Kurzweil SP6 Stage Piano - All Playing, No Talking!

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024
  • Find exclusive Kurzweil SP6 BUNDLES at Kraft Music:
    Chris Martirano plays the Kurzweil SP6 stage piano at Kraft Music.
    Want to hear more playing?
    • Kurzweil SP6 Stage Pia...
    The Kurzweil SP6 stage piano follows in the footsteps of the Forte and PC3 series, putting sound quality, depth of control, and simple operation within easy reach. Powered by Kurzweil's LENA processor, the SP6 contains two gigabytes of sounds, including optimized High Definition Japanese Grand and German D Grand pianos and a wide selection of additional sounds from the Forte, Forte SE, PC3 series, and Kore 64 expansion. The SP6 also features an array of easy access front panel controllers, pedal inputs with half-damper support, and a fully-weighted hammer-action keyboard. Weighing in at only 27 pounds, the SP6 is lighter than any previous Kurzweil professional 88-key model.
    Get more for your money with an exclusive Kurzweil SP6 stage piano bundle from Kraft Music. These package deals include the accessories you'll need to get the most out of your new digital piano, all for one low price. If you have any questions, please give us a call. Our knowledgeable Sales Advisors will be happy to assist in choosing the bundle that's right for you!

Комментарии • 40

  • @luigipod
    @luigipod 7 лет назад +2

    The bass with the slap sensitive to velocity is so cool !

  • @axs203
    @axs203 6 лет назад +1

    Fantastic playing

  • @pianokeysolution9047
    @pianokeysolution9047 7 лет назад +5

    Great Playing :)

  • @elecale
    @elecale 7 лет назад +7

    We need the SP6-7!!

    • @EverettDudgeon138
      @EverettDudgeon138 6 лет назад +1

      elecale Or SP8! Preferably with more zones and an on board sequencer

  • @douglasferreira7614
    @douglasferreira7614 7 лет назад +3

    Como eu gostaria de um desses aqui 😍😍😍

  • @ElderVCosta
    @ElderVCosta 5 лет назад +1

    Nice instrument. I like the song that starts at 9:51. The intro looks familiar somehow. What song is this?

  • @MrZBKMan
    @MrZBKMan 6 лет назад +1

    Anywhere we can hear the rest of the epianos? How easy to add/remove effects on the fly

  • @Shmynkellbonkenstein
    @Shmynkellbonkenstein 6 лет назад +1

    Sounds a bit like alundra for ps1 at 1:30

  • @dyfferendstajli
    @dyfferendstajli 6 лет назад +5


  • @Shmynkellbonkenstein
    @Shmynkellbonkenstein 6 лет назад

    Looks like a cool synth by the way...

  • @marike1100
    @marike1100 7 лет назад

    Good price, definitely interested in hearing more, Kurzweil makes great keyboards.

  • @rogerseacombe7037
    @rogerseacombe7037 5 лет назад +5

    A 61 or 76 key version of this would be great

  • @Shmynkellbonkenstein
    @Shmynkellbonkenstein 6 лет назад +3

    Chrono trigger theme in the beginning of the video!

  • @amirprog
    @amirprog 5 лет назад

    Does it have monophonic lead sounds? Which keybed action model does it use?

  • @lenardwei9455
    @lenardwei9455 7 лет назад +4

    Am I the only One wishing for more demo time/examples of the bread and butter sounds? No Wurli, Organ? Just one of the different gp's? I mean, the SP6 does have all those other sounds, sure, but come on no one's gonna buy it for it's guitar sounds... was very excited to see that FINALLY someone's demoing it on the Internet, but now I feel I'm not much wiser than before. Too bad because specwise it looks like a very interesting board

  • @coolandmellow
    @coolandmellow 6 лет назад

    Have you ever tried the Korg Krome 88 im about to pull the trigger but can`t decide on Krome 88 ,Kurzweill SP7,Roland DS88 , Yamaha MX88,Kross 2 88.So the budget is around 1000-1300 but the Krome is on the higher end like 1500 but its a little more superior in capabilities i think and has a touch screen.

    • @miguelrejas5034
      @miguelrejas5034 6 лет назад +1

      Krome? Hell no! Roland RD300nx is still much more interesting board.

  • @edwarhotchkyss4197
    @edwarhotchkyss4197 5 лет назад +2

    Is hammer action?

  • @izaquegomesdyandrade7172
    @izaquegomesdyandrade7172 4 года назад

    Lindo som

  • @chendokilos9418
    @chendokilos9418 7 лет назад

    how much is it,what is its price,can you tell me? And is this keabord the newest one ,or not? I will appreciate your aswer.

    • @demolinertom2981
      @demolinertom2981 7 лет назад +5

      Why people like u keep asking that ... Can´t you just copy/paste the name of the keyboard into google ? It takes like 30 secs ....

    • @donaldstapleson5497
      @donaldstapleson5497 7 лет назад

      I've seen prices just below $1,300.00.

  • @rodrigogomes8822
    @rodrigogomes8822 5 лет назад +1

    Qual o valor deste Kurzweil SP6?

    • @musicbony
      @musicbony 5 лет назад

      Ola! Tem à venda na proaudio. Fica no catete, RJ. Ta entre 7k e 7.500,00

  • @therealborischang
    @therealborischang 7 лет назад +5

    Sounds killer. I’d rather have this any day over the Roland RD2000 or Korg Kronos or Yamaha MX88.

    • @MegaMareQ
      @MegaMareQ 6 лет назад +1

      what, why?

    • @amirprog
      @amirprog 5 лет назад +3

      You are a funny man. Comparing roland's and korg's flagships to an entry piano stage....

    • @serhii-ratz
      @serhii-ratz 5 лет назад

      Personally I tried to force myself to believing Roland. But... Don’t their piano, though I’m a big fan of Roland vdrums and vpiano. EPiano sound strange and needs some tweak.

  • @ajcjcarvalho
    @ajcjcarvalho 7 лет назад +1

    pls kurzweil send it to brazil!

  • @persoundproducer
    @persoundproducer 5 лет назад +1

    I don't know what date it is, but sounds like 80's

  • @douglasferreira7614
    @douglasferreira7614 7 лет назад

    Literalmente babei kkkkkk

  • @gersonsalcedo
    @gersonsalcedo 4 года назад +2

    Timbres de Casio!

  • @matth9914
    @matth9914 4 года назад +1

    That layering of synth bass with GM drum kit (8:00 onward) is super cringy...

  • @paulyllow
    @paulyllow 7 лет назад +4

    If Kurzweil is going to produce yet another great sounding, but featureless, bulky and boring keyboard like SP6, why not just learn a thing or two from Studiologic Numa Compact 2 and give us an affordable and light weight new SPS4-8 instead?

    • @TheSunlight74
      @TheSunlight74 7 лет назад +2

      paulyllow I think is fairly lightweight is it not at 27 lbs? Plus the sounds here will blow away the anima Compact

    • @MegaMareQ
      @MegaMareQ 6 лет назад +1

      why exactly do you think its boring and featureless? I wanted to purchase something like this...

    • @t-man78
      @t-man78 6 лет назад +4

      featureless...? It has full V.A.S.T editing, very flexible MIDI master keyboard functions, 32 FX units and 4 advanced arpeggio "engines", and 32 bit DAC's - which other manufacturers have digital pianos with degree of editing and specifications (especially in this price range)? None that I can think of... and as Simon says (no pun intended...) - it's 27 lbs, and 52,5 inch/133,4 cm wide - not exactly big and heavy for an 88 note...

    • @EverettDudgeon138
      @EverettDudgeon138 6 лет назад +1

      Agreed. In fact I can't think of a stage piano that has an arpeggiator in it...let alone 4 of them.