My first was piano wire. I used to watch a guy named Syndicate play minecraft way back in the day. He used part of that song for his outro for a little while
Still coming to this song often and listen since 2013. This record is something different. I even studied it. Thank you to create this beautiful piece of art.
This makes me feel like i'm really floating in the space... very relaxing and the best way to chill... Thank you, Ronald, for making such a masterpiece.
I somehow JUST discovered RJ yesterday! The first time I heard this song it instantly sounded like a song from Steven Wilson called regret#9. The synth parts are so eerily similar to this im leaning towards this song being a main inspiration. Pretty wild RJ isn't a household name.
Over the past week, I've listened to this song about fifty times because it is so good. I'm also blown away by the runs he does here: Ronald's technique is beyond godly.. I want to learn to play like that!
KYUBIMATIAS haha what if ronald jenkees listened to the person who said that to him>? hed never have made this piece ^_^ haha if thats your dream do your best and dont worry about if you are going to make it. the risk of failure is nothing compared to the afterthought of never even trying.... you'll wonder 'what if i made it". do your best and fail, at least you'll know you tried your best! and you never know. you might make something more original but awesome on the way
Imagine this is going on your head while you sail across the comsos you could actually chase stars but you see no reason to youre having too much fun discovering other galaxys maybe you meet some new lifeforms and they hear this and start partying with you such a masterpeice thank you Ron Jenkees this has always been the perfect party or training song
I'd say ratchet and clank unless you've never played that series before. But non the less It reminds me a lot of ratchet and clank. I played the shit out of those games on my ps2.
Still puts a huge smile on my face after all these years 💜
Same my friend...same
This was the first Jenkees track my friend made me listen to almost 4 years ago and I still love it. Amazing talent. Such a vibe!! Jenkees for ever.
My first was piano wire. I used to watch a guy named Syndicate play minecraft way back in the day. He used part of that song for his outro for a little while
Stay crunchy for me :)
This is absolutely, unabashedly and categorically... incredible.
I can feel the creativity.
This is the kind of song that boosts my creativity.
That's one of the best endings/fade-outs to a track I have ever heard.
Your a inspiration, you changed my life for ever.
I can never manage to prepare my brain enough for a Ronald Jenkees jam that I haven't heard before.
My neighbors probably can't prepare enough either.
Jenkees is so talented, it's RIDICULOUS.
Stunned this isn't more popular, love this stuff
I really like how hes not that popular since he seems like a nice guy and I dont want him to have hate comments
Still coming to this song often and listen since 2013. This record is something different. I even studied it. Thank you to create this beautiful piece of art.
Man, for some reason the bit at 0:36 gives me chills. It's so awesome
+Chris Kreidler Same.
Same my friend.
tawhaw your penguin is cross-eyed broo
Chris Kreidler the part at 0:46 gives me the chills
No matter how many times i listen to this tune,,,, it always puts me in that futuristic carefree positive space & frame of mind 😉👌
Jazz and Electronic awesomeness! Much respect to Ronald Jenkees, you are a rare genius :)..
Ronald Jenkees YOU are soooo f--king talented.Thank You for sharing it with us.
I agree.
i agree
i agree
I agree.
This makes me feel like i'm really floating in the space... very relaxing and the best way to chill...
Thank you, Ronald, for making such a masterpiece.
this is just gorgeous
the ending is incredible. gives me the chills!
This song catch me sins the first time a heard it there in 2009 maybe.
fkng awesome.
Thank you.
2:03 is my favourite part, especially the run that starts after 2:08
Ronald I would like to see your live videos, I get inspiration when I see you playing
so much talent in a single persorn
This is my favorite song! And I listen to it every 3 seconds X3
Thank you for this
2:29- 2:35 gives me the chills...
Bone Rattling Awesomeness? Yes-sir-ee it is! Loving the work from Ronald Jenkees!
I looked for this song for so long, I'm so happy
love it
Parts of this song remind me of some of the old Jrpgs i used to play like Legend of Mana. good times.
well i have to say with talent like this i hope he gets a big break and makes it big, cause his music is too good
I somehow JUST discovered RJ yesterday! The first time I heard this song it instantly sounded like a song from Steven Wilson called regret#9. The synth parts are so eerily similar to this im leaning towards this song being a main inspiration. Pretty wild RJ isn't a household name.
New favorite song of his
Woooow eu tinha perdido essa musica, mas consegui reencontra-la, muito boa
Myth : This track is pure bliss and chills
It's a damn good song choice, that made me even happier then the Spartan carousel
Over the past week, I've listened to this song about fifty times because it is so good. I'm also blown away by the runs he does here: Ronald's technique is beyond godly.. I want to learn to play like that!
You have to be born with it though because you can't learn this stuff.
Michael Williams I'd have to disagree with you there.
Anyone can learn to do just about anything.
Michael Williams
With that mentality you'll never be able to learn to do this.
KYUBIMATIAS haha what if ronald jenkees listened to the person who said that to him>? hed never have made this piece ^_^ haha if thats your dream do your best and dont worry about if you are going to make it. the risk of failure is nothing compared to the afterthought of never even trying.... you'll wonder 'what if i made it". do your best and fail, at least you'll know you tried your best! and you never know. you might make something more original but awesome on the way
wow - this is excellent
this song hits all the right chords
there are only 2!
Omg this is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good
This was all recorded improv, by the way.
TheOfficialNightLite They might not have been, but I'm pretty sure Outer Space is. I don't know about Stay Crunchy and Throwing Fire :/
Outer space and the actual disorganized fun songs are improv
song* I mean the DF single
TheOfficialNightLite Yeah, I thought disorganized fun was improv. Thanks :)
np, just thought I'd correct you incase you looked a bit ignorant
but with an album name like that, I guess it's easily done :P
estou surpreso de ter encontrado tanto br aqui
the most satisfying video to watch at night
Imagine this is going on your head while you sail across the comsos you could actually chase stars but you see no reason to youre having too much fun discovering other galaxys maybe you meet some new lifeforms and they hear this and start partying with you such a masterpeice thank you Ron Jenkees this has always been the perfect party or training song
Were you smacked thinkin of this cuz this how my mind be listenin to music fried
CREATIVITY LEVEL OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Master!
Yo I haven’t listened to this guy in yearssss
a lot of the background noises remind me of Old School Runescape, brings back memories haha!
+Peeb Man YES!
Peeb Man YES that's what it sounds like! I new it sounded similar to something iv heard before
Same with - Inverted Mean by RJ. Just in case anyone stumbles across this gem and is wondering where to find more greatness...
The ending of this song at 4:28.... just, mindboggling sounds. I wish just that one part were extended into a full song itself.
Behold the Mozart of keyboard. Ronald the great.
Zé graça madruga's destiny, só os BR vão entender!
Saudades de uma época mítica que apenas reside em nossos corações e criança NENHUMA jamais conceberá tamanho prestigio
Que saudade desse vídeoooooo!
n entendi kkkkkkk
I love the music, watching him play it though is really gratifying. His style is meant for the eyes aye?
Michael Tehan cheers to that m8
There is just Listening to music...and then there is Feeling music.
ze graca o mito !
Madrugas destiny
when this song plays I imagine a bunch of UNSC ships emerging from a slipspace
O começo e pesado!
Increase the speed 1.5x and you have yourself a slick drum and bass song. You're welcome.
jimmyrustler911 you are a god
+Dan K. Memes hahahah it sounded pretty sick sped up! lol Timer is running out! Head for the level's end before Mario dies!!!
+Dan K. Memes
I gave all the speeds a try, original still the best ;)
This song reminds me so much of Jane Child's Don't Wanna Fall in Love, especially comparing that keyboard solo with 0:12 of Outer Space
MY #1 RJ TRACK!!! HOLY CRAP MAN!!!!!!!!!
Guy was my childhood
3:00 sounds like your'e actually in space! I love it!
I don't wanna be That One Guy...
But space has no sound.
+ThatOneGuy LOL
+ThatOneGuy lol maybe he meant like outer space sci-fi feeling.
Luffy Mugiwara Yes I did
+Luffy Mugiwara Duhh. It was a joke
Like Totally Awesome !!
ooooooh yeah! 0:30
this song is so cool
Beautiful brother
this is the shizzle man, wow Mr. J
1:01 reminds me of the first Ratchet and Clank
+Isaac Wellborn WOW, it sounds so alike.
0:45-01:00 best part
Ronald you are too good at piano.
Keep that up lol.
I’m here cause”Madruga’s Destiny - In Mortal Kombat Armagedom” from Zé Graça
Madrugaaaaaaaa's Destinyyyy
this sounds like some super mario galaxy music. so good!
I remember the sound or the song at 1:17 in a videogame in my childhood, does someone know the name of it?
I'd say ratchet and clank unless you've never played that series before. But non the less It reminds me a lot of ratchet and clank. I played the shit out of those games on my ps2.
Thanks man im going to check it up
Anybody remember Philip DeFranco's LikeTotallyAwesome chanel?
Yo some of his music is in the beginning of remix a of a song on tiktok
@Kynda E nois Zé Master tamo junto
"madrugas destiny"
infancia feliz ;)
@thatguy15217 such a speed demon
Vim por causa do RedPill
Avulso Expulso Transpulso Tamo junto, eu também, muito bom canal.
akkkk eu tbm
Exatamente! que vibe
Curti o som
Eu também kk
saudoso madrugas destiny
This sounds like something that should be in Terraria 0:45 - 1:18
hi im gosu playlist
Sounds like Portal 2 XD
I came here from DarkedgeTv, who used this in some of her videos...
The Derpy Lucario me 2
Glad to see another Spore fan here. :)
it's a shame that EA doesn't make more of spore qwq
Yep, they really should continue with more content: more parts and other stuff as well...
Me too
Ronald jenkees needs to be on Americas got talent
Eai qual você escolhe? A pílula vermelha ou azul?
Kkkk tô ligado
A verde
There's just something about this guy. i can't put my finger on it, maybe that's why!
PeteZahHutt's timelapse brought me here
3:02-3:43 are the best parts.
This song is so brilliant I bet George Lucas fought against putting it in the album
I know I'm 2 months late. That joke clicked on 3 levels.
I'm just happy that someone in the world got my joke hahaha
Is this copyrighted? Because I would like to use this in a video.
Anything created by a person is automatically copyrighted unless otherwise is stated anywhere by the creator.
And seeing how you can buy his album, you can be pretty certain it's copyrighted.
Technotoadnotafrog buy the license if you haven't already
Replying to a year old comment ugh
that air guitar part tho
for some reason this song makes me think of earth worm jim. either way its an amazing song.
Its sounds like terraria soundtracks, Great!
Madrugas destiny
pensei que fosse o único janasjss