
  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 10

  • @KaraGoldinHint
    @KaraGoldinHint  2 года назад +6

    Knowing that when you age, there will come a time where you can't conceive a child no more is not easy to accept 😟, but Stacy is here to help and tells us how to cope with one 💖

  • @DoughRoller
    @DoughRoller 2 года назад +5


  • @peggyfisher9743
    @peggyfisher9743 Год назад +1

    I am crying. I was a huge fan when f WHAT NOT TO WEAR. My husband watch every show with me. So helpful. I have been desperately looking unsuccessfully for help the last two years with vaginal dryness’s and again… you magically appeared in my life as a source of information I desperately need. Merry Christmas to me. When you decide to have your wellness retreat in LA, put me on the top of the list! Sending an appreciative hug!

  • @moonglow7303
    @moonglow7303 Год назад +1

    Some mothers are not educating their daughters on this. Stacy is filling in for the Young women as if she is a parent herself. She is a role model and mother figure in my opinion.