I have a great respect for our military officers for leading the war with great and world class military leadership. I have also a great, great respect for TDF those alive and those sacrificed their life for their people and land. The heroic armed struggle of Tigray could be a textbook for the world military discipline.
THE LAND IS is for god poeple can shear and live together without ethnicity look big country india more than 200 ethniciti live together RIP Meles ZENAWI unified all ethnicities . land is for god poeple can live together shearing love without ethnicity amara and tigray are brother living together shearing love the problem in ethiopia is in oromo ethniciti they hate other ethnicities oromo they are big ethnicity and they dont like to shear the land thats why they are killing amhara and tigray living in oromo region aby ahmed is removing all symbol and architicture for the old emperors menilik selassi in piassa he destroyed all building and houses representing amhara or tigrayan aby destroyed ecomy no job everything expensive 1 dollar 130bir during meles government very good economy 1 dollar 20 birr everything sheaper 1birr u can take bus
General thank you for your sacrifice. However, I have a question for you? Where have been when innocent young Tegaru were voicing their views peacefully badly beaten by some of the army( TDF) members including former TDF wounded soldiers were victims of the attack.. This kind of in human dictatorial action is the problem for survival of Tigray. Did you take any action against those as a responsible person for the security of Tigray : This kind of dictatorial inhuman action is a problem for survival of Tigray. Why you allowing one faction of TPLF members to do whatever they want while cracking down on other political parties????
THE LAND IS is for god poeple can shear and live together without ethnicity look big country india more than 200 ethniciti live together RIP Meles ZENAWI unified all ethnicities . land is for god poeple can live together shearing love without ethnicity amara and tigray are brother living together shearing love the problem in ethiopia is in oromo ethniciti they hate other ethnicities oromo they are big ethnicity and they dont like to shear the land thats why they are killing amhara and tigray living in oromo region aby ahmed is removing all symbol and architicture for the old emperors menilik selassi in piassa he destroyed all building and houses representing amhara or tigrayan aby destroyed ecomy no job everything expensive 1 dollar 130bir during meles government very good economy 1 dollar 20 birr everything sheaper 1birr u can take bus
I have a great respect for our military officers for leading the war with great and world class military leadership. I have also a great, great respect for TDF those alive and those sacrificed their life for their people and land. The heroic armed struggle of Tigray could be a textbook for the world military discipline.
THE LAND IS is for god poeple can shear and live together without ethnicity
look big country india more than 200 ethniciti live together
RIP Meles ZENAWI unified all ethnicities .
land is for god poeple can live together shearing love without ethnicity
amara and tigray are brother
living together shearing love
the problem in ethiopia is in oromo ethniciti they hate other ethnicities
oromo they are big ethnicity and they dont like to shear the land
thats why they are killing amhara and tigray living in oromo region
aby ahmed is removing all symbol and architicture for the old emperors menilik selassi in piassa
he destroyed all building and houses representing amhara or tigrayan
aby destroyed ecomy no job everything expensive 1 dollar 130bir
during meles government very good economy 1 dollar 20 birr
everything sheaper 1birr u can take bus
ባሓቂ ወዲ ወረደ ማለት ክእለቱ ኩናት ምምራሕ ጥራሕ ዘይኮነስ ወድዓዊ ፖለቲካዊ ኩነታትውን ምስ ሓቂ ኣዋሂዱ ብፍላይ ከባቢነት ንዘራግቡ ኣብምወጋዝ ክስራሕ ዝግበኦ ነቲ ኣኼባ ብዝግባእን ብድፍረትን ዓቕምን ገሊፅሉሎ ።
ጀግና ክቡር ወዲ ወረደ ዕድመን ጥዒናን ይሃብካ ያረብ ጠንክር ሕድሪይ ስዋኣትና ከይትርስዕ ጉድዓት ቁስላት ፀገመም ክትሪኡልና ንላወ
Long live, Wedi Werwde.
ወዲ ወረደ ብደረጃ ብቅዓት ሓይሊ እይምመራሕካን ኣብ ኤርትራ
#ሻዕብያ ተኸቢባ ፣ ደርጊ ክበልዓ ፣ ወዲ ወረደ እዩ ካብ ትግራይ ሰራዊት ህወሓት ሒዚ ኸይዲ ፣ ዕርዲ በጣጢሱ ዘድሓና !
ብ 90 ክሳዕ ኣስመራ ዘጓየየካ ወዲ ወረደ እዩ ።
ኣብ ወፍሪ ኣሉላ ምስ ፋኖ ብልጽግና ተሓዚልኻ ዝደምሰሰካ ወዲ ወረደ እዩ ።
ወዲ ወረደ ንሻዕብያ ፈጣሪኣ እዩ 😂
ወዲ ወረደ ኣብ ግምት ነስኻ ጥራሕ ኣለኻ
ናይ ጌታቸው ጉራ ፕሪቶሪያ ን ስዑራት እና ነይርና ኣፍቲ መኸተ ምስታፈይ የሕፍረኒ እዩ ዝበለ።
'ዝመርሖ ውግእ የለን ብዝኾነ ይኹን መልክዑ ይምፃእ' ጌታቸው።
ወዲወረደ ግን እንታይ ኢሉ ሰላም ናትና strategic choice እዩ ንዕዑ እውን ንሰርሕ ግን ካባና ቁፅፅር ወፃኢ ዝኾነ ኩሉ ናይ ሰላም መገድታት ተጠቂምና እንተዘይኮይኑ ንምምካት ድልዋት ኢና ኢሉ። ኢዘኣ እያ እታ ክትባሃል ዝግባኣ ከም መራሒ።
ጌቾ ምስ ናይ ግምት ኣባላት እውን ምስ ውድቡ ነበር ሕወሓት እውን ኣይተ ኣይተስማዕመዐን።
እንታይ ይበሃል? ዘሊልካ ናብ ጉድጓድ ከባቢያውነት ን ባንዳነትን ህሩግ ምባል።
ጌቾ ይፈትወካ ነይረ ሕጂ እውን ያው ፖለቲካ እንድዩ ፖለቲካዊ ውሳነ ወሲንካ እነተስ ብሽማግለ እንተስ ብዓርሰነቀፌታ ተመለስ። መገዲኻ ነዓኻ እውን ንዓና እውን ብፃይ ምስኣን ፅቡቅ ስለዘይኸውን።
ይመችኻ ግን
የትግራይ ምሁራኖች በጥንንቃቄ አስቡ መጀመሪያ አንድነታችሁን ለመበጠስ በመካከላችሁ ያሉትን ከቻላችሁ አሳምናችሁ መመለስ ካልተቻለ ማስወገድ ሲሆን በአሁን ጊዜ ከባድ ቀውስ ለመፍጠር ሌሊትና ቀን እንቅልፍ ያጡ ስላሉ ከድርጅታችሁ ጋር የጠበቀ አንድነት መፍጠር ዋናው ተግባር ሲሆን ከህዝባችሁ ጋር አብራችሁ በመሆን በማንኛው ጊዳይ ተሳትፎ ማድረግ ተገቢ መሆኑን በተግባር ማሳየት ይሆናል😅 12:27
ናይ ወዲ ወረደ ዘረባ ክርድኣካ 100% ትግራዋይ ክትከውን ኣለካ።አዚ ማለት ካልአ ትግርኛ ዝዛረብ ክርድኦ ዝኽአል ኮድ ኣይኮነን።ሕንፍሽፍ ብዝበለ ናይ ምትላል ኮድ አዩ ዝዛረብ።ኢቲ ቐንዲ ዕላምኡ ምድንጋር አዩ።ብሓጺሩ ደንቖሮ መሲልካ ብውግአ ዘጥፋአካዮ መሬት ምይትና አናበልካ ብሰላሕታ ምምላስ አዩ።ዳርጋ ናብ ሙሉኡ መሬት ኣምሓራ ብኣሽሓት ተመሊሶም ኣለዉ።
ኮልታፍ ተካል መልሓሱ
#ሻዕብያ ተኸቢባ ፣ ደርጊ ክበልዓ ፣ ወዲ ወረደ እዩ ካብ ትግራይ ሰራዊት ህወሓት ሒዚ ኸይዲ ፣ ዕርዲ በጣጢሱ ዘድሓና !
ብ 90 ክሳዕ ኣስመራ ዘጓየየካ ወዲ ወረደ እዩ ።
ኣብ ወፍሪ ኣሉላ ምስ ፋኖ ብልጽግና ተሓዚልኻ ዝደምሰሰካ ወዲ ወረደ እዩ ።
ወዲ ወረደ ንሻዕብያ ፈጣሪኣ እዩ 😂
General thank you for your sacrifice.
However, I have a question for you?
Where have been when innocent young Tegaru were voicing their views peacefully badly beaten by some of the army( TDF) members including former TDF wounded soldiers were victims of the attack.. This kind of in human dictatorial action is the problem for survival of Tigray.
Did you take any action against those as a responsible person for the security of Tigray :
This kind of dictatorial inhuman action is a problem for survival of Tigray.
Why you allowing one faction of TPLF members to do whatever they want while cracking down on other political parties????
Abey alekum yemeslekum saket ab hawahuw alekum
THE LAND IS is for god poeple can shear and live together without ethnicity
look big country india more than 200 ethniciti live together
RIP Meles ZENAWI unified all ethnicities .
land is for god poeple can live together shearing love without ethnicity
amara and tigray are brother
living together shearing love
the problem in ethiopia is in oromo ethniciti they hate other ethnicities
oromo they are big ethnicity and they dont like to shear the land
thats why they are killing amhara and tigray living in oromo region
aby ahmed is removing all symbol and architicture for the old emperors menilik selassi in piassa
he destroyed all building and houses representing amhara or tigrayan
aby destroyed ecomy no job everything expensive 1 dollar 130bir
during meles government very good economy 1 dollar 20 birr
everything sheaper 1birr u can take bus
ወዲ ወረጀ እቲ ዘረባካን ሐሳብካን ግልጽ እዩ ንኩሉ ነገር ድማ ከመስግነካ ይፈቲ ግን ግን ግን ገለ ገለ ጀነራላት ምስቲ ለማስ ውድብ ናተማሻጠሩ አብ ሰራዊት ዝፈጥርዎ ዘሎው ሸርሒ ብጣዕሚ ሐደገኛ እዩ ብገንኡ ተዘይተአሪሙ ናብ ዘይንወጾ ችግር ክንአቲ ኢና
This mad man should’ve been in prison
You are the one who is a mad man.
you are snobbery and crooked personal and you did not have skill to evaluate the current performance of General wediwered and TdF in General .