Please tell some people to tell some people about the Gospel of Jesus Christ today. The beautiful message of God must reach every home. All humans need it. Jesus' picture needs to reach all wars like we do president's frames. Jesus Christ is the President of all presidents. He got one-time solution to all our problems. So spread it, preach it and speak it like covid. It is what we all need in all people: JESUS CHRIST. 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
End times are near. Everyone should repent, quit sinning and trust alone in Jesus Christ as the only Lord and Saviour of humankind. Love your neighbor as you're doing it to yourself, don't do something you'd hate if it's done to you. Hell is real, it's horrible. You don't want to be there ...
Hello, well I wanted to say what JESUS LOVES YOU, and wants to transform your life, understand and forget, you are very special to GOD, so seek the Lord, read and know the bible, because before you do, you know JESUS and to understand who is the love of CHRIST JESUS is EVERYTHING, to say EVERYTHING YOU NEED IN THIS WHOLE WORLD, and JESUS ONLY can change your life, your history. Stay with GOD and GOD BLESS YOU!
Bethel Music all of you along with the BethelTV working hard behind the guys are amazing! Please release a video of David's new song that he sung on April 18...Please, please, please that is a song for now to bring hope and comfort to those throughout the world grieving loss due to covid19
It was such a comfort to me after experiencing the loss of a dear friend that day...It is truly so powerful. I don't understand all the legalities and what has to happen to release a song, but if there is any way possible for Bethel Music to give it I said it is a song for this season that many are going through in Brazil, India and other places around the world to know "there's a God who weeps, there's a God who bleeds..."
VERSE 1: There is a sound I love to hear It’s the sound of the Saviour’s robe As He walks into the room where people pray Where we hear praises He hears faith VERSE 2: There is a sound I love to hear It’s the sound of the Saviour’s robe As He walks into the room where people pray Where we hear worship He hears faith CHORUS: Awake my soul and sing Sing His praise aloud Sing His praise aloud VERSE 3: There is a sound that changes things The sound of His people on their knees Oh wake up you slumbering It’s time to worship Him BRIDGE: And when He moves And when we pray Where stood a wall now stands a way Where every promise is amen And when He moves Make no mistake The bowels of hell begin to shake All hail the Lord all hail the King BRIDGE 2: Hey oh Oh let the King of glory enter in Hey oh Fall down on your knees and worship Him Hey oh Let His praise rise up don’t hold it in
God bless you who's reading this comment praying for you and your situation and needs in Jesus name amen to that
Thank you. God bless you 🙌🏼
thank you!!
Thank you so much God bless you.And you too.
Please tell some people to tell some people about the Gospel of Jesus Christ today. The beautiful message of God must reach every home. All humans need it. Jesus' picture needs to reach all wars like we do president's frames. Jesus Christ is the President of all presidents. He got one-time solution to all our problems. So spread it, preach it and speak it like covid. It is what we all need in all people: JESUS CHRIST. 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊
Didn’t expect to be weeping on my walk to work this morning listening to this. Thank you, Jesus, for your saving grace and eternal promise.
End times are near. Everyone should repent, quit sinning and trust alone in Jesus Christ as the only Lord and Saviour of humankind.
Love your neighbor as you're doing it to yourself, don't do something you'd hate if it's done to you.
Hell is real, it's horrible. You don't want to be there ...
he has such a beautiful voice. God bless you all!
when my Saviour walks into the room... the sound if His robes... He is invitng us to be with Him always
ወደ ንስሐ የሚያመጣ የእግዚአብሔር ድምጽ!!! (ከ1989--2013 ዓም. ) አዋጅ!! አዋጅ!! ጆሮ ያለው ይስማ!!!
(ህዝ2:3-8,ዘፀ.3:13-15, ዮሐ.8:26, ኤር 26:) ፣ ወገኖቼ፣ እግዚአብሔር ከህዝቡ ጋር ክርክር አለው!! እግዚአብሔር ከፀባዖት ሆኖ በልጁ በኩል በመንፈስ ቅዱስ አማካይነት ለአመታት በፀሎት ላይ እያለሁና በሌሊት ድምጹን እያሰማኝ፣ከዘመኑ የሁካታ መድረክ ሸሽጎኝ፣በዘመኔ ሁሉ የገጠሙኝን የጠላት ፈተናዎች፣ በትእግሥት እንዳልፍ፣ በወንጌሉ ቃልና በድምጹ እየመከረኝ፣ እያጽናናኝ፣ እያረጋጋኝ፣ ለህዝቡ መልእክተኛው አደረገኝ፣ የጌታ ስም ለዘለዓለም የተመሰገነ ይሁን። ኢየሱስንም በተቃወሙት ጊዜ፣ ይሁን እንጂ የላከኝ እውነተኛ ነው፣እኔም ለዓለም የምናገረው፣ ከእርሱ የሰማሁትን ብቻ ነው አላቸው፣ (ዮሐ8:26,) ጌታም፣ እኛ ለቃሉ ካለመታዘዛችን የተነሳ፣ለዓመታት በቀንና በሌሊት እንዲህ ሲል ቅሬታውን ይናገረኝ ጀመር፣ ....ጌታስ ከሆንኩኝ መፈራቴ ወዴት አለ?...(ሚል.1:6-8,).....ሰማይ ዙፋኔ ነው፣ ምድርም የእግሬ መረገጫ ናት፣ የምትሰሩልኝ ቤት ምን አይነት ነው?....(ኢሳ 66:1-4, ኢሳ 55:8-9, ኢሳ 59: 1-2,) ያለውን ቃል በተደጋጋሚ ይናገረኛል። ጌታም፣ ይህ ህዝብ መስማትን ይሰማል፣ ነገር ግን አይኖርበትም!! ህዝቤ የራሱን ነገር አስቀድሟል!! ክብሩን አልጣለም!! ቤቴን በእኔነት፣ በማስመሰልና በስሜታዊነት ሞልተውታል!!እውነተኛ ፍቅር የላቸውም!! እርስ በርሳቸውም ይነቃቀፋሉ!! ሰላምም የላቸውም!! ይቅር መባባልን እንቢ ብሏል!!ለትውልዱ መልካም ምሳሌ መሆን አልቻለም!! ይህ ትውልድ የሆሴዕን ዘመን ትውልድ ይመስላል!! ህዝቤ መመለስ እንቢ ብሏል!! በጎቼን ለሚገፉ እረኞች ወዮላቸው!! ይህ ህዝብ አስቆጥቶኛልና አመጸኞችን አልምርም!! አለኝ። ባሬያዎቼ ተንቀዋል!! (እውነተኞቹን) ይህ ህዝብ ልቡ የሸፈተ ነው!! ክብሬን ደግሞ ይጋፋል!! ክብሬን እኮ! ጣሉ!! አለኝ። በሌላም ቀን፣ይህ ህዝብ አፉ ከእኔ ጋር ነው፣ ልቡ ግን ከእኔ የራቀ ነው!! ህዝቤ በእውነትና በመንፈስ አላመለከኝም!! አብዝቼ ብጠራቸው፣ አጥብቀው ከፊቴ ራቁ!! እስራኤል( የእግዚአብሔር ህዝብ) የለመለመ ወይን ሆኖ ሳለ፣ እንግዶች ጉልበቱን በሉት!! የወይኔን ቦታ ፍሬ አጣሁበት!! እኔን የህይወት ውሀ ምንጭ ትተውኛል!! ለራሳቸውም ሌሎች ጉድጟዶችን ቆፍረዋል!! ክርስቲያን ሳይሆኑ ክርስቲያን የሚመስሉ፣ ህዝቤን ግን ኃጢአት የሚያለማምዱ በቤቴ አሉ!! እኔም ብዙ ጊዜ ዝም አልኩኝ!! እነርሱም አልሰሙኝም ፣ወደ እኔም አልተመለሱም!! ቃሉ ያረጀባቸው የሚመስላቸው ብዙዎች በቤቴ አሉና የእግዚአብሔርን ነገር ለሚታክቱ ወዮላቸው!! የማያስተውል ህዝብ ይገለበጣል !! አለኝ። በሌላም ቀን፣ ህዝቤ ሲጠፋ የማይመክሩና የማይገስጹ ቸልተኞች ኤሊዎች በቤቴ በዙ!!አለኝና ቤቴን ትቼአለሁ፣ እርስቴንም ጥያለሁ፣ እንደ ዥንጉርጉር አሞራ ሆነውብኛልና!! አለኝ። በሌላም ቀን፣ ክብር ከእስራኤል ሸሸ!! አለኝና ህዝቤ እውቀትን ከማጣቱ የተነሳ ጠፍቷል!! የጠፉ በጎችም ሆነዋል!!የሚያስተውልም የለም!! ነብያቶቿም ጉበኞች ናቸው!!!! በድጋሚ በቅርቡ፣ በኢሳ.66፣ 1-4, ላይ ያለውን ከነገረኝ በኋላ ህዝቤ የወንበዴዎች ዋሻ ሆነ !! አለኝ ጌታ። እኔ ግን ወንፊትና መንሼን ይዤ እነሳለሁ፣ የሌዊንም ቤት አጠራለሁ!! የሊባኖስን ዝግባ አናውጣለሁ፣ ያውም የጽድቅ ዛፎችን ነው አለኝ። በሌላም ቀን፣ ከፍታዎችን እንዳለሁ!! ዝቅ ያለውን ከፍ፣ ከፍ ያለውን ዝቅ አደርጋለሁ!! ከአሁን በኋላ፣ የመድረኩ ቁልፍ በእጄ ይሆናል!! ያከበሩኝን አከብራለሁ!!አለኝ ጌታ መንፈስ ቅዱስ!!በሌላም ቀን መኔ! መኔ! አለኝና ባለራእይችን አጠራለሁ!! ደግሞም እስራኤልን በቃኘሁ ጊዜ፣ ቁጣዬ በምድር ሁሉ ላይ ይቀጥላል አለኝ ። ጆሮ ያለው ይስማ!!!!!! ጌታም፣ ህዝቡ በንስሐ ካልተመለሰና ለቃሌ ካልታዘዘ፣ መርገም ከምድሪቱ ላይ እንዴት ይሰበራል?? አለኝ። በሌላም ቀን፣ እግዚአብሔር ይጣራል!!ብለሽ ተናገሪ አለኝ ፣ ወገኖቼ፣ ጌታ አዳምን ለምን ተጣራ....? ወዴት ሄዶበት ነበር....? ዛሬም !! አግዚአብሔር !! ህዝቡን !! እየተጣራ ነው!! ጆሮ ያለው ይስማ!!! ጌታ መሐሪ ስለሆነም፣ እርሱን ባሳዘንበት ዘመን ሁሉ መፍትሔውን እንዲህ ሲል ይናገረኝ ጀመር፣ የጥበብ መጀመሪያ እግዚአብሔርን መፍራት ነው!! እንግዲህ ንሰሐ ግቡ!! ትልቅነታችሁንም አስወግዱ!! ልባችሁን አጥሩ!! ወጪቱ ይጥራ!!ፈጥናችሁ ተስማሙ!! በፍቅሬ ኑሩ!! የምትወዱኝስ ከሆነ ትእዛዜን ጠብቁ!! በሌላም ቀን የምትወዱኝስ ከሆነ በጎቼን ጠብቁ!!!ሊታረዱ ያሉትን አድኑ!! አለኝ ጌታ።(በ ዮሐ 21: 15,) በሌላም ቀን የምታደርጉትን ሁሉ በስሜ አድርጉት!! የከበረውን ከተዋረደው ለዩ!! እርሱን ብቻ ስሙት!! ለእርሱ ብቻ ስገዱ!! እውነተኛ ፍርድንና ጽድቅን አድርጉ!! አሳች ወጥቷልና ንቁ!! አለኝ። እናንተ የእግዚአብሔርን እቃ የምትሸከሙ፣እልፍ ፣ በሉ...!! ህዝቤ ሆይ ወደ እልፍኝህ ግባ....!! የሚንበረከኩ ብዙ ናቸው!! ነገር ግን የሚፀልዩ ጥቂት ናቸው!! በደልን ተሞልተዋልና፣ አልሰማቸውም!! አለኝ። በሌላም ቀን፣ ህዝቤ ንስሐ አይገባም!! እራሱንም እንደ በደለኛ አይቆጥርም!! አለኝ። ስለዚህ፣ የፈረሰውን መሰዊያችሁን አድሱ!! ልባችሁን እንጂ ልብሳችሁን አትቅደዱ!!(በ ኢዩኤል 2: 12-13,) ይህ ዘመን በንስሐ የመንጻት ዘመን ነው!! አጥብቃችሁ ፊቴን ፈልጉ!! ሳታቋርጡ ጸልዩ!! ምጽአቴ ቀርቧልና ዘመኑን ዋጁ!! በሌላም ቀን በድጋሚ፣ በራዕይ 22:12, ላይ ያለውን ቃል ተናገረኝ፣ በሌላም ቀን ህዝቤ ግን በንስሐ ቢመለስ ፣እኔ ምህረትን አደርጋለሁ፣ አለኝ።(2ኛ ዜና 7:14,) ከአሁን በኋላ ያለው ዘመን የመከር ዘመን ነው!! የአጨዳውም ጊዜ ደርሷል!! መከሩም ብዙ ነውና ሰራተኞችን እንዲልክ የመከሩን ጌታ ለምኑ አለኝ ፣ጌታ መንፈስ ቅዱስ!!የነገርኩሽንም ሁሉ ለህዝቤ ንገሪልኝ አለኝ ጌታ መንፈስ ቅዱስ!! ጆሮ ያለው ይስማ!! +ወገኔ፣ ሐሰተኛ ነብያትና መምህራን በበዙበት በዚህ ዘመን፣ መንፈስ ቅዱስ እንዲረዳን፣ ቃሉን እያጠናን፣ ዘወትር በእግሮቹ ስር በመገኘት ልንፀልይ ይገባናል። ይህ መልእክት እውነተኛ ለመሆኑ ጌታ መንፈስ ቅዱስ ለእኔ ምስክሬ ስለሆነ፣ ጌታን ሁልጊዜ አመሰግነዋለሁ። ከብዙ አመት በፊት ጀምሬ እስከ ዛሬ ድረስ ድምጹን በጥንቃቄ በመስመትና በመጻፍ ፣ የምችለውንም ያህል ለክርስቲያኖች በጽሑፍ በማደል ላይ እገኛለሁ፣ መልእክተኛ መሆን፣ ባለአደራነት ነውና!! ጌታ ለዘለዓለም የተመሰገነ ይሁን። ወገኖቼ፣ ጌታ ይህንን መልእክት ወደ ቤ/ክርስቲያን ለምን ላከ.....? ለምንስ እንዲህ ይናገረናል? ብለን ቆም ብለን በማሰብ፣ በንስሐ እንመለስ!!! ጌታ አይቶናል!! በተቻላችሁ መጠን ለሌሎችም እንድታደርሱልኝ በጌታ ፍቅር እለምናለሁ፣ ተባረኩ።
Hey you, God bless you!❤
God bless you too ❤✌🏻
This!! I love spontaneous worship!!!❤❤❤ It's The heart of God!!!
I never get tired of hearing this song. Thank you for David F and this wonderful music.
Awake our souls Lord... Amem
Hey nice performance. Thanks Dave! ✌
Sweet Jesus Christ is King ❤️🥰
Hello, well I wanted to say what JESUS LOVES YOU, and wants to transform your life, understand and forget, you are very special to GOD, so seek the Lord, read and know the bible, because before you do, you know JESUS and to understand who is the love of CHRIST JESUS is EVERYTHING, to say EVERYTHING YOU NEED IN THIS WHOLE WORLD, and JESUS ONLY can change your life, your history.
Stay with GOD and GOD BLESS YOU!
Forever pouring out my praise to you Jesus 💓
Thank you Lord for your revivals on us
My soul Praise your name
Bethel Music all of you along with the BethelTV working hard behind the guys are amazing! Please release a video of David's new song that he sung on April 18...Please, please, please that is a song for now to bring hope and comfort to those throughout the world grieving loss due to covid19
That song isn't released yet. We'll post it when we can!
It was such a comfort to me after experiencing the loss of a dear friend that day...It is truly so powerful.
I don't understand all the legalities and what has to happen to release a song, but if there is any way possible for Bethel Music to give it I said it is a song for this season that many are going through in Brazil, India and other places around the world to know "there's a God who weeps, there's a God who bleeds..."
What song is this?? Is released yet?
Yes, it is released now. It is "Son of Suffering."
Aleluia 🙏🏻🔥🔥
Wake my Soul oh Lord Jesus🙏🏽💫
Excelente 👍🏼
Brasil🔥love Jesus
There is a sound I love to hear
It’s the sound of the Saviour’s robe
As He walks into the room where people pray
Where we hear praises He hears faith
There is a sound I love to hear
It’s the sound of the Saviour’s robe
As He walks into the room where people pray
Where we hear worship He hears faith
Awake my soul and sing
Sing His praise aloud
Sing His praise aloud
There is a sound that changes things
The sound of His people on their knees
Oh wake up you slumbering
It’s time to worship Him
And when He moves
And when we pray
Where stood a wall now stands a way
Where every promise is amen
And when He moves
Make no mistake
The bowels of hell begin to shake
All hail the Lord all hail the King
Hey oh
Oh let the King of glory enter in
Hey oh
Fall down on your knees and worship Him Hey oh
Let His praise rise up don’t hold it in
Does David Funk remind anyone of Jeremy Riddle?
this is like the one good cover from bethel