Smug Karen decided she now owns my land! Sends Surveyors! I Am the Owner r/MaliciousCompliance

  • Опубликовано: 18 сен 2024

Комментарии • 75

  • @robertrickett7816
    @robertrickett7816 26 дней назад +40

    In high school I worked at a full service gas station, a guy stopped, he was a regular, ten bucks he says. Ten bucks later he hands me a bill, and charges off, I look at the bill, it's a 100 dollar bill. I go to the register, put the bill away, take out his change, write his name, what the change was for, and the date. The next day the same guy stops by, he comes charging into the office, making threats of violence, if he doesn't get his change. I grabbed the envelope, walked around the desk, and suggested he chill the F out, or I'd make him cry. He backed away from me, he could see I wasn't in a good mood, and he put me there. Then I held up the envelope, he read it, I asked, do you have anything to say now? He grabbed the envelope, and ran, never to return, apparently he preferred paying higher prices down the road. Bullies are cowards, stand up to their BS, and they'll run away every time.

    • @jefferykaplan4400
      @jefferykaplan4400 26 дней назад +7

      It's not you're fault he didn't pay attention. You did the right thing.

    • @Spore9996
      @Spore9996 25 дней назад +6

      What a pathetic bully, hahaha. Scratch that, they're all pathetic! Good on you, bud.

    • @jikook7457
      @jikook7457 25 дней назад +3

      People suck and can't handle or admit when they are wrong. Good for u for being confident enough to stand up for urself and put that butthole in his place. U could've just taken his change because how's he going to prove it was at ur place where he messed up and gave the wrong bill?, but u didn't. He should've been appreciative for ur honesty.

    • @kimmccarthy7747
      @kimmccarthy7747 25 дней назад +4

      Lucky you had the change for a $100 bill. At the station I work, which is a lot like the one in Story Number 1, we aren't really supposed to even accept 100s, because we aren't supposed to keep enough extra money in our drawers to make the change. If two people should come in and pay for $2 sodas with a 100 they can clean our drawers out, and then we are stuck, unable to accept cash until we happen to get enough people buying gas with twenties to give us the money to buy more small bills. But the number of people who evidently get paid in 100s and then expect us to break them is ridiculous. They get really mad if we try to refuse them, too. There is a change maker for 100s in our gambling room, but they never want to go in there and waste their time. So we risk our jobs by delaying making bank drops so we have a few extra 20s for their clowns, or lottery scratcher winners.

    • @robertrickett7816
      @robertrickett7816 25 дней назад +1

      @@kimmccarthy7747 We didn't take 100$ bills either, we had a cash box, but we didn't have a drop box, this was in the late 70s, I was lucky to have a calculator

  • @JessyDupre
    @JessyDupre 25 дней назад +10

    Shoplifters: When I was working as a cashier, I caught some guys from out of town trying to steal 3 bottles of high-priced alcohol. I know they were high priced because after I asked them if anyone had run up the alcohol in their cart yet, they tried to deny that they had any alcohol in their cart. They were hiding it under a 20-pound bag of ice. I smiled, nodded, walked around the till and I could see the *horror* on their faces as I *flipped the bag of ice.* See, I saw the bottle of alcohol sticking out from under their bag, but they were too busy adjusting the bag of ice to hide the alcohol from the cashier on the next line over. They didn't know I saw the one bottle and when I flipped the bag of ice, I found the other two bottles. I immediate picked up the bottles and in the most sickly-sweet voice said, "Oh, I only saw the *one* bottle. *Here.* let me *ring these up for you.* "
    Their total went from $4 to $284 in about 5.3 seconds flat. They didn't have the money for the alcohol and had to call in their *buddies* from the car to *help them pay* because they knew they were caught. Never saw those guys again, but I still feel great about the fact that I prevented a $280 theft by just being observant and sickly sweet to the thieves. ^_^

  • @merlinathrawes746
    @merlinathrawes746 25 дней назад +3

    Prepay story: OP, that was great that your manager followed your lead about needing those instructions put into writing. Well done.
    Shoplifting story: OP, too bad you didn't get your phone out and video them in the act.
    Fence story: The garden structures, trees and flagpoles were deliberately placed to increase THEIR yard, the heck with the legalities of it.

  • @jikook7457
    @jikook7457 25 дней назад +10

    It's both hilarious and ridiculous that people think because "our neighbors u bought ur house from let us do xyz." Cool! I'd suggest that "Perhaps u should find out where they moved to and buy the lot next to them because I'm going to use the entirety of MY property the way I want. Not the way U want." That should get the message across loud and clear. 😊

    • @jsivco3sivco785
      @jsivco3sivco785 25 дней назад +1

      "U" is NOT a word!! YOU should have stayed in school.

    • @jikook7457
      @jikook7457 25 дней назад +1

      @jsivco3sivco785 why would I waste time typing everything out for people like U karen?! I have a computer programming degree. A microcomputer degree. An accounting degree. A business management degree. What have U done, troll?

  • @tranz2deep
    @tranz2deep 25 дней назад +1

    Good stories, Red. (If anyone's ever seen a repeated line in clips like this, it's likely a glitch in the splicing utility used to construct the clip. Please be tolerant, folks, people like Red help us retain what shreds of sanity we have left.)

  • @mechtim
    @mechtim 25 дней назад +2

    Retail workers are not allowed to accuse customers of stealing because they have done so in the past and there may have been a class action lawsuit because of it.

  • @bobm5951
    @bobm5951 26 дней назад +12

    Last story - It is YOUR property. F the neighbors and their yard junk. Remove their illegally play stuff and put up your fence. Or keep the stuff and put up your fence it is on your property.

    • @bigdaddio1959
      @bigdaddio1959 25 дней назад +3

      You should always know the boundaries of your property. Depending on the state, if a neighbor uses your property for a number of years (usually 5-7 years) they can legally claim that property through doctrine of adverse possession. There also is something know as prescriptive easement. Usually takes 10 to 20 years of use, but you could be required to allow the neighbor continued use. For example, you buy a house and notice the neighbor drive through part of your yard to reach a garage. If this has been occurring for 10 years (again depends on the state), you may be required to continue allowing that access as an easement.

    • @bobm5951
      @bobm5951 25 дней назад +3

      @@bigdaddio1959 Once I own the property, whatever was Allowed in the past is Irrelevant.

    • @bigdaddio1959
      @bigdaddio1959 25 дней назад +3

      @@bobm5951 unfortunately that is not how some laws work. It becomes a court battle, if that is what parties want.

    • @huntjl88
      @huntjl88 24 дня назад +1

      @@bigdaddio1959 that 5 to 7 is when they have paid taxes on it or attained a deed for it. Plus is In only some states around 17. Other wise it can be 10 to 20 years of proven use. The rest of the states it is from 10 to 20 no mater what has been paid or done.

  • @johnwarner6858
    @johnwarner6858 25 дней назад +3

    I worked in construction. When managers would ask me to do something idiotic or dangerous I would always ask them to write it out so I could understand what they wanted. They would leave me alone and look for another victim. When I would take a managers place I would read company guide lines about interesting things. Like how to order employee's into dangerous situations. One of my favorites was how to order people into locations with explosive concentrations of gas or hazardous chemicals without equipment. This was an international company that wanted the job done and did not care about employees.

    • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
      @HappilyHomicidalHooligan 25 дней назад +1

      Did you quietly make copies of those sections and then call OSHA and the Department of Labor? Both Agencies would have a Field Day hammering your Company flat...

  • @jsivco3sivco785
    @jsivco3sivco785 25 дней назад +1

    ALWAYS have a survey done when buying a house! Know exactly where the property lines are.

  • @kitsuneneko2567
    @kitsuneneko2567 26 дней назад +5

    Its not because they could be wrong, its because they could be sued and have a realistic chance of losing.

    • @roncrouch4090
      @roncrouch4090 25 дней назад +2

      And that's why smart stores have cameras and prosecute all theft

    • @evknucklehead
      @evknucklehead 22 дня назад

      It takes time and resources to gather the evidence needed to successfully prosecute someone. Some companies figure that it isn't worth the effort, while others are willing to do whatever they can to keep it under control.
      A couple examples of how companies I used to work for handled theft:
      One store I used to work for had the policy that if you suspected someone, the manager on duty was to follow them out to the parking lot and note down their license plate number. No direct confrontations, just let the police track them down later. Sadly, that company went out of business after the sole owner of the chain got tired of losing money and sold it off to a liquidation company. Only a handful of locations and the online presence remained open, which were sold to another company but continued the brand name.
      Another company I worked for was very serious about theft. Cameras everywhere that were recording everything, carefully following suspects' movements throughout the store, and would even close the public restrooms (where for obvious reasons there were no cameras) if they were tracking a suspect. While they still didn't make direct confrontations within the store, they had plain clothed security personnel that would intercept the suspects once they got outside, even handcuffing them and taking them to the security office until the police arrived. Even this didn't stop a considerable amount of theft that occurred, and eventually that (along with struggling to compete with online stores like Amazon, problems keeping products on the shelves due to issues with suppliers, and the loss of customers due to COVID) led to that company also going out of business.

  • @Firsttac1
    @Firsttac1 25 дней назад +4

    In high school I stopped at a store with a friend of mine. When we walked out of the store, their security guy grabbed us both by the collars. He accused us both of stealing something. I popped the receipt out of my pocket and asked if we could go back inside the store so I could call the cops to arrest him for assaulting me. I was livid. He kind of freaked out and let go of me and we left. It turns out that the reason he grabbed us was because he saw my friend grab something and he assumed that I did too. So I saved my friend … and decided to hang out with better people after that.

  • @lewischase
    @lewischase 26 дней назад +7

    Good morning everyone and RedWheel 😊
    Hope everyone has a great day 😊

  • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
    @HappilyHomicidalHooligan 25 дней назад +2

    Fence Story: This is why when you buy a Property, ALWAYS GET A SURVEY to verify exactly where the Property Lines are and what, if any, encroachments or problems (Drainage issues etc.) may exist with the Property...also, your Real Estate Agent is required to do a full Title Search on the Property and that will reveal any Easements or Restrictions (HOA's etc.) are attached to the Deed/Title that you might see as a No Go Issue that stops you from buying the Property...

  • @tkill7693
    @tkill7693 26 дней назад +6

    Howdy people

    • @lorettaross2007
      @lorettaross2007 26 дней назад +4

      Howdy friend!

    • @crimsonfirelily
      @crimsonfirelily 26 дней назад +4


    • @lorettaross2007
      @lorettaross2007 26 дней назад +4

      @@crimsonfirelily Good morning, friend! How are you this morning? Sending p- vibes your way! If it doesn't rain, I'm going to mow the lawn today. The tomatoes are piling up on the kitchen counter, so I should get them in the freezer. There is a lot of things to do! Hope you have a great day! Catch you later!

    • @crimsonfirelily
      @crimsonfirelily 26 дней назад +4

      @lorettaross2007 Thank you, Loretta 🧡 back at you of you, of course!

  • @mattmcdewell131
    @mattmcdewell131 26 дней назад +3

    love the way you read the stories😊🎉

  • @wfcoaker1398
    @wfcoaker1398 25 дней назад +1

    As a Leftie Christian, I believe what Martin Luther said "The poor man hath title to the goods of the wealthy". But, hand sanitizer?? Lol

  • @welshdragonfunhunter3461
    @welshdragonfunhunter3461 26 дней назад +6

    Hello RedWheel hope you are well. Thanks for sharing. Please stay safe.🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿😁😷👍. Have a great day and the final week of August everyone

  • @sapjap172
    @sapjap172 21 день назад

    I believe the 'No Confrontation' policy for shoplifters was initially implemented because of incidents of armed shoplifters attacking the confronting employee. It was decided that stolen merch was less of a loss than human life.

  • @leighreganarblaster9852
    @leighreganarblaster9852 25 дней назад +1

    This next neighbours want half of their neighbours back yard because they greedy. Even with a land land survey. This neighbour clam this surveyor is wrong because he said so. This knew he was ten feet of back yard. I would give any of the yard to them.

  • @susanvanophem4569
    @susanvanophem4569 26 дней назад +5

    Darn #2. 😅😂❤ Everyone have a great weekend.

  • @stephenlucietto4681
    @stephenlucietto4681 25 дней назад +3

    Well in NEW JERSEY all we did was wait till they go thru the POS or out thru the store doors them we can stop them

    • @jsivco3sivco785
      @jsivco3sivco785 25 дней назад +1

      ALSO, when it comes to buying gasoline, there isn't self-service in NJ!

  • @davidvalenta9394
    @davidvalenta9394 21 день назад

    retail theft needs to be stopped every time, every store.
    we can see where that entitlement leads to, and what lack of parenting has already led to.

  • @annbeirne9583
    @annbeirne9583 11 дней назад

    I cannot understand why people feel they can steal at all. They don't realise that when they steal from any shops or Gas stations that the cost is passed on to the trustworthy people who would never think of ever stealing!

  • @papabear9715
    @papabear9715 25 дней назад +1

    The first story where the customer pumps gas then leaves some people call that a "gas run".

  • @HappilyHomicidalHooligan
    @HappilyHomicidalHooligan 25 дней назад +2

    Manager: You need to know which Rules to follow!
    Me I already know which ones to follow...All of them!

  • @josephmachnik7488
    @josephmachnik7488 20 дней назад

    During high school and college, I worked for a major retailer. During which time the head of security took shop lifters very seriously, and would go after anyone who shop lifted by filing police reports, charging them, etc. The company found this was not cost effective and ended up firing them. After that all you could do is watch, turn into the police (depending on the amount), and hope the cops get them.

  • @jefferykaplan4400
    @jefferykaplan4400 26 дней назад +2

    As to the first story if op did what the vp wanted op eould have been fired. As to the second story thise girls should be banned from the store. The buisnesses shouldnt have to cave into shoplifters. Yhe criminals serm to have more rights then honest people. As to the last story the neighbors knew what they were doing. They should have planned better if they wanted another garage.

  • @wfcoaker1398
    @wfcoaker1398 25 дней назад +1

    I'm learning Portuguese. In Brazilian Portuguese, they tend to stick an 'i' after consinants. For example, Netflix is pronounced "Nechiflixi". I call Redwheel Reggiewheelie. Lol

  • @Sparky102970
    @Sparky102970 23 дня назад +1

    Shoplifting story, 😂😂😂op: kids come in and steal stuff.
    Also, op: we're not allowed to do anything about the theft. 😂😂
    I wonder why it keeps happening🤔 😂😂
    In a store with rules like that I would literally do nothing about people stealing. If that's what corporate wants, then that's what they'll get. Smh

  • @kevinkunkel9444
    @kevinkunkel9444 18 дней назад

    The problem isn't the fear of hurting someone's feelings. The problem is the girl could have easily had a weapon in that fanny pack. She could have attacked the manager. The manager could have been hurt or died. The store would then be held liable. On the other hand, let's say the person had been innocent. The store could be sued for that, as well as any injuries suffered by the manager. Regrettably, it's cheaper to let the shoplifters get away with it, then pass the cost to the consumer.

  • @thecatsmith
    @thecatsmith 25 дней назад +1

    Shortly after 8:40 there's a audio blip

  • @bryanlarson1605
    @bryanlarson1605 25 дней назад +1

    Gas station story: Sauce for teh goose goes good with the gander lol

  • @gggiiillllllyyy
    @gggiiillllllyyy 21 день назад

    It's not we could be wrong and hurt people's feelings. it's we could be wrong and sued which will cost way more than 1$ in lost product.

  • @lewischase
    @lewischase 26 дней назад +4


  • @patricialadd520
    @patricialadd520 18 дней назад +1


  • @darkchia00
    @darkchia00 26 дней назад +2


  • @alexius23
    @alexius23 25 дней назад +1


  • @jbllc6873
    @jbllc6873 26 дней назад +1

    Anyone know the name of an up to date “nuclear revenue” type version of this channel?

    • @deantodd8103
      @deantodd8103 25 дней назад +1

      I think autocorrect messed with you. I'm guessing you meant to write "nuclear revenge," not "nuclear revenue."

  • @mousepariah3884
    @mousepariah3884 12 дней назад

    Not gonna lie I misunderstood the shoplifter story at first thinking the first thief POURED the hand sanitizer into her drink as a means of 'drinking the alcohol' ...cause well teenagers are dumb as hell sometimes.

  • @kayvaanmcsharrowkyn6901
    @kayvaanmcsharrowkyn6901 25 дней назад +1

    Last story, I literally would have said to them this is my yard I'm putting up a fence anything of yours that is on my yard I will be putting back on your yard and that's it and anything else they said I would just laugh in their face loud like if they were trying to talk to me no know I would be laughing hard and I would laugh harder if they got louder and louder they got the more I would laugh in the louder I would laugh while pointing in their face saying no no no no no no no no haha ha ha ha ha ha no no no no no no no no no no haha so forth and so on..... This would result in them hitting me which would then result in them getting knocked on their ass and then they would go to jail for assaulting me as I simply defended myself they'd have a broken nose and they would have to deal with their medical bills I would then sue them for the assault and the trespass and theft of my property which I would then win because yes some paper from the 70s and you owned this something grandfather clause blah blah blah.... no sorry there's a thing called GPS and modern surveillance and that's how it works so you can rub that right on your chest and that's how I deal with that and then I build my nice big fence because big fences make the best neighbors

    • @jsivco3sivco785
      @jsivco3sivco785 25 дней назад +1

      To be fair, I would give the neighbors a couple weeks, maybe even a month, to move their garden gnomes and flag pole from my side of the property line. After that time, my fence goes up, giving me the right to dispose of whatever is there.

  • @jbllc6873
    @jbllc6873 26 дней назад +2

    I love how so many of your thumbnails are clickbait tiddes, completely irrelevant to the stories.😆

    • @hellefur7861
      @hellefur7861 26 дней назад +2

      I never read the titles, only see RedWheel, and goes yes❤

    • @madgevanness4011
      @madgevanness4011 25 дней назад +3

      Well, they’re usually sorta related.

    • @jamessimms415
      @jamessimms415 25 дней назад

      Write yourself, then. Obviously you say you can do better. If you’re a man of your word, you’ll do it. Otherwise quit your b**ching & complaining 😊

  • @lorettaross2007
    @lorettaross2007 26 дней назад +2

    Good morning, friend and friends! Can't make everyone happy! Very smart covering your butt! Great stories, thanks for sharing them! Catch you again later!

    • @crimsonfirelily
      @crimsonfirelily 26 дней назад +2

      👋Good morning, Loretta! It's finally getting a little bit cooler here also. Just a little, but enough to make a difference!
      I hope you have a good weekend! Mine should slow down a bit, finally.
      Sending you lots of positive vibes!🥰🤗

    • @lorettaross2007
      @lorettaross2007 26 дней назад +2

      @@crimsonfirelily Thank you!!!

  • @PuncherOfAbs
    @PuncherOfAbs 26 дней назад +1

    Oh the manager VP story is priceless