I'll never understand the logic of managers using the "if you don't like it, quit" card. Like, do they honestly think there's NO OTHER jobs on the planet?
Yes, but some of us know that the work conditions we provide and the pay we offer are better. So when an employee gave me the what are you going to do, fire me?, thinking they were not replaceable, i replied. Even i am replaceable, as the owner, so if you don't like it, there is the door. He didn't leave, and he quickly returned to being the great employee he had originally been. In honesty, I didn't want to do his job if he left, but we can't have prima donnas in my work, or the team fails.
But to be fair I've heard so many stories about managers who said "If you don't like the job then quit" and the employee quits then the managers are like "Why did you quit we NEED you" it's like what the hell there are many other jobs then the current one someone is working they don't need to work there if they can find a better job.
@@markfairbanks3533 agreed. I've only used this line twice in the 11yrs I've been at my current job, for similar reasons. One time an employee got caught multiple times trying to make out with their bf while they were on the clock and we were busy.(they both worked together for clarity) They tried to use that famous "I could just quit right now then what would you do" line. So I said if you're unhappy working here no one is forcing you to stay. If you quit then down the line we'd have to hire someone else and train them. We're not unappreciative of you but this behaviour isn't acceptable. It depends on the context of how a boss uses that line. As yes some say it to be mean and controlling of their employees....some employees try to be entitled Karen's and need a reality check.
Unfortunately managers have learned that people are desperate for work. In many places it can take months even finding minimum wage job due to how terrible the economy is at the moment. It's been like this for almost a decade now in Canada and it's terrible. Ever since the oil boom ended and the market crashed in 07 things have been shit.
OP in the retail story needs to contact department of labor. If you're on the clock and working you need to be getting paid for it no matter how small it is
My workstation was the farthest from the breakroom and my boss would yell at me for being a few seconds late after break. Hurrying to my area, only a few feet away when the bell rang was not good enough. I was supposed to be at my station working before the bell rang. They were nit-picky about documenting our time so I always put down however long the morning snivel session meeting took before we actually started working.
@@randystegemann9990 Reminds me of my 5th grade teacher, who had us line up outside the classroom until she opened the door *as the late bell **_started_** to ring,* and if we weren't in our seats by the time it stopped ringing, we'd be sent to the office to get a tardy slip. 28 kids, single file line, had to be in order of height with the shortest kids at the back because why not (if we weren't she'd close the door and not reopen it until we were), I was the shortest kid in the class and my seat was the furthest from the door. I never once didn't have to go get a tardy slip. There were four others who I can't remember not trudging along to the office with me, usually it was a group of 8~15 of us if we had lined up properly, if not, 25~28 depending on how many kids were absent. Office didn't give a shit about the trend of 5th graders always being tardy, I eventually started just waiting outside the office for the late bell, walking in, getting a slip, and passing the mob going in the opposite direction. Then I got sent to the office for disrupting class by, uh, walking in an open door, being told to get a tardy slip, and saying "I've already got one"? 2 weeks later was christmas break, I showed up exactly once in that time span, 15 minutes late with a tardy slip and dr's note in hand, the latter ripped up and thrown out in front of my face, the former was neither glanced at nor taken from my hand when offered. I was sent to the office for trying to fake an excuse, so I grabbed my backpack, spoke to the vice principal, called my mother, went home for the day, stayed home the rest of the week and the next week, and switched schools over the break.
@@CaTastrophy427 reminds me of my first grade teacher who was also my Sunday school teacher. I would get in trouble and written up on days I wasn’t in class. The final straw was when my grandfather came to pick me up because I had 3 strikes and visits to the Principal’s office. He stood there while I was forced to stand face in a corner. He listened to my teacher call my father (his son) a deadbeat parent who has a snot nosed child. She went on about how her weekends she had to see me because she taught my Sunday School too. She went on and on about my dad and then said to me that my dad didn’t care about me and neither did my mom. When my grandfather let her know who he was and was there to pick me up asked to speak to the Principal. He told me to sit outside, cover my ears, and hum a song. All I remember was him shouting at my teacher. That Sunday both my parents showed up to church to give her a piece of their mind and again on Monday with the Principal. I ended up with a new first grade teacher after winter break and didn’t have to go to Sunday school. My dad was the Director of the Ground Crew and Facilities of the Kennedy Space Center from 89-10. My mom was a nurse. So both worked long hours. My teacher thought my mom did drugs because my brother was 13 weeks premature in 85 and she never saw my dad at church so she made an assumption. My parents thought getting apples off the tree was a good thing because that was the reward system in Kindergarten. Also, they found I could read in first grade because my grandpa had poor eyesight and I would read the stock pages for him (he would give me a letter and I would write the numbers and symbols down and he would teach me to read it). That and the funny pages. Never had to deal with her after that semester.
for the gate story, i was expecting op to call the matinence guy abt the lock an annoying amount of times. call him to get the boat, then 20 mins later say "oh, it appears something personal came up, i need the gate unlocked again to put my boat back" thrn 30 mins later go "oh, it got resolved on its own, i need to get my boat again" and continue like that
My boyfriend is a manager at Taco Bell, and before the pandemic he would work overnight. It was difficult as he couldn't get good sleep during the day but managed to make it work. The night shift was always understaffed, and since the store he worked at was right by a bar, he would always get the drunks after the bar closed. Made for some fun stories lol anyway, one of his employees would bring in two switches and whenever they weren't busy, everyone took turns playing Smash. It boosted morale and engendered goodwill among the workers. He always says there is a difference between a boss and a leader. He tries to be a leader.
I really hoped for the OP in the last story to say “Nope. Sorry. I’ve already taken another job offer with better pay” or at the very least demand the biased workers be disciplined or no deal.
I'd tell the manager the clients will be just fine since manager has so much time on their hands to be nitpicky I'm sure they will be able to help the clients.
First story reminds me of when I confronted a sexist customer in fast-food. I was the cashier, and this guy started with "This is gonna suck" before taking his order, and said something to the effect of "women just take orders; men do the work." I'm a woman, so this pissed me off. After calling him out, he went on a lengthy rant to our female manager before leaving without getting anything. The rest of us were like "What's his problem?!" Also, half of the staff were also women.
When I worked at a Dunkin Donuts we had a sexist regular that would go through drive thru. He would REFUSE to speak or even look at any female worker. Literally, he would sit and wait in silence at the intercom until he heard a man's voice, at the window he would throw money at the girls and drive off with his stuff without saying anything or looking in our direction. Meanwhile if a guy was on widow he'd be talking non-stop about sports. When he would come our manager would talk the order to keep drive thru moving, however when the dude came during my managers vacation I did my malicious compliance. I did drive thru order taking, I asked him for his order, silence, asked again, silence, asked again, silence and this went on for about 10 minutes since I refused to let a male coworker take the order. Eventually the customers behind him started screaming and honking their horns at him, the intercom is loud enough that you can hear it a couple cars back so the customers knew I was trying to do my job and this guy for some reason wouldn't answer. Eventually the sexist angrily drove away, he never came back after that (our town has 2 Dunks, a Starbucks AND an Aroma Joe's so I'm assuming he went to one of them). The first 3 customers after him were very nice and each gave us a small tip. Thankfully none of my coworkers ratted me out for that and thankfully no customer complaints were sent from that day so I didn't get in trouble. It helped that 80% of my coworkers were AFAB and have dealt with him as well as that as an "advanced crew member" (a crew member that's received a little extra training in some stations, did come with a couple pay raises) I had a small amount of respect and authority and the shift leader (a step above me and was in charge of the store while manager was away) thought it was hilarious.
Story Two. I worked at a place once where I was reprimanded for HAVING A SMILE ON MY FACE. I was walking down a hallway at work smiling at something I had heard on the radio. One of the senior managers walked by me and snapped “Wipe that damn smile off your face! There isn’t anything funny here” I quit that place the following month
Wow. I can just imagine that logic when interviewing new hires: "If you work here, we expect you to be MISERABLE every single day. We don't need any of that lousy morale or enthusiasm stuff in THIS business. If you feel like you can't possibly come to work without being unhappy and irritable every single day, then this is NOT the right job for you." ...Where were you working? The DMV? :P
@@novaglitch4808 no he means the subscribe button is no more the subscribe button as the text is unsubscribe so its now the unsubscribe button so we can technically only press it once and then its the unsubscribe button
Not paying employees for 3 minutes after they clock in sounds highly illegal. you get paid for the time you work. that's literally how hourly employees work. Work 4 hours, get paid for 4 hours, not 3 hours, 57 minutes.
@Chris G no. when it comes to money, systems such as employee time clock in services have to be accurate. those are the same systems that determine liabilities for starters. if you're on site prior to your clock in time, the company insurance is not held liable for your health. basically if you get hurt while you're there when you aren't suppose to be, the company owes you nothing. the 3 minute time period may not be much but it's bs in more ways than just the company stealing 3 minutes from each employee each day. programmers and system designers have the ability to control down to the second when data is entered. java, c, python, all have the ability to track time to the milisecond. a 3 minute buffer is not a thing for issue regarding money
At my job, they have something similar. You get paid to the nearest fifteen minutes. You can clock in up to 7 minutes early or 7 minutes late and still get the same pay. I always wondered about the legality behind that rule, but I have never questioned it because I have a habit of running slightly behind schedule and end up taking advantage of that up to 7 minutes late thing a lot. It probably evens out over the week though because the store closes at 11pm and they only schedule me until 11pm. I always end up leaving after 11 because there are ALWAYS people trying to buy things at 10:59 (earlier this week someone checked out at 11:15) when we are supposed to be doing our closing tasks.
Having spent four years working on time and attendance systems for small-to-medium businesses, I can speak to the legality of it. It's correct to say that it's illegal to not pay for time worked. However, the punch clock is not what defines whether or not you're working. It only establishes your presence on the property. Labor laws in the US acknowledge the realities of having a shared timekeeping device used by multiple employees arriving at the same time. Since not everyone can realistically get punched in at the same time, it is permitted for employers to adjust arrival and departure times to account for potential congestion at the clock. This is intended for factories and such where you might have dozens of people working the exact same nominal shifts. However, such rounding or snapping must be done such that the adjustment to the total time on the clock should average out over time to match the real hours worked. Robbing employees of their time by systematically snapping clock-ins forward and clock-outs backward during times when they are actually working is strictly illegal. (Arguments can be made, however. If you aren't expected to actually start working right away, then that's a different matter; a company is allowed to say "punch in when you get here so the door will unlock for you, but hang out in the break room until your shift starts.") This policy of a three-minute snap only around specific times of day -- assuming you're allowed to be late within that range! -- is actually really quite reasonable based on those laws. For contrast, I saw several companies use 15-minute rounding at all times.
When I was an aerospace machinist, some of our mill times had long waits. Like 10-15 min. You had to listen for a tool break to kill the process, but otherwise you just stood there. I was in my early 20s and most of my coworkers were 40s-60s. They'd read newspapers while waiting for the machine to finish and that was totally fine with management. I started reading news on my phone (not using social media) and I got in trouble. I even showed my supervisor that I had a news article up and the guy next to me was nose deep in a newspaper. Nope. Written up. I started listening to audiobooks. That was totally fine with them. If I'm engrossed in an audiobook, what if I miss that very subtle but recognizable sound of a tool breakage? No solid answer from management. Just stay off your phone.
It's like these people don't realize there is more than one Hispanic/latin American country than just Mexico. Clearly they were never taught geography.
"Actually, I'm from Honduras." "What part of Mexico is that?" Ask a Latino who travels around the US. Your country of origin changes depending on where you are. Southwest? Mexican. Florida? Cuban. I'm pretty sure there's other default assumptions of origin (the Philippines keep coming to mind), but I don't remember what they are. (Not Latino myself)
“Sir I can’t give you keys, phone the maintenance guy” _[OP, GRINNING]_ “Okay!” “Sir, we’ve decided not to lock the gate” How they didn’t figure that would happen I’ll never know
@@coreylemon nah. The maintenance guy obviously new that would be a part of the job. You might have to wake up early to let out boats and trailers. He can go get bent and wake up and unlock the gate OR leave it unlocked like he obviously could’ve been doing before. The ‘you’re gonna have to wait till later’ did it for me on not being perturbed on disturbing his morning.
@@Snak3mast3r The maintenance position would be hourly, so a one hour overtime bill would apply when the worker was woken up to open the gate outside his shift hours. That cost was probably the reason.
@@Snak3mast3r Right, because out of everyone in the story, the Maintenance Guy who was only doing his job was the one who deserved to be punished. At least, like how Jason sussed the Maintenance Guy at least probably made an overtime hour out of it, but ifthat's the case then NOBODY was really punished for the dumb policy. Paying an employee like 20 extra bucks because a resident followed protocol is a pretty weak comeuppance.
@@coreylemon exactly how is that punishment. He went into the job knowing his duties and the pay that would cover it. He knows his responsibilities and possibilities of the job as did the company. They sure as hell aren’t caving to some ‘overtime fee’ they have a work around with. If my shit is forced into a lot and you have the only key and you KNOW IT. Don’t give me shit about I’m gonna have to wait till later. Again. Fck your poor maintenance man.
“It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own self-interest.” - Adam Smith, _The Wealth of Nations_ Outside of charity/volunteers, people work for money. That's just how life works. Heck, even before there was such a thing as money, people worked to enjoy the fruits of their labor (e.g. a farmer farmed because he wanted to eat the crops that would grow). People work to obtain goods/services/etc., and in the modern economy, that's done by receiving a salary (or other form of income) and spending it on what you want.
My work was deep in the culture that, “money is just an afterthought, work is amazing because you are working for this amazing company of mice!” That kind of mentality made coworkers hate each other and divided us deeply. Those who worshipped their job and couldn’t see how difficult it was because it’s “So Easy Money is evil here.” And those who understood it was a POS workplace with low pay, constantly got into fighting with each other. Also, Terrible environment for those with high anxiety, depression and autism. Never going back.
After the supervisor said that OP couldn't use the "company tv" for personal use (the video game), OP brought in a much bigger tv everyone to play the video games. I wouldn't put it past that same supervisor to say something like.... "You can't use power paid by the company, to power your tv. So unplug that tv... NOW!"
The racism against Latin American folks is something I've seen a lot living in CA. I remember this one man loudly complaining that all the streets had Spanish names and deriding "illegals stealing our jobs" and I couldn't resist. I looked at him and sweetly said, "You do realize California once belonged to Mexico, right?" He looked at me with wide eyes and I just kept talking. "Yeah, that's why we have missions and old haciendas all over out here. As for illegal immigrants, breaking the law isn't good but they generally do so out of desperation and take the dirty jobs white Americans won't take like digging ditches, janitorial work, working farm fields, and working as low-level construction workers. So, unless you are in doing that kind of work I don't think they've stolen any jobs from you." The man just walked away. I love doing that since most people don't actually stop to think about things like that.
I had an African American sales team member when I lived in Los Angeles, and we sold services strictly to commercial firms. So, she and I would frequently have lunch together as we traveled to and from appointments. But the crusty looks we got from people especially on the west side and up in Santa Monica in restaurants was really disappointing. I guess people thought we were dating or married, perhaps because we got along so well. I never mentioned it to Elizabeth, but it still makes me angry to think about it. Make it a point to be kind/respectful to interracial couples.
Back in the late 60s, early 70s my dad worked in an appliance store that sold a variety of things , one of which was transistor radios (kids, ask your grandparents). Goods from overseas were starting to infiltrate the inventory of small electronics that storeowners purchased to sell to the public. There were still American made items, but the ones from overseas were (lets face it) decent quality and much more reasonably priced. So, on to the story. A man comes in to get a transistor radio for his child and is balking at the price of the American made goods. He settles on a much less expensive unit but states that he "aint buying no radio made in Japan". My dad assured him that this particular product isnt made in Japan . The customer happily makes the purchase and heads out the door with a shiny new radio stamped on the bottom "made in taiwan". Hey, its not Japan . Ask any Taiwanese .
I must admit that I've developed an addiction to rslash... And I've tried listening to other reddit readers... They just aren't you man. Awesome content.
I like the occasional hot takes, though controversial and I don't always agree, it's much better than the people that just repeat the story 'wow guys I can't believe this happened' as a 'commentary'
I’m in the same boat. I listen to DarkFluff because he genuinely sounds friendly and his laughter is contagious. But voicewise, rSlash is unique in my book
"we dont pay you for 3 minutes after you are scheduled to start or 3 minutes before you're scheduled to leave" Well you cant write someone up for something they do on their own time, and you cant expect them to be working outside of the time you're choosing to pay them. Department of labor would be very interested in what company you worked for, your time in/out records and your pay stubs, If you're in the USA
OP needs to find a new job. If the supervisor is willing to commit criminal acts (stealing the TV) for the sake of ego, and security is willing to destroy evidence when told (making them the private-sector version of corrupt cops), OP needs to get the heck away from that band of criminals.
For the fishing story: I would've called the guy almost every 5 minutes saying I needed to grab something or I forgot something or I needed to put something away
That first story is so funny to me I once went to the US and a woman called me a provocative, dirty, immigrant Mexican. ….I’m from Puerto Rico…. A US territory with US citizenship 😂 Please don’t call Mexicans that way, latinos from any part of the world are puertoricans brothers and sisters. You mess with them, and we will defend them till the end.
This. Don't assume anyone is anything, and ESPECIALLY don't treat them like garbage because of one trait about them, a trait that might not even be true. People are people, no matter where they come from, what they look like, who they're attracted to, etc.
@Rusto I'm with your husband: it *shouldn't* be real, and it's ridiculous and sad that it is. As a white guy... white people need to stop and educate themselves.
@Rusto I’m a white passing Puerto Rican And let me tell you, tourists from the US call them that way. I’ve heard people refer to South Americans as “from the border” Ex: “They are from the border” I never knew what it meant until now because I’ve always called them South and Central Americans 😅 I’ve also seen people called Mexicans when they are from other places, so what you say makes 100% sense now. Thank you for educating me
As a Canadian, many things astound me about the states. The number of military bases, the gun violence, your healthcare. What leaves me absolutely flabbergasted is the idea that a US citizen, from a US territory the US probably fought and bled over to keep is somehow a foreigner. The amount of times I hear about Americans calling Puerto Ricans foreigners is baffling. I remember this one video where this karen adamantly refused to believe that Puerto Rico is an American territory.
The last story would be hilarious if OP tested the boundaries. Like i'll come back for triple pay and only of you fire the manager. A golden opportunity wasted.
Wait hang on, sure he might be "losing time in labour" but like.. .dude. The employee Bought something. They literally gave the company money. If they do that every time I'm pretty sure it adds up to more earned than you lose that employee checking in a couple minutes late.
I had a boss at a previous job get mad at me for being 30 seconds late. Thing is I got to work on time but there was a line at the clock in machine and the person at the front didn't know how to use it which held everyone up. Thing is the clock in machine was directly next to my area so my boss could clearly see what was happening. When I finally got to my spot 30 seconds late she yelled at me. When I explained the situation she said "you should have planned accordingly and gotten here early" like... Lady the doors into the building are locked up until 5 minutes before each shift and only stay unlocked for 10 minutes. There's no way to get there early. Luckily I was switched out of that area pretty quickly. I heard later on that area came under investigation later on for "mistreatment of employees" and some of the managers were fired. Justice served I guess lol
I've always had a problem with that policy. There is a TV in our breakroom, which is showing Company-related things (we don't control it) and it's always on, so we are forced to watch it during our lunch...when we're not punched in. In other words, they are forcing us to work off the clock. That's a big no-no, but no one ever did anything about it. I ate my lunch in my car.
We've all had managers who nitpick 2 minutes late, but never say anything when you go to lunch 15 minutes late or come back from lunch early, or stay late - all without being compensated. Jackasses!
As a manager, I don't understand why some don't want to cooperate/ get along with their employees. My experience has been if you're good to them they're good to you. If you have their back they'll have yours. 🤷 Maybe it's just different in beauty shops
"You need to clock in ON TIME. Its not MYYY problem!!" 2 Minutes later, "We're losing hundreds if dollars a YEAR, PLAN BETTER!" Like bruh, yeah its your problem.
I had a manager that litterally said to the whole department "you can't show off the graphics of a computer when people are looking to buy a gaming computer." Gaming PC sales dropped by 75% and gaming accessories by 85%. After that they stopped micromanaging our demos.
Man I can't stand that "you're 12 seconds late! are you TRYING to get fired?! I'm gonna have to write you up for this, DO BETTER!" when the employee in question works 30 minutes to an hour unpaid after their work day is over.
One of the stories reminded me of this: Several years ago, my team was working on a big project. They were struggling with a section of the work and I had a week vacation scheduled to start the Thursday before the weekend. Since I knew they had a time crunch to finish and they had to work on Saturday, I volunteered to come in on Saturday and made sure their plans were to leave by latest 14:00 since I had plans of my own. I accidentally overslept and got to work at 9.45am (on a Saturday) and also let my manager know that I overslept and will be right there. By 17:00 with no end in sight and me mostly twiddling my thumbs but not allowed to leave "just yet", Ive finally had it. At this point I have been asking to leave since 14:00 but given excuses. My manager said that if I didnt want to be there then I didnt have to be, so since I volunteered to come in on a Saturday, on my vacation (with no overtime or pay), I decided to leave. Missed all of my plans with friends and my gf at the time kept hounding me as well. As I was driving to the (now already coming to and end) BBQ event, I received a text message from my boss to check my email. I checked, and it was a written warning for disobedience and coming in late to work. I quit soon after securing another job. Asked me if it was about money, but instead of having the balls to say that Im quitting because of being written up on my vacation and volunteering to come in to help on a weekend with agreed-on time that I will be leaving at, I just said "No, Id like to move closer to family" I actually took a lower paying job where I wasnt working 16 hour days and weekends, and actually appreciated the amount of effort I put in when staying late or volunteering to come in. Somehow the new company didnt care if I came in late or overslept when I volunteer to come in on my vacation days to help out, nor did they care that I came in late if they knew I was up till 1am the morning working.... The company I left (after 5 years) ended up closing shop 2 years later. Who knew that with all the work and expertise I brought to the table, that they would struggle (I did, I knew). But sure, praise the "clock watchers" for coming in at 7am sharp and leaving at exactly 4pm and "not my problem now, I can look at it tomorrow" attitude, while I was at work from 7.15am till 10pm (mostly later)
I left my last job due to the whole "If you don't like it, then quit." mentality. My supervisor and I constantly tried to get the owners to fix various issues with the sales team not knowing anything about what they were selling and our machines needing an overhaul since we could barely keep them functioning while they constantly demanded higher quality results. My supervisor finally had enough and we had a meeting with the owner and management that basically informed them that my supervisor was putting in his two weeks and I, the only one that had been trained to keep the shop running the way he did, was looking for a new job. They ended up making me a lot of promises that things would change and the machines would get fixed. They let my supervisor go before his two weeks were up and made me the new foreman of the shop with two employees under me. They kept a few of their promises since they were easy and cheap, but the machines never got the maintenance they needed, everything remained in an unsafe state, and the sales team got worse and worse. All the while, I'd completely re-arranged our shop, improved productivity, and reduced the number of mistakes on the line. Despite all this, I was constantly harassed about getting product out faster and not turning away damaged and low-grade materials from our distributers. I pointed out that we didn't have the time or tools to produce quality product with sub-par materials, but was overruled. All the while, the guy in charge of ordering the materials for my shop constantly tried to override my decisions on how to handle issues or hand projects that had to do with my departments to those that had nothing to do with it, or the training to handle it. No matter how much he disrespected and harassed me about productivity, he constantly tried to act like we were friends and got angry when I wouldn't socialize with him and kept everything professional. Every time I would point out that a lot of the problems would be solved if they would just keep the promises they made to me when I got promoted, he would just say "That's how it is everywhere, Moose. You might as well get used to it, because nothing's ever going to change." Looking back, it seems like he was trying to discourage me from leaving the hell that I knew in favor of a hell that I didn't. After one last argument with this guy, I got called into the office by the owner to discuss my attitude problem. When I pointed out that the guy was trying to order me around like he was my supervisor even though I was SPECIFICALLY told that he wasn't when I got promoted, the owner informed me that he was, in fact, my supervisor, and I would have to get along with him. I interviewed for a new job at a higher pay rate that same week. When I put in my two weeks notice, they acted surprised and tried to promise me that the changes were in the works. I simply told them "My supervisor has informed me that nothing is ever going to change, so I'm not going to waste anymore time waiting on empty promises." They let me go the next day, and I got to start my new job the next week. Unfortunately, the supervisor was right. I live in Florida, so most jobs are the exact same way.
About the tv story...it was in the breakroom and it can be used by the working during break, so "personal entertainment", I guess. But, if u can't use it for "personal entertainment", how can u possibly use it?
We get paid for the minutes we work and my boss told me off for coming in early and clocking in early. So then I made a point of coming in on the dot and then got told off for coming in late. You just can't win sometimes.
So Mr. Douchebag here decided to take out his anger on the maintenance man? Classy. Edit: I would have just declined the phone call, never to accept again. Edit 2: "My sleep schedule doesn't revolve around your need to fish." *Leaves*
It's funny how the people who pettifog about minor losses on clocking in a minute or two or "waste" an office supply all while embezzling big time. Do they not realize the extra scrutiny they put on other is going to come back to them?
In the story of OP finds out that he had to park his fishing boat at a lot at end of the street (and at his home). Then finding out the lot gets locked, and having to call the maintenance guy to get it unlocked. When OP asked for the maintenance guy's phone number, I was expecting OP being told that they couldn't give OP that phone number.
at risk of sounding entitled, I wanted to point out that the plunky piano background registers like a sonar sound on my phone speakers and sets my dog and me off in the night while I'm autoplaying videos. love the channel!
"I don't understand why managers insist on being so mean for no reason" Because they have power, and power corrupts. For some people, it only takes a little bit of power, like the managers in this video. Food for thought the next time anyone is thinking about giving any control over to any government.
RSlash, I love you and mean no disrespect at all when I say this and you tell us, your FANS, to be honest.. I found you about 2-3yrs ago, long before you got to 1M.. Soon as you got to 1M,you changed.. You have less stories because YOU talk much much more about your opinions of a story. I went through 6 days of your videos and you have the same amount of time of you talking that you have of stories.. You use to have, average, 5 - 7 stories and now you average 3 and that's now more common. You don't scramble up anymore either.. Haven't heard Nice Girl/ Nice guy, Tree Law, which many in the comments MISS AND LOVE!! I ADORE YOU AND NOT GOING ANYWHERE and you were the ONLY I use to watch because NOBODY SOUNDED as awesome as you!! Now, RedWheel is booming FAST with those who use to be here and now I am starting to see them, as do I,over there BEFORE we watch yours because he has different ones like you USE TOO!! I mean ZERO disrespect, you tell us to let you know sooo I'm just doing that with no malace! I love your channel so much, your voice, the way you read the stories, NOBODY, NOBODY can beat you on that at ALL!!! 🤗🤗🤗
Me: *pulls phone out of pocket to check the time* Supervisor: "Ex-CUSE me, that is SO unprofessional of you to be on your phone all goddamn day while there are customers that need help! You need to--oh, hey, I got a text!" *tap tap* "Heh heh. Cats exist." *hides in back to mess around on her phone for 3 hours*
I’m in college for business management and administration, you are taught yearly that you are supposed to treat your employees as a manager as equals not as toys robots or slaves. It’s really hard for managers to not get power hungry and just do the job they were given.
ya companies cannot control ppl having fun in the break room like that. as long as noone is drinking or doing drugs, damaging shit, or beating the hell out of each other, then nothing is wrong. ever
If you have an employee willing to take a mile more for the sake of your company, seriously, just don't make that person life more difficult as long as it's not illegal... When that person gone, you're the one who'll get screwed anyway...
I don't understand how it's legal for employers not to pay their employees for time on the clock. It shouldn't matter if it's in the policy that way, they can't trim your hours without talking to you.
I worked for a company about a decade ago that moved to a different location, and the owner ended up waiting at the door to see if I was late. Once I was 5 minutes late because of traffic, and he threw a hissy fit about it. A few weeks later, he got mad that I was taking longer lunches, even though I was there first all the time then, and was the last to leave. After that, he got pissy about a few other stupid things. I have owned my own business before, and have an insane network of people, including executive contacts at fortune 100 companies. This set me up to be able to pull in a $3.5+ million/year client for the company. The owner offered me a $500 gift card to pass it on to him. I laugh, take a vacation for an out of state interview, come back, and resign before the company I interviewed with gave me a job offer. Granted, that next company's owner was just as bad, but my current one is amazing, and I also have open job offers with 2 other companies that love me to death and appreciate their employees, giving them the ability to just get things done, and not worry about the clock. (I tend to work best early in the morning and late at night, middle the day I seem to always get distracted easily, so I normally do 4-6 hours work sessions when I wake up and before I go to bed.)
Boat story: I agree with the security guard. The maintenance guy and boat owner, no. For security, only the guard and maintenance should get in. The guard should have a packet with vehicles and owner photos so a watchful eye can be kept, and people can get their boats or whatever else at any time without having to wake everyone up. Not to say that anywhere that uses security cares about anything we say or do, or they do what they're supposed to either. If you ever see any combination lock of any kind at any store or vehicle sale place, ask the store number. Now you have the code to every lock.
I have a gut feeling that, on the second story, the maintenance person either had one very lively and heated discussion with the HOA or whoever ran that neighborhood complex or he decided "Fuck this bullshit, even I hate this bullshit policy," so he left the gate open with zero fucks given towards the HOA or whoever ran that neighborhood.
I used to live in a mobile home park which also had a fenced in storage area for RVs, camper trailers, boats and anything else that could be towed or driven. It was also kept locked but if you needed your boat or RV you prearranged for someone to meet you there to unlock and open the gate. If you wanted your boat or RV for the weekend you could get it a couple of days early and park it on your lot. There is a good reason for keeping the gate locked because at another park someone forgot to lock the gate and thieves drove in and towed out a $10,000 fishing boat as well as a nice camper trailer. So leaving a storage yard unlocked or passing out keys to anyone living in the park is not a good idea due to the fact that someone might forget to close the gate and lock it after they removed what they needed.
I once worked in a place that I absolutely loved, and I was soo proud to have the chance to work there. In total I worked there for 5 years, and for about 4 of them, I absolutely loved it. I mean, you have good days, and bad days. But that last year I worked? The people I worked with, my co-workers, managers, just made my life a living hell. One specific example, I had an issue with an urgent project. I had begged my co-workers for help, and not one would lift a finger for me, which sucks balls, as they all would come to me if they needed anything. For almost nearly 5 years, I have helped anyone that needed, and this one time I need something done that I cannot do, not one person would help me. I had done my 8 hours for the day and decided, fuck it. Im out. Manager calls me screaming, as im on the way home. "HOW DARE YOU only work the hours you were paid. HOW DARE YOU leave before the project was finished." I explained the problem, how to fix it, and that noone would help me. He was screaming I come back and fix it now. Now this was the only time I ever stood up for myself. I told him "sure, i can be there in 15minutes, but you better have my final paycheck ready for me to collect because if I come in now, I wont be in tomorrow. ", Now I kinda forget how the conversation ended but he was like, hang on a minute, let me call you back. I just sat in the car, not sure if I was driving home, or driving to work. It took about 10 minutes, and he called to say they fixed it. I dont know why it took them that long. Its faster to fix it then to pick up the phone and call me. Seriously. (reason I couldnt fix, it needed tools and machine in another section that wasnt mine. I came in the next day, I had already told them I was leaving but was sticking around to give them time for training replacements, and the next day I just re-affirmed that the instant they hired replacements and they were trained up I was gone. In total I gave them about 6 months notice. In hindsight, I kinda of wish I had just gone back, gotten the final paycheck, and just done a mic drop, walked out, or at least demanded more then minimum wage.
The clock in thing reminds me of places like the one I work at uses a point system. Most companies are dropping this policy for good reasons but they tried to give me a point for being a minute late for work one day in two years I’ve ever been late. Within ten minutes I found out they were giving me a point for being a minute late and I usually clock in five minutes early. I didn’t give in I told them I would just leave for the rest of the day since it counted the same for being a minute late if they didn’t remove it. I swear it was like pulling teeth to get them to remove it. Like this is exactly why this stuff doesn’t work out for anyone. I might as well have never showed up but I was having car issues and was one minute late. It came down to I’ll go the hell home and probably never come back or remove a damn point that was stupid to begin with. Mind you there are some supervisors who understand this stuff and fix it but there’s some that are too busy sucking up to another boss to be a human being. Don’t give into bad policies is always my advice. Your labor is what you sell a company and they have to earn it. They sell a product and you sell your product to them (your productivity and labor). There’s always plenty of other buyers.
My boss used to nitpick about me being on my phone. Then with a few weeks he lost about half a dozen people and I was the only one left to do the particular job that I was hired for, and honestly I kick ass at it. Suddenly he doesn't really bother me about anything anymore!
The maintenance guy gave up so quickly lmao I thought he would have started complaining after a week or something. But nope. All it took was one time lmao
I work for a company that felt it would be a nice gesture to put an arcade machine in the breakroom, one of those Galaga Arcade 1-Ups. Less than 2 weeks later its gone because "people were spending too much time on the machine and not working" which basically meant someone ruined it for everyone because they were having 20-30 minute breaks instead of 15 because of that game.
For the employees having fun story I have a short one of my own. At my work we were having a charity for the children’s miracle network and an employee had a baby doll in one of those baby harnesses that hold the baby in front of you and a sign that said “please donate $10 for the children’s miracle network” once an employee got $10 they could pass it onto any other employee and that employee had to wear it until they received $10 from either customers, co workers, or if they themselves gave $10. Anyways, after about 5 hours nearly $900 had been raised and every employee in the store was so happy about possibly getting, and then giving, the baby to a co worker they thought wouldn’t like that much. One employee had it and he was working with it on and customers were giggling and giving him money and he enjoyed it. A manager(who previously berated another worker for having it) came and snatch the baby and the money off of him and returned to her office. The mood in the building quickly went down after that.
The last story if I was going to come back to that company I would have also made it a point to either get a raise or have all the other employees that have been lazy get a performance preview.
I'll never understand the logic of managers using the "if you don't like it, quit" card. Like, do they honestly think there's NO OTHER jobs on the planet?
Yes, but some of us know that the work conditions we provide and the pay we offer are better. So when an employee gave me the what are you going to do, fire me?, thinking they were not replaceable, i replied. Even i am replaceable, as the owner, so if you don't like it, there is the door. He didn't leave, and he quickly returned to being the great employee he had originally been. In honesty, I didn't want to do his job if he left, but we can't have prima donnas in my work, or the team fails.
But to be fair I've heard so many stories about managers who said "If you don't like the job then quit" and the employee quits then the managers are like "Why did you quit we NEED you" it's like what the hell there are many other jobs then the current one someone is working they don't need to work there if they can find a better job.
@@markfairbanks3533 agreed. I've only used this line twice in the 11yrs I've been at my current job, for similar reasons. One time an employee got caught multiple times trying to make out with their bf while they were on the clock and we were busy.(they both worked together for clarity) They tried to use that famous "I could just quit right now then what would you do" line. So I said if you're unhappy working here no one is forcing you to stay. If you quit then down the line we'd have to hire someone else and train them. We're not unappreciative of you but this behaviour isn't acceptable. It depends on the context of how a boss uses that line. As yes some say it to be mean and controlling of their employees....some employees try to be entitled Karen's and need a reality check.
Unfortunately managers have learned that people are desperate for work. In many places it can take months even finding minimum wage job due to how terrible the economy is at the moment. It's been like this for almost a decade now in Canada and it's terrible. Ever since the oil boom ended and the market crashed in 07 things have been shit.
“The company tv is not for personal entertainment” then what, pray tell, is the purpose of the tv in the break room?
That’s what I was thinking! Like is watching tv not also personal entertainment?
@@sydneyweiss19 it's not if the only thing it shows is company videos.
@@AndrewHalliwell yes but in this story it said it’s for the employees to watch programs and sitcoms
To bait-and-switch new hires into thinking they'll be able to watch TV on breaks, duh. :P
@@AndrewHalliwell 1
You can always tell a rule has been created without any real thought when it's eliminated after being questioned once.
@@B1oodWo1f Read?
@@EnderReaper64 read
@@bedeoof5948 what are we supposed to read
@@davemiller7742 read
OP in the retail story needs to contact department of labor. If you're on the clock and working you need to be getting paid for it no matter how small it is
Yeah, that company - not just that lousy manager - is committing wage theft.
My workstation was the farthest from the breakroom and my boss would yell at me for being a few seconds late after break. Hurrying to my area, only a few feet away when the bell rang was not good enough. I was supposed to be at my station working before the bell rang. They were nit-picky about documenting our time so I always put down however long the morning snivel session meeting took before we actually started working.
@@randystegemann9990 Reminds me of my 5th grade teacher, who had us line up outside the classroom until she opened the door *as the late bell **_started_** to ring,* and if we weren't in our seats by the time it stopped ringing, we'd be sent to the office to get a tardy slip.
28 kids, single file line, had to be in order of height with the shortest kids at the back because why not (if we weren't she'd close the door and not reopen it until we were), I was the shortest kid in the class and my seat was the furthest from the door. I never once didn't have to go get a tardy slip. There were four others who I can't remember not trudging along to the office with me, usually it was a group of 8~15 of us if we had lined up properly, if not, 25~28 depending on how many kids were absent. Office didn't give a shit about the trend of 5th graders always being tardy, I eventually started just waiting outside the office for the late bell, walking in, getting a slip, and passing the mob going in the opposite direction. Then I got sent to the office for disrupting class by, uh, walking in an open door, being told to get a tardy slip, and saying "I've already got one"?
2 weeks later was christmas break, I showed up exactly once in that time span, 15 minutes late with a tardy slip and dr's note in hand, the latter ripped up and thrown out in front of my face, the former was neither glanced at nor taken from my hand when offered. I was sent to the office for trying to fake an excuse, so I grabbed my backpack, spoke to the vice principal, called my mother, went home for the day, stayed home the rest of the week and the next week, and switched schools over the break.
@@CaTastrophy427 reminds me of my first grade teacher who was also my Sunday school teacher. I would get in trouble and written up on days I wasn’t in class. The final straw was when my grandfather came to pick me up because I had 3 strikes and visits to the Principal’s office. He stood there while I was forced to stand face in a corner. He listened to my teacher call my father (his son) a deadbeat parent who has a snot nosed child. She went on about how her weekends she had to see me because she taught my Sunday School too. She went on and on about my dad and then said to me that my dad didn’t care about me and neither did my mom. When my grandfather let her know who he was and was there to pick me up asked to speak to the Principal. He told me to sit outside, cover my ears, and hum a song. All I remember was him shouting at my teacher. That Sunday both my parents showed up to church to give her a piece of their mind and again on Monday with the Principal. I ended up with a new first grade teacher after winter break and didn’t have to go to Sunday school. My dad was the Director of the Ground Crew and Facilities of the Kennedy Space Center from 89-10. My mom was a nurse. So both worked long hours. My teacher thought my mom did drugs because my brother was 13 weeks premature in 85 and she never saw my dad at church so she made an assumption. My parents thought getting apples off the tree was a good thing because that was the reward system in Kindergarten. Also, they found I could read in first grade because my grandpa had poor eyesight and I would read the stock pages for him (he would give me a letter and I would write the numbers and symbols down and he would teach me to read it). That and the funny pages. Never had to deal with her after that semester.
I was going to say exactly that point that if they do firearm that will be the easiest class action lawsuit ever
for the gate story, i was expecting op to call the matinence guy abt the lock an annoying amount of times. call him to get the boat, then 20 mins later say "oh, it appears something personal came up, i need the gate unlocked again to put my boat back" thrn 30 mins later go "oh, it got resolved on its own, i need to get my boat again" and continue like that
So did I
he prob would have done that, he wouldn't want to be mean to a maintenance guy for following that stupid managers orders
@@skyeplays1772 If he didn't want to be mean, he could have spoken to the maintenance guy first
@@andymcl92 that's what I was thinking
Sometimes it doesn't take much
My boyfriend is a manager at Taco Bell, and before the pandemic he would work overnight. It was difficult as he couldn't get good sleep during the day but managed to make it work. The night shift was always understaffed, and since the store he worked at was right by a bar, he would always get the drunks after the bar closed. Made for some fun stories lol anyway, one of his employees would bring in two switches and whenever they weren't busy, everyone took turns playing Smash. It boosted morale and engendered goodwill among the workers. He always says there is a difference between a boss and a leader. He tries to be a leader.
Please fix your grammar and spelling
@@LeonardoHamato is that really all you got from this story dude
@@LeonardoHamato really? That's all you got from this comment?
@@ThisMightBeMyAcc @Savage Queen I didn't understand a thing that was typed because of the grammar and spelling
@@LeonardoHamato maybe you just suck at reading comprehension.
I really hoped for the OP in the last story to say “Nope. Sorry. I’ve already taken another job offer with better pay” or at the very least demand the biased workers be disciplined or no deal.
I'd tell the manager the clients will be just fine since manager has so much time on their hands to be nitpicky I'm sure they will be able to help the clients.
First story reminds me of when I confronted a sexist customer in fast-food. I was the cashier, and this guy started with "This is gonna suck" before taking his order, and said something to the effect of "women just take orders; men do the work." I'm a woman, so this pissed me off. After calling him out, he went on a lengthy rant to our female manager before leaving without getting anything. The rest of us were like "What's his problem?!" Also, half of the staff were also women.
The only proper response to that comment was "Sir who hurt you? What was her name?"
@@ZLT_90 genius
It probably was his Mommy.
@@ZLT_90 Lol, if I only I was that clever at the time. I just said that he was "incredibly misogynistic," but he kept saying "it's true."
When I worked at a Dunkin Donuts we had a sexist regular that would go through drive thru. He would REFUSE to speak or even look at any female worker. Literally, he would sit and wait in silence at the intercom until he heard a man's voice, at the window he would throw money at the girls and drive off with his stuff without saying anything or looking in our direction. Meanwhile if a guy was on widow he'd be talking non-stop about sports. When he would come our manager would talk the order to keep drive thru moving, however when the dude came during my managers vacation I did my malicious compliance. I did drive thru order taking, I asked him for his order, silence, asked again, silence, asked again, silence and this went on for about 10 minutes since I refused to let a male coworker take the order. Eventually the customers behind him started screaming and honking their horns at him, the intercom is loud enough that you can hear it a couple cars back so the customers knew I was trying to do my job and this guy for some reason wouldn't answer. Eventually the sexist angrily drove away, he never came back after that (our town has 2 Dunks, a Starbucks AND an Aroma Joe's so I'm assuming he went to one of them). The first 3 customers after him were very nice and each gave us a small tip. Thankfully none of my coworkers ratted me out for that and thankfully no customer complaints were sent from that day so I didn't get in trouble. It helped that 80% of my coworkers were AFAB and have dealt with him as well as that as an "advanced crew member" (a crew member that's received a little extra training in some stations, did come with a couple pay raises) I had a small amount of respect and authority and the shift leader (a step above me and was in charge of the store while manager was away) thought it was hilarious.
Story Two. I worked at a place once where I was reprimanded for HAVING A SMILE ON MY FACE. I was walking down a hallway at work smiling at something I had heard on the radio. One of the senior managers walked by me and snapped “Wipe that damn smile off your face! There isn’t anything funny here” I quit that place the following month
"I'm miserable so you have to be miserable as well!"
Wow. I can just imagine that logic when interviewing new hires: "If you work here, we expect you to be MISERABLE every single day. We don't need any of that lousy morale or enthusiasm stuff in THIS business. If you feel like you can't possibly come to work without being unhappy and irritable every single day, then this is NOT the right job for you."
...Where were you working? The DMV? :P
I would’ve went straight to HR
Gez, I've been told to smile more (retail) but what the heck is wrong with that manager?
@@johntumahab323 maybe TSA 😂
Rslash has never said we only have to subscribe once. Would it be maliciously compliant to click it every time I hear him suggest it? Lol
Yes, to quote palpatine, do it
When you press the subscribe button it turns into the unsubscribe button so you cannot repeatedly press the subscribe button
@@catso9555 I think that's the joke...
@@novaglitch4808 not a well thought out joke
@@novaglitch4808 no he means the subscribe button is no more the subscribe button as the text is unsubscribe so its now the unsubscribe button so we can technically only press it once and then its the unsubscribe button
Not paying employees for 3 minutes after they clock in sounds highly illegal. you get paid for the time you work. that's literally how hourly employees work. Work 4 hours, get paid for 4 hours, not 3 hours, 57 minutes.
Exactly! They were scamming hundreds of employs of dozens of hours of work just so they don't have to pay them the right amount. It is sick.
@Chris G no. when it comes to money, systems such as employee time clock in services have to be accurate. those are the same systems that determine liabilities for starters. if you're on site prior to your clock in time, the company insurance is not held liable for your health. basically if you get hurt while you're there when you aren't suppose to be, the company owes you nothing. the 3 minute time period may not be much but it's bs in more ways than just the company stealing 3 minutes from each employee each day. programmers and system designers have the ability to control down to the second when data is entered. java, c, python, all have the ability to track time to the milisecond. a 3 minute buffer is not a thing for issue regarding money
At my job, they have something similar. You get paid to the nearest fifteen minutes. You can clock in up to 7 minutes early or 7 minutes late and still get the same pay. I always wondered about the legality behind that rule, but I have never questioned it because I have a habit of running slightly behind schedule and end up taking advantage of that up to 7 minutes late thing a lot. It probably evens out over the week though because the store closes at 11pm and they only schedule me until 11pm. I always end up leaving after 11 because there are ALWAYS people trying to buy things at 10:59 (earlier this week someone checked out at 11:15) when we are supposed to be doing our closing tasks.
Having spent four years working on time and attendance systems for small-to-medium businesses, I can speak to the legality of it. It's correct to say that it's illegal to not pay for time worked. However, the punch clock is not what defines whether or not you're working. It only establishes your presence on the property. Labor laws in the US acknowledge the realities of having a shared timekeeping device used by multiple employees arriving at the same time. Since not everyone can realistically get punched in at the same time, it is permitted for employers to adjust arrival and departure times to account for potential congestion at the clock. This is intended for factories and such where you might have dozens of people working the exact same nominal shifts. However, such rounding or snapping must be done such that the adjustment to the total time on the clock should average out over time to match the real hours worked. Robbing employees of their time by systematically snapping clock-ins forward and clock-outs backward during times when they are actually working is strictly illegal. (Arguments can be made, however. If you aren't expected to actually start working right away, then that's a different matter; a company is allowed to say "punch in when you get here so the door will unlock for you, but hang out in the break room until your shift starts.")
This policy of a three-minute snap only around specific times of day -- assuming you're allowed to be late within that range! -- is actually really quite reasonable based on those laws. For contrast, I saw several companies use 15-minute rounding at all times.
Customer: I don't want no Mexicans here!
Gustavo: I'm about to do what's called a pro gamer move
When I was an aerospace machinist, some of our mill times had long waits. Like 10-15 min. You had to listen for a tool break to kill the process, but otherwise you just stood there. I was in my early 20s and most of my coworkers were 40s-60s. They'd read newspapers while waiting for the machine to finish and that was totally fine with management. I started reading news on my phone (not using social media) and I got in trouble. I even showed my supervisor that I had a news article up and the guy next to me was nose deep in a newspaper. Nope. Written up.
I started listening to audiobooks. That was totally fine with them. If I'm engrossed in an audiobook, what if I miss that very subtle but recognizable sound of a tool breakage? No solid answer from management. Just stay off your phone.
I can't stand bigots who think all Hispanics are Mexican.
I'm a bigot against bigots. I hate anyone who hates other people for things they can't change about themselves. It makes my skin crawl.
@@ZLT_90 you're an anti-bigot
I think I might be a bigot lol I thought Hispanics mean any type of person from Mexican dissent 🤷♂️
I can't stand bigots that believe people with a bit darker skin tone are somehow less valuable as human
@@ZLT_90 well then we are very much the same
It's like these people don't realize there is more than one Hispanic/latin American country than just Mexico. Clearly they were never taught geography.
Racists don’t care about geography, or common sense.
I've lost count of the number of times I've heard people refer to Africa as if it was a country.
"Actually, I'm from Honduras."
"What part of Mexico is that?"
Ask a Latino who travels around the US. Your country of origin changes depending on where you are. Southwest? Mexican. Florida? Cuban. I'm pretty sure there's other default assumptions of origin (the Philippines keep coming to mind), but I don't remember what they are. (Not Latino myself)
They barely learned 2+2=4
“Sir I can’t give you keys, phone the maintenance guy”
“Sir, we’ve decided not to lock the gate”
How they didn’t figure that would happen I’ll never know
The only thing I don't like about the story is that it punishes the maintenance guy, and ONLY the maintenance guy.
@@coreylemon nah. The maintenance guy obviously new that would be a part of the job. You might have to wake up early to let out boats and trailers. He can go get bent and wake up and unlock the gate OR leave it unlocked like he obviously could’ve been doing before. The ‘you’re gonna have to wait till later’ did it for me on not being perturbed on disturbing his morning.
@@Snak3mast3r The maintenance position would be hourly, so a one hour overtime bill would apply when the worker was woken up to open the gate outside his shift hours. That cost was probably the reason.
@@Snak3mast3r Right, because out of everyone in the story, the Maintenance Guy who was only doing his job was the one who deserved to be punished.
At least, like how Jason sussed the Maintenance Guy at least probably made an overtime hour out of it, but ifthat's the case then NOBODY was really punished for the dumb policy.
Paying an employee like 20 extra bucks because a resident followed protocol is a pretty weak comeuppance.
@@coreylemon exactly how is that punishment. He went into the job knowing his duties and the pay that would cover it. He knows his responsibilities and possibilities of the job as did the company. They sure as hell aren’t caving to some ‘overtime fee’ they have a work around with. If my shit is forced into a lot and you have the only key and you KNOW IT. Don’t give me shit about I’m gonna have to wait till later. Again. Fck your poor maintenance man.
Employers acting like we want to work instead of wanting the money for rent/taxes/food need a big bonk on the head
“It is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own self-interest.” - Adam Smith, _The Wealth of Nations_
Outside of charity/volunteers, people work for money. That's just how life works. Heck, even before there was such a thing as money, people worked to enjoy the fruits of their labor (e.g. a farmer farmed because he wanted to eat the crops that would grow). People work to obtain goods/services/etc., and in the modern economy, that's done by receiving a salary (or other form of income) and spending it on what you want.
My work was deep in the culture that, “money is just an afterthought, work is amazing because you are working for this amazing company of mice!” That kind of mentality made coworkers hate each other and divided us deeply. Those who worshipped their job and couldn’t see how difficult it was because it’s “So Easy Money is evil here.” And those who understood it was a POS workplace with low pay, constantly got into fighting with each other. Also, Terrible environment for those with high anxiety, depression and autism. Never going back.
"People work for money. If you want loyalty, get a dog. But feed it!" - - Malcolm Forbes
Boss: Ok,if you don’t like it…Quiit!
Employee: ok I quit.
Boss: “No that’s not how you are supposed to play the game.”
After the supervisor said that OP couldn't use the "company tv" for personal use (the video game), OP brought in a much bigger tv everyone to play the video games. I wouldn't put it past that same supervisor to say something like.... "You can't use power paid by the company, to power your tv. So unplug that tv... NOW!"
The next day, OP brings a generator.
The racism against Latin American folks is something I've seen a lot living in CA. I remember this one man loudly complaining that all the streets had Spanish names and deriding "illegals stealing our jobs" and I couldn't resist. I looked at him and sweetly said, "You do realize California once belonged to Mexico, right?" He looked at me with wide eyes and I just kept talking. "Yeah, that's why we have missions and old haciendas all over out here. As for illegal immigrants, breaking the law isn't good but they generally do so out of desperation and take the dirty jobs white Americans won't take like digging ditches, janitorial work, working farm fields, and working as low-level construction workers. So, unless you are in doing that kind of work I don't think they've stolen any jobs from you." The man just walked away. I love doing that since most people don't actually stop to think about things like that.
I had an African American sales team member when I lived in Los Angeles, and we sold services strictly to commercial firms. So, she and I would frequently have lunch together as we traveled to and from appointments. But the crusty looks we got from people especially on the west side and up in Santa Monica in restaurants was really disappointing. I guess people thought we were dating or married, perhaps because we got along so well. I never mentioned it to Elizabeth, but it still makes me angry to think about it. Make it a point to be kind/respectful to interracial couples.
@@billolsen4360 You can be assured she noticed it way before you did.
The story with the OP clocking in at 7:02a. That policy of not starting pay for 3 minutes after clicking in doesn't sound legal at all
Back in the late 60s, early 70s my dad worked in an appliance store that sold a variety of things , one of which was transistor radios (kids, ask your grandparents). Goods from overseas were starting to infiltrate the inventory of small electronics that storeowners purchased to sell to the public. There were still American made items, but the ones from overseas were (lets face it) decent quality and much more reasonably priced. So, on to the story. A man comes in to get a transistor radio for his child and is balking at the price of the American made goods. He settles on a much less expensive unit but states that he "aint buying no radio made in Japan". My dad assured him that this particular product isnt made in Japan . The customer happily makes the purchase and heads out the door with a shiny new radio stamped on the bottom "made in taiwan". Hey, its not Japan . Ask any Taiwanese .
I must admit that I've developed an addiction to rslash... And I've tried listening to other reddit readers... They just aren't you man. Awesome content.
same, whenever im eyes busy-ears-free, i listen to rlsahs, no one else.
@@topatosalt r/ihadastroke
Same man
I like the occasional hot takes, though controversial and I don't always agree, it's much better than the people that just repeat the story 'wow guys I can't believe this happened' as a 'commentary'
I’m in the same boat. I listen to DarkFluff because he genuinely sounds friendly and his laughter is contagious. But voicewise, rSlash is unique in my book
That “company policy” violates federal labor laws in the US. You must be paid for every single minute you work.
"we dont pay you for 3 minutes after you are scheduled to start or 3 minutes before you're scheduled to leave"
Well you cant write someone up for something they do on their own time, and you cant expect them to be working outside of the time you're choosing to pay them.
Department of labor would be very interested in what company you worked for, your time in/out records and your pay stubs, If you're in the USA
The supervisor in the third story is the literal embodiment of the "No Fun Allowed" robot.
OP needs to find a new job. If the supervisor is willing to commit criminal acts (stealing the TV) for the sake of ego, and security is willing to destroy evidence when told (making them the private-sector version of corrupt cops), OP needs to get the heck away from that band of criminals.
I've had one of these. What solves it is saying, "Fine, take my shift. I'm going home." And leave them neck deep in their own shit with no help.
Company: * doesn't pay their employees*
Also company: its company policy :)
For the fishing story: I would've called the guy almost every 5 minutes saying I needed to grab something or I forgot something or I needed to put something away
Roasting Biden, adressing nation-wide Problems, Who does all that, if not Cody Johnston and Second-Thought?
So the company committed wage theft and then said it was company rules? Yeah no. I’d file a lawsuit
That first story is so funny to me
I once went to the US and a woman called me a provocative, dirty, immigrant Mexican.
….I’m from Puerto Rico…. A US territory with US citizenship 😂
Please don’t call Mexicans that way, latinos from any part of the world are puertoricans brothers and sisters. You mess with them, and we will defend them till the end.
This. Don't assume anyone is anything, and ESPECIALLY don't treat them like garbage because of one trait about them, a trait that might not even be true.
People are people, no matter where they come from, what they look like, who they're attracted to, etc.
The amount of people that don't realize Puerto Rico is a US territory is shameful and sad.
@Rusto I'm with your husband: it *shouldn't* be real, and it's ridiculous and sad that it is. As a white guy... white people need to stop and educate themselves.
I’m a white passing Puerto Rican
And let me tell you, tourists from the US call them that way.
I’ve heard people refer to South Americans as “from the border”
Ex: “They are from the border”
I never knew what it meant until now because I’ve always called them South and Central Americans 😅
I’ve also seen people called Mexicans when they are from other places, so what you say makes 100% sense now.
Thank you for educating me
As a Canadian, many things astound me about the states. The number of military bases, the gun violence, your healthcare. What leaves me absolutely flabbergasted is the idea that a US citizen, from a US territory the US probably fought and bled over to keep is somehow a foreigner. The amount of times I hear about Americans calling Puerto Ricans foreigners is baffling. I remember this one video where this karen adamantly refused to believe that Puerto Rico is an American territory.
time theft sounds like a doctor who crime
That cell phone
I honestly wonder if that employee just say "sure", then bring out 2-in-1 laptop to replace the phone
I hope that everyone has a great day!
Thx. You too
Thank you! Has been tough lately. Have a great day to you as well!
you too!
“You really need me, do you? Well then, I guess we could renegotiate my pay.”
The last story would be hilarious if OP tested the boundaries. Like i'll come back for triple pay and only of you fire the manager. A golden opportunity wasted.
For the last story, OP should've asked for a raise. After all, if he truly is so important to the business, then he should be paid like it.
Wait hang on, sure he might be "losing time in labour" but like.. .dude. The employee Bought something. They literally gave the company money. If they do that every time I'm pretty sure it adds up to more earned than you lose that employee checking in a couple minutes late.
I had a boss at a previous job get mad at me for being 30 seconds late. Thing is I got to work on time but there was a line at the clock in machine and the person at the front didn't know how to use it which held everyone up. Thing is the clock in machine was directly next to my area so my boss could clearly see what was happening. When I finally got to my spot 30 seconds late she yelled at me. When I explained the situation she said "you should have planned accordingly and gotten here early" like... Lady the doors into the building are locked up until 5 minutes before each shift and only stay unlocked for 10 minutes. There's no way to get there early. Luckily I was switched out of that area pretty quickly. I heard later on that area came under investigation later on for "mistreatment of employees" and some of the managers were fired. Justice served I guess lol
I've always had a problem with that policy. There is a TV in our breakroom, which is showing Company-related things (we don't control it) and it's always on, so we are forced to watch it during our lunch...when we're not punched in. In other words, they are forcing us to work off the clock. That's a big no-no, but no one ever did anything about it. I ate my lunch in my car.
That's a very asinine excuse to withhold making copies of the key
We've all had managers who nitpick 2 minutes late, but never say anything when you go to lunch 15 minutes late or come back from lunch early, or stay late - all without being compensated. Jackasses!
It’s been over 800 days since I started watching rslash…. It’s been awhile
That guy with the boat was unfairly heaping all his anger onto the maintenance man, who isn't responsible for making policy.
As a manager, I don't understand why some don't want to cooperate/ get along with their employees. My experience has been if you're good to them they're good to you. If you have their back they'll have yours. 🤷 Maybe it's just different in beauty shops
"You need to clock in ON TIME. Its not MYYY problem!!" 2 Minutes later, "We're losing hundreds if dollars a YEAR, PLAN BETTER!" Like bruh, yeah its your problem.
I had a manager that litterally said to the whole department "you can't show off the graphics of a computer when people are looking to buy a gaming computer." Gaming PC sales dropped by 75% and gaming accessories by 85%. After that they stopped micromanaging our demos.
If his boat fits entirely in the driveway, let him have it. If it fits, it sits.
Man I can't stand that "you're 12 seconds late! are you TRYING to get fired?! I'm gonna have to write you up for this, DO BETTER!" when the employee in question works 30 minutes to an hour unpaid after their work day is over.
One of the stories reminded me of this: Several years ago, my team was working on a big project. They were struggling with a section of the work and I had a week vacation scheduled to start the Thursday before the weekend.
Since I knew they had a time crunch to finish and they had to work on Saturday, I volunteered to come in on Saturday and made sure their plans were to leave by latest 14:00 since I had plans of my own.
I accidentally overslept and got to work at 9.45am (on a Saturday) and also let my manager know that I overslept and will be right there.
By 17:00 with no end in sight and me mostly twiddling my thumbs but not allowed to leave "just yet", Ive finally had it. At this point I have been asking to leave since 14:00 but given excuses.
My manager said that if I didnt want to be there then I didnt have to be, so since I volunteered to come in on a Saturday, on my vacation (with no overtime or pay), I decided to leave.
Missed all of my plans with friends and my gf at the time kept hounding me as well. As I was driving to the (now already coming to and end) BBQ event, I received a text message from my boss to check my email.
I checked, and it was a written warning for disobedience and coming in late to work.
I quit soon after securing another job. Asked me if it was about money, but instead of having the balls to say that Im quitting because of being written up on my vacation and volunteering to come in to help on a weekend with agreed-on time that I will be leaving at, I just said "No, Id like to move closer to family"
I actually took a lower paying job where I wasnt working 16 hour days and weekends, and actually appreciated the amount of effort I put in when staying late or volunteering to come in. Somehow the new company didnt care if I came in late or overslept when I volunteer to come in on my vacation days to help out, nor did they care that I came in late if they knew I was up till 1am the morning working....
The company I left (after 5 years) ended up closing shop 2 years later. Who knew that with all the work and expertise I brought to the table, that they would struggle (I did, I knew).
But sure, praise the "clock watchers" for coming in at 7am sharp and leaving at exactly 4pm and "not my problem now, I can look at it tomorrow" attitude, while I was at work from 7.15am till 10pm (mostly later)
YES I absolutly love waking up to Rslash
I left my last job due to the whole "If you don't like it, then quit." mentality. My supervisor and I constantly tried to get the owners to fix various issues with the sales team not knowing anything about what they were selling and our machines needing an overhaul since we could barely keep them functioning while they constantly demanded higher quality results. My supervisor finally had enough and we had a meeting with the owner and management that basically informed them that my supervisor was putting in his two weeks and I, the only one that had been trained to keep the shop running the way he did, was looking for a new job.
They ended up making me a lot of promises that things would change and the machines would get fixed. They let my supervisor go before his two weeks were up and made me the new foreman of the shop with two employees under me. They kept a few of their promises since they were easy and cheap, but the machines never got the maintenance they needed, everything remained in an unsafe state, and the sales team got worse and worse. All the while, I'd completely re-arranged our shop, improved productivity, and reduced the number of mistakes on the line. Despite all this, I was constantly harassed about getting product out faster and not turning away damaged and low-grade materials from our distributers. I pointed out that we didn't have the time or tools to produce quality product with sub-par materials, but was overruled.
All the while, the guy in charge of ordering the materials for my shop constantly tried to override my decisions on how to handle issues or hand projects that had to do with my departments to those that had nothing to do with it, or the training to handle it. No matter how much he disrespected and harassed me about productivity, he constantly tried to act like we were friends and got angry when I wouldn't socialize with him and kept everything professional. Every time I would point out that a lot of the problems would be solved if they would just keep the promises they made to me when I got promoted, he would just say "That's how it is everywhere, Moose. You might as well get used to it, because nothing's ever going to change." Looking back, it seems like he was trying to discourage me from leaving the hell that I knew in favor of a hell that I didn't. After one last argument with this guy, I got called into the office by the owner to discuss my attitude problem. When I pointed out that the guy was trying to order me around like he was my supervisor even though I was SPECIFICALLY told that he wasn't when I got promoted, the owner informed me that he was, in fact, my supervisor, and I would have to get along with him.
I interviewed for a new job at a higher pay rate that same week. When I put in my two weeks notice, they acted surprised and tried to promise me that the changes were in the works. I simply told them "My supervisor has informed me that nothing is ever going to change, so I'm not going to waste anymore time waiting on empty promises." They let me go the next day, and I got to start my new job the next week. Unfortunately, the supervisor was right. I live in Florida, so most jobs are the exact same way.
I’m so addicted to these stories thank you rslash!
"My life doesn't revolve around YOUR sleep schedule"
*Your skill in Destruction has reached 100*
About the tv story...it was in the breakroom and it can be used by the working during break, so "personal entertainment", I guess.
But, if u can't use it for "personal entertainment", how can u possibly use it?
We get paid for the minutes we work and my boss told me off for coming in early and clocking in early. So then I made a point of coming in on the dot and then got told off for coming in late. You just can't win sometimes.
So Mr. Douchebag here decided to take out his anger on the maintenance man?
Edit: I would have just declined the phone call, never to accept again.
Edit 2: "My sleep schedule doesn't revolve around your need to fish." *Leaves*
Wow, this one should be labeled 'disgruntled employees'. What a joke. Every single one of these people should be fired!
It's funny how the people who pettifog about minor losses on clocking in a minute or two or "waste" an office supply all while embezzling big time. Do they not realize the extra scrutiny they put on other is going to come back to them?
In the story of OP finds out that he had to park his fishing boat at a lot at end of the street (and at his home). Then finding out the lot gets locked, and having to call the maintenance guy to get it unlocked. When OP asked for the maintenance guy's phone number, I was expecting OP being told that they couldn't give OP that phone number.
at risk of sounding entitled, I wanted to point out that the plunky piano background registers like a sonar sound on my phone speakers and sets my dog and me off in the night while I'm autoplaying videos. love the channel!
2:45 This looks like a job for... BOLTCUTTERS! :D Hey look, turns out I *_did_* have the key!
"I don't understand why managers insist on being so mean for no reason"
Because they have power, and power corrupts. For some people, it only takes a little bit of power, like the managers in this video. Food for thought the next time anyone is thinking about giving any control over to any government.
Butthole manager: "If you don't like it here, then quit!.
employee: Quits
BM: *surprise pikachu*
RSlash, I love you and mean no disrespect at all when I say this and you tell us, your FANS, to be honest.. I found you about 2-3yrs ago, long before you got to 1M.. Soon as you got to 1M,you changed.. You have less stories because YOU talk much much more about your opinions of a story. I went through 6 days of your videos and you have the same amount of time of you talking that you have of stories.. You use to have, average, 5 - 7 stories and now you average 3 and that's now more common.
You don't scramble up anymore either.. Haven't heard Nice Girl/ Nice guy, Tree Law, which many in the comments MISS AND LOVE!! I ADORE YOU AND NOT GOING ANYWHERE and you were the ONLY I use to watch because NOBODY SOUNDED as awesome as you!! Now, RedWheel is booming FAST with those who use to be here and now I am starting to see them, as do I,over there BEFORE we watch yours because he has different ones like you USE TOO!!
I mean ZERO disrespect, you tell us to let you know sooo I'm just doing that with no malace! I love your channel so much, your voice, the way you read the stories, NOBODY, NOBODY can beat you on that at ALL!!! 🤗🤗🤗
The dsp job description is so true the managers view u as disposiable but not disposible all at the same time
Me: *pulls phone out of pocket to check the time*
Supervisor: "Ex-CUSE me, that is SO unprofessional of you to be on your phone all goddamn day while there are customers that need help! You need to--oh, hey, I got a text!" *tap tap* "Heh heh. Cats exist." *hides in back to mess around on her phone for 3 hours*
Didn't mean to be so cheeky with the maintenance guy. He didn't want this either.
I’m in college for business management and administration, you are taught yearly that you are supposed to treat your employees as a manager as equals not as toys robots or slaves. It’s really hard for managers to not get power hungry and just do the job they were given.
I plug in my NES Classic into the TV at work and my manager doesn't mind as long as I am back from lunch on time.
the guy in the boat story would 100% be the bad guy if it was told from the perspective of literally anyone else involved
DUring the 80's 90's you had business schools teach that if you are not an AH you are not an effective manger
That last guy/girl should have asked for a raise
ya companies cannot control ppl having fun in the break room like that. as long as noone is drinking or doing drugs, damaging shit, or beating the hell out of each other, then nothing is wrong. ever
If you have an employee willing to take a mile more for the sake of your company, seriously, just don't make that person life more difficult as long as it's not illegal... When that person gone, you're the one who'll get screwed anyway...
I don't understand how it's legal for employers not to pay their employees for time on the clock. It shouldn't matter if it's in the policy that way, they can't trim your hours without talking to you.
They force you to put a boat/trailer in a gated lot and refuse to give you a key?
Angle grinders solve many problems.
The "companies tv" is in the employee break room.
That means it's there specifically _for_ the employees' personal entertainment.
I worked for a company about a decade ago that moved to a different location, and the owner ended up waiting at the door to see if I was late.
Once I was 5 minutes late because of traffic, and he threw a hissy fit about it. A few weeks later, he got mad that I was taking longer lunches, even though I was there first all the time then, and was the last to leave. After that, he got pissy about a few other stupid things.
I have owned my own business before, and have an insane network of people, including executive contacts at fortune 100 companies. This set me up to be able to pull in a $3.5+ million/year client for the company. The owner offered me a $500 gift card to pass it on to him. I laugh, take a vacation for an out of state interview, come back, and resign before the company I interviewed with gave me a job offer.
Granted, that next company's owner was just as bad, but my current one is amazing, and I also have open job offers with 2 other companies that love me to death and appreciate their employees, giving them the ability to just get things done, and not worry about the clock. (I tend to work best early in the morning and late at night, middle the day I seem to always get distracted easily, so I normally do 4-6 hours work sessions when I wake up and before I go to bed.)
He thinks the TV might disappear and security mysteriously has no footage of it?
Where does he work where that happens? A federal prison in Manhattan?
That last stort: I would have said " cool I want a raise."
They obviously needed OP so they should have to shell.put to get them back.
Boat story:
I agree with the security guard. The maintenance guy and boat owner, no.
For security, only the guard and maintenance should get in. The guard should have a packet with vehicles and owner photos so a watchful eye can be kept, and people can get their boats or whatever else at any time without having to wake everyone up.
Not to say that anywhere that uses security cares about anything we say or do, or they do what they're supposed to either. If you ever see any combination lock of any kind at any store or vehicle sale place, ask the store number. Now you have the code to every lock.
They Aren't From Mexico!! Now that was a story worth remembering 😉❣
Everyone have a great day! Stay hydrated. 💕
I Clicked Faster Than My Kitten Biscuit Runs Into My Grandma's Room.
I click faster than a Karen asking for a manager when she gets told to leave when she smacks a 25 year old female because she had the last mirror.
I punched you quicker then I told you not to capitalize all your words.
@@Enrichvid damn bro you got the whole squad laughing
I have a gut feeling that, on the second story, the maintenance person either had one very lively and heated discussion with the HOA or whoever ran that neighborhood complex or he decided "Fuck this bullshit, even I hate this bullshit policy," so he left the gate open with zero fucks given towards the HOA or whoever ran that neighborhood.
I think he just never put the lock back on.
I used to live in a mobile home park which also had a fenced in storage area for RVs, camper trailers, boats and anything else that could be towed or driven. It was also kept locked but if you needed your boat or RV you prearranged for someone to meet you there to unlock and open the gate. If you wanted your boat or RV for the weekend you could get it a couple of days early and park it on your lot. There is a good reason for keeping the gate locked because at another park someone forgot to lock the gate and thieves drove in and towed out a $10,000 fishing boat as well as a nice camper trailer. So leaving a storage yard unlocked or passing out keys to anyone living in the park is not a good idea due to the fact that someone might forget to close the gate and lock it after they removed what they needed.
I once worked in a place that I absolutely loved, and I was soo proud to have the chance to work there. In total I worked there for 5 years, and for about 4 of them, I absolutely loved it. I mean, you have good days, and bad days. But that last year I worked? The people I worked with, my co-workers, managers, just made my life a living hell.
One specific example, I had an issue with an urgent project. I had begged my co-workers for help, and not one would lift a finger for me, which sucks balls, as they all would come to me if they needed anything. For almost nearly 5 years, I have helped anyone that needed, and this one time I need something done that I cannot do, not one person would help me.
I had done my 8 hours for the day and decided, fuck it. Im out. Manager calls me screaming, as im on the way home. "HOW DARE YOU only work the hours you were paid. HOW DARE YOU leave before the project was finished." I explained the problem, how to fix it, and that noone would help me. He was screaming I come back and fix it now.
Now this was the only time I ever stood up for myself. I told him "sure, i can be there in 15minutes, but you better have my final paycheck ready for me to collect because if I come in now, I wont be in tomorrow. ", Now I kinda forget how the conversation ended but he was like, hang on a minute, let me call you back. I just sat in the car, not sure if I was driving home, or driving to work. It took about 10 minutes, and he called to say they fixed it. I dont know why it took them that long. Its faster to fix it then to pick up the phone and call me. Seriously. (reason I couldnt fix, it needed tools and machine in another section that wasnt mine.
I came in the next day, I had already told them I was leaving but was sticking around to give them time for training replacements, and the next day I just re-affirmed that the instant they hired replacements and they were trained up I was gone. In total I gave them about 6 months notice.
In hindsight, I kinda of wish I had just gone back, gotten the final paycheck, and just done a mic drop, walked out, or at least demanded more then minimum wage.
The clock in thing reminds me of places like the one I work at uses a point system. Most companies are dropping this policy for good reasons but they tried to give me a point for being a minute late for work one day in two years I’ve ever been late. Within ten minutes I found out they were giving me a point for being a minute late and I usually clock in five minutes early. I didn’t give in I told them I would just leave for the rest of the day since it counted the same for being a minute late if they didn’t remove it. I swear it was like pulling teeth to get them to remove it. Like this is exactly why this stuff doesn’t work out for anyone. I might as well have never showed up but I was having car issues and was one minute late. It came down to I’ll go the hell home and probably never come back or remove a damn point that was stupid to begin with. Mind you there are some supervisors who understand this stuff and fix it but there’s some that are too busy sucking up to another boss to be a human being.
Don’t give into bad policies is always my advice. Your labor is what you sell a company and they have to earn it. They sell a product and you sell your product to them (your productivity and labor). There’s always plenty of other buyers.
My boss used to nitpick about me being on my phone. Then with a few weeks he lost about half a dozen people and I was the only one left to do the particular job that I was hired for, and honestly I kick ass at it. Suddenly he doesn't really bother me about anything anymore!
"There on break time, in the break room, doing something they have fun." okay me and the coworkers are gonna start rollin up!
HR: I like your style, would you like a promotion?
The maintenance guy gave up so quickly lmao I thought he would have started complaining after a week or something. But nope. All it took was one time lmao
i've litteraly been waiting since the the last episode said it was made 20 hours ago.
I work for a company that felt it would be a nice gesture to put an arcade machine in the breakroom, one of those Galaga Arcade 1-Ups. Less than 2 weeks later its gone because "people were spending too much time on the machine and not working" which basically meant someone ruined it for everyone because they were having 20-30 minute breaks instead of 15 because of that game.
"Good morning! Nice day for fishing, ain't it! Hu ha!"
For the employees having fun story I have a short one of my own. At my work we were having a charity for the children’s miracle network and an employee had a baby doll in one of those baby harnesses that hold the baby in front of you and a sign that said “please donate $10 for the children’s miracle network” once an employee got $10 they could pass it onto any other employee and that employee had to wear it until they received $10 from either customers, co workers, or if they themselves gave $10. Anyways, after about 5 hours nearly $900 had been raised and every employee in the store was so happy about possibly getting, and then giving, the baby to a co worker they thought wouldn’t like that much. One employee had it and he was working with it on and customers were giggling and giving him money and he enjoyed it. A manager(who previously berated another worker for having it) came and snatch the baby and the money off of him and returned to her office. The mood in the building quickly went down after that.
The last story if I was going to come back to that company I would have also made it a point to either get a raise or have all the other employees that have been lazy get a performance preview.
So time theft is important to the company and can get you fired, but wage theft is in the contract? That's bullshit