Ask Donnell - What Does The Bible Say About Weed?

  • Опубликовано: 27 окт 2024

Комментарии • 250

  • @theinventor9793
    @theinventor9793 9 лет назад +91

    So would you say weed is the devils plant?
    Genesis 1:29
    And God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree with seed in its fruit. You shall have them for food.
    Genesis 9:3
    Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.
    Anything taken in access is bad for you even wine can make you drunk if you drink to much but if you take the right quantity of weed it could give you the same effects as taking one sip of wine, for study's I used to make 1 joint of medical marijuana last me 2 days.
    And is regular tea bad for you as well since lots of them make you drowsy or put you to sleep. How do you measure drunkenness because i didn't know you could get drunk off weed?
    past participle of drink.
    1. affected by alcohol to the extent of losing control of one's faculties or behavior.
    Thank you for taking the time to reflect your views on this subject.

    • @DonnellDuncan
      @DonnellDuncan  9 лет назад +12

      jerry curl There's nothing wrong with the plant. It's part of God's creation. However, we can both see that Genesis 1:29 is talking about food. It does not provide any support for smoking weed or any other plant with similar properties for the express purpose of getting high and no other reason. That's why some (not all) people use weed and that's the question I provided an answer for.

    • @theinventor9793
      @theinventor9793 9 лет назад +5

      Donnell Duncan Agreed anything smoked can be harsh to your health but as for getting high or the drunkenness aspect why where "hippies" or people who protested the war ( Vietnam) heavy marijuana smokers did yesterdays pot bring a peaceful vibe or high to people and if so is it hypocritical for the churches to look at it as evil.

    • @DonnellDuncan
      @DonnellDuncan  9 лет назад +3


    • @theinventor9793
      @theinventor9793 9 лет назад +5


  • @brandonz404
    @brandonz404 9 лет назад +36

    Y'all need to stop shooting this guy down. Someone spacifically asked him for his opinion on weed and what he found in the bible and he answered them with his honest response. Believe what you will but don't say he's stupid or idiotic because your beliefs aren't the same. It's fine. If you don't care what the Bible has to say about it why are you watching the vid? No one told you to do that.

    • @cheeseburger7650
      @cheeseburger7650 9 лет назад +2

      I hear ya.. We do learn lots in the comments section though and im sure he will too. Your right we do need to be more loving.. Help us to love and encourage one another Lord as we grow in wisdom together. Amen.

  • @quezadanoel3
    @quezadanoel3 10 лет назад +95

    weed is not a drug it is an herb

  • @Zulusango
    @Zulusango 9 лет назад +58

    Fasting alters you state of mind, hoola hooping, being upside down, breathing consciously, extended exercise, they are all every day normal things and they get you high according to studies. They give you the same high you get from smoking marijuana but for a short moment. and weed does not have to be smoked, it can be consumed, turned into oil and rubbed on the skin, and also it was used as incense in early Judaism so the interpretation of that verse needs a bit of review i think brother. +Donnell Duncan

  • @Reggaeshark.
    @Reggaeshark. 11 лет назад +31

    (KJV) Proverbs 31:6-7, "Give strong drink unto him that is ready to perish and wine unto those that be of heavy hearts. Let him drink, and forget his poverty and remember his misery no more." I don't drink but this clearly states that you can have alcohol. Even though the Bible says that you should not be drunk, I think this means that you can drink but not to get wasted basically.
    Now with reference to this, for those who have used marijuana know that there, like alcohol, are different stages of high. You can be high and still make sound judgements but you can be high and not know what is going on. Genesis 1:29 states that "I have given you every herb bearing seed which is upon the face of the you is shall be for meat (meat meaning consumption, obv plant is not meat)" Then 1Timothy 4:1-3, "In the latter times..speaking lies in hypocrisy to abstain from meats, which God has created to be received with thanksgiving." So God has given us these things to consume with discretion. Even if you say consuming is not smoking, what about when you use weed to put in meals? The Timothy verse just shows that the prohibition on marijuana was foreseen. Reply if I am interpreting this incorrectly. Thanks.

    • @adrielchai7811
      @adrielchai7811 10 лет назад +1

      I guess I didn't interpret this incorrectly

    • @joshuarodriguez323
      @joshuarodriguez323 10 лет назад

      thank you this man has no idea what he is sayin i agree about ice crack n coke u shouldnt do those

    • @DonnellDuncan
      @DonnellDuncan  10 лет назад

      LOL! I don't need to respond because you know exactly what you're saying. Concerning the effects of marijuana check this out;

    • @mr.bjorge2986
      @mr.bjorge2986 9 лет назад +3

      Cannibis leaves actually contain proteins and alot of essential nutrients for the body, great for salads very healthy,

    • @DonnellDuncan
      @DonnellDuncan  9 лет назад +3

      Braiden Bjorge Eat it in a salad. No problem. Smoking it for the express purpose of getting high is something completely different.

  • @MrBenGarcia
    @MrBenGarcia 11 лет назад +7

    I've smoked weed before and I've never seen a 'green man' or any demons. Meth and other harder drugs do have those hallucinatory attributes. All I have experienced is a sense of togetherness with those I do it with, a free mind, and some hunger haha. I can see how you might put getting high on marijuana on the same category as getting drunk but marijuana doesn't inhibit like alcohol does. You are able to function, think, and do things just fine. That's one big misconception about weed. God Bless

  • @FuriusJorge
    @FuriusJorge 11 лет назад +5

    (cont). You also stated: "The highest level of self control is staying away from temptation when you can" Avoidance is the only way many can deal with addiction but it's still avoidance & not self control.
    Self control is when I go to a friends house for burgers & beer & don't get too drunk. A few of hours before I have to leave I switch to water & sober up before driving. I won't get behind the wheel with so much as one sip of beer in me. That's self control.

  • @zachsullivan90
    @zachsullivan90 9 лет назад +77

    weed isnt a narcotic

  • @Dabss
    @Dabss 10 лет назад +8

    Marijuana is not a drug marijuana is medicine. Marijuana saved my life becuase it helps me eat and sleep. And it also helps my depression and anxiety. And I grow marijuana legally and I can tell you it's a plant. So don't say marijuana is a drug cuz it's not. God put marijuana on earth as medicine.

    • @DonnellDuncan
      @DonnellDuncan  10 лет назад

      Have a read. Here's a simple way to explain the effects of marijuana;

    • @mr.bjorge2986
      @mr.bjorge2986 9 лет назад +2

      Donnell Duncan ok Donnell your turn have a read

    • @DonnellDuncan
      @DonnellDuncan  9 лет назад

      Braiden Bjorge Thanks

  • @stillwaiting3491
    @stillwaiting3491 9 лет назад +7

    You know that's a little ridiculous cause you hit on everything but the question, Marijuana does not make you see things or "tap into the spirit related " your opinions and beliefs are the same befor and after a joint

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад +7

    This is what Jesus taught;
    Matthew 22:36-40(NLT) - “Teacher, which is the most important commandment in the law of Moses?” Jesus replied, “‘You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. A second is equally important: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ The entire law and all the demands of the prophets are based on these two commandments.”

  • @justindougherty2205
    @justindougherty2205 11 лет назад +1

    im confused cause Jesus made wine for the last supper but to enable a person to become drunken is a sin but it jesus never sinned so is drunkenness really a sin

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад +10

    It's fine. You were asking a genuine question. You got your answer now. You'll be alright. Your heart is in the right place.

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  12 лет назад +2

    Also, here's the scripture about the healing of the nations. It's called the tree of life.
    Revelation 22:2
    In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад +2

    1 Timothy 1:4(NLT) - Don’t let them waste their time in endless discussion of myths and spiritual pedigrees. These things only lead to meaningless speculations, which don’t help people live a life of faith in God.
    1 Timothy 4:7(NLT) - Do not waste time arguing over godless ideas and old wives’ tales. Instead, train yourself to be godly.
    Brian I did visit the video page. It's fine to try to correct someone who's off base but once you give him the truth you have done your job.

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад +1

    Also from the same article at WebMD, "Marijuana Use and Its Effects"
    These effects are reduced after three or four hours. However, marijuana hangs around in your system for as long as a month after smoking. The lingering effects mean you're impaired for several days to weeks after the high wears off.

  • @tgherman3619
    @tgherman3619 9 лет назад +8

    Thank you Donnel for this message. I am curious about this issue as well for many reasons. 1st reason is I love God and seek to do good and turn from sin. Second I never had tried any drugs but alcohol weed, caffeine, nicotine(cigarettes). I love coffee, I am not a drinker and I hate getting drunk off of alcohol. I like to catch a buzz off of wine now and then to relax me. I hate cigarettes and I am a non smoker. I like weed! Been smoking it on and off since I was a teen. You are right! We are not to be drunk. God hates drunkenness. There are many ways to be drunk. The Bible tells us to be sober minded as well. So that would mean we can do any drug and sniff stuff as long as we are not drunk. But that is not so. Because somethings people do like crack, cocaine, meth, are highly destructive to the mind and body. They are highly addictive and cause all sorts of trouble. Weed does neither as far as we know. The Bible says we are to treat our bodies as temples to the holy spirit. So getting tattoos, having sex before marriage and abusing drugs are destructive to the body. We are to treat our bodies good. When we abuse any drug even alcohol and cigarettes we hare harming are body. Excessive alcohol use causes things like liver failure and cigarettes cause lung damage. Other drugs do as well. I have seen people on Meth. It looks like they are the walking dead. People on crack look like hell too. This is why weed is so controversial. It has proven medical benefits, its not addictive, I can stop anytime I want and not have any withdraws symptoms and does not break your body down like other drugs. Its very hard or pretty much impossible to overdoes on it by smoking or ingesting. You just get hungry and fall asleep. I believe however if you get really stoned God considers it drunkenness, but like alcohol, moderate use is not bad. If it is a sin then it is a hard sin to deal with. I have many hard sins to deal with and had overcame them, but if this is wrong in the eyes of God, then we do need to stop.

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад +4

    Here's a little more;
    Psychological Effects of Marijuana
    According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, the main effects of marijuana on mood vary and may include euphoria, calmness, anxiety, or paranoia. Getting high or "stoned" is the reason most pot smokers use marijuana.
    Other short-term psychological effects of pot include:
    Distorted sense of time
    Magical or "random" thinking
    Short-term memory loss
    Anxiety and depression

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад +1

    Romans 14:21(NKJV) - It is good neither to eat meat nor drink wine nor do anything by which your brother stumbles or is offended or is made weak.
    If the person has an alcohol problem then it is wrong. You should never contribute to something a person is struggling with.

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад +6

    Jionni, thanks for your input. Addiction, toxicity and overdosing are definitely negatives and if weed has none of those that's a positive. Though it's great information, none of those formed the basis of my response. There was one main focus; the act of smoking marijuana for the express purpose of getting high. There are many side issues but this dominates the reasoning behind marijuana use among many of the young people I've personally been exposed to. They use anything they can to get high.

  • @407silentbob
    @407silentbob 11 лет назад +4

    I have severe Insomnia and I used it to help me sleep. I wouldn't get blasted off higher than the clouds though. I would only smoke it enough to get to a feeling good state/good buzz and then put it out and save the rest for when I needed it. It mellows me out and makes me sleepy and I can drift off to sleep. If not I am up for hours on end. I stopped though recently because it isn't legal in my area so I would be breaking the laws of the land and sinning that way even if I am not using it to..

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад +2

    Lydia, if it relieves your pain when taken in tea then it's being used as medicine. There's no problem with that especially if it's legal. Many of the young weed smokers I encounter smoke for one reason and one reason only and that's to get high.

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад

    If people are smoking marijuana specifically as a treatment for a specific disease then it's medicine. If people are smoking it to get high then it's drug abuse. Which type of use are we referring to here? When asked, many people have very subjective references to the medical benefits of marijuana as an excuse for smoking it only to get high.

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад

    Smoking or not smoking weed does not make you bad or good in God's eyes. Do you want to really please God?

  • @idiotsarewholesome
    @idiotsarewholesome 11 лет назад

    I've been studying at North Carolina State biology and chemistry for 3 years and trust me mariguana is not addictive, it is not toxic in any way like normal smoking is and there is no such thing as overdose in terms of mariguana. Only reason why is was made illegal is because of political and money issues in the 1950s.

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад +1

    Timoley, I hear you. However, you can't open the eyes of someone who doesn't want his eyes open. You can share the truth and shed light. After doing so you can only pray that The Lord breaks through to his heart.

  • @josephtully5853
    @josephtully5853 9 лет назад +1

    I think its ok to have a little bit that it cant make you "drunk" just like its ok to have alchohol as long it doesnt blind your conscience. I believe its ok to have some things similar to it as long as you dont abuse it.

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад +4

    Ben, thank God your experience was so positive and there's no way to question your experience. However, many other people have had a very different experience to what you described.

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад +5

    Thanks for your input. It's refreshing to hear someone else who understands this.

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад +2

    Hmm, alcoholism has destroyed many lives. It's great to know that you have it under control but there is an inherent danger that exists. Some can handle it but many can't. That's why it's safe to stay away. You are one of the few who made it out of the control of alcohol. Some don't make it out.

  • @407silentbob
    @407silentbob 11 лет назад +1 please keep me in your prayers as I go through that and receive victory in and over my life.

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад

    Proverbs 20:1(NLT) - Wine produces mockers; alcohol leads to brawls. Those led astray by drink cannot be wise.
    The Bible does mention drinking wine but it clearly draws a line at drinking in excess. No, it doesn't say exactly how many drinks denote excess because that's a subjective measure that varies by person and alcoholic content. However, it presents sobriety as a higher standard than controlled drinking. The highest level of self control is staying away from temptation when you can.

  • @407silentbob
    @407silentbob 11 лет назад

    Did you go and read those comments I told you about? Do you see what I am saying?

  • @d0wnstars
    @d0wnstars 11 лет назад

    I smoked weed for 16 years, do you know why i did? Because i hated drunkenness, it makes you dizzy and weak and out of control of your self. It is ok to drink it is not ok to get drunk. I am Dutch so i am not doing some illegal when i by weed. I know it is bad bat i love weed. I was a slave of it and a slave can only have one master that was mine reason to quit the habit. Sometimes i just like to smoke a joint in the weekend, does this makes me bad in God`s eyes?

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад +1

    1 Corinthians 6:12(NLT) - You say, “I am allowed to do anything”-but not everything is good for you. And even though “I am allowed to do anything,” I must not become a slave to anything.
    :) God didn't create anything for a man to become a slave to. Heroine comes from poppy seeds which is created by God. Cocaine comes from the coca plant which is created by God. Because God created something doesn't mean smoking, injecting or sniffing it is His intention.

  • @williamr5101
    @williamr5101 9 лет назад +10

    They drank wine in the bible.... Lol!!!

    • @DonnellDuncan
      @DonnellDuncan  9 лет назад +5

      William Robinson :) Thanks for letting us know.

  • @TheAccidentalPurpose
    @TheAccidentalPurpose 9 лет назад +2

    It's called Cannabis not Marijuana...

  • @FuriusJorge
    @FuriusJorge 11 лет назад

    Donnell, I appreciate your responses but I have to slightly disagree with you on a couple of points. You state: "Wine produces mockers; alcohol leads to brawls." True those things occur but that's closer to an exception than a rule. It's like stating that swimming in a pool leads to drowning. Sure it can but if that happened the majority of the time no one would go swimming.
    Myself, I'm 50 years old and an alcoholic so please trust me when I say I speak from experience. (continued)

  • @407silentbob
    @407silentbob 11 лет назад +1

    ...just get high and as a lust of the flesh. Now, don't get me wrong....I love the way Cannabis smells and looks. Now, is it bad that I love my medicine? Prescribed or not? As long as I am responsible with it and use it accordingly and not as a lust of the flesh, but still look forward to the side effect (high) when I use it to I still in the wrong? Is it bad to enjoy your medicine or to like it that way?

  • @himan242
    @himan242 12 лет назад

    the tree of life is symbolically described in the Book of Revelation as having curing properties: "the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations."

  • @GodsPunisher07
    @GodsPunisher07 11 лет назад +1

    Jesus rose from the dead he can heal any problem you have if you have enough faith !! Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at Hand !!

  • @himan242
    @himan242 12 лет назад +1

    i do have chronic insomnia for which i am prescribed medical marijuana, but i do agree with you in the reply to Brittany. i have been high enough where i do have an altered sense of reality and kinda tun into a couch potato for half an hour lol. but cannabis has been used since ancient times in many different ways including for relaxation and even to calm or quiet up cranky babies. (when givin to babies it was in liquid extract form but still gets you high)

  • @OdellLewis
    @OdellLewis 9 лет назад +3

    GENESIS 1:11 And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: 1:12 and it was so.: and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.
    GENESIS 1:29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.

    • @DonnellDuncan
      @DonnellDuncan  9 лет назад +1

      Great scripture. Still looking for the part where it says to smoke it and get high.

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад +1

    God is love and indeed He desires us to have the same love that He extended to us. We can't go wrong with love. Love is something I can only agree with. God gave man dominion over the earth. How we use and value God's creation is an expression of our love for Him. How we treat our bodies is also an expression of our love for Him because He gave us these bodies. We should not put anything in our bodies or do anything that will harm it. That's love for ourselves and that's love for God.

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад +2

    No problem. It's good to hear from you.

  • @juliansalas29
    @juliansalas29 11 лет назад

    I agree for the most part as well. Anything in itself is not bad, it is the abuse of it that is. However if someone does become addicted, then that person is not bad rather has a "disease" and should be helped. This is for any type of addiction wether alcohol, cocaine, marijuana, tobacco, and the one that I want to emphasize above all FOOD.

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад +1

    OK. Does it work to stop the scoliosis, migraines or sleep issues?

  • @407silentbob
    @407silentbob 11 лет назад +1

    The man's name is timoley. The video I am referring to is here called: "Jesus Is Good And Cannabis Is Made Holy By God" I am trying to ope this man's eye's and show him that he is decieved, but a spirit of Division is over this man.

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад

    Yes. I am referring to drug abuse which in this context is abusing a drug of any sort for the sole purpose of getting high.

  • @jahdonjovani
    @jahdonjovani 11 лет назад +1

    ok so your answer can apply to marijuana then. seeing that excess is the issue with wine. it should be so with marijuana should it not?

  • @lauralougee4318
    @lauralougee4318 11 лет назад +1

    I respect this mans opinion but cannabis is good for you.
    Learn the science

  • @codyturner9813
    @codyturner9813 9 лет назад +3

    You are so misguided but I hope you are happy

  • @cgmt87420
    @cgmt87420 11 лет назад

    They're are scriptures that talk about cannabis but they are lost in translation. I believe the word is Cana or another spelling variant. The holy annointing oil contains cannabis As well. Their are videos online RUclips describing how to make this oil.

  • @TreeBeother
    @TreeBeother 11 лет назад +1

    Donnell, your argument is anything that causes Altered Level of Consciousness is "lumped" into the bible verse regarding "drunkenness". Here's a couple more things that cause an altered state of consciousness. Fasting, endurance sports, high sensational thrills such as roller coasters and cliff jumping. Even merry go rounds children love to play on at a young age to alter one consciousness which is a part of human nature. What allows you to pick and choose which method is acceptable an not?

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад +1

    I'm not sure what you did but if you still feel conviction then what you've done is still forgivable. Just ask God for forgiveness according to 1 John 1:9 and move on.

  • @LucasandLolasMami
    @LucasandLolasMami 12 лет назад

    sorry about this, it was my husband who wrote this i guess he didn't notice he was signed into my youtube account. but i will let him know what you said, i agree with you also though

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад

    Jessica, if The Bible is the Word of God then we should be guided by it. If God is Love then agreeing with God's Word is love. That's positive energy. He loves us and we share it with others. We don't contradict Him.

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад +1

    Here's what's awesome about The Bible. It's available to all of us and it's written in English. Since you know what God did and it's in The Bible why not share it with us.

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад +2

    And I'll end with this from the same article;
    These psychological signs of using pot also generally ease after a few hours. But residual effects can last for days.

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад

    Also, if someone claims to be a Christian then does something totally opposite to what Jesus taught that doesn't mean Jesus is behind what the person did. That person is obviously contradicting Jesus, hence that person's actions do not represent Jesus. If you read the teachings of Jesus for yourself and not rely on "hearsay" you cannot show me where wickedness was done as a direct result of accurately applying the teachings of Jesus. The followers of Jesus were actually the ones persecuted.

  • @lilfarrow69
    @lilfarrow69 11 лет назад

    I use weed for my scoliosis, my terrible migranes, and sometimes to put me to sleep, is this bad, is this consider medical use???

  • @WestSideBarson
    @WestSideBarson 11 лет назад +5

    I understand that but it helps with my anxiety and my insomnia. You're just referring to using it for the sole purpose of getting high right?

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад +1

    Matthew 12:31(KJV) - Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.
    You didn't blaspheme against The Holy Ghost. However, if you feel convicted in your heart about what you said just repent and God will forgive you. As long as you can feel the conviction of The Holy Ghost that means He has not left you. You're forgivable.

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  12 лет назад

    Brittany, I agree that God created good things. However, did He create weed to be smoked so that you can get high? Drug abuse is not about the drugs, it's about the abuse or "abnormal" use of the drugs. Because God created something it doesn't mean that He condones abuse. Poppy seeds are good but when they are used for heroin it's abuse. Coca leaves are good until they are used in cocaine and sniffed. Grapes are good until you abuse grape wine and get drunk. Abuse is never good!

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад

    Ephesians 5:18(NLT) - Don’t be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life. Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit,
    Drinking wine is not a sin. Drinking wine in excess until you're drunk is the problem. Jesus did turn water into wine but He never promoted people getting drunk. Drunkenness is a choice. There is a point at which excess turns something into a negative whether it starts off good or bad.

    @SKILLvsPILLS 11 лет назад

    Weed doesn't persay get you drunk, it's more of a buzz!

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад

    You are most welcome. I cannot defend all organized religion because I don't believe in all. However, I am a Christian who follows the teachings of Jesus Christ. His message is one of love which is not the source of the evil in the world. What I see in this world is not a product of His teachings.

  • @judytolbert4716
    @judytolbert4716 9 лет назад +1

    Totally enjoyed your video in weed,and agree. I have a question, I need to have addressed. What is the Biblical teaching on cremation?

    • @DonnellDuncan
      @DonnellDuncan  9 лет назад

      Thanks Judy. I am not aware of the Bible having a specific position on cremation.

  • @judytolbert4716
    @judytolbert4716 9 лет назад +1

    If we can find some answers to this question, I would appreciate it. Patiently waiting..with the cost of funeral celebratory, it would be much more affordable. However, I only want to do the will of my Father in Heaven.

    • @DonnellDuncan
      @DonnellDuncan  9 лет назад

      OK Judy. Whether we're dealing with cremation or burial, if The Bible doesn't make an issue of it, neither should we. You can pray about it and ask The Lord for personal direction and do what He says with a clear conscience.

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад +1

    Awesome, great to meet you Jeremy.

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад

    Is that what anger looks like to you?

  • @WestSideBarson
    @WestSideBarson 11 лет назад

    I give you every plant yielding seeds for food.. Marijuana is a plant that yields seeds is it not?

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад +1

    Thank God for you too, Tony.

  • @WestSideBarson
    @WestSideBarson 11 лет назад

    No but you don't have to smoke marijuana you can eat it, vap it, smoking isn't the only way and the scripture says plants yielding seeds is yours to consume..

  • @justindougherty2205
    @justindougherty2205 11 лет назад

    if i give someone wine for them to drink is that a sin

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад

    OK. So there's false intoxication and true intoxication. I would love to learn more about that. I guess there's nothing wrong with the people who are truly intoxicated. Is that so? I assume that someone high on weed is truly intoxicated since he/she, though high, is in complete control. That sounds like what you're saying. Correct me if I'm wrong.

  • @407silentbob
    @407silentbob 11 лет назад

    I wasn't saying it cures it because nothing will. I am saying that I use it as a natural sleep aid.

  • @himan242
    @himan242 12 лет назад

    To honeybun33: coal poison ivy pollen and lava do not have hundreds of proven medical benefits Like marijuana. I do believe narcotics are unholy but I also believe marijuana is different, I have used many drugs and have hallucinated but with marijuana I do not feel like I have an altered sense of reality unless my goal is just to get high. It would like to ask Donnell about the city cana which grew cannabis and the reference to it being the healing of the nation.

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  12 лет назад +1

    No problem. God bless you.

  • @407silentbob
    @407silentbob 11 лет назад

    I prefer(ed) to use it because it's a natural herb that isn't altered or concentrated or man made in any way. I know exactly what is going into my body and not some kind of random chemicals and substances in a pill. It is also fairly easy to get a hold of. Cheaper than a prescription refill. I just hope it is legalized in FL. I hate not being able to sleep at night. I sleep for 3hrs a day if I am lucky and that is it. I also am Demoniacally Oppressed and my Deliverance session is coming soon...

  • @justindougherty2205
    @justindougherty2205 11 лет назад

    cause they say blasphimy is the one unforgivable sin

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад +2

    Did you say you believe in Science? Welcome to the science club. So do I! :-) My background is in Physics. That's what I studied in college. During that time I was able to participate in an awesome research project on Cosmology at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California. I've done several talks on The Big Bang and the age of the earth so you're right up my alley. I actually agree with an old earth and can support it with The Bible. Now, I'll talk some more about Jesus.

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад

    Seguiriya1, apparently, many people care. That's why someone asked me the question and I answered it. Allot of people believe in The Bible and it's real to us. Nonetheless, I do appreciate your offer of a good smoke. Maybe you can smoke your next joint for me. I've seen the light already. :-)

  • @vodamanaman
    @vodamanaman 11 лет назад

    are you sure

  • @FuriusJorge
    @FuriusJorge 11 лет назад

    (cont). It took me probably 2 decades to actually understand alcoholism & truly get it under control. I worked in mental healthcare for 5 years much of which was involved in substance abuse patients. I've been to AA both as an alcoholic & to dozens more meetings escorting patients & counciling. AA is a sad sham, It's counter therapeutic and if any thing it's a crippling crutch. It's like a band aid that keeps a wound open & prevents it from healing, but I digress. (continued)

  • @d0wnstars
    @d0wnstars 11 лет назад

    Thanks, your question did help.

  • @tomastango3939
    @tomastango3939 11 лет назад

    Sir I mean this with respect. I have a question your saying don't drink alcohol or smoke marijuana. because it alters your mind. How can you say this? Is it not true that Jesus turned water into wine? So your saying Jesus sined by doing this if God said don't alter your mind? Then why would Jesus set man kind up to fail? I thought Jesus was perfect and free from sin.

  • @jaybug6062
    @jaybug6062 11 лет назад

    may i ask what your views are on dmt and psilocybin, people belive this is how people back in the day found out about higher powers(god) and this goes back before jesus and the bible thanks

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад

    What is a man of God?

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад +2

    Ok! Can you send me those scriptures? I would love to read them myself. I have The Bible in several of its original languages (Hebrew, Greek, etc)

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад

    Tuna buttons, I assume that you know The Bible since you consider yourself qualified to respond in such a way. Where does The Bible say God created seed bearing plants for smoking and getting high? Since when did smoking weed become the same as eating food? Please educate me since my teachings are "against God" and I need to repent. I would love for you to give me the scriptures that support your position and I will gladly repent if I am wrong. Thanks a bunch.

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  12 лет назад


  • @LoverofTruth1
    @LoverofTruth1 11 лет назад +1

    have any of you ever even smoked weed in any of your lives???? i keep hearing/reading about this mind altering effects..... I dont know about you people but its not mind altering.. when i think mind altering i think mushrooms not weed.

  • @justindougherty2205
    @justindougherty2205 11 лет назад

    but it says in the bible god put all green plants on earth for us to eat as meat,

  • @thepolodon21
    @thepolodon21 11 лет назад

    You have not mentioned on thing there that does not happen normally to people there are foods that include blood pressure such as food with salt and sodium, there are people who run and have an increased rate of breathing. A lot of people get red eyes during allergy seasons or when they have a flu and increased appetite is a normal thing when someone is hungry or is all of that the THC? Alcohol,cocaine and heroin cause a intoxicated state of mind which destroys the body after awhile but not MJ

  • @warmarinedisipline
    @warmarinedisipline 9 лет назад +3

    A womens smell or taste makes me high.MJ is alot better then the pills for pain and Ptsd.

    • @warmarinedisipline
      @warmarinedisipline 9 лет назад +4

      WMD I seen the Devil once and it was long before i started using weed.Now that i walk with God i dont see him any more. Weed or no weed.

  • @AndyDPhelps
    @AndyDPhelps 10 лет назад

    Man I don't see any demons right now

  • @FuriusJorge
    @FuriusJorge 11 лет назад

    So why does the bible mention drinking wine? Even one glass can get a non drinker tipsy. Does God have a field sobriety test outlined in the bible so I can tell when I've had too many glasses of wine for God's taste?
    I'm asking serious questions her & not trying to poke fun or disrupt the forum.
    Since the bible obviously advocates the use of wine how do we know how much is too much? I pose the same question about pot which is much less harmful to us and in the process of being legalized.

  • @DonnellDuncan
    @DonnellDuncan  11 лет назад +1

    Here's medical info from WebMD. Physiological Effects of Marijuana The active ingredient in marijuana is THC. That's short for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. THC is rapidly absorbed after smoking pot. Within minutes, THC and the other substances in marijuana smoke cause short-term medical effects. Signs of using marijuana include: Rapid heart rate Increased blood pressure Increased rate of breathing Red eyes Dry mouth Increased appetite, or "the munchies" Slowed reaction time

  • @JohnJohn-fq5bl
    @JohnJohn-fq5bl 9 лет назад

    sweetie you are not answering the questions if we have a pain doctors used prescribed drugs,what about those who used to relief pain it is a sin or what i get the part the bible don't say the word weed just dunked my question is does smoke weed it is a sin yes or no

    • @DonnellDuncan
      @DonnellDuncan  9 лет назад +3

      la morena That specific question is not addressed in The Bible so I cannot give you an answer. Drunkenness is a sin. That's the answer.