remarkably good documentation about historic building practices, the upper floor was open, only some roster like floor with strips and boards to store food, all was full of smoke and sott to keep pests and insects away, during winter the whole family gathered around the open fireplace, which was a sand pit in the middle of the main room, when big enough there was a second layer of walls/and sliding doors around the main room,,,basically layerd insulation by paler walls….the paper was changed at rich household every spring,,,the tatamis every year only by the rich ones, the poor got the old tatamis from the rich as a downgrade,,,well documented in the „Golden Prince Monogatari“…..when food got scare some regions sent the young mothers to drawn their infants in the cold waterways,,,,it was a hard life and many left as soon as the Meiji regime gave possibilities to leave this system of house slavery…but it was that way all around the planet! and women got pregnant during long winters again and again,…so vanishing children during hunger winters was not an issue for those who had the power…. actually5cm insulation and 1“ of wood layers( alltogether) is far better than the original walls floors and ceilings but honestly, anything under 12-15 cm is fucking cold!
とても素人DIYとは思えぬ作業ですね😅 今年も楽しみにしています。 身体を第一に古民家宿頑張れ〜😊
ほんと時間がかかりますね。うちはゴミ出して床あげ コンクリート打つまで一年近くかかりましたし、それからも歪みとの戦いで時間経過があっという間、あと一年はかかると思います。 建物はあとどれくらいを見ているのですか??
そして茅葺きは凄いですね。想像もつきません。うちも茅葺きからコンクリート瓦 そして瓦と変わってきたようですけど当面このままの予定です。完成を楽しみにうちも作業を進めますね! てはでは。
そうなんですね。うちも外壁はプロに頼みましたよ。 それでも修正しながらなので多い時には6人入って約3ヶ月。うちら二人(奥さんと二人メインでやってます)だといつおわるか??😂
remarkably good documentation about historic building practices, the upper floor was open, only some roster like floor with strips and boards to store food, all was full of smoke and sott to keep pests and insects away, during winter the whole family gathered around the open fireplace, which was a sand pit in the middle of the main room, when big enough there was a second layer of walls/and sliding doors around the main room,,,basically layerd insulation by paler walls….the paper was changed at rich household every spring,,,the tatamis every year only by the rich ones, the poor got the old tatamis from the rich as a downgrade,,,well documented in the „Golden Prince Monogatari“…..when food got scare some regions sent the young mothers to drawn their infants in the cold waterways,,,,it was a hard life and many left as soon as the Meiji regime gave possibilities to leave this system of house slavery…but it was that way all around the planet! and women got pregnant during long winters again and again,…so vanishing children during hunger winters was not an issue for those who had the power….
actually5cm insulation and 1“ of wood layers( alltogether) is far better than the original walls floors and ceilings but honestly, anything under 12-15 cm is fucking cold!