They did 0 research into humans. 1 we tend to do what we are told not to, especially when not given a sufficient reason to comply. 2 grasping the others arm is signal of peace it is to show we are not grabbing our sword
without warning and information - why should the humans do‽ so it is totally on the aliens, because they didn't insisted on gloves and protection suits…
Give the kid to the guy, he gets on the ship and leaves, she goes back to being boring blue alien 2.0, problem solved. 2 worlds going to war over a chick that got knocked up by accident. This is even better some of my goofy war stories. I'll get free drinks for a fortnight on retelling this one.
What kind of civilization sends the most hostile, condescending person to be their representative in a "freindly" first contact with another civilization? On top of that, she gives a "never do this" direction, refuses to explain, and then threatens interstellar war when that "directive" is violated!? Completely goes against all rules of logic and diplomacy! I mean, if it was such a big deal, why was she standing so close that he could easily touch her before she could react? Why didnt she wear gloves? Why didnt they send a male ambassador, so this wouldnt happen? The logical ineptitude is maddening! I couldnt even make it past 10 minutes...
If anything, she brought this upon herself, instead of shutting down his query she could have just straight up told him the dangers of physical contact... or you know, USE GLOVES!🤦♂
He immediately asked why they couldn't have physical contact - but rather than give the answer as to why they just responded with hostility. Not much in diplomacy.
I don't know how you can make people see this could be in the future of this planet. people should understand that there is more than one way to look at something and see the possibility.
Collective consciousness is not the same as a hive mind. Hive minds are always connected and share sense and experience as one. Collective consciousness is the ability to connect to others to share thoughts. Usually to form logical consensus. One is individuals sharing thoughts willfully and telepathically, the other is a single mind and will that is being reflected through more than one vessel.
You know if they started out by saying no physical contact and said that their females will get pregnant from a little touch would have made any man or woman think twice about touching them
it was no accident , he was warned / told not to touch, so a mistake. it could be looked at as rape be her as he was told no touching yet he did anyway. fairly cut and dried in any court of law.
Agreed. Added that there are cultures on EARTH where shaking hands would be considered offensive. An experienced diplomat on a first-contact mission? "Hello" is going to get practiced 50, 60, 100 times to make sure those 'reflex actions' don't start a war.
@@tribalteuton7256 No. There is a responsibility to know the proper etiquette for greeting a foreign diplomat or other ranking representative. This sort of thing only happens when someone doesn't do their job. For instance, a new President learns to return the salute of a uniformed member of the armed forces instead of shaking hands. Because it's protocol. In Japan, while the Japanese try to be more accommodating these days to Western 'reflexes and habits', you'll do much better if you bow. The Aliens said don't touch. It is not incumbent on them to explain why, even if it would have been helpful. The simple fact they said not to should have been enough. Either some dipstick did not think it important enough to put in the Ambassador's briefing packet and should be cashiered immediately OR the Ambassador did not do his due diligence.
Not bad. Could work a little more on the alien society that has a known biological issue and not preparing for it though being an ingenious, star faring race as well as displaying more of the Novan's telepathic abilities so we would have a greater understanding of their fear of a foreign mind entering their society, but overall, nice story. Keep at it.
Well it's worse than the Asari bonding which I never liked. I always thought another being should sleep with an Asari rather than just be nice to them and they become pregnant. There are a lot of stories like this recently and it's kinda annoying. I like romances to an extent in video games and in other media but these stories all seem too similar and there are too many of them lately.
It's more complicated with the asari. It's more intimate as it's two consciousness melding together than just physical bodies. And it's not all willy nilly. Like imagine everything you are merging with everything the asari is that's what it would be like
so we have genetic purists who are so lazy they decided in their infinite wisdom that getting pregnant from shaking hands is very much in these days, then decided that simply telling everyone else "do not touch me" again, in their infinite wisdom, was sufficient to prevent exactly this situation from happening. I agree with another comment down below, ever heard of gloves.
So how the hell did he grab her hand. In my mind, when offering a hand shake you hold the hand between the two of you. Then the other person has to grab it. Here it seemed as if her hand was either at her side or at the least close to her body. For him to grab it for a hand shake he would have had to basically be less than a foot away. That or she also held out her hand to accept it without thinking. Either it was as some in the comments call it rape or an oversight by the writer or she intentionally got pregnant.
I join you in a glass of wine each Sunday. As someone who had to gut our 1880 house after a house fire in the early 1990's and bring it to ABOVE code when we rebuilt from the studs in. The only things my husband and I didn't do was the new furnace/ heating runs and reframing/replacement of the bedroom windows. We did demo, insulation, wiring, plumbing, roofing and we had to upgrade all the rafters and joists. We moved back in one year after the fire. The only things we didn't get done were surface finishes and trim which we had saved to reinstall. One thing I did take when we moved out was the original stained glass window.
:Decent story but the AI voice to text is really bad. I see this on the majority of these short stories. Doesn't anybody see a need for a real person to edit the text? It's pretty stupid.
"You fool, Do you have any idea what you have done?"
Of course he doesn't. You didn't tell him what happens if you touch!
They did 0 research into humans. 1 we tend to do what we are told not to, especially when not given a sufficient reason to comply. 2 grasping the others arm is signal of peace it is to show we are not grabbing our sword
She’s blue , but she’d do.🤣
Intergalactic child support, a scary thought 😳 🤣
Yes that definitely was information that should have been freely given instead of just a hostile don't touch me.
I have to repeat a comment from another story:
"Dear Penthouse Forum, you won't believe this but..."
Have they ever considered gloves?
without warning and information - why should the humans do‽ so it is totally on the aliens, because they didn't insisted on gloves and protection suits…
@@toraxmalu Point, true!👍 It's should of been their protocol decades/eons ago.
Have they considered being blunt? "Oh, touch me and you could impregnate me!" Totally the alien's fault.
Give the kid to the guy, he gets on the ship and leaves, she goes back to being boring blue alien 2.0, problem solved. 2 worlds going to war over a chick that got knocked up by accident. This is even better some of my goofy war stories. I'll get free drinks for a fortnight on retelling this one.
Sir, i recommend you look up the 'War of the Bucket' in 1325. Reality is often be more wack tgen fiction.
I'm pretty sure the war going on currently was because Trump called pudin a pu$$y
@@rood6422lmfao yeah, i forgot about that war. 😂😂😂
You should’ve said something like oh if you touch me, I will get pregnant. That would stop any human.
And wear closed suit.
Those darned Nanites, they'll do it to you every time.
Nannites - nicknamed Nannies! Never gonna look at granny the same way again!
This one's way too far-fetched. One sneeze and a whole City block would be pregnant. I don't even know what would happen if somebody farted.
they are aliens, how do we know how they get pregnant or at what time or what instance.
Hey look. All fair's in war and intergalactic reproduction!
Your premise sound FAR more entertaining to listen to!
What kind of civilization sends the most hostile, condescending person to be their representative in a "freindly" first contact with another civilization? On top of that, she gives a "never do this" direction, refuses to explain, and then threatens interstellar war when that "directive" is violated!? Completely goes against all rules of logic and diplomacy! I mean, if it was such a big deal, why was she standing so close that he could easily touch her before she could react? Why didnt she wear gloves? Why didnt they send a male ambassador, so this wouldnt happen? The logical ineptitude is maddening!
I couldnt even make it past 10 minutes...
If anything, she brought this upon herself, instead of shutting down his query she could have just straight up told him the dangers of physical contact... or you know, USE GLOVES!🤦♂
From shaking hands? Oh, come now!
Hey, in Star Trek engineer a male got pregnant by sticking his hands in to the bucker of rocks.
That’s a lot more plausible than the two alien species being fertile together.
All things are possible in the realm of science fiction
Handholding lewdest thing ever *joke*
Indeed, I like it @@juliansearcie1758
All the aliens needed to say say was 60 percent child support . No one would have touched them😂
Touching Hands ...How Lewd 😂
What was hidden was the little middle finger rubbing on the palm that wasn't seen by everyone else.
Yep. The alien version of the #metoo crew
Human, "I just want you to know that,..."
"My hands are often sweaty" 😂🤣🤣
A fantastic story... Painting a picture of a very bright future of harmony co-existence, and co-operation for the good of all ... 👍🏻
Captain Kirk was doing God's work!
As in he was acting like an idiot? I agree.
It brings new meaning to parents to their child for no touching each other 😮
He immediately asked why they couldn't have physical contact - but rather than give the answer as to why they just responded with hostility. Not much in diplomacy.
Yep. Just like Earth women and the #metoo crew😉
@@absurdnerd7624 There's a difference between what you're referring to, and things like a simple handshake.
@@OneGaurdian according to the #metoo crew *any* form of unwanted touching is s6xual assault.
The shrill mobs were very clear on that point. 😁
Not anymore there isn't. 😅
Beautiful story ❤️
I don't know how you can make people see this could be in the future of this planet. people should understand that there is more than one way to look at something and see the possibility.
Kind of funny if they knew they were that open to genetic transference you would think they would be wearing full body coverings
this was a wonderful story 💖
U really have to create an anime of this
Note to self when in talks with an alien embassy, make sure your hands are washed thoroughly after rubbing one out BEFORE!!!!! you shake hands.
Curious premise. But how can they have clandestine meetings and secrets when the aliens have a collective consciousness?
ya, that one line wrecked the whole story......
Let's talk about who coded the nanites to just impregnate their owners upon contact with anything. They are literally walking maleware or viruses.
Mass orgasms shared by the collective?
Collective consciousness is not the same as a hive mind. Hive minds are always connected and share sense and experience as one. Collective consciousness is the ability to connect to others to share thoughts. Usually to form logical consensus. One is individuals sharing thoughts willfully and telepathically, the other is a single mind and will that is being reflected through more than one vessel.
If it wasn't for the monks, I don't believe that they'd have a chance for a great future.
Premise of this story is straight from an episode of Star Trek : Enterprise, with the exception that Trip got pregnant.
Yeah, but it's still different enough to be it's own story.
We all know this is the basic result when there's a "careless Johnson" acting on instinct.
the best story i have heard on youtube. thank you
You know if they just say the reason why they shouldn't touch their species
Why doesn't he have his own dedicated human security. Ambassadors frequently have military escort.
You missed a trick there. Should have turned out Rick was pregnant.
How did he grasp her hand without her extending it too ?
Thats whatvi was thinking. She must have.
Unique idea. Has many repetitive phrases from many other SciFi stories, seemingly or possibly AI written.
It was an honest mistake on his side. The consul didn't do right. She could have explained why no physical contact.
It's only a story, a good one at that🙂
Blue will do!
If the glove fits you must aquit
Love your story.
Oh damn , they put our childhood mind into story
Their hands met, and suddenly, Tracy Morgan's voice echoed in their minds "ima get somebody pregnant tonight "
Now I have the urge to fire up a new Stellaris playthrough.
So months later, Aria decided she wanted another man. He was sued for child support, including 4 years in college. Rick was a baby daddy, now. ….
wow that good. I laugh on that 1
Will there be a continuation of this story?
Futurama, no love, no glove
Well, dang. Buy her a drink first, guy.
Wait, is it impregnation just through hand contact or skin contact in general?
Is " THAT KICKED ASS " too much???🤔🤨😉👏😁💯 I just subscribed to your channel, I'm VERY glad I did ❤❤❤❤❤
You know if they started out by saying no physical contact and said that their females will get pregnant from a little touch would have made any man or woman think twice about touching them
it was no accident , he was warned / told not to touch, so a mistake. it could be looked at as rape be her as he was told no touching yet he did anyway. fairly cut and dried in any court of law.
Agreed. Added that there are cultures on EARTH where shaking hands would be considered offensive. An experienced diplomat on a first-contact mission? "Hello" is going to get practiced 50, 60, 100 times to make sure those 'reflex actions' don't start a war.
@marcharkness6101 it isn't wrong it's out of reflex. See on earth we know why. If they had said it was medical this likely wouldn't have happened.
@@tribalteuton7256 No. There is a responsibility to know the proper etiquette for greeting a foreign diplomat or other ranking representative. This sort of thing only happens when someone doesn't do their job. For instance, a new President learns to return the salute of a uniformed member of the armed forces instead of shaking hands. Because it's protocol. In Japan, while the Japanese try to be more accommodating these days to Western 'reflexes and habits', you'll do much better if you bow. The Aliens said don't touch. It is not incumbent on them to explain why, even if it would have been helpful. The simple fact they said not to should have been enough. Either some dipstick did not think it important enough to put in the Ambassador's briefing packet and should be cashiered immediately OR the Ambassador did not do his due diligence.
No glove no love 😂😅😅
Wtf ok why she ain't put on no gloves our body suit she got pregnant by a hand shake what the hell
Jeeze... Contact, makes 'em preggers, they should have been far more open with this information. Humans would have worn wear hazmat suits.
At least gloves, but then there wouldn't be a story if the characters acted rational.
@@blondejohn525 pretty sure you _could_ write a story with rational characters. It would make a far more interesting story.
@@kayakMike1000 I guess that's too much to ask of AI at this point.
They are talking about the birth of a new god.
Oh. So telepathy can be learned?
I leaned how to do it in a book, for the small price of $999.99 and hour I can teach you.
Rick the first intergalactic simp.
Write how do you like the story?
This is what Happens when They Are Not Willing to Explain The Reasons for A Protocol Such as No Physical Contact
You should spend more time on character development, plot, setting... Oh also, try not to use AI to write your stories. It's pretty obvious.
You gave an AI prompts, you used text to voice. There is no creativity here.
I liked that one a lot
I'm like 7 mins in. Why didn't they wear suits?
Just to let you know after this story he turns into a sump she leaves hymn with half of his planet😮
why are these foreign chips blue?
I'm wasting for twict of evil guess I was.wrong
Not bad. Could work a little more on the alien society that has a known biological issue and not preparing for it though being an ingenious, star faring race as well as displaying more of the Novan's telepathic abilities so we would have a greater understanding of their fear of a foreign mind entering their society, but overall, nice story. Keep at it.
rick do it on purpose 😂
I thought in one instance Zen was female, but then a few mins later a male. So confused. It is what you make it, I guess. LOL
I'm not sure I like making humans out to be idiots.
. . . a nephilim race.
Did anybody check with the creator of the universe ?
Well it's worse than the Asari bonding which I never liked. I always thought another being should sleep with an Asari rather than just be nice to them and they become pregnant. There are a lot of stories like this recently and it's kinda annoying. I like romances to an extent in video games and in other media but these stories all seem too similar and there are too many of them lately.
It's more complicated with the asari. It's more intimate as it's two consciousness melding together than just physical bodies. And it's not all willy nilly. Like imagine everything you are merging with everything the asari is that's what it would be like
That's not how that works at all.
so we have genetic purists who are so lazy they decided in their infinite wisdom that getting pregnant from shaking hands is very much in these days, then decided that simply telling everyone else "do not touch me" again, in their infinite wisdom, was sufficient to prevent exactly this situation from happening. I agree with another comment down below, ever heard of gloves.
So the aliens have their own version of the #metoo crew 😉
Are the stories created by AI?
All of them are. All the channels like this are.
World on him? Someone doesn't know the difference between whirled and world? Who did this dialogue, a child?
So how the hell did he grab her hand. In my mind, when offering a hand shake you hold the hand between the two of you. Then the other person has to grab it.
Here it seemed as if her hand was either at her side or at the least close to her body. For him to grab it for a hand shake he would have had to basically be less than a foot away. That or she also held out her hand to accept it without thinking.
Either it was as some in the comments call it rape or an oversight by the writer or she intentionally got pregnant.
They told them not to have sny physical interactions and he went ahead and grabbed her hand, this story is dumb
Thank god for warrior scientist monks.
should wear gloves
I join you in a glass of wine each Sunday. As someone who had to gut our 1880 house after a house fire in the early 1990's and bring it to ABOVE code when we rebuilt from the studs in. The only things my husband and I didn't do was the new furnace/ heating runs and reframing/replacement of the bedroom windows. We did demo, insulation, wiring, plumbing, roofing and we had to upgrade all the rafters and joists. We moved back in one year after the fire. The only things we didn't get done were surface finishes and trim which we had saved to reinstall. One thing I did take when we moved out was the original stained glass window.
Wear your love gloves on Nova Prime...and No.. you cannot high five the Nova girls volleyball team
what kinda of animme bullshit logic is this lol
You've got to be kidding.. this is a stupid premise..
Too many holes in this AI story & too many contradictions...
:Decent story but the AI voice to text is really bad. I see this on the majority of these short stories. Doesn't anybody see a need for a real person to edit the text? It's pretty stupid.
trash AI story
Women ☕️
Stupid story stupid premise way too everything is great at the end.
Yah this isn't Hfy... This is just stupid.