The BEST new gear from Nash! | Nash EXPO 2022 Highlights

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @aminchaudhry8139
    @aminchaudhry8139 2 года назад +11

    *Wow. **** recommend I must say this rod has exceeded my expectations. Nice quality, budget friendly rod. May have to buy another one in the near future!*

  • @paulAnthony7236
    @paulAnthony7236 2 года назад +1

    Some companies tops are too small as an ex bodybuilder it would be nice to have tops that would go too 55inch chest size for me.

  • @nikolamatic8684
    @nikolamatic8684 Год назад

    Got my nash hide xl camo pro, with floor and infill panel. Ordered overwrap and Nash siren R4..

  • @neilquerns7403
    @neilquerns7403 3 года назад +11

    Bring back the good old days when fishing was about fishing. Too much expensive non essential crap.

    • @WudzYT
      @WudzYT Год назад +1

      then don't buy it lmao, nobody is stopping you from fishing that way.

  • @DE2veteran
    @DE2veteran 2 года назад

    I didn’t know he was a derby lad ?! Super derby !

  • @moneygetten
    @moneygetten 3 года назад +1

    Titan 4 life

  • @lukeframpton3671
    @lukeframpton3671 3 года назад +3

    Hurry people there is a shortage on nash tackle 🤣

  • @darrentaylor1850
    @darrentaylor1850 3 года назад +6

    Nothing against Nash, or any other manufacturer for that matter, but most of their so-called 'leaps forward' and 'advances' and 'improvements' are absolutely needless. Does having different tones on alarms really put more fish on the bank? And all these bloody alarms that light up like an IPL cricket match? I actually pity the new anglers who get bombarded by this bullshit and are fooled into thinking that they need all this Chinese-manufactured crap.

    • @totalcarpmagazine
      @totalcarpmagazine  3 года назад +4

      You're welcome to your opinions and you're welcome to use alarms with none of these features. However many people will find these features useful in their fishing and thats how most features are developed.
      Lets just look at the tone feature you mentioned - does having different tones put more fish on the bank?
      I assume you're referring to the dropback differentiation seen in the video. Most people wouldn't react to just a couple of beeps, but if that was a drop back it almost certainly means your lead has moved. Personally, I would want to know this information as that either means its a bite or I need to recast anyway because my lead has moved. Secondly, it allows you to recognise a liner with greater ease, saving you from getting out of bed. Two very good reasons for variation in tones.

    • @emperium6224
      @emperium6224 3 года назад

      @@totalcarpmagazine the ace i3 alarms and also the german carpsounder alarms have double tone drop back sounds, nothing new here

    • @totalcarpmagazine
      @totalcarpmagazine  3 года назад

      Hi @@emperium6224, we're just explaining the benefit of it as the previous comment was stating that these gimmicks have no benefit to the angler. Besides, ACE went out of business a few years back and we're not sure if Carpsounder trade in the UK... we'd be happy to check them out if they do and were to send these in for review.

    • @mariuslehmann546
      @mariuslehmann546 3 года назад

      I use a set of Microns which are all the same tone and colour and I can tell you it would be great to identify which rod gave me a beep by hearing the tone or seeing the colour in my Titan at night. So I will go for the R4 for sure 😂

    • @paulAnthony7236
      @paulAnthony7236 2 года назад +2

      Different tones and colours work for me.

  • @123-b9q
    @123-b9q 3 года назад


  • @Hippiehansie
    @Hippiehansie 3 года назад
