Thank you for all your wonderful support, it makes me feel really grateful. I hope you all keep in touch and stay tuned for future covers. You can also check out more Disney Covers in my RUclips Channel and feel free to Subscribe :)
This is my favourite Aladin song seriously they should cast you for the part of Aladin! You would be Awesome at it!
2 года назад
Hey first of all I’d like to personally welcome you to my channel and secondly but not least important I would like to thank you very much for your comment. Means a lot to me reading lovely supporting words like yours. I’d love to play Aladdin, who knows hehe 🙌🏽
OMG Love it. Tu interpretación y proyección y la voz on point! By the way, ese estilo de outfit te queda brutal. Me disfrute mucho este video mi amor! Te amo 😘
3 года назад
Thank you mi amor!! Sabes que sin tu apoyo no podría lograr muchas cosas. TE AMO!
Thank you for all your wonderful support, it makes me feel really grateful. I hope you all keep in touch and stay tuned for future covers. You can also check out more Disney Covers in my RUclips Channel and feel free to Subscribe :)
Damn, you scream Aladdin energy, I love it
Thank you! I really love the movie haha
just found Aladdin in real life , love your voice !
I’m honored by that! Thank you so much hehe!
YAAAAAAASSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! This is sooooooo freaking amazing!!!!!! GODDDDDDDD
Hahahaha!!! I'm really happy you jumped ahead hahaha
Holy crap, how has this not gotten more recognition? It’s amazing, definitely one of my favorite covers so far!
Thank you so much for this! Means a lot!
Hey thanks!
Love this it’s great
Thanks for that! Hope you enjoy the rest.
Amazing. I even made mine starring myself as Aladdin and Imhotep’s red turbans from the mummy movies with Brendan Fraser as the palace guards
That’s so cool man!
Aladdin sequel should definitely cast you. Have you recorded Proud of your boy? You will definitely do great in that as well.
That would be a dream come true. Thank you so much for such a great feedback. I hope you enjoy the rest of the Covers!
This is my favourite Aladin song seriously they should cast you for the part of Aladin! You would be Awesome at it!
Hey first of all I’d like to personally welcome you to my channel and secondly but not least important I would like to thank you very much for your comment. Means a lot to me reading lovely supporting words like yours. I’d love to play Aladdin, who knows hehe 🙌🏽
Khris I love your own take and interpretation of Aladdin’s (Mena Masouds) outfit from the film
Hey!!! Yes! I wanted to show that I also can be Aladdin haha, thank you for your support!
@ your welcome
Esooooo!! Brutal Brutal!
Gracias Hery!
Me gusta tu flow ❤️ Great video
Gracias Ash!! Me alegra que lo hayas disfrutado!
OMG Love it. Tu interpretación y proyección y la voz on point! By the way, ese estilo de outfit te queda brutal. Me disfrute mucho este video mi amor! Te amo 😘
Thank you mi amor!! Sabes que sin tu apoyo no podría lograr muchas cosas. TE AMO!
Thanks for that!
Fantastic! I would like to sing "A whole new world" with you
Hey! Thank you very much for this. Check my “A Whole New World” Cover in my channel and let’s make the featuring happen!