It's the the last run of N119 witch up until the 3/12/24 it was a V set from the 4/12/24 it has become a D set so yes it's the last run of a V set on N119 cause on the 4/12/24 it become N811
@daniellaparish3438 yes that is correct but as of Tuesday the 3 of December 2024 N119 ex V set run has become N811 Mariyung run so yes it's the last running of N119 with a V set running the service
Great video!
@ccntrainkid thanks very much glad u like it
What do you mean last day run of the v set.. that’s misinformation there will be more v set runs until the mariyungs get fully put out
Just telling you not tryna be rude.
It's the the last run of N119 witch up until the 3/12/24 it was a V set from the 4/12/24 it has become a D set so yes it's the last run of a V set on N119 cause on the 4/12/24 it become N811
on Tuesday it was their first official debut on central coast newcastle and central service.
Yes it was I was on the very first taking passenger service from Newcastle this video was flimed on that day and train
The V sets are around for awhile yet, only 2 D sets are clear
@daniellaparish3438 yes that is correct
but as of Tuesday the 3 of December 2024 N119 ex V set run has
become N811 Mariyung run so yes it's the last running of N119 with a V set running the service