Mere pakistanion assalamo alekum wa rehmatullahe wabrakatho fatha tumhara intizar kerrahi he choto por Allah ki lanat pakis tan pakistanion ka he amanat me kiyanat mat kro
Foji bikat por sakhti se aumal kia jaye remetances bikat foji masnoaut kabikat civil and social bikat taxes and duties bikat utility bill bikat general se nafrat or jawanoun se piar.
Aouzo billahe menas setan ner rajim bis millaher rehman ner rahim ayyeka naboudo wa ayyaka nastaeen
Mere pakistanion assalamo alekum wa rehmatullahe wabrakatho fatha tumhara intizar kerrahi he choto por Allah ki lanat pakis tan pakistanion ka he amanat me kiyanat mat kro
General ko aye Allah nek hidayat de auger hidayat ke qabile naho to tabaor berbad kerde
Foji bikat por sakhti se aumal kia jaye remetances bikat foji masnoaut kabikat civil and social bikat taxes and duties bikat utility bill bikat general se nafrat or jawanoun se piar.
08 February 2025 ko Islamabad me damadam mast qalander Imran Khan wazer auzam pakistan
I. Love. video ❤