lol, 4-7 years ago people were mad at Shannon for doing the "Dream" part effortlessly, and even made a lot of speculations that she cheated on it by using headvoice instead of mixed voice. Now, they were saying that they missed her when she retired from kpop. If only these people have shown support towards before, bad things wouldn't have happened to her
She is only 22 now. She was a whole 15-16 on this show. So much competition for solo singers. Just hope she can do what makes her happy (& can make her some money too).
Everyone complaining about Shannon singing the high notes and not IU: IU already decided in 2010 that she won’t be singing the 3 notes anymore. They probably decided that Shannon was best suited for the notes and let her do it. Deal with it. She’s an amazing singer and Super talented. Also, she was 15 when this was shot.
Moon watcher Nowadays she does it at a FEW special occasions but if you search up her interviews from when this song was being promoted as well as most of her live performances of this song, you can see that she doesn’t sing the 3 high notes but instead the backing vocals (it’s a beautiful, beautiful day)
Shannon definitely sang it a lot more comfortably and easily than IU did at the time. I’m thankful that now IU can do the high notes with a proper technique without straining her throat
wanderlust about i guess the auto-translating program had mis-translated the title because the original title (which is in korean) of this video is written correctly.
Shannon was part of the le miserable, she was praised by many, this is easy for her, sadly her singing career in korea is not widely recognized because of her agency
@@o-o1193 lmao no. you can compare her voice yep but you just cant compare their talent lmao. iu is on an other level or grade when you talk about talent. more effortless than iu haha. nice joke. shannon is just bad in pro songs no wonder why she didnt go far
@@icariuszoe4898 to assume someone who didnt make it big as to them being not talented or bad in general lol you must still be very young and naive........ and as much as i love i.u its true tho, that shannon did it more effortlessly, that doesnt mean shannon is better per se it just means that i.u always look more concentrated and tense whenever she sings the high note (she even said she wont be singing the high note on live again) but shannon here is all smiles even while holding that note sooo....
Victoria Lee The head voice is a way of singing where it projects from the head and not the lungs and uses much less power. It usually allows for a singer to sing much higher notes but the person who is running sound has usually got to compensate to make it sound even to the regular notes, else the vocal power will be too obvious.
Why do people have to hate so much on this video the girl did the note I’ve seen tons of people do it and nobody can even get close to it except IU and this girl
They cant understand that IU does not want to do the note anymore. I mean she does still do them but she was advised to not do it too much since its gonna destroy her vocals if she keep on doing it.
That was a very healthy high note that Shannon used, her techniques of reaching high notes are really good, it wouldn't strain her voice WHO TRAINED HER! I NEED THAT TRAINER IN MY LIFE!
Honestly i think the IU’s episode is still the best after all these years, it really sounded like 6 IUs singing. I always come back to hear them once in a while. They really trained to sound like her. I wish other episodes are as good.
When I listen to IU's high notes I feel like it's the climax, but in Shannon's I still felt like it wasn't satisfying enough, Shannon is a great singer and she's really cute. Fighting!
+Lily Emy I'm assuming her voice is soft like that because she's singing in mixed voice, but head dominant. She's been singing since she was young so ofcourse she would sound very professional
Well they had to guess which door the real iu was in and some might have thought the second door and then it suddenly was a foreigner with a barely noticeable accent so yes some were shook
MissBerryJane I know right ^^ the best thing was that I hadn't been allowed to tell anyone I spoke Korean so in the actual show, when I start speaking Korean, the reaction is even funnier!!!!@@
Can honestly say I had so much fun doing it 😂 I got a break from uni classes and flown to Seoul to take part, it was an awesome experience. I’m really grateful I had the chance to take part. With hindsight, I also think we all sound super different, but in the studio, it definitely sounded a lot more similar.
Among all the Hidden Singer episodes, I think this one is one of the easiest. They might sound somewhat similar, but still clearly different! Compared to some other episodes, where it was truly impossible sometimes to spot any difference!
어렸을땐 몰랐는데 지금보니까 그냥 각자 노래 부르네 아이유편 다시 해야함
그거 6에서 다시 구하던데 ㅋㅋㅋ
4번이 어떡해부분빼고 제일 비슷했는데ㅠㅠ 다시 나왔으면 좋겠어요ㅠ
아이유 목소리 어케 따라해
김광수의 샤넌 홍보 프로
최악의 히든싱어였지
아이유 특유의 2% 허스키한 목소리는 아무도 흉내낼 수 없지
2% 허스키 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 진짜 비유 대단하시네요...
Terrific Guy 이거진짜 인정ㅋㅋㄱㄱㅋ
낼려면 다음생을 기대하는게
@@아나사-h5x 다음 생에도 불가능함.. 너무 귀한 음색이라 하느님이 아무나 안 쥼...
솔직히 아이유편 다시하자 저거 에바잖어ㅓ...그리구 3단고음은 아이유 시켜줘야지ㅠㅜㅜ
후은 3단고음은 당연히 다른 사람 시켜야 하는거 아닌가요..; 싱어송 라이터인데
근데 아이유도 저때 많이 힘들어서 그랬을 수도..?
후은 쌉인정 ㅎ
저거 순서 미리 정하는 게 아니라 당일에 현장에서 뽑기 해서 정하는 거라 제작진 재량이랑 상관 없음
따깔희은 낸시아니에요
IU is proud of Shannon when she hit that High Note
Fucking goosebumps
@Gokie she sing very good
@@shrimp3487 same here
That note is hard to hit and she did it very well
Oh ㅋㅋ
That eyebrows of IU nodded "hit that shit, sis. Do it!"
4번은 어떡해 할때 진짜 아니야
와 진짜 ㅇㅈㅇㅈ
약간 어떡해가 아닌
어똫게라는 것 같다...
그래도 나는요 오빠가 좋은걸은 비슷했는데..어떡해는 진짜 아니네요
어떡해는 트와이스 지효 닮
근데 갠적으로 나는요 할 때 살짝 비슷햇던듯 솔까 123들 다 ㅈㄴ 인비슷하지 않음??
솔직히 다 같이 동시에 부르는거 있으면 진짜 다를듯.....
아이유편은 아무리봐도 아이유를 벽으로 삼아 저 모창능력자 광고하는것 같다...
저도 그당시 그렇게 생각했어요 그래서 광수 욕 오지게 했더랬죠
@@YunDoKim 왜 광수 욕을 해요?
하나도 안 똑같은데
김도윤 이광수얘기하는줄
@@비밀-q7y 나도
lol, 4-7 years ago people were mad at Shannon for doing the "Dream" part effortlessly, and even made a lot of speculations that she cheated on it by using headvoice instead of mixed voice. Now, they were saying that they missed her when she retired from kpop. If only these people have shown support towards before, bad things wouldn't have happened to her
she streams on twitch now so im not complaining =)
@@ssvegeto1610 what’s her name on twitch?
She is only 22 now. She was a whole 15-16 on this show. So much competition for solo singers. Just hope she can do what makes her happy (& can make her some money too).
well i think she did use head voice (not sure tho bc i cant hear properly) but i dont think it's cheating :// and she's soo good at singing
@@kaelyn1 she did not belt the note, but it is still mixed voice. A “head-dominant” mixed voice, that is.
진짜 이건 너무 선넘었어.. 자막대로 충격과 경악의 수준이다.. 그냥 5명이서 좋은날 부르는거잖어.. 아무리봐도 그냥 시청률 받아먹으려고 대충 섭외해서 만든거같은데..
ㅇㅈ 하나도 안비슷함ㅋㅋㅋ
아이유만 엄청예쁨❤
@@leedaeun864 말해뭐합니까.. 징짱이 짱이조..❤
샤넌님도 예쁜디..참고로 샤넌이 1번. 실력좋고 외모도 좋은 가수인데 운이 없어서 뜨지를 못함
피디가 아이유 보고 싶어서 아무사람이나 뽑은듯 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
아이유 편이 가장 안비슷했음...
스코어도 아이유 걍 압도적이었지 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 다만 샤넌이라는 레전드가 나왔지
윤도현 편이 가장 않 비슷해
그냥 어느정도만 팬이여도 심각 할 정도로 달라
@@땡모땡모 않→안
@@땡모땡모 첨보는사람한테반말찍찍하고 않 안도구별못하는거로봐서 초딩이라고볼수있죠
@@땡모땡모 않x 않o
샤넌은 닮았다기보다 그냥 잘함..
IU must be proud of having talent like this singing her song. She looks proud in this vid.
Yes songs connect people. It shows in this case. That people could come from different nationalities but still connect with music
Everyone complaining about Shannon singing the high notes and not IU: IU already decided in 2010 that she won’t be singing the 3 notes anymore. They probably decided that Shannon was best suited for the notes and let her do it. Deal with it. She’s an amazing singer and Super talented. Also, she was 15 when this was shot.
Kris T what's the reason for iu didn't want to sing that 3 high notes?
She sang it at her concert..
Moon watcher Nowadays she does it at a FEW special occasions but if you search up her interviews from when this song was being promoted as well as most of her live performances of this song, you can see that she doesn’t sing the 3 high notes but instead the backing vocals (it’s a beautiful, beautiful day)
Spychancia She didn’t want it to be her “thing” she wanted people to recognise her for her not for her 3 high notes
@@krist1146 that and she doesn't want to ruin her voice...I read she had to do a lot of therapy for her chords after that promotion period
1:12 자막 아이유가 아니었다! ㅇㅈㄹ 하는데 당연히 아니지ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
뭐 다른 참가자는 그냥 그런대로 하겠는데 4번은 진짜 아니였음;;;
그래도 어떡해 빼고는 비슷하던데
123 보단 비슷한거 같은데
@@괘냥냥-u3f 전혀아님
2:03 저것도 엄청 고음인데.. 무표정으로 저 음을 내지르는 아이유♡
@신소미 ? 무슨 뜻으로 말하신건지?
@Lael Kim 약간 신소미님은 고음 대단하다고 하는 분위기에서 '나는 못하는것 같은데'를 일부러 돌려서 점띄한 것 같네용
@Lael Kim 돌려말하면 다굴까일게 뻔하니까 일부러 죄송합니다를 붙혀서 피한게 아닐까요?
@Lael Kim 현명님이 이 부분도 엄청 고음이라고 했는데 그게 본인한테 아니었다는 것 같아요 그리고 자랑 같으니까 뒤에 죄송합니다 한 것 같은데
Shannon definitely sang it a lot more comfortably and easily than IU did at the time. I’m thankful that now IU can do the high notes with a proper technique without straining her throat
Because Shanon sang it using her headvoice so it was easier for her to hit the notes
@@8thnote666 so what, it's called technique
But IU high notes are more beautiful to the ear another reason for her success and viral high notes
@@niaasmr2179 I prefer Shannon's high notes. To each their own I guess.
@@Snowyness yes you can like her HN but IU HN is the one thats popular so majority wins
1:55 편곡수준인데 이건
아니 아이유는 고운목소린데 이분은 갈라지는느낌임ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
어처면 다씬 못탈 바로 그뫄알
Shannon was singing like a legend at 16- oof the end of that high note is perfect
@bumbleb33 i wanna know too!
The singers did great but the title is misleading. That famous 'dream' note is just three notes and not three octaves. :)
In what language is the title for you?the korean title is right I suppose they always call it like this
"iu's third octave"
@@이달의소녀이브 like this what?
Thats just wrong, "three notes" not "three octaves"
Its just what people call it. A footlong is not actually a foot long so...
wanderlust about i guess the auto-translating program had mis-translated the title because the original title (which is in korean) of this video is written correctly.
아이유가 대표적인 여자가수라 흔한 목소리로 착각하는데 막상 아이유랑 목소리 비슷한 목소리 진짜 없음
호야Y 아이유라고 흔한 목소리라고 착각하는 사람 못 봤는데? 오바 자제 좀
걍모름 주변에 흔한 목소리라고 생각하는 사람 널렸는데 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 아이유 음색이 독특하냐 넌? 자기 생각이랑 틀리다고 바로 욕부터 박네 ㅋㅋㅋ
수학 독특하죠 ㅋㅋㅋ 아이유만큼 음색 독특한 사람 없습니다 ㅋㅋ 발라드부터 재즈, 힙합까지 모든 걸 소화해낼수 있는 목소리가 흔한 건 아니죠. 곡마다 뿜어내는 분위기도 전부 다르구요.
수학 다만 너무 익숙하니까 그런거죠. 아 진지충이라 ㅈㅅ 유애나라서요 ㅋㅋ
집가고싶다 아이유가 잘하는 건 저도 알고 있습니다. 제가 말하는 건 오직 음색이 특이하지 않다는 뜻이죠. 우리 에게 익숙하다= 특이한 음색은 아니다 같은딩
아이유는 지금 나왔어야됬어.. 저런 어릴때+지금보다 짭 안될때 괜히 나가서 이용만 당하고;;
전현무가 나와달라고 부탁했대요.의리로 나간거..짬 안돼서 어쩔 수 없이 나간거 아님 ㅜㅜ
anyone here after hearing that Shannon is now the VA for jett?
Opposite. I came here after hearing she was a kpop idol🤣
@chuu she is the voice actor for jett in valorant !
Which Number is she ?
아이유 겁나 쉽게 불러ㅋㅋㅋㅋ표정이 역시 짱!
?? 3년 전이긴한데 저거 외국인인데요..
@@BO뜨 아이유도 불렀는데요,,
@@user-kx8wv2nf8t 이영상에선 저분만 불렀는데요..
@@BO뜨 ㅎㅎ 다시보세요~
@@user-kx8wv2nf8t 3단고음 저분만 불렀는데요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 님이 다시보세요
*I became Shannon's fan since 2015 after watching this and right now I'm still watching this*
Saaaaame! Then I have come to discover her Why Why! 😭💕😍
ME TOO, i’m so confused how she hasn’t gotten the recognition she deserves. She’s hella talented AND pretty :(((
sameee but where is she now 😭
@@doyoungs4240 ummm😭😭
Shannon was part of the le miserable, she was praised by many, this is easy for her, sadly her singing career in korea is not widely recognized because of her agency
because less much talent than iu
@@icariuszoe4898 both are super talented and to be fair she sings that high note more effortlessly than iu
@@o-o1193 lmao no. you can compare her voice yep but you just cant compare their talent lmao. iu is on an other level or grade when you talk about talent. more effortless than iu haha. nice joke. shannon is just bad in pro songs no wonder why she didnt go far
@@icariuszoe4898 to assume someone who didnt make it big as to them being not talented or bad in general lol you must still be very young and naive........ and as much as i love i.u its true tho, that shannon did it more effortlessly, that doesnt mean shannon is better per se it just means that i.u always look more concentrated and tense whenever she sings the high note (she even said she wont be singing the high note on live again) but shannon here is all smiles even while holding that note sooo....
@@o-o1193 lmao youre the one naive here lmao. you can say whatever you want iu did it better lol but shannon ? excuse me who is she ?
Omg Shannon did her best at that I’m so proud of her she’s a really talented singer !
All of them are!
지금 여기 영상에서의 샤넌의 노래실력은 정말 엄청나다. 개인적으로 아이유보다 좋았다. 👍
Seemed that Shanon hit the high note without any difficulty >.< and she is so adorable too >.<
Huong V She used head voice.
Head voice.It's not even a high note.
she's opera singer back then
Victoria Lee The head voice is a way of singing where it projects from the head and not the lungs and uses much less power. It usually allows for a singer to sing much higher notes but the person who is running sound has usually got to compensate to make it sound even to the regular notes, else the vocal power will be too obvious.
jen simbillo she did not, she was using chest or mix idk, although it sounded strained
Why do people have to hate so much on this video the girl did the note I’ve seen tons of people do it and nobody can even get close to it except IU and this girl
They cant understand that IU does not want to do the note anymore. I mean she does still do them but she was advised to not do it too much since its gonna destroy her vocals if she keep on doing it.
Also the karate girl
That was a very healthy high note that Shannon used, her techniques of reaching high notes are really good, it wouldn't strain her voice
prickle mickle 뭐라는거여
いえけけえじぇ 고음 잘불른다고
She part of Les Miserables way back her childhood days
저중에 shannon이라는 외국인이 있는데 그 외국인이 쓴 창법이 맘에든다고 누가 가르쳤냐고 자기도 배우고싶다네요
prickle mickle ... 일단 뭔소린지 모르겠지만.. ....o..o..ok
다들 이 영상에 핵심을 모르시네요.
2:05가 핵심인데 진짜 너무 귀엽다ㅠㅜ
와 아이유랑 똑같네 생각했는데 아이유 나오니까 아이유가 왜 가수인지 알겠다
꽃민형 왜요?
꽃민형 참고로 1번은 샤넌이구 가수
송예나 아이유가 잘불러서요
꽃민형 아이유는가수가아니라아이돌이예요
Shannon looks so pretty in this video.YALL SHE SLAYS THE HIGH NOTE
Which one?
개인적으로 1번과 5번이 가장 조타❤❤❤
ᄋ ᄋ 저두여❤
ᄋ ᄋ ㅇㅈ이요~
ᄋ ᄋ ㅇㅈ이욧
ᄋ ᄋ ㅇㅈ?
1:46 아이유도 어이없는듯
1번은 어케든 비슷하게 연습한 느낌이 드는데 나머지분들은....티남....
3단 고음 따라부르고 싶어서 부르려 그러는뎈ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
아이쿠가 몇번 나오는거양ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
4번은 걍 지맘대로 부르는데
ㅅㅂㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 나도 이생각밖에 안했다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 다른사람은 그나마 조금 모창이라도 하려는거같은데 3,4번은 전혀;;
Auto k~
정인분이랑 목소리 비슷한듯해요..
Honestly i think the IU’s episode is still the best after all these years, it really sounded like 6 IUs singing. I always come back to hear them once in a while. They really trained to sound like her. I wish other episodes are as good.
Agree! But Kyuhyun episode is the best now 😂
@@giulianapena5290yes everyone is having a hard time recognizing him except ryeowook. He actually got eliminated at 51/100 votes 😂
제발 아이유편 다시 합시다
히든싱어 역대 가장 맞추기쉬웠던 편
양경호 인정ㅋㅋ
양경호 그죠
양경호 4번은 진짜비슷한듯요 근데 샤넌얼굴때매 1등 조작스멜이좀남
4번은 어떡해~할때 이상함요
omg when shannon did the highnote.. i got goosebums all over me.. wow she did so good
+Putri Alifa RIGHT? The fact that she did opera is so good man
+Putri Alifa iu's all like "IM SO PROUD"
Who is she?? Girl group member?
fanisa tria no, she's a soloist. her name is shannon williams, look her up. will not disappoint.
The Real Aimee Tavarez yeah, ive look her up. Dang, shes so gooood.
와 3단 고음을 쉽게 하네;;;어떻게...
난 힘들어서 몸을 뒤로 눕히고ㅋ
2:05 아이구...
와 진짜 3.4번은 정말 목소리가 딴차원에있다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
이 편은 다 안 비슷해서 바로 알겠던데..
@@최원준-d7d ......?4번이 제일 다르게했는데요?????
I'm so glad Shannon debut!!
첫번째 참가자 표정변화 거의 없이 편하게 3단고음 하는데 진짜 소름돋음
아이유랑 같은 사람 하나도 없는데
뱀요니키 같은 걸 보고 또 보고 또 한번 또 한번 또 보고 또 한번 또 보고 있어요 그리고 제가 너무 많이 들어서 좀 😊🐖🐕😍바로 하고 있는 것 같은 경우는 다른 사람 그리고 조영순 뱀요니키 0년 전 이미 유명한 것 같은 걸 많이
@@msw3874 외국인듯
@@맞춤법고슴도치 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
아이유 진짜 개예쁘다 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Andrei Kim ㅇㅈ!!!!!
샤넌(1번), 김연준(3번), 아이유(5번) 졸귀빵!
히든싱어는 아이유편 다시해야함..
나는 내가 아이유 광팬이라 너무구분잘되는줄알았는데
문제가 있던게 맞군요..
지금하면 비슷한사람도 더 찾을수 있을듯.. 아이유편 다시찍는거 보고싶다..
@@SKY-sx6rq 벌써 7년 전 영상이네.. 다시 찍는게 너무 보고싶지만 저 때도 전현무가 사정사정해서 아이유 나온거라고 전현무가 그랬음
두 번 나오는 것도 쉽지 않을듯
@@ugly_mongsil 목소리가 워낙 특별해서 ㅋㅋㅎㅋ
ㅇㅈ 2번째 분은 아무래도 발음이.. 글거 4번째 분은 걍 안똑깥음 목소리는 다 안똑같음...
아니 4번 어떡해 할때 전혀 아이유랑 전혀 안 비슷한데;;
@@혜똥-i1t 진짜 오똑햌앸ㅋ..ㅋㅋ
여러분들 다 안닮았다 안닮았다 왜 나왔냐 라고 하시는데요 아이유랑 비슷한 목소리 님들이 찾아봐요 저정도로 그나마 비슷한사람있나
5소현 0 제가 하고 싶은말... 사이다...
5소현 0 ㅇㅈ
아이유는 딱히 자신만의 개성이있는 목소리가 아니라 다른 가수들에비해 모창하기 어렵지 않습니다.
@@윤준식-s1i그런데도 저렇게 밖에 못 뽑은게 더 심각한데? 아이유 모창 잘하는 사람 잘 못 본 듯
2:15 삼단고음 시전
근데 아이유 편은 진짜 쉬웠었음,,,, 다 잘 부르는데 아이유랑은 많이 다르다고 해야 하나)))...
김경호형님때가 가장같은듯
폴 폴 아이유 음색이 특이한 음색인거 같아요. 약간 소녀하면서 어른스런?
천재오타 뭐래 김경호도 쉬웠다
인정 아이유목소리 생각보다 엄청 티남
준면아 디엠 줘 따라할수가 없어..미세하게 너무 맑은목소리
Shannon and IU on the same stage. Delightful performances by all the beautiful ladies. Thank you for this.
When I listen to IU's high notes I feel like it's the climax, but in Shannon's I still felt like it wasn't satisfying enough, Shannon is a great singer and she's really cute. Fighting!
Same, I have no idea about head voices or stuff like that, that's why I said it didn't feel like the climax of the song..
+Lily Emy
I'm assuming her voice is soft like that because she's singing in mixed voice, but head dominant. She's been singing since she was young so ofcourse she would sound very professional
+Kazehana P It's because it was effortless for her. She's a much better technical singer than IU.
4minutesleftx Yeah, I hope to see more of Shannon in the future!
+Lily Emy Shannon was opera singer,that was easy for her,she can control her voice very well:)
Watch her on Star King
1번하고아이유 이쁘다ㅎ
트와이스 1번은 샤년 성대모사하는분이십니당 대신답장죄송
샤년 ? .ㄷ..
TV 연꽃 ty khea 샤넌이고 가수입니다 성대모사하는사람이라뇨 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
트와이스 ㅇㅈㅇㅈㅋㅋ
뭘봐 이때는 성대모사하는 사람이였어요 이 방송보고 소속사에서 캐스팅 해서 가수가 된거에요
I can't believe this is from 2013! IU is aging like fine wine and this feels like it was just posted yesterday
Ikr 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I feel bad for shannon. She was really underrated.
비슷해도 역시 아이유 특유만의 음색은아무도 못따라하는거 같다....
ㄴㄴ Ai는 충분히 따라감
It's so weird I am never into rookies...I am beginning to become a fan of this girl Shannon
아이유 왤케 이뻐 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
김서현 2,4번빼고 다이뻐!!! 3명귀엽
아이유는 좀...
다들 가창력은 좋은데 모창으로는 거리가 조금 멀어요..
o.k is it just me or IU has the sweetest and the most gorgeous smile ever !!!! and she looks gorgeous here , esp with short hair
코딸기초 마은진있음
아 샤넌이였어
Amazing job! You can tell shannon has control over her vocals.
싸이, 태연, 아이유 편은 진짜 실망했음.
싸이 ㄹㅇ.....
그래도 싸이 준결승자는 연습해서 마지막편에 잘하던데 아이유 준결승자는 마지막편에도 안닮았었음 사람들 그리고 많이들 모르던데 박진영 편이 제일 심각ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
다온 ㅇㅈ
샤넌언니 마지막에 혀내밀때 귀엽다ㅋ
부기나 이름이샤넌인가요?
짱혜미와친구들 1번이 샤넌입니다
부기나 ㅇㅈ꺄아이유♡♡
부기나 맞아용
부기나 ㅇㅈ
I love Shannon but when I saw IU in the name of the video I was like yassssss
Shannon is so talented, as expected from the daughter of an opera singer 👏👏👏👌👌
they all sing so effortlessly im shook-
1번 언니 귀여워...
저당시 16살이라는데.... 내가 학교다닐땐 괴물시X들 밖에 없었다..
샤넌 이라고 지금 데뷔한걸로 알아요
헉! 드디어 한국사람이다!!
가수 샤넌
1번 샤넌은 가수활동하다가
케이팝스타6 2라운드까지 갔다고 한다
지용 지금은 yg에캐스팅 되었다고 한다
로이러브 지금은 탑 4라고한다
로이러브 굿
야응아니 굿
지용 맞아요! 저 봤어요
RUclips 꿈별빛 who is 2
Trang Lai Yen maybe its Anna
라녈 ღ 잉? 라녀리 여기서만나넴?
여박서연 제가 몰라서 기억해두려고 써 놓은 거에요 그렇다고 그런말 까지 할필요없잖아요
Did showed up in my recommended and idek but i teared up when she did that highnote. Well..
Time to stan
아이유 진짜 예뻐 ㅠ
강지원 님 ..
I think shannon is very good singer
대영사게에임스티박스네트워크 but she is underrated
CRE TV Game who is shannon??
듀비듑 1번
CRE TV Game yup!! I love shannon her voice is soooo beautiful and she is sooooo cute!!
듀비듑 who sang 3 highnote
2번님은 그냥 음악에 재능있는듯 ㅋㅋ
I cried when Shannon did that high note I'm so proud 😍
Who came here for shannon?
also me
why all the hate for shannon williams? jesus christ
Asian Unicorn because she's talented
because she's better than iu
Karu171717 she voice good highnote than iu
Asian Unicorn Because she is better then everyone
To be honest, I really wanted to root for her in KPop star but she started getting attitude...
3단 고음이 힘든 이유는 호흡이 딸려서 입니다 여려분 다 3단 올릴수 있어요 단 저렇게 길게는 못하졍ㅎㅎ
Jinsu Pan 저 남잔데 가능한가요 호흡좋아요
siri Soon 님이 해보세여ㄹㄹ
오 되요
siri Soon 추카해열ㄹㄹㄹ
Jinsu Pan 이거 삼단고음 복식호흡이 잘 되야되요
1 2 3 4번 다 다른데.. 유애나라서 그런감 !
ღ 워하링 [ 아이유 ] 앗 저도 유아난데! 인정합니다ㅏ
ღ 워하링 [ 아이유 ] 전유애나아닌데
다 다르다고느껴져요
저도 딱보고 5번 맞췄어요!!
_워하링 져도 유애나라 ㅇㅈ하는바입니됴
스튜디오에선 울려서 다르게들려요
Lmao when the white girl walked out, they were probably like wtf 😂.
Well they had to guess which door the real iu was in and some might have thought the second door and then it suddenly was a foreigner with a barely noticeable accent so yes some were shook
Lol i thought chat as well🤣
Sophie Yip No they meant the second one.
그래서 모창하시는 분은 언제 나오시는거죠?
창모가 데리고 나오신대여
omg..... the first girl so great
that's Shannon Williams
ㅋㅋㅋㅋ it was so fun to film with IU ^^ Thank you to everyone at JTBC who gave me such an amazing opportunity!!
omg love the reaction when you came out HAHAHA
great job!
hkpride17 thanks ever so much! It was so nervewracking but i feel so lucky to have been able to take part ^^
MissBerryJane I know right ^^ the best thing was that I hadn't been allowed to tell anyone I spoke Korean so in the actual show, when I start speaking Korean, the reaction is even funnier!!!!@@
Anna Darnley what room were you in during the first round? i just showed my mom this clip and she said, "어머!"
3번ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ방송수준이 거의 방송인이신데ㅋㅋㅋㅋ카메라 되게 잘 찾으시네
누구요 ?
투아이즈였는데 탈퇴한걸로 알고있습닏ㄱ·
퓨하 도희는 타이니지로 알고있는뎀..
퓨하 도희있는 그룹은 타이니지에요
서희원 3번은 투아이즈라는 걸그룹멤버에요.
1:12 아이유가 아니였다! ㅅㅂㅋㅋㅋㅋ
IU is the best Queeeeen😍👑👑
yes 😍
Lee Ssya Singer do you know the 2nd girl?
I love when singers sing with a joyful expression it actually looks like they’re having fun
(Singer #2)
Who is the 4th singer i like her voice:"
Can honestly say I had so much fun doing it 😂 I got a break from uni classes and flown to Seoul to take part, it was an awesome experience. I’m really grateful I had the chance to take part. With hindsight, I also think we all sound super different, but in the studio, it definitely sounded a lot more similar.
Among all the Hidden Singer episodes, I think this one is one of the easiest. They might sound somewhat similar, but still clearly different! Compared to some other episodes, where it was truly impossible sometimes to spot any difference!
This is when I knew her!! I still can’t believe she voices Jett, like the realization when I read who voiced her 👁
1:28 석희가 있다
맞죠 저만 본거 아니죠ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
네 저도 보여요 석희 엄마도 있고
석희가 뭐예요?
@@수현-h1v 저 여자분 이름이요 아마 어디 방송에서 본 거 같은디...
홍서범과 조갑경의 딸 = 홍석희 양~
히든싱어프로그램은 진짜 최곤데 너무 돌려서 끊기는게 넘 심함..
ᄐᄐᄏᄏ 인정
아는척하지망 이거는 본회사 유튜브 채널이라서 저작권 안걸려요^.^
ᄐᄐᄏᄏ 네네네
1번은 어케든 비슷하게 연습한 느낌이 드는데 나머지분들은....티남....
The Faces at the blonde Girl like "omg She's not korean but sings so well in korean"
she is Anna Uk.
she's half korean and half british
+shisumi chan Blonde one, not Shannon. Everyone knows that Shannon is half Korean, while Anna Darnley is British (or Swedish?).
I think that girl is kinda wellknown in korean variety show industry. I saw her face many times before
+Agnieszka Tomaszewska what i meant is shannon williams is half korean and half british
4번 막 오똑해 이러는뎈ㅋㅋ
06_ 구름쿠키 저두 그 생각했어요 ㅋㅋㅋ
06_ 구름쿠키 ㅇㅈ
06_ 구름쿠키 ㅇㅈ 봐로~~~~~~~그뫌~~~
명탐정코난 음이 낮잖아용
다들 목소리가 조금씩 달라서 그렇지
다들 엄청 잘부르심