張堅庭頻道 - 學英文,將來機會多,醒你躱避功課、考試而英文、常識更好的方法(下)

  • Опубликовано: 13 янв 2025

Комментарии • 39

  • @fun-wz9sw
    @fun-wz9sw 3 года назад +1


  • @JessicaCheung16
    @JessicaCheung16 4 года назад +1


  • @JChik-rt3om
    @JChik-rt3om 6 лет назад +21


  • @honhosang5963
    @honhosang5963 6 лет назад +12


  • @HomoSapien_1923
    @HomoSapien_1923 5 лет назад +1


  • @amylee8903
    @amylee8903 6 лет назад +11

    bbclearningenglish.com 也是個很好的學習英語的網站, 裡面有不同程度的課程. 學發音和讀聽的有 The Sound of English, Tim's Pronunciation Workshop. 學地道英語的有 The English We Speak 和 6 Minute English 等...

  • @dannyleung2796
    @dannyleung2796 6 лет назад +5

    兒童教育,唔駛對佢哋硬塞知識,只需要培養 5 樣嘢:1 語文能力,2 邏輯數理思維,3 運動,4 藝術創意,同埋最後最重要嘅第 5 學習點樣去學習嘅方法,即係 learn how to learn,例如點樣做 research,或者有效期記憶方法等等。好奇怪學校裏面咁多科目,都冇一科係教學生點樣去學習呢樣咁重要嘅嘢。

  • @bb9898
    @bb9898 6 лет назад +5

    非常贊成你說的不要靠政府. 教育制度混亂,放錯重心,我們作為家長真的很憤怒、傷心.

  • @ych2011
    @ych2011 6 лет назад +2


  • @fun-wz9sw
    @fun-wz9sw 3 года назад


  • @joeyau6580
    @joeyau6580 6 лет назад +2

    Strongly and definitely agree with you. When I tried to improve my English, I am obsessed by those American TV dramas and repetitively learned a lot of slang and adjective words in deep impression. Watching TV by categories by everyone's favor, capture children's curiosity and they will actively learn more what they mean in TV series. Some drama and series are actually meaningful and valuable to be learnt. Not only for kids, but also for adult. I still remember when I learn English, I tried to read through all the words in Cambridge dictionary. However, I feel like that we can acquire knowledge of English and communication can be came from variety of different media, radio, news, TVs, music, but not only from books. Interest and curiosity is the first priority of learning motivation. They should love what they learn and Duck-fulling education anymore.
    I realized that other Asian countries and even Shang Hai can be competitive than Hong Kong now. Hong Kong is actually lag behind than Asian countries. For example, Australia whatever school learner can be free to choose their languages to be their elective subject for studying even foreign language can enhance their High school scores and scale point. Hong Kong Education Department should promote that foreign language is also a subject to exam and schooling. There should not be limited whether you are poverty or wealthy for early education.

    • @joeyau6580
      @joeyau6580 6 лет назад

      Shang Hai they also protect their language ShangHaiese and can learn English as their second language. That's really respectful to foreigner.

  • @CMH18
    @CMH18 6 лет назад +5

    張老師,我完全認同你的說法,你說的正是我心中說想的,我兩個兒子都六歲。我八個月前開始自己教他phonics 現在已經能看故事書了,越小開始越好。現在都是看RUclips 的英文節目,暫時不用花錢。

  • @davidleung5984
    @davidleung5984 6 лет назад +1


  • @joanneli6959
    @joanneli6959 6 лет назад

    讀書求學問,知識求進步,進步求自然生活、生活好學問就要好希望每個小朋友都要學習多言文化、就是成功的開始,香港是個大福地、我同張堅庭都是同一年齡的歲數.所以有機會跑到有今天的作為因為當年是英國政府的管治、我在小學都有中英算三科都合格當時出路很多機會,现在我的仔女都成才、做工作都有専業的地位,现在香港是中國人管冶看看他們管治的能力。香港變到不像一個國際城市、希望張堅庭先生.學英文和中國語文都很重要,但要有撥揮機會都很重要,因為是代表香港制造的產品名牌,你記得香港制造的每件货物都有三文两語,跟著去日本旅行就有夜校學習曰文,因為香港人很有進除心、日間返工,晚間返夜校、1至5都上學、真是香港人的好基會、去邊到都會预備自己去門的知識三文两語是香港人的學習精神,所以人大左會為自已走的路就是香港市民的聰明知慧的香港市民的品牌 ok 所以真正香港市民一早預備自己的出路靖你不要擔心,放心做個快樂人

  • @hungliu6321
    @hungliu6321 6 лет назад +1


  • @jackylam8774
    @jackylam8774 6 лет назад +2

    謝謝 老師🙏🏻

  • @julielook6005
    @julielook6005 5 лет назад

    Director Cheung, your comments are on point. English continues to be the universal communications tool, despite the UK no longer claiming sovereignty over its vast empire of former colonies. Your advice for HK parents to allow their children to watch documentaries on National Geographic and Discovery channels, as well as sit-coms such as Friends or Modern Family, is sound advice. To improve school children's verbal and written English skills, they will need to put it into practice, perhaps encourage the school children to speak English amongst themselves for half-an-hour daily? I'd completed my secondary education in HK before leaving for Canada in 1972. My observations suggest to me that individuals with Mandarin as their mother tongue tend to enunciate English more eloquently than those who speak Cantonese. The Cantonese dialect does not have the "R" or "ZH" sounds, I believe, and we have been teased by native English speakers that we pronounce "fried rice" to sound like "fly lice", and "pizza" (pronounced Pitza) as "pee-sa". In all my years in Canada, regardless of one's ethnicity, if the individual could express themselves through proper grammar (sentence construction) and speak English without a "thick" accent or mis-pronouncing certain words by being a good listener while learning the English language, their opportunity to integrate into Canada's mainstream is equivalent to a local-born Canadian.

  • @kanglamlam9507
    @kanglamlam9507 5 лет назад

    睇完你既片我覺得透過drama黎學英文呢個理念好好, 我個仔今年3歲,人比較內向少少, 想搵類似既課程比佢可以係同其他小朋友玩既環境下去學習, 我地既目標都唔係話佢環要幾叻只要大個左可以用英文同人地溝通就可以,今日本來想去你地既沙田分店了解下,但係選錯日子...
    結果只能係網上睇其他家長既評價, 暫時睇到既評價都係比較負面d, 但係我都仲係想去試下, 加油!!!

  • @rachelliu128
    @rachelliu128 6 лет назад

    支持多張導演多D分享, 對於70後(我) 你已經唔只係一個導演

  • @KIeeew
    @KIeeew 6 лет назад +1

    睇電視學英文,呢個建議只岩D離地既人。如果你父母唔識英文,又讀普通既學校,睇幾多英文 TV 都無用。你可能進步到識少少,但完全無可能自由交流,表達主見能力。大部分人英文衰係因為遇上難點果陣無人問。你見好多明星學外語都成功,都係一對一教學,隨時問。失敗果D都係定期補習班。

  • @極限舞道极限舞道
    @極限舞道极限舞道 6 лет назад +3

    學語文是開眼界...... 不是只為工作......

  • @cissylui8580
    @cissylui8580 6 лет назад

    Thank you for saving children of Hong Kong:))

  • @aarontse9278
    @aarontse9278 6 лет назад +3


  • @peggy962
    @peggy962 6 лет назад


  • @siukitchan1420
    @siukitchan1420 5 лет назад

    看英语节目 是否需要做功课? 很好的建议

  • @samuelyip2037
    @samuelyip2037 6 лет назад +1


  • @atang5899
    @atang5899 6 лет назад +1


    • @atang5899
      @atang5899 6 лет назад

      @@Printemp666 你這是太陰謀論了,我地70年代讀中學,中文老師多是台灣大學畢業的,會建議同學睇白話文改善寫作,因國語我口寫我手,而文章是不會用廣東口語寫的,但母語教學涵蓋其他原本用英語教學的科目便是一大敗筆,數理化始終都是需要用英語詞滙表達,失去了使用英文的環境,學生的英文程度又怎會好。而事實亦証明,母語教學與改善學科成績無關,但犧牲了一代人的英文水平了。

  • @sklai1907
    @sklai1907 6 лет назад +2


  • @Love_funny_things
    @Love_funny_things 6 лет назад

    Mandarin is enough for survival.

    • @juno3shon456
      @juno3shon456 6 лет назад

      Then u r meant to serve those who speak mandarin.

  • @annaanna-wi9zw
    @annaanna-wi9zw 6 лет назад +1

    落錯投資落錯注 就一定會跌級