2 years ago I had a problem with my Vulcan...... had to fix the switch on the side of the road.... found that light weight motor oil worked well for me.... just a drop or 2 on the contact areas.... with grease, it builds up and doesn't lubricate well over any good length of time... I am a fan of di-electric grease, but for more stationary points of contact, the oil has been my favorite so far- keep in mind that there are many solutions...
What did you use to lubricate that blinker switch after you cleaned it?
2 years ago I had a problem with my Vulcan...... had to fix the switch on the side of the road.... found that light weight motor oil worked well for me.... just a drop or 2 on the contact areas.... with grease, it builds up and doesn't lubricate well over any good length of time... I am a fan of di-electric grease, but for more stationary points of contact, the oil has been my favorite so far- keep in mind that there are many solutions...
hello sir! i have honda vtx 1800 engine noise , need u help, what city you living? im in nyc, i can pay for you help! thank you
I wouldn't let him fix my wife's vibrator let alone my VTX.
Finally uses tri pod, then blocks the view. SMH