Guys if you want to watch and react the full episodes of Maria Clara at Ibarra, there's an English subtitles on it if you watch it through "Bilibili" It's an app which you can use to watch the full episode of this series. Hoping to see your reaction from episode 1 . Gracias! ❤ .
This drama is need to get featured on Netflix for International viewers.. Maria Clara and IBARRA is really beautiful but with very tragic lovestory... 💕
The story won't change even if Klay would try to interfere. Crisostomo Ibarra is so in love and loyal to Maria Clara, they spent 7 years away from each other but still remained faithful. Another thing, Maria Clara is the biggest factor why Crisostomo Ibarra plotted revenge (El Filibusterismo).
"Jele-jele bago quiere" is a pidgin Spanish-Tagalog idiomatic expression which means that one pretends not to desire a thing but in fact, really wants it. Or vice versa, one tries to feign desires to do one thing but in reality hates to do it.
Jele-jele bago quiere” is a pidgin Spanish Tagalog idiomatic expression which means that one pretends not to desire a thing but in fact, really wants it. Or vice versa, one tries to feign desire to do one thing but in reality.
✌🏼😊 *"Hele-hele bago quiere" (hé•le-hé•le bá•go ki•yé•re [o "kyé•re"])* is a Filipino saying in the Filipino language and from the Tagalog language (maybe, probably, or most likely from the Classical Tagalog language = a stage or phase of the Tagalog regional language from or between and around after 1565 to around after 1898) that mixed or mixes Tagalog language words with a or one Spanish language word. The more Filipino language translation in the available Filipino language subtitles, *"Kunwari ay ayaw pero gusto" (kun•wa•rì á•yaw pé•ro gus•tó)* , means *"(One who) pretends (or one who is pretending) not to like (or want), but (who still proceeds or continues to) like (or want) (in the end, after all, or afterwards)"* . *"Hele" (hé•le)* is a word in the Filipino language from the Tagalog language that also means "pretension, bluff, or pretense" aside from meaning a "lullaby", "letting a baby, infant, or child sleep through or by singing a song about or relating to babies, infants, or children like a lullaby itself", or "action/s or word/s that express/es or show/s "cariño", "caricia", love, affection, attention, and/or care, or which attracts the same reaction". It is reduplicted maybe for emphasis and to emphasize its meaning of pretension or bluffing. *"Hele-hele"* , as a reduplicated or hyphenated compound word, is also a word in the Filipino language from the Tagalog language that also means, altogether, all, the whole, or the entire meaning of this saying, either used as a noun or as an adjective. *"Bago" (bá•go)* is a word in the Filipino language from the Tagalog language that means "new, current, modern, recent, latest, advanced, up-to-date, state-of-the-art, or present-day" as an adjective and "before, prior to, previous to, preparatory to, preliminary to, in anticipation of, in advance of, ahead of, or previously" as an adverb, aside from a kind or type of tree and a small/er tree or shrub as a noun. Here in this saying, it is an adverb. *"Quiere"* , on the other hand, is a word in the Spanish language from the Spanish word and verb in the infinitive form *"querer"* (to want/love) and conjugated in the present tense for any of the first-person personal pronouns "él, ella, o usted" (he, she, you [formal]). Here, it also means "likes" aside from "wants" or "loves", among others. Yeah. It (the saying) is not in Spanish at all, but in a mix of the Tagalog language and the Spanish language. It is still being used as a saying in the Tagalog regional and auxiliary language and/or the Filipino national and official language, but it is not usually or commonly used, said, heard or listened nowadays, maybe because there are a lot more ways to say or express the same thing or the same meaning of the saying nowadays in Filipino and/or Tagalog language/s, and that also explains why it is still translated into Filipino language or has a Filipino language translation or subtitle like their other lines in Spanish language and Latin language for Filipino language and/or Tagalog language users and communicators to understand. 👋🏼😄🇵🇭 Buenas o hola, saludos y buenas noches desde aqui na Ciudad de Zamboanga aqui na Filipinas!
Noli Me Tangere is actually a novel written by Jose Rizal that seems fictional but actually based on the real situation of the Filipinos during the Spanish colonial Era. This is a depiction of how powerful the friars were and used the religion to oppress the Filipinos. Jose Rizal is basically Crisostomo Ibarra here. Who dreamed of a better Philippines, who studied In Madrid, Spain and were exposed to the liberal ideas of Europe. You'll see in this novel the desire of Jose Rizal and his personality to fight the oppression not in a bloody revolution. And you'll see his other personality expressed in the sequel novel. We actually still call our Titas Tiya and Titos Tiyo until now. Since our parents are from Bicol. (South Luzon). Well, maybe not anymore with the millennials and Gen Z
Omg can’t wait to see your reactions to the episodes. It honestly gets better and better as each episode progresses. Episode 12 comes out today and I’m getting really impatient to wait for it 😂
We also use tia and tio, for older aunties and uncles, tita and tito for younger or single aunts and uncles. But in the 1980's it became fashionable to just use tita and tito (to defy age implications).
Noli Me Tangere followed by the sequel El Filibusterismo and finally the execution of Jose Rizal, many believe, spurred the Philippine Revolution against Spain. Ibarra, many believe, is actually Jose Rizal, and the town San Diego is actually Calamba, Laguna, Rizal's hometown. My grandmother and her family, who were fluent in Spanish, were Rizalistas who eventually joined the Katipunan rebellion.
The actor who played Padre Damaso Verdolagas or simply Padre Damaso named Tirso Cruz III was a Philippine matinee idol in his era ('70s) and also singer as well, his nickname was Pip. He gained popularity teaming up or love team with actress and singer Nora Aunor nicknamed Guy (on June 10, 2022 she was conferred as one of 2022 Order of National Artists of The Philippines for Film and Broadcast Arts category by former 16th Philippine President Rodrigo R. Duterte days before stepping down his post as President on June 30, 2022). Even rising of today's love teams in the history of Philippine cinema, the team of Guy (Nora) and Pip (Tirso III) still existing when it comes to the fans especially the old generation.
In the succeeding episodes po we ship Klay with Fidel. They always bicker and fight with each other, like a love-hate relationship. Fidel is Ibarra's bestfriend. And they also have theories that maybe Fidel is the same as Klay. He's also trapped in the book. Because he was never a character in the Noli Me Tangere. There's no Fidel in Jose Rizal's novel. Also some people say that maybe he's the one who authored Klay's plagiarised work. Klay was task to do a book review of Noli Me Tangere because she was sleeping in Mr. Torres' Class (She's a working student). And she submitted a plagiarised work from internet, Mr. recognize the book review as his student's (another student whom he also tasked to do a review) that's why he gave her another version of the book and ask her to redo the task. And that book transported her to another world.
barbie herself already told in an interview it will not be a love triangle, klay is just there to learn about the novel, and if you must know if GMA and the writers try to alter even the story of noli they can get sued by the national historical commission of the Philippines as we have a law about proper re-telling of historical events that it should be historically accurate. but anyway thank you for having interest in reacting to the series
but Noli Me Tangere is not a historical event. It is a work of fiction because it is a novel written by Rizal. Does it get included in that law? I mean, they already changed the story by adding a new character to it...
@@SolLunaTV That's true. Because it"s not actually an adaptation of Noli and it's also the reason why they had to change the title. It's a reimagined version of Noli. That's why there's a disclaimer at the beginning of each episodes. But if GMA created this drama for educational purposes, I don't think they will change anything either. And Klay, is just there to watch the story unfold, she can't change anything. You'll know on ep 3. :)
@@SolLunaTV technically she's just a medium on how gen z in our country can relate to rizal's works since most of the kids today here doesn't really like history subject and reading long books like noli me tangere. she was added, yes but the sequences in the series are still intact and the same try to react or watch it you will get what I mean. fillers are added for klay's character to have a purpose in the series you'll get it by the first 5 episodes of MCI. trust me as someone who had read both Noli and El fili I was amazed at how the writers injected klays role and character in the series for the sake of not revising the story. and yes they can't revise it although it is a fictional book. but out of all literary works and books from the 19th century Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo are one of the most sacred works in our history that should not be tarnished with respect to Rizal and the Heroes who died fighting for our freedom back then
@@SolLunaTV it make sense tbh, also they say at the beginning before the show started that the show is "based" on the book Noli by JPR.. they could still change the show.. but i don't think they will tho
Padre salvi is the best representation of friars back then coz he is very mean Btw other places like here in Visayas, we still use the term tia for aunt's but only a few adheres to it nowadays
the characters crisostomo ibarra, maria clara, padre damaso etc are characters from the novel Dr. Jose Rizal wrote (the national hero) in spanish era. padre damaso is believed to be the biological father of maria clara and her father does not know about it, that's why padre damaso cares too much for maria clara and that's why she grew up with the nuns. so on and so forth...
Hi guys, I'm just curious in where did you find the AVP with English Sub because I can't find it in YT. Can I have the link please? I wanna show this to my friend salamatt!
Hele hele bago quiere..... Is old bastardized Spanish/Tagalog saying. What it means is you are pretending not to like something or someone but in fact you love that something or someone so much. You just don't want to make the first move so you will not appear cheap, over eager or easy. Basically, playing hard to get
This is the kind of drama that Filipino are waiting for... something classic, and yes, historical. Enough with the likes of darna that has nothing to do with reality, and "ang probinsiyano", which portrays stupidity and exaggeration...and a lot more that from ABS-CBN.
Ganu'n naman po pananalita nila, nagkataon lang na nung panahon na 'yan mas gamit ang espanyol lalo na ng mga mayayaman. Kung baga 'yung tipo ng paghahalo nila ng wika noon ay parehas lang ng ingles ngayon.
Guys if you want to watch and react the full episodes of Maria Clara at Ibarra, there's an English subtitles on it if you watch it through "Bilibili" It's an app which you can use to watch the full episode of this series. Hoping to see your reaction from episode 1 . Gracias! ❤ .
or GMA network channel on youtube.
Tune in tomorrow for our reaction to the 1st episode.
@@czandriyeaduchannes9078 suss shot up kanalng
This drama is need to get featured on Netflix for International viewers.. Maria Clara and IBARRA is really beautiful but with very tragic lovestory... 💕
I already know the story but GMA excites me every day
The story won't change even if Klay would try to interfere. Crisostomo Ibarra is so in love and loyal to Maria Clara, they spent 7 years away from each other but still remained faithful. Another thing, Maria Clara is the biggest factor why Crisostomo Ibarra plotted revenge (El Filibusterismo).
"Jele-jele bago quiere" is a pidgin Spanish-Tagalog idiomatic expression which means that one pretends not to desire a thing but in fact, really wants it. Or vice versa, one tries to feign desires to do one thing but in reality hates to do it.
@@jakeoruas8198 Ngayon ko lang napansin na tagalog pala ng tsundere, pakipot HAHAHAHAHA
Hahahaa we translated it as "ese huevo quiere sal" that means a person who wants to make love hahaha
@@jakeoruas8198 yeahh kinda. Tapos ang ending sasabihin e yamete kudasai 😆😆
@@SolLunaTV that ese huevo quiere sal is sounds lascivious 😆😆
Jele-jele bago quiere” is a pidgin Spanish Tagalog idiomatic expression which means that one pretends not to desire a thing but in fact, really wants it. Or vice versa, one tries to feign desire to do one thing but in reality.
It is not pidgin, it’s Philippine Spanish.
Wow pati ibang bansa react nadin galing
✌🏼😊 *"Hele-hele bago quiere" (hé•le-hé•le bá•go ki•yé•re [o "kyé•re"])* is a Filipino saying in the Filipino language and from the Tagalog language (maybe, probably, or most likely from the Classical Tagalog language = a stage or phase of the Tagalog regional language from or between and around after 1565 to around after 1898) that mixed or mixes Tagalog language words with a or one Spanish language word. The more Filipino language translation in the available Filipino language subtitles, *"Kunwari ay ayaw pero gusto" (kun•wa•rì á•yaw pé•ro gus•tó)* , means *"(One who) pretends (or one who is pretending) not to like (or want), but (who still proceeds or continues to) like (or want) (in the end, after all, or afterwards)"* .
*"Hele" (hé•le)* is a word in the Filipino language from the Tagalog language that also means "pretension, bluff, or pretense" aside from meaning a "lullaby", "letting a baby, infant, or child sleep through or by singing a song about or relating to babies, infants, or children like a lullaby itself", or "action/s or word/s that express/es or show/s "cariño", "caricia", love, affection, attention, and/or care, or which attracts the same reaction". It is reduplicted maybe for emphasis and to emphasize its meaning of pretension or bluffing. *"Hele-hele"* , as a reduplicated or hyphenated compound word, is also a word in the Filipino language from the Tagalog language that also means, altogether, all, the whole, or the entire meaning of this saying, either used as a noun or as an adjective.
*"Bago" (bá•go)* is a word in the Filipino language from the Tagalog language that means "new, current, modern, recent, latest, advanced, up-to-date, state-of-the-art, or present-day" as an adjective and "before, prior to, previous to, preparatory to, preliminary to, in anticipation of, in advance of, ahead of, or previously" as an adverb, aside from a kind or type of tree and a small/er tree or shrub as a noun. Here in this saying, it is an adverb.
*"Quiere"* , on the other hand, is a word in the Spanish language from the Spanish word and verb in the infinitive form *"querer"* (to want/love) and conjugated in the present tense for any of the first-person personal pronouns "él, ella, o usted" (he, she, you [formal]). Here, it also means "likes" aside from "wants" or "loves", among others.
Yeah. It (the saying) is not in Spanish at all, but in a mix of the Tagalog language and the Spanish language. It is still being used as a saying in the Tagalog regional and auxiliary language and/or the Filipino national and official language, but it is not usually or commonly used, said, heard or listened nowadays, maybe because there are a lot more ways to say or express the same thing or the same meaning of the saying nowadays in Filipino and/or Tagalog language/s, and that also explains why it is still translated into Filipino language or has a Filipino language translation or subtitle like their other lines in Spanish language and Latin language for Filipino language and/or Tagalog language users and communicators to understand.
👋🏼😄🇵🇭 Buenas o hola, saludos y buenas noches desde aqui na Ciudad de Zamboanga aqui na Filipinas!
Noli Me Tangere is actually a novel written by Jose Rizal that seems fictional but actually based on the real situation of the Filipinos during the Spanish colonial Era. This is a depiction of how powerful the friars were and used the religion to oppress the Filipinos. Jose Rizal is basically Crisostomo Ibarra here. Who dreamed of a better Philippines, who studied In Madrid, Spain and were exposed to the liberal ideas of Europe. You'll see in this novel the desire of Jose Rizal and his personality to fight the oppression not in a bloody revolution. And you'll see his other personality expressed in the sequel novel.
We actually still call our Titas Tiya and Titos Tiyo until now. Since our parents are from Bicol. (South Luzon). Well, maybe not anymore with the millennials and Gen Z
Now I'm gonna tune in every episodes of maria clarra with you Sol y Luna Loveyou'sm! 🥰❤️
We hope so hahaha. This week we will post episodes 1-3
The real story is really heart breaking.
i had fun watching your reactions Sol & Luna. Maraming Salamat. Hanggang sa muli 😘
Omg can’t wait to see your reactions to the episodes. It honestly gets better and better as each episode progresses. Episode 12 comes out today and I’m getting really impatient to wait for it 😂
We also use tia and tio, for older aunties and uncles, tita and tito for younger or single aunts and uncles. But in the 1980's it became fashionable to just use tita and tito (to defy age implications).
Nice reaction very enjoy❤️😍❤️😍
You're welcome mga ate😊 Lezzz go 50k subs!!! 💙
17:24 - klay mom don’t want to leave her new husband. Cause she knows the feeling of being left. Klay’s dad left them.
Julie's version of AVE MARIA (Latin) in MCAI is amazing. 🤗
Yess up po❤️😍❤️😍
Noli Me Tangere followed by the sequel El Filibusterismo and finally the execution of Jose Rizal, many believe, spurred the Philippine Revolution against Spain. Ibarra, many believe, is actually Jose Rizal, and the town San Diego is actually Calamba, Laguna, Rizal's hometown. My grandmother and her family, who were fluent in Spanish, were Rizalistas who eventually joined the Katipunan rebellion.
They were present at his execution in 1896
‘jele jele bago quiere’ “one is pretending not to appear interested in something, though in reality one is desperate to have it.”
hi sol and luna thanks for supporting us.we love u.hope you two can learn and speak tagalog mixed with latin word
SolLunatic's don't skip the Ads please.
Thank you for giving reaction on the movie. Proud of being a filipino♥️
The actor who played Padre Damaso Verdolagas or simply Padre Damaso named Tirso Cruz III was a Philippine matinee idol in his era ('70s) and also singer as well, his nickname was Pip.
He gained popularity teaming up or love team with actress and singer Nora Aunor nicknamed Guy (on June 10, 2022 she was conferred as one of 2022 Order of National Artists of The Philippines for Film and Broadcast Arts category by former 16th Philippine President Rodrigo R. Duterte days before stepping down his post as President on June 30, 2022).
Even rising of today's love teams in the history of Philippine cinema, the team of Guy (Nora) and Pip (Tirso III) still existing when it comes to the fans especially the old generation.
i love your reaction videos, i hope you will react in every episode 😍
In the succeeding episodes po we ship Klay with Fidel. They always bicker and fight with each other, like a love-hate relationship.
Fidel is Ibarra's bestfriend. And they also have theories that maybe Fidel is the same as Klay. He's also trapped in the book. Because he was never a character in the Noli Me Tangere. There's no Fidel in Jose Rizal's novel. Also some people say that maybe he's the one who authored Klay's plagiarised work. Klay was task to do a book review of Noli Me Tangere because she was sleeping in Mr. Torres' Class (She's a working student). And she submitted a plagiarised work from internet, Mr. recognize the book review as his student's (another student whom he also tasked to do a review) that's why he gave her another version of the book and ask her to redo the task. And that book transported her to another world.
Cant wait :D you to watch el presidente!!
You guys are awesome!!
Maybe you should come visit hereoneday,
We are currently saving money to go.
barbie herself already told in an interview it will not be a love triangle, klay is just there to learn about the novel, and if you must know if GMA and the writers try to alter even the story of noli they can get sued by the national historical commission of the Philippines as we have a law about proper re-telling of historical events that it should be historically accurate. but anyway thank you for having interest in reacting to the series
but Noli Me Tangere is not a historical event. It is a work of fiction because it is a novel written by Rizal. Does it get included in that law? I mean, they already changed the story by adding a new character to it...
@@SolLunaTV That's true. Because it"s not actually an adaptation of Noli and it's also the reason why they had to change the title. It's a reimagined version of Noli. That's why there's a disclaimer at the beginning of each episodes. But if GMA created this drama for educational purposes, I don't think they will change anything either. And Klay, is just there to watch the story unfold, she can't change anything. You'll know on ep 3. :)
@@SolLunaTV technically she's just a medium on how gen z in our country can relate to rizal's works since most of the kids today here doesn't really like history subject and reading long books like noli me tangere. she was added, yes but the sequences in the series are still intact and the same try to react or watch it you will get what I mean. fillers are added for klay's character to have a purpose in the series you'll get it by the first 5 episodes of MCI. trust me as someone who had read both Noli and El fili I was amazed at how the writers injected klays role and character in the series for the sake of not revising the story. and yes they can't revise it although it is a fictional book. but out of all literary works and books from the 19th century Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo are one of the most sacred works in our history that should not be tarnished with respect to Rizal and the Heroes who died fighting for our freedom back then
@@SolLunaTV it make sense tbh, also they say at the beginning before the show started that the show is "based" on the book Noli by JPR.. they could still change the show.. but i don't think they will tho
Hele hele bago quiere significa, pretends no le gusta pero la verdad es que le gusta mucho
Sol and Luna , I love your channel ❤️❤️❤️
Always watching your vlog, from Philippines.
@@SolLunaTV walang anuman mga magagandang binibini 😊🥰
Waiting for your next vídeo.
It's a " Novel" that moved the " Spaniards" and they accused Dr.Jose Rizal of rebellion.
still waiting for your reaction to the episodes 😍
Yes , thank you🇵🇭 💖🇪🇸 please reaction video to the full episode 1 of Maria clara at ibarra 🥺🥺🥺🙏🙏🙏😘😘😘😘
Our reaction to ep 1 is out na
@@SolLunaTV thank you ❤️😘🙏🇪🇸🇵🇭видео.html
Hi guys, I'm waiting for your reaction per episode of Maria Clara and Ibarra😄 Godbless
Don't miss our reaction to episode 1 today!!!
You are welcome to watch all the episodes here in youtube. I am already addicted watching and expecting some twists in the story.
I'm team Maria Clara
You made me subscribe to ur channel 😅
hahaha thanks!
Padre salvi is the best representation of friars back then coz he is very mean
Btw other places like here in Visayas, we still use the term tia for aunt's but only a few adheres to it nowadays
I really like your content 😉
My favorite character in the novel is Elias. I love Klay and Fidel in the series even though they are just added. All aboard to #FiLay ship 🚢
my favorite so far is Madre Escucha
@@SolLunaTV Maria is so cute calling her
"Marites" is a abbreviation for "MARE, ano ang laTESt?"
Which means, "Friend, what is the latest?"(news or gossip) more on gossip.
Ooooooh we learned something new. Thanks!
Good example is, the ladies who circle around and talk about gossip. Talking about the lives of the other people.
Love a bunch 🥰❤️
julie ann will be singing ave maria in this series and i think she'll be playing the harp.
Noo guys, Barbie Forteza already confirmed that nothing will change in the original novel. I only ship Klay to Fidel, their chemistry is on top!
HAHAHAH truee, bagay sila Klay at Fidel 😍
Haha,,yes,,team Filay...
Hahaha yeah, theyre like cat and dog
Finally 😎
we are still using Tiya and Tiyo here in Cebu.
@@SolLunaTV tama in tagalog and sakto in cebuano. hehe
Hope you guys reacted to the Official Soundtrack of "Maria Clara at Ibarra": Babaguhin ang Buong Mundo, Sung by Julie Anne San Jose. Hope you love it!
I love! Can you react to the episodes? There is an english sub..:)
Check the early access babe
In the community tab
Yes on it! ❤️ thank you! ❤️
6:10 ang sinaunang back read
I love your reaction 😁👍♥️
Thank you!! 😁
There are full episodes on bilibili that has English subtitles. You can do a reaction videos on every episode
Please react to 4th Impact perfomances in Korea.
Hasta hora llamos nos Tias Tios como Tiya y Tiyo (se escribe en tagalog)
Hello Sol and Luna
Hola mi amor 💖
There is no nun in the home of Maria Clara. The nun is the one in charge of the dormitory in the convent where Maria Clara stays.
Yes, we realized after watching the episodes hahaha
I love you😘😘😘
Love you more
Marites - Mare anung latest (Sis, what's latest)
Hola Sol, Luna!
the characters crisostomo ibarra, maria clara, padre damaso etc are characters from the novel Dr. Jose Rizal wrote (the national hero) in spanish era. padre damaso is believed to be the biological father of maria clara and her father does not know about it, that's why padre damaso cares too much for maria clara and that's why she grew up with the nuns. so on and so forth...
Hi guys, I'm just curious in where did you find the AVP with English Sub because I can't find it in YT. Can I have the link please? I wanna show this to my friend salamatt!
Waiting for MCAI (by episode) reaction video
Our reaction to ep 1 is out naвидео.html
If you want to watch they have episode by episode in youtube
But the English subtitles for “María Clara at Ibarra” are on Bilibili
Esos nombres de esa serie suena muy hispano.
verdad que si!
Hele2 bago quiere means pretending not to like but in contrary.
Marites de brgy 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
There's a funny in the movie,during that time " Wala pang panty at bra "
Hele hele bago quiere..... Is old bastardized Spanish/Tagalog saying. What it means is you are pretending not to like something or someone but in fact you love that something or someone so much. You just don't want to make the first move so you will not appear cheap, over eager or easy. Basically, playing hard to get
Limitless Julie Anne San Jose.
This is the kind of drama that Filipino are waiting for... something classic, and yes, historical. Enough with the likes of darna that has nothing to do with reality, and "ang probinsiyano", which portrays stupidity and exaggeration...and a lot more that from ABS-CBN.
Ayaw means dont like
Mas realistic sana kung ginamit nila yung sinaunang Tagalog language.
Ganu'n naman po pananalita nila, nagkataon lang na nung panahon na 'yan mas gamit ang espanyol lalo na ng mga mayayaman. Kung baga 'yung tipo ng paghahalo nila ng wika noon ay parehas lang ng ingles ngayon.
Exactly. Basically, Crisostomo Ibarra and today's snobby and pretentious "wokes" who demand for validation are never far away from each other.
Fyi, Ibarra is not pretentious. He symbolizes Dr. Jose Rizal. You should read the novel for you to understand him
Ano ba naman tong kambal na to parang mga lasing kung magsalita hahahah
Que come que adivina?
julie ann will be singing ave maria in this series and i think she'll be playing the harp.