Listen, all of Linhardt's lines are fantastic but none of them will top the line in Cindered Shadows where he says "It's like casting a line and thinking you've landed the Big One... but then you reel it in, and it's Seteth."
the first time i heard flayn say "roughly the same age as the other youths here" i was like shut up. this isnt my first fire emblem game shes obviously like 400 years old or some silliness.
And that's the charm of this game, it's got bright colors, cheery music, & silly comedic moments, but it's easily the darkest game in the franchise, with so many horrific, tragic, and depressing backstories from every character, all of them working to shape the main story.
I didn’t like him at first, as I found him rude, but he grew on me “How fascinating... You’ll have to tell me about it sometime when I’m not walking away”
Cue: Caspar shouting, Ferdinand saying his name over and over, Petra misinterpreting [insert language here], Linhardt napping mid-conversation, Dorothea flirting with anyone in a 10 mile radius, and Bernadetta angsting over every single word people say.
Before playing CF, I always thought Caspar was pretty forgettable. Now he’s one of my absolute favorites and it’s because of the line delivery-it’s PERFECT
A-support, actually. "Yes? Oh, it's you, professor. I thought for certain that it was Hubert coming to drag me back to my duties." "YoU'rE mAjEsTy, YoU mUsT kNoW yOuR sUpReMe TaLeNtS aRe NeEdEd At PrEsEnT. WhY nOt GaZe At ThEsE dOcUmEnTs InStEaD oF tHe SkY?" "That sounds like Hubert." "Doesn't it? And the worst part is he's always right, so I can't even argue with him."
"Stupid... Useless... Just burn the whole thing, Bernie! Leave all your stupid brushes and NEVER PAINT AGAIN!" (Says all of this while Sobbing) Yeah, that line from Bernadetta basically confirmed in my mind that all of the self-doubting lines she utters are just her repeating her father's words. "Perhaps I should've kept my thoughts to myself." You're damn right as usual, Lin.
You'll have to tell me about that sometime when I'm not walking away. (Chaotic gang saying OOOHHH Meme plays) [Accidentally makes Bernie cry and run away] Perhaps I should've kept my words to myself.
Every time I see dialogue with Bernadetta I’m reminded of just how badly I want a compilation of just Bernadetta. All the screams and wacky moments that she has. Shits hilarious, despite her backstory. XD
CF is probably my least favourite route because it's short and you characters like flayn will leave you're party, same as church route but you only lose Edelgard and Hubert, Golden Deer is my favourite route.
That's why the central hill trap doesn't ignite the Ballista, and why Bernie doesn't even react to it. My point is, people have to strawman to argue against Edelgard.
@@maxrichards3881 Exactly. Bernie never moves from the ballista, so lighting everything around her doesn't hurt her; it actually makes her situation less approachable for attackers. It also only happens in Maddening Mode to my experience, and will happen regardless of whether or not Bernie is up there.
@@S.I.L. But the developers made it very short and it's very rush so I think they made it the very late, maybe they even tried to make different route for BL and GD, but it's just "maybe"
It's a bit different, but you do technically play as the antagonist for a while in FE10, Radiant Dawn. Totally agree that Crimson Flower was rushed though.
The fact that the first house you play as usually stays your favorite makes me kinda sad I chose Black Eagles, since they (and specially Edelgard) don´t do so weel in the other routes
“I am Ferdinand Von Aegir” is out
“I.AM.CASPAR” is in
Honestly, every sentence that has ever escaped Linhardt's mouth has been a mood.
"I'm gonna agree with you just so i don't have to listen to you talk anymore" is the most relatable sentence i've ever heard
That sounds interesting, Ferdinand, you'll have to tell me about it sometime when I'm not walking away.
Same with Bernie
These Out of Context compilations make me regret getting him killed early in my Crimson Rose playthrough
@@SerLagsalot how dare you
This game being fully voice acted only makes the dumb shit the characters say better
seventy three likes wtf
"Sometimes you can find edible plants among the weeds."
"Your highness, please do not eat the weeds."
"I am JUST saying."
*cue dimitri eating grass*
I love El imitating Ferdinand that shit was gold😂😭
69th like
She only ever mimics another's voice when she's with Byleth (Post-timeskip). That says A LOT about how much she trusts Ferdinand.
She also imitated Hubert during her A support with Byleth
Listen, all of Linhardt's lines are fantastic but none of them will top the line in Cindered Shadows where he says "It's like casting a line and thinking you've landed the Big One... but then you reel it in, and it's Seteth."
Best line in the game, easy
I still love “Flayn? No I haven’t seen her she’s been ABDUCTED.”
the first time i heard flayn say "roughly the same age as the other youths here" i was like shut up. this isnt my first fire emblem game shes obviously like 400 years old or some silliness.
Them green haired dragon girls.
Over a thousand
Over a thousand, actually
She embodies the hello fellow teens meme
She is roughly there age I mean when you can basically live forever what is a few thousand year difference?
Even with the context, everything still feels stupid and hilarious
And that's the charm of this game, it's got bright colors, cheery music, & silly comedic moments, but it's easily the darkest game in the franchise, with so many horrific, tragic, and depressing backstories from every character, all of them working to shape the main story.
@@maxrichards3881 fire emblem 4
You can’t get darker than Edelgard, Lysithea, Bernadetta or Jeritza.
@@maxrichards3881 Yes you can with Sigurd alone
@@maxrichards3881 I’ve not even played the other games yet but 3H is nowhere near as dark, going off what I’ve heard of them
can we talk about how good the voice acting in this game is?
This vid solidifies the fact that Linhardt is one of the best characters in the game
I didn’t like him at first, as I found him rude, but he grew on me
“How fascinating... You’ll have to tell me about it sometime when I’m not walking away”
@@joeywild2011 One of the most quotable characters in the game for sure lol
I loved him from the beginning. He has really good and funny quotes :D
What? This video is mostly Bernie angsting about stuff.
Everyone thinks the golden deer is the house with all the chaotic energy, but secretly it’s been the black eagles all along.
Caspar shouting, Ferdinand saying his name over and over, Petra misinterpreting [insert language here], Linhardt napping mid-conversation, Dorothea flirting with anyone in a 10 mile radius, and Bernadetta angsting over every single word people say.
"They're not normally this... Rowdy."
"Yes, Edie, we are."
And with the gay energy.
@@Ninjaananas especially after recruiting Mercedes
She is an honourary Black Eagle because we have her equally gay brother.
Sothis: "Of course it's not a cat......AND I'M NOT ONE EITHER!"
“Are you sure? Last night you wouldn’t let me leave my dorm and constantly to me to go to slee-“
*”SHUT UP.”*
Morgana lol
This is the moment I realized who voices Sothis...
I love that they decided that Hubert was the most suitable character to encourage Caspar to yell like that.
0:43 This aged pretty well and I hate it.
I sometimes think about how this game was apart of the last bit of our pre covid world.
1:37 that "Okaaaaaaay" was golden.
Ben Diskin is such a great VA, the way he voices Caspar just feels so genuine lol. Maybe one of the reasons Caspar is my fav.
He also voice Lorenz
TZ XD yeah! He does a wonderful job on Lorenz too. Some of my other fav roles from him are Joseph from jjba and Haida from aggretsuko!
@@synthkittenn I don't know why, but Lorenz is one of my least favourite character, maybe it's the hairstyle, but the voice acting is amazing.
TZ XD right lol, he’s nowhere near my top 10 but I like him as a comic relief
@@synthkittenn Lorenz's such a meme
Bernie is just a mood.
DaBluePittoo ikr
It looks like Ingrid and Lysithea are just roasting eachother
Close. They're both roasting Sylvain
Linhardt's supports are worth seeing just for his sass and sarcasm alone honestly
The fact that his sarcasm is delivered so flatly makes it even funnier
3:50 rip Caspar's voice actor's vocal cords
You know Caspar's VA also voice Lorenz, right ?
@@urmom1294 nope
Coincidentally, that's Ben Diskin, the voice of Numbuh One from KND and Joseph Joestar from JoJo's and so many other things.
@@urmom1294 Wait, WHAT? That guy has serious range.
Please, this is nothing compared to his work on Codename Kids Next Door.
0:08 for the record, this line was a favorite of Bernie's own VA.
I saw.
This line has made it into virtually EVERY Three Houses out of context video there is.
Before playing CF, I always thought Caspar was pretty forgettable. Now he’s one of my absolute favorites and it’s because of the line delivery-it’s PERFECT
DAMMIT Don't go around saying things that lower morale before we even get started!
Bloodthirsty, that one.
Man I'm usually not a fan of Ben Diskin's voice, but I love Caspar and his yellin more than anything
Wait, thats ben diskin?
Huh. I thought that he only voiced lorenz
He voices both. Same thing for Dorothea and Shamir. They’re both voiced by Allegra Clark
my fave is “ aaa. hot.”
Dude, Ben Diskin is a legend.
I heard sothis say of course I’m not a cat well she did play morgana
Go to sleep
Go to sleep
2:37 Logan Paul when he's trying to think of how to end his career next
You forgot the one where Edelgard imitates Hubert in her S-support that shit was gold
A-support, actually.
"Yes? Oh, it's you, professor. I thought for certain that it was Hubert coming to drag me back to my duties."
"YoU'rE mAjEsTy, YoU mUsT kNoW yOuR sUpReMe TaLeNtS aRe NeEdEd At PrEsEnT. WhY nOt GaZe At ThEsE dOcUmEnTs InStEaD oF tHe SkY?"
"That sounds like Hubert."
"Doesn't it? And the worst part is he's always right, so I can't even argue with him."
Here's your repeat button
3:43 3:43 3:43 3:43 3:43
_"That might have been the wrong approach"_
Thank you
*Haida noises*
I find it fitting you're quoting Bernadetta with a pfp of Ryuko Matoi seeing as they're both voiced by Erica Mendez in their respective dubs
Edelgard imitating Ferdie justifies the voiced supports
edelgards Ferdinand voice cracks me up every time
Huberts laugh is basically how i laugh. Damn i must scare people sometimes.
I used to laugh like a... how do you type that, hiena? Heina?
Had to fix that tbh because people thought I had asthma
@@Hunghover it's not.. exactly... flattering.
@@GoldLight73 thanks
@@fedechan6325 No problem. Also, fun fact: hyenas actually make the laughing sound because they're stressed or provoked, not because they're amused.
Flayn: I’m roughly the same age as the other students
The students: Ages 15-22
Everyone joking about Sothis being Morgana, but she was also Marie Wentz in Astral Chain, who had a mild obsession with cats.
it seems like cassandra lee morris (the va) and cats are constantly linked lol
@@flambo19 CATssandra Lee Purris
...I am not sorry
She also voiced Fie Claussel in Trails of Cold Steel who has a catlike demeanor
@@enlighten8462 Trails games are in another league of their own, man
she was in Astral Chain omg I forgot 😭 I love that character
1:40 caspar really thought he was gonna get that dorothussy
6:38 "I'm flammable you know."
Edelgard: This has taken a turn for the awesome!
0:40 okay Morgana
2:54 nice recover
There are some salty ass lines in black eagles route 😂😂😂
This has merely reinforced Caspar's status of "best boi" in my mind.
This is just Linhardt and Bernadetta moments (feat. the others)
0:59 “Forgive me, forgive me! Why only me? Forgi- oops wrong game
The amount of Caspar appreciation in these comments is what I live, die and breath for.
0:29 might be one of my favorite lines in the whole game, very memable
Caspar's, "Uh. OK." is the best delivered line in the game.
I just love all of Bern’s and Linhardt’s.
"Stupid... Useless... Just burn the whole thing, Bernie! Leave all your stupid brushes and NEVER PAINT AGAIN!" (Says all of this while Sobbing)
Yeah, that line from Bernadetta basically confirmed in my mind that all of the self-doubting lines she utters are just her repeating her father's words.
"Perhaps I should've kept my thoughts to myself."
You're damn right as usual, Lin.
I never noticed how savage Linhardt is prior to this video
You'll have to tell me about that sometime when I'm not walking away.
(Chaotic gang saying OOOHHH Meme plays)
[Accidentally makes Bernie cry and run away]
Perhaps I should've kept my words to myself.
1:11 the bandit has been removed.
4:16 How Lysithea voiced that line is so hilarious😂. I like it.
Caspar has unlocked the inner Daichi Shijima in him. His true form. MULLLLTTTTIIIIIII STRIKE!!
my man!
@@bernardo8993 Devil Survivor fan I take it? It was my first smt game and went from there to other ones in the series and persona of course..
3:45 thank me later
1:37 it's so damn close to Snuffkin saying "in your room you say?"
Few things are more anticlimactic than dodging a monster’s staggering blows.
Um... About that, I play without battle animations...
Im at the end of my second route and i still have them on
They're called Staggering Blows.
@@maxrichards3881 thanks.
Every time I see dialogue with Bernadetta I’m reminded of just how badly I want a compilation of just Bernadetta. All the screams and wacky moments that she has. Shits hilarious, despite her backstory. XD
"Of course it's not a cat!" Careful Sothis, your Morgana is showing.
*dAAH hOT*
That's so cute Caspar
And the way he stares at the tea after saying that super intensely is way too adorable,,,
If anyone were to ask why I love Linhardt as much as I do, I'd just show them this video
n o o n e c a n d e f e a t m e
Starting off with Allegra Clark telling us that she hates us.
these are the same kids who committed multiple war crimes
0:39 Coming from a character that has the same VA as Morgana from Persona 5 Royal makes this 1,000x funnier.😂
"Crimson Flower" Has Lysithia and Felix
You can recruit Lysithia post time skip and Felix only need sword proficiency
@@urmom1294 I know how I've done it before they just aren't part of the Black Eagle house
@@BornToBeWired Lysithia is too easy to recruit in BE
@@BornToBeWired I also recruited Ignatz aside from Lysithia and Felix in my only time playing CF because he only need authority.
CF is probably my least favourite route because it's short and you characters like flayn will leave you're party, same as church route but you only lose Edelgard and Hubert, Golden Deer is my favourite route.
i love u for this
How do you do, fellow kids?
1:40 Mf Caspar really hit em with an "Ohkae~"
last bernadetta clip got me, "I'm flammable you know"
Most of this is just Linhardt and Bernie. And it's accurate
"i'm flammable you know"
Yeah. We know, so does Edlegard.
That's why the central hill trap doesn't ignite the Ballista, and why Bernie doesn't even react to it.
My point is, people have to strawman to argue against Edelgard.
@@maxrichards3881 Exactly. Bernie never moves from the ballista, so lighting everything around her doesn't hurt her; it actually makes her situation less approachable for attackers. It also only happens in Maddening Mode to my experience, and will happen regardless of whether or not Bernie is up there.
I'm sorry but the duration of the camera panning around a dead character will always be hilarious to me
Agreed 🤣
"Yes, I am looking at a corpse. Can we move on"
3:44 My last two braincells interacting with each other.
Didn't kill Byleth tho ;)
I like how it's started with "I hate you" 🤣😂🤭😹
2:44 Just...Annette
AHHH! Who put this stupid barrel here?!
That line always makes me lose my shit.
Annette x Ashton from Star Ocean 2. Match made in heaven.
All this video did is prove to me that black eagles are the best house lol
It’s a shame Crimson flower was so rushed. We never got to ally with an antagonist in a fire emblem game before this.
I think CF is not cannon
@@urmom1294 the game has multiple ending with thousands of minor differences. There is no canon route here.
@@S.I.L. But the developers made it very short and it's very rush so I think they made it the very late, maybe they even tried to make different route for BL and GD, but it's just "maybe"
@@S.I.L. Either way, you're right, there's no cannon route
It's a bit different, but you do technically play as the antagonist for a while in FE10, Radiant Dawn. Totally agree that Crimson Flower was rushed though.
Shamir talking about beating the crap out of nobles and then cutting to doing his maniacal laugh is just gold to me for some reason
Gotta love the NPC mindset. I always love trapping that guy between Rhea and me on the chapter Flayn was kidnapped.
Knowing Sothis shares a voice with Morgana from P5 makes the sass so much better
0:41 Fun fact: Morgana and Sothis share a voice actress
i love how just half of these are just bernie
Flammable indeed, as Edelgard should know
The dialogue in this game is hilarious, but those NPCs kill me XD
3:44 Byleth: CASPAR SHUT THE F*CK UP!!!
Lindheart is so savage!
Flayn saying she's roughly the same age as the students made me laugh so hard I started to choke on my saliva
Hilda: this skill im gonna use us defenetly gonna kill you profesor
"Bye bye cloude its been fun"
3:44 Which Caspar support is this? I want to hear this on my Switch.
EDIT: Wow, Hubert was the last person I expected
With Hubert, the last one, I think.
Bern is just the deffinition of the "out of context" concept
The fact that the first house you play as usually stays your favorite makes me kinda sad I chose Black Eagles, since they (and specially Edelgard) don´t do so weel in the other routes
Sothis: What is wrong in that head of yours? Of course it’s not a cat!
Me, an intellectual: But you voice one.
half of this video is Caspar. I love it
Dorothea: I hate you
Me: *died
The fact that she has a straight face, smile and all, throughout that whole conversation is the best part of it all.
Edelgard mocking Ferdinand is giving me life
Your version had more details very detailed details
1:08 Certified Petra moment
Alternative title: Best of Bernadetta (and some others)
Hubert the eternal creep. The dude has a goddamn chloroform rag as a lost item, IMMEDIATELY knew it was his lol.
2:20 That's a sign that Flayn is one of the Saints