Oh Little Town of Bethlehem - Matthew 2:1-9; Micah 5:2 - Skip Heitzig

  • Опубликовано: 19 окт 2024

Комментарии • 9

  • @dspvarma3220
    @dspvarma3220 10 месяцев назад

    Thanks for this message

  • @elisabethc.9191
    @elisabethc.9191 2 года назад +1

    Thank you so much for all these wonderful lessons!! They really help me understand a lot. Hugs and love from Austria

  • @mannasav
    @mannasav 4 года назад +4

    Absolutely Outstanding and Inspiring truths!

  • @ronhedgren2775
    @ronhedgren2775 3 года назад

    I love your knowledge but your hard to follow, your all over the place!!❤🙏❤🙏

  • @amelshawky4818
    @amelshawky4818 Год назад

    May I ask where are you now and why you don't upload more videos?

  • @bibletranslator3121
    @bibletranslator3121 2 года назад

    My personal Translation.
    1 Now when JESUS was born in Bethlehem of Judæa in the days of King Herod the great,
    behold! Wizards from the Orient arrived in Jerusalem,
    2 saying: Where is the King of the Jews who has been born? For we observed his Star in the
    East, and are come to kneel down before him.
    3 And in hearing these things, Herod the King was shocked, and the whole of Jerusalem with
    4 And congregating all Archpriests & Scribes of the public, he demanded from them where
    CHRIST should be born.
    5 And so they said unto him: In Bethlehem of Judæa; for thus it is written in the Prophecy:
    6 Even thou O Bethlehem, in the Kingdom of Judah, art in no wise the weakest amongst the
    Clans of Judah; for out of thee shall come forth the Monarch, who shall govern Israel, my
    7 Then Herod, had the Wizards summoned in secrecy, and he ascertained from them the date
    of the Star's phenomenon.
    8 And sending them into Bethlehem, he said: Go thither & investigate the exact whereabouts of
    the infant; and when ye have found him, send me an errand, so that I may come & pay homage
    to him as well.
    9 And so, having listened to the King, they journeyed onwards; and lo! The Star, which they had
    seen in the East, it was moving in front of them so that it approached, and stood above the
    dwelling where the infant was.
    10 And after observing the Star, they cheered merrily very loud.
    11 And when they were entered into the adobe, they beheld the infant with Mary his mother, and
    bowing down low, they adored him. And uncovering their hidden treasures, they bestowed unto
    him gifts; pure gold, bitterest myrrh, and white incense.
    12 And whilst sleeping, the Wizards received a dream warning them that they should not reply
    to Herod; so they left, returning to their homeland along a different route.
    13 And after their departure, behold! An Angel of our Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream,
    saying: Awakening, take the infant, and his mother, and runaway into Ægypt, and live there until
    I bring thee word! For the future holds that Herod will seek the infant to assassinate him.
    14 Then rising up in the night, he took the infant & his mother, and fled for Ægypt;
    15 and they remained there unto the time of Herod's death; this event fulfilled what was spoken
    through the Prophet from the LORD, saying: I have called my Son out of Ægypt.
    16 Then Herod, perceiving that the Wizards had misled him, went manically irate, and he
    commanded to have every infant boy living in Bethlehem, and in all the neighboring settlements,
    massacred, from two years of age & under; according to the date, which he had forsought from
    the Wizards.
    17 These things fulfilled what was spoken through the Prophet Jeremiah, saying:
    18 In the highlands a voice is heard crying out lamentations, and great mourning; Rachel
    bewails her sons, and is unwilling to be soothed, for they are nought.
    19 Nevertheless as Herod died, behold! An Angel of our Lord appeareth in Ægypt to Joseph
    whiles he dreamt,
    20 saying: Waking up, take the boy, and his mother, and travel into the country of Israel! Indeed
    death has come to those who warranted the child's life.
    21 So when Joseph awoke, he brought the boy & his mother, and entered into the region of
    22 However, after hearing that Archelaus ruled as Duke of Judæa, succeeding Herod his father,
    he feared to go further; notwithstanding, being admonished in a dream, he turned aside into the
    estates of Galilee.
    23 So having arrived, he resided in the village named Nazareth; in fulfillment of what was said
    by the Prophets: That he shall be dubbed, Of Nazareth..

  • @Jack-vy2vx
    @Jack-vy2vx Год назад +1

    ‎וְאַתָּ֞ה בֵּֽית־לֶ֣חֶם אֶפְרָ֗תָה צָעִיר֙ לִֽהְיוֹת֙ בְּאַלְפֵ֣י יְהוּדָ֔ה
    ‎מִמְּךָ֙ לִ֣י יֵצֵ֔א לִֽהְי֥וֹת מוֹשֵׁ֖ל בְּיִשְׂרָאֵ֑ל וּמוֹצָֽאֹתָ֥יו מִקֶּ֖דֶם מִימֵ֥י עוֹלָֽם:
    And you, Bethlehem Ephrathah-you should have been the youngest ( or unworthiest ) among the clans (or authorities) of Judah-from you he shall emerge for Me, to be a ruler over Israel; and his origins is from of old, from days of yore. (Micha 5:1)
    Why is Bethlehem unworthy of being part of the clans of Judah ?
    Is this referring to Messiah ? And does he have to be born in Bethlehem?
    The answer of one, includes the other.
    The only reason that makes the unworthiness congruent is to consider that the verse is referring to King David’s family, and he is being identified by his birth place, “Bethlehem”.
    And the “unworthiness” is because of the stigma of Ruth the Moabitess that is among them.
    For there is no other biblically sensible association to Bethlehem as “unworthy, lowly”. And, knowing that the Messiah emerges from King David, it makes perfect sense to say that this “ruler” is said to emerge from him, this family.
    The verse then elaborates, “Whose origins are from the earliest Davidic line, and whose eventual existence was known to God from long ago.”
    Applying the Christian interpretation without a reference to “King David’s family” makes absolutely no sense.
    1. For in what sense was the actual “place” of Bethlehem unworthy, less, or, literally, “younger”? There is no Biblical support to consider.
    2. According to them, Bethlehem is a place, and not a family to be contrasted to a “clan” or “authority”, so as to be contrasted with the clans or authorities of Judah. (It makes perfect coherent sense, however, if King David’s family is being contrasted with other families or authorities among Judah)
    3. There is absolutely nothing remarkable about saying that the Messiah is born is Bethlehem. (On the other hand, saying the Messiah has his origins in the great King David makes perfect sense)
    4. We know that the Messiah is always associated to king David, it makes so much more sense to attribute the messianic figure to King David, as opposed to affiliating the Messiah to some place. Given the choice, one should definitely go for the obvious.

  • @VondaInWonderland
    @VondaInWonderland 7 лет назад

    Where is the cute little song?

  • @sarahsnow4279
    @sarahsnow4279 6 лет назад

    Skip I wish you would preach more hell and brimstone I know that might sound awful but it is true it isn't all nice. Why spare peoples feelings it is being scared that made me get serious in my walk.