukee platform has way more tools.

    • @ChaseLife2016
      @ChaseLife2016 2 года назад

      Same I do hvac an now Milwaukee has a bigger selection of tools that are useful in my job

  • @christophersnyder9232
    @christophersnyder9232 3 года назад +12

    I think there's a time when you should you an impact wrench instead of an impact driver. It's built to take the stress and has a far greater amount of torque for things such as lag bolts.

  • @sw5926
    @sw5926 3 года назад +15

    It'd be interesting to see if the Milwaukee High Output battery makes any difference in the performance.

    • @pugadiego2015
      @pugadiego2015 3 года назад +1

      Makes a major difference but no one ever uses the high output in the reviews, just continue to use the shifty 5.0ah ones

    • @martylucas8557
      @martylucas8557 3 года назад +1

      @@pugadiego2015, I get so sick and tired of these damn tool channels always using the Milwaukee 5 amp XC battery. They know exactly what they’re doing by using it on a Fuel tool vs a 6 amp HO battery. They’re afraid the free tools they received will be decimated in the test by the Milwaukee tool. They’re knowingly handicapping the Fuel tool. In many cases it’s not an apples to apples comparison, due to using the 5 amp battery. Recently I saw a channel using a 2 amp battery on the Gen 3 Impact. That was being tested against the new Dewalt Impact with their new 1.7 amp flat cell battery. You have to ask yourself why they wouldn’t test against the Milwaukee Gen 3 , equipped with a 3 amp HO battery.
      A couple of days ago Rob Robilard from Concord Carpenter was streaming live from the Dewalt event. He kept saying that the tests were not fair, as they (Dewalt) were testing their new tool technology against either brushed or Gen 2 brushless equipped with a 2 amp battery. In one test Dewalt was showcasing their new 20 volt Atomic Bandsaw, equipped with their new flat cell battery technology and 21750 battery packs, against….the old Milwaukee M12 Bandsaw with a 2 amp battery. Robilard said…”is that a Fuel tool”…crickets. Unbelievable! There are a lot of people that aren’t power tool savvy who would think that the Dewalt was a superior tool. The funny thing was, the M12 non-Fuel bandsaw almost beat the 20V Dewalt bandsaw.
      I almost can’t watch these tool channels anymore, knowing what I know, with how they continually handicap the Milwaukee tools they’re testing against.

    • @nobodycaresanymore188
      @nobodycaresanymore188 2 года назад

      You throw a high output on a drill and you can audibly hear the power difference between the two batteries

  • @michaelbarrett1680
    @michaelbarrett1680 3 года назад +7

    It appeared to me that during the tests you pulled the trigger on the Milwaukee tool sooner in rounds 3 & 4 , maybe it was my eyes but, you have video to check. Clearly both tools are great however, I am leaning towards Flex. I currently do not own any Flex tools but, have been watching for at least 9 months prior to hitting the retail markets.
    Thank you for all of your reviews

    • @freedom4all219
      @freedom4all219 2 года назад +1

      I was going to say the same thing.

    • @douglaspete5015
      @douglaspete5015 13 часов назад

      I noticed the same thing homie is bias. 😂

  • @UncleIvan1
    @UncleIvan1 3 года назад +11

    I'm sticking with my makita, but Milwaukee is still the king when it comes to power. even the 3ah high output battery is better than that 5ah

    • @martylucas8557
      @martylucas8557 3 года назад +5

      I agree, but you mean the 3amp HO Battery. These tool channels are always running tests with the 5 amp battery vs the High Output batteries. Why, why, why do the keep doing this? The 6 amp HO battery would be the better test.

    • @UncleIvan1
      @UncleIvan1 3 года назад +2

      @@martylucas8557 yes, I meant high output....I feel like they are doing this on purpose so they get more comments like this. there are plenty of tests that been ran by even smaller channels that proved HO battery is a better option. it almost seems like they either never used the tool, don't watch or follow anyone else, or like i said- doing this to get more comments

    • @MrGeri95
      @MrGeri95 2 года назад

      Use Milwaukee in bad weather :D they don't have any protection against water! Nothing! And check Makita! 😏

    • @UncleIvan1
      @UncleIvan1 2 года назад

      @@MrGeri95 what you mean "check makita?"

    • @MrGeri95
      @MrGeri95 2 года назад +1

      @@UncleIvan1 they have XPT technology

  • @FusionBoost2.0
    @FusionBoost2.0 3 года назад +6

    TTI sending in the fan boys lol

  • @vmcarpenter7889
    @vmcarpenter7889 3 года назад +19

    I’ll stick with my Makita’s not the fastest fastener outhere but pretty close.

    • @robertfrate9738
      @robertfrate9738 3 года назад +4

      Hi vm, I’m with you, Mikita is not the strongest tool, but very dependable and gets the job done with ease, Mikita been around before I was born lol, and still going strong,

    • @hardlyb
      @hardlyb 3 года назад +1

      I hardly ever get into contests to see who can drive 1/2 inch lag screws into stacks of OSB the fastest. I really like my Makita driver because it has great 'feel' - it has enough modes that I don't drive screws through things with it, as I did with the first impact driver I owned. And it's plenty powerful enough for me.

  • @mickett
    @mickett 3 года назад +3

    In my Milwaukee gen 2 impact the number 3 is the strongest. Are you sure number 4 that you selected is the strongest?

  • @Sparkystacoma
    @Sparkystacoma 3 года назад +3

    Compare watt hours on the batteries not amp hours.

    @ALAPINO 3 года назад +13

    You guys, come on.
    You know your first test was a dud: Torx loses a lot of efficiency when the user has driver off axis alignment.

  • @felixf5211
    @felixf5211 3 года назад +2

    Glad you're feeling better, Kenny.

  • @alexfed4721
    @alexfed4721 3 года назад +4

    Milwaukee have HO battery it’s like turbo

  • @jmackinjersey1
    @jmackinjersey1 3 года назад +7

    I went with the Milwaukee. They have a better selection of tools, and have been around a heck of a lot longer.

    • @christianfalcon2531
      @christianfalcon2531 2 года назад +2

      Actually flex started in Germany. That’s whyyy you probably never heard of them till now

    • @christianfalcon2531
      @christianfalcon2531 2 года назад +1

      Also yeah Milwaukee has a better selection but Flex has way better prices

    • @Freeknickers24
      @Freeknickers24 Год назад

      And Milwaukee is owned by China which makes them guaranteed better than the others.

  • @rickyperkins232
    @rickyperkins232 3 года назад +4

    I never support these kinds of test because there is only one dominant hand and that hand will be more effective with the tools

    • @phipear
      @phipear 3 года назад

      with an impact driver it doesnt really make a difference, all of the torque is isolated in the tool

    • @rickyperkins232
      @rickyperkins232 3 года назад +1

      @@phipear yes but there is a certain amount of force that is applied by the dominant hand plus the dominant hand will be more proficient while the other is trying to learn the other hand. I bet if you work for a few hours in one day with your non dominant hand your productivity will decline compared to the other hand doing the same task but the impact driver doesn't change.

  • @tylermccoy7513
    @tylermccoy7513 2 года назад +3

    The 4th setting on the Milwaukee is the slow start made for self tapping screws. At least keep it fair

    • @truthmatters6719
      @truthmatters6719 Год назад

      Dude you're right! Milwaukee actually destroyed flex even though the flex is 24v and Milwaukee only 18v! Bravo for the observation.

  • @henri6595
    @henri6595 3 года назад +7

    I'll stick with my Milwaukee and Dewalt tools. I don't need another platform to add to the collection.

  • @jackdraper2849
    @jackdraper2849 3 года назад

    Great comparison video. -- What is the title of your next video that you mentioned at the end ? I would like to see it.

  • @fips664
    @fips664 3 года назад +1

    Did not used the Milwaukee H.O batteries

  • @BlackenedEclipse
    @BlackenedEclipse 3 года назад +6

    Great Vid, one of the best comparison between the current industry leading impact drivers, I have seen this far. I like both and have owned both at different times but currently use my Milwaukee fuels with 3.0 HO batteries and their weight to power ratio is untouched by the competition. Kobalt XTR also reminds me and feels very similar to Flex prob cuz they’re both made by the same company. Either way I really don’t think you can go wrong with either impact at this point and the drills are just as beastly. Thanks for sharing

    • @collin1463
      @collin1463 2 года назад

      Flex and kobalt aren't the same company.. Why would you say that? Flex invented the angle grinder back in the day.

    • @chrisclements460
      @chrisclements460 Год назад

      @@collin1463 they are made by the same company, Chervon

  • @prestigemechanical3600
    @prestigemechanical3600 3 года назад +3

    I like both platforms and own both platforms, I currently use FLEX for my larger tools
    For 12v it’s all Milwaukee

  • @agphoto_graphy
    @agphoto_graphy 3 года назад

    Have u ever had collet issues with the milwaukee?

  • @tammyshellikoff3482
    @tammyshellikoff3482 3 года назад +1

    Can you do craftsman cmcf820 vs dewalt atomic

  • @prestigemechanical3600
    @prestigemechanical3600 3 года назад +2

    Also you nailed it, it didn’t feel like it was hitting the wood that’s the point, the ergonomics and tool design to offset the vibrations are superb on the FLEX vs all other competitors

    • @Freeknickers24
      @Freeknickers24 Год назад

      No he didn't nail it , he screwed it ! Did you ever watch the video? 🙄

    • @loganpatterson9415
      @loganpatterson9415 Год назад

      Great video! But the flex model used in your video isn't their top of the line model. Results might be slightly different if you used the top of line model from flex

  • @pedropassament4299
    @pedropassament4299 2 года назад

    Is that a milwaukee 3.5?

  • @estuardoerazo9998
    @estuardoerazo9998 3 года назад +4

    The Milwaukee tools should be using high output batteries when comparing to flex. It’s the only way to make it an apples to apples comparison.

  • @Sparkystacoma
    @Sparkystacoma 3 года назад +3

    M18 6.0 make it right

  • @chancecalveyccmcc3078
    @chancecalveyccmcc3078 3 года назад +2

    Id pick the one that I can get a battery adapter for because I have 5 different brands and with the adapters I can use any battery of my choice with any of my tools and I also have ryobi and I didn't spend a dime on there battery when I can just pop the adapter then put my milwaukee or dewalt on it

  • @96fido96
    @96fido96 3 года назад +3

    Milwaukee has more speed but Flex has more torque

  • @gagejernigan5277
    @gagejernigan5277 3 года назад +4

    Flex definitely won the 4th test it hit wood first

    • @truthmatters6719
      @truthmatters6719 Год назад

      At the first test Milwaukee was at set 4 which is for self tapping screws, the set 3 is the fastest 🤦

  • @larryrickert8186
    @larryrickert8186 3 года назад +1

    Both are good plain and simple

  • @raulgamez5322
    @raulgamez5322 3 года назад +1

    i hate the fact that all theese milwaukee vs flex reviews have the milwaukee with the regular battery instead of the high output batterys that makes all the diffrence

  • @mikeerin5031
    @mikeerin5031 3 года назад

    So, 24v with 21700 cells vs 18v with 18650 cells?

  • @danielguzman1232
    @danielguzman1232 Год назад

    24v and 18v seems unfair but impressed Milwaukee kept up. goes to show how well big red is.

  • @shaneomac5074
    @shaneomac5074 11 месяцев назад

    My brother is a pro construction worker for his own LLC, was the biggest Milwaukee fan boy of all time it was honestly so annoying lol, it was like he joined a cult, he says flex is better than Milwaukee and he’s in the process of selling his Milwaukee tools to move onto flex, being that he was the biggest Milwaukee tools fan of all time and used them for at least 8-12 hours a day, I’d take his word for it

  • @evilpiranha6472
    @evilpiranha6472 2 года назад

    How do they perform in the cold ?

    • @austinalvarez5138
      @austinalvarez5138 Год назад

      I have the newest M18 impact driver(work supplied) and the newest flex impact driver(personal tool) I work in ice cream freezers a lot of the time and the Milwaukee likes to freeze up about 10-15 minutes in, where as I can leave my flex in there for almost 45 minutes in -30(forgot it was in there when I went to lunch) came back and fired right up

  • @austinsimms2097
    @austinsimms2097 2 года назад +1

    You didn’t put the Milwaukee on its strongest setting. You put it on its self tapping screw setting. The strongest setting it’s the 3rd setting, not the forth.

  • @raywall5712
    @raywall5712 3 года назад +1

    Yes. You are right handed I bet. You put more downward force with your right hand vs your left hand.

    • @freedom4all219
      @freedom4all219 2 года назад

      However, if you watch the video he tends to start the left hand first

  • @gkuntz68
    @gkuntz68 Год назад

    Batteries power is not the same. 24V x 5A= 120W vs 18V x 5A= 90W. To be a fair test you would need to use the same output. This is like testing a M12 impact @5A vs M18 impact @5A, there is no comparison.

  • @robertfrate9738
    @robertfrate9738 3 года назад +6

    Hi, very interesting test, I’m a Milwaukee fan and always will be, flex is very powerful but it’s not a Milwaukee lol,

  • @shanepipkin4041
    @shanepipkin4041 2 года назад

    not fair you didn't use m18 ho battery

  • @g8beast679
    @g8beast679 3 года назад

    Flex 24v vs m12.... now that is a challenge.

  • @FastAsLightning420
    @FastAsLightning420 Год назад

    I've got about 6 tools from the flex lineup including there stacked 6 amp hour batteries and I absolutley love them use them 7 days a week 15 hours a day for over year and have had 0 issues batteries last all day power and speed are both there when u need and want it ive had several coworkers switch from Dewalt and milwuakee to flex after seeing and using my tools 100000% reccomend Flex especially for commercial use

    • @kediri207
      @kediri207 Год назад

      Thanks for the info... This really helps me to choose flex.. before I wanted to buy milwaukee.. I've never bought any drill

  • @Jasonitodd
    @Jasonitodd 2 года назад

    So, one has an available lifetime warranty on not just the tool, but the battery and charger. It’s more powerful, cheaper, better battery technology and has better grip, but you can’t claim who wins? No brainer it seems! I’m going to lowes.

  • @jq48jq
    @jq48jq 3 года назад

    Can you do a comparison between Milwaukee 18v with 3.0 HO batteries and a professional grade ratcheting wrench in the hands of Flash or Quicksilver?

  • @xmrpaintx1
    @xmrpaintx1 3 года назад +1

    These tests are pointless unless you think everyone is ambidextrous 😂

  • @aidanbrady8333
    @aidanbrady8333 2 года назад

    How can you call this a fair test when ur doing one in each hand, if your left handed your gonna have more downward pressure vice versa if ur right handed

  • @dennismccormick7322
    @dennismccormick7322 2 года назад

    You're obviously right handed , so there's seems to be a bit of difference in that respect

  • @jonathankring5309
    @jonathankring5309 3 года назад +2

    You should try the same test but with Milwaukee surge impact… it would definitely blow flex out of the water

    • @906Roofer
      @906Roofer 2 года назад

      Gen 3 normal. Driver is faster sorry

  • @BlueOvalTavern
    @BlueOvalTavern 3 года назад +2

    I wish you would have ran the Milwaukee with a High Output battery... even if it was the smaller 3.0. It makes quite a difference.

    • @Mike-vt6is
      @Mike-vt6is 2 года назад

      I know right definitely not a real test

    • @collin1463
      @collin1463 2 года назад

      Wouldn't make a difference against the Flex..

  • @timothyfarlow3001
    @timothyfarlow3001 2 года назад +1

    On my milwaukee impact the 4th setting is for sheet metal, it has a some kind of clutch. The third setting is highest speed.

  • @BrewCityRider
    @BrewCityRider 2 года назад

    Had to see what all the Flex talk has been lately that seems to have come out of the blue as I had never heard of Flex before. Clearly Milwaukee wins again as it tied a larger tool with a larger more powerful battery. Flex looks good though. Milwaukee rocks.

    • @boobye6305
      @boobye6305 2 года назад

      Ye bet he always started the Milwaukee drill first

  • @georgiaguardian4696
    @georgiaguardian4696 3 года назад

    That additional weight is going to be big problems to drive thousands of nails a day for the hand.

  • @matthewkuhns9297
    @matthewkuhns9297 2 года назад

    All I saw the entire video is he’s drilling with his left hand. I’m a righty so anytime I’ve drilled with my left it was weird. I’m not saying anything other than I suck at drilling with my opposite hand and that’s all I kept thinking about watching this

  • @bamabladez
    @bamabladez 3 года назад +1

    Umm how did I know flex would win that last redo 🤔... one the bolt was lower starting out and 2 the salesman gave it away 😆🤨

  • @kentuckybeardsman
    @kentuckybeardsman 3 года назад +4

    Gotta stick with my red

  • @nbates9893
    @nbates9893 3 года назад +1

    Flex is strong but it's just gay. And a full pound heavier on something as small as an impact is an incredible weight difference.

  • @weldonpinder7295
    @weldonpinder7295 2 года назад

    It's like man caver tools says. Every tool doesn't do the same time on each test

  • @seiseragaki5777
    @seiseragaki5777 Год назад

    Upgraded from an older 18v kit. I independently chose the drill and impact tool, before I came across the kit.I like the 3 speed impact gun. It seems more powerful than my older one, and it can be set to be really gentle. The drill is more appropriately sized for my use. I used to have a hammer drill, but I did not like that it was so big and it was not a great hammer drill. I rather have a smaller drill like this, and then get a corded hammer drill for the odd case I need that.

  • @Mike-vt6is
    @Mike-vt6is 2 года назад

    Xc battery??? Can’t be a real test endless you use a high output battery.

  • @BigDGolf-23
    @BigDGolf-23 2 года назад

    High output battery on milwaukee will win that thing easy.

  • @TheMattsjeepsrt8
    @TheMattsjeepsrt8 3 года назад

    Id give anything to have that 2 gal hart compressor

  • @nickkavalchuck5223
    @nickkavalchuck5223 2 года назад

    Not a controlled test

  • @speaksspeaks4461
    @speaksspeaks4461 Год назад

    Super cute when he calls them a "Star Bit" 😂
    Can't trust a guy that doesn't know what a torx head is called.

    • @speaksspeaks4461
      @speaksspeaks4461 Год назад

      Along the same lines as calling a Phillips a "x" or "plus" screwdriver

  • @ban80
    @ban80 2 года назад

    The first test you were holding thr miwaukee crooked and it looks like you were holding the flex with your dominant hand. Looks like your right handed and are holding the flex with your right hand. You clearly are not as strong with the hand your holding the milwaukee with.

  • @enkiphotographer158
    @enkiphotographer158 3 года назад

    the amperage of the batteries counts... at equal power of ampere the milwaukee wins

  • @chrisgeoss2543
    @chrisgeoss2543 2 года назад

    Great what it is... people don't like the flex brand because they really are that close to matching milwaukee and dewalt a. Fact is a fact though.flex has the potential in beating the competition. A new company that hit that hard in the tool industry.. very impressive . I do own that flex impact driver. But I also own dewalt, bosch and many makita tools. I want what works for me...flex hits it out of the park ty. Ok not a new company..but a new tool brand I will correct interested in seeing what more they bring to the table

  • @galvanizedgnome
    @galvanizedgnome 3 года назад +1

    Ill keep my Popoman, thank you very much.

  • @brianguimel772
    @brianguimel772 Год назад

    Dude flex won mandatory. The one you count a tied it was clearly won by flex lol.

  • @georgiaguardian4696
    @georgiaguardian4696 3 года назад +1

    For the first one, Milwaukee driver was handled a bit off center, creating disadvantage for the red team.

  • @michaelmancini5773
    @michaelmancini5773 3 года назад +1

    I can't speak to flex, it's too new and I don't own any, but Milwaukee's customer service sucks, I won't buy any Milwaukee tools ever again, whereas DeWalt has superb customer service.

  • @rtgray7
    @rtgray7 3 года назад

    Getting me a Flex driver/drill combo before 2021 is over!!!

  • @andrewavellino6427
    @andrewavellino6427 3 года назад +2

    In my opinion the Milwaukee was handicapped, the tool is several years old and it only uses 5 cells per row, the flex is very new and uses the latest and greatest technology and battery cells and also uses rows of six cells, so clearly flex had an advantage. if Milwaukee tied with the flex even being handicapped I feel lt comes out the winner. JMO

    • @FusionBoost2.0
      @FusionBoost2.0 3 года назад +1

      🤣🤣🤣 you Milwaukee guy make me laugh

    • @tylertabor244
      @tylertabor244 3 года назад +1

      @@FusionBoost2.0 “even tho we lost, we still won” ima Milwaukee guy but this got me cracking up😂

    • @greenskiis
      @greenskiis 3 года назад +1

      That excuse is so lame it sounds like something Mancaver Tools would say (and probably already has, given what a blatant Milwaukee/Ryobi shill he is). Milwaukee always compared their latest and greatest to other companies' offerings on their packaging complete with hilariously misleading bar graphs. Don't cry because they've been forced to have a taste of their own medicine.

  • @shawnkoivisto2745
    @shawnkoivisto2745 3 года назад

    I don't want to carry that lawn tractor battery all day, and what is the longevity, stick with my bosch

  • @nickkavalchuck5223
    @nickkavalchuck5223 2 года назад

    Star bit.......oh boy

  • @Freeknickers24
    @Freeknickers24 Год назад

    Wtf is a star bit? LMAO

  • @verardosPrism
    @verardosPrism 2 года назад

    I think he wanted Milwaukee to win so bad, but these tests mean nothing.

  • @erikdanielsen8209
    @erikdanielsen8209 Месяц назад

    This clip was paid by sponsors Milwaukee

  • @kylefowler5082
    @kylefowler5082 3 года назад +2

    I'm confused about why it's a tie. I love my Milwaukee tools but Flex won this showdown. Where Milwaukee wins is in the depth of its line. Flex has a lot of catching up to do there.

    • @FusionBoost2.0
      @FusionBoost2.0 3 года назад +1

      It's really not that hard to tell why a lot of reviewers on RUclips try not to call Milwaukee the loser in comparisons lol

    • @kylefowler5082
      @kylefowler5082 3 года назад

      @@FusionBoost2.0 are you saying that Pro Tool Reviews is sponsored by Milwaukee?

    • @FusionBoost2.0
      @FusionBoost2.0 3 года назад +1

      @@kylefowler5082 Never said anything lol But I'd say many RUclips reviewers have a hard time to knock TTI products

  • @billymurphy3
    @billymurphy3 3 года назад +1

    I’m so angry. My day is ruined now.

  • @leonsoto8333
    @leonsoto8333 2 года назад

    Ryobi is clearly better than both of these cheap plastic. Ryobi is used in all construction jobs

  • @builder_for_life4490
    @builder_for_life4490 2 года назад +3

    The only reason why I purchased a high end Flex tools Impact Driver, Hammer Drill and Impact Wrench is because Flex is truly are a Milwaukee Killer. In the jobsite I've been laughed at by Milwaukee guys because I got DeWalt, Makita and Bosch, and I have some new Ryobi HP tools too. And they got the top notch Milwaukee gen3 fuel impact driver and wrench. Well last week I'm the ones that laughs at them because I got Flex now. And the tool proved it their Milwaukee gen3 fuel got beaten. 10 inch lag bolt my flex impact driver got their Milwaukee grabbed by the pussy. 😆

    • @waffleboi9489
      @waffleboi9489 2 года назад

      i think it’s dumb if they laughed at you for having a dewalt because they are very renowned for having great and reliable tools

    • @906Roofer
      @906Roofer 2 года назад

      Gen4? I doubt it

    • @collin1463
      @collin1463 2 года назад +1

      @@906Roofer he said gen 3, but Flex also eats gen 4. Look at the tests

    • @906Roofer
      @906Roofer 2 года назад

      @@collin1463 I have!! Also 5 year warranty more tool options lighter... Try the same battery power lol

  • @pugadiego2015
    @pugadiego2015 3 года назад +1

    So tired of people trying to review milwaukee with their garbage 5ah batteries vs new tools with different batteries are made different vs a battery that has been around for years

  • @catdaddydonbrewer007
    @catdaddydonbrewer007 2 года назад

    This guy is really biased towards Milwaukee. Flex won last 3 rounds and the one it lost definitively he started the Milwaukee first!!!!……
    I’m just fucking with you. Could you imagine arguing about this shit

  • @sebastianmay6775
    @sebastianmay6775 2 года назад

    Milwaukee low key 3000 in pounds

  • @TheBasher05
    @TheBasher05 3 года назад +1

    What are the fanbois gonna whinge about when flex has a HO 5Ah battery? What a bunch of sooks.

  • @nikpic6226
    @nikpic6226 2 года назад

    Дядя, ты глупый? Сравниваешь хер с пальцем. Один 24v другой 18v. Разницу чувствуешь? Прав был Задорнов)

  • @ckone671
    @ckone671 3 года назад

    One-Key is unnecessary garbage!

  • @thebigdoghimself
    @thebigdoghimself 3 года назад +10

    Ok, generally I don't like this type of match up. Comparing different voltages isn't generally a fair test. It's similar to when people want to compare 12v to 18v. But I guess it is what it is. Personally, I don't think anyone is going to jump to flex unless they are using something like rigid or ryobi. If you are into Milwaukee then your going to stick with that, if you are Dewalt then your sticking with that. I use Dewalt 20v and Milwaukee m12 and there is nothing that Flex could offer to change that, why? Because I have waaaaay too much money invested to add another battery platform (especially an immature and incomplete one at that).

    • @silencitopunk
      @silencitopunk 3 года назад +1

      I have a-lot of Milwaukee batteries and tools and i did invest on the new flex i like tools not brands having different batteries and chargers is not an issue for me since i have many Makita tools and Bosch some ego and dewalt

  • @thebigdoghimself
    @thebigdoghimself 3 года назад +2

    Um, are those non Impact sockets? I've destroyed sockets doing that.

    • @brettwalkom948
      @brettwalkom948 3 года назад +1

      There's always one guy

    • @rcud1
      @rcud1 3 года назад

      I would expect someone doing testing on a RUclips channel specifically made for reviewing tools to use the correct impact sockets as well. I think everyone has used chrome sockets on an impact before, but is not really what their intended for.