Portraits in Faith: Rev. Timothy Himei

  • Опубликовано: 9 сен 2024
    “So, a missionary had a Bible study at her house. She taught us English for free and she served a supper that really sounded good. So I attended her Bible study. Two months later, Saturday, June 16, 1962, we had an English Bible study afternoon. The meal was supposed to be served after the English Bible class but her maid was late to serve. So I had to wait. Some other students had already gone, but I was there because I wanted to eat supper. I stayed in the tatami room where we’d had Bible study. The missionary came in and said, ‘Oh Himei-san, why are you still here?’
    “I said, ‘Oh yeah, I have lots of time today because I want to eat supper. So we have some time today.’
    “Then she said, ‘Why don't you come to my study and I’ll talk with you about Christ?’
    “So, I went to her study and she explained to me the Bible, but no matter what part of the Bible she opened to and read, her conclusion was always the same: you are sinners; Christ died for you; if you believe in Jesus Christ, your sins are forgiven, and when you have to die, if you believe in Jesus Christ as Lord, you can go to heaven. Three points: you are sinners, Christ is your savior, believe Christ and your sins are forgiven.
    “So I thought, ‘Umm, I am not such a bad man. Even if I died, according to the Japanese custom my body would be burned and become ash. That's all.’
    “So I said, ‘Well, I don't have any trouble in my life.’
    “But she said, ‘OK, do you know the purpose of your life?’
    “‘Yes, I want to be a businessman.’”
    “‘OK, and but you have to die, so do you know where you’ll go?’”
    “‘Well, probably I’ll go to the grave, the tomb. My body will be ash. And someone buries my ashes in the tomb. That is all.’
    “And then she said, ‘Well you have been in my Bible study for two months, but you’ve missed my teaching. You don't understand the Bible.’ And then she started again talking about the meaning of life and when you die, where you go. She told me that Jesus died for my sins. At last she said, ‘Well, you don't understand completely, fully, so please continue to come to my Bible study. Anyway, the time for dinner has come, so we have to go to the dining hall. But before that, I will pray for you.’
    “She began to pray for me. I closed my eyes and listened to her prayer. At the end of her prayer, she said, ‘...in the name of Jesus.’
    “So because I learned I should say it, I said, ‘Amen. Let's go to the dining hall.’
    “She kept closing her eyes and was quiet. I didn't know what or why she did that. Probably she forgot to pray for something. So I kept waiting for her. And I kept quiet but she didn't say anything.
    “Then the Holy Spirit talked to me. ‘You are sinners. I love you, I died for you.’
    “I realized, ‘I am the sinner.’ So I confessed my sins. I opened my heart to accept Jesus Christ as my savior. And I began to pray. And last I said, ‘In the name of Jesus, amen.’
    “She put her arms around my shoulders and said, ‘It's good for you, it’s good for you. Today is your spiritual birthday. Write it down, today's date.’
    “So I put it down: 1962, June 16th. That's why I remember it. Thank you.”

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