I think the plan is to create conflict where ever they can so they can get their World War 3 With the 1 WW they got rid of the monarchy Germany Habsburg Russia After WW2 they created Capitalism Communism the EU ..UN .. IMF … the final stage after WW3 when they killed 7 Billion people a NWO will be created no nations no Borders just the UN World government ruling their 400 mio slaves everything else is distraction in my opinion
What you said is true but does the same apply to Chinese hegemony? Hambantota port? Ring a bell? I'm not judging you as I'm sure Sri Lanka had its own problems but please do take care in the future. Deep down, all of you know that only India will help you unconditionally as we share common culture, language etc. Just see how China responded and how we responded when Sri Lanka went bankrupt. China- 74 Million USD India- 1.85 Billion USD Line of Credit Even now Sri Lanka has agreed to make use of INR in international trade as this will tie Lanka's economy to ours and then your nation would be safe. This move does not benefit us inn any way except in expanding our soft power. But we still help and we are happy to help. I will always support Sri Lanka. Just make sure that you also do the same.
@@shashwatmaurya8599 There is some truth in what you say, but they have never made this kind of threat to Sri Lanka, They have not given assistance to Sri Lanka by force and it must be said that our politicians are responsible for the current situation.
West is raised in east's blood. Colonial monsters biggest criminals racist people then they use term human rights to other country which doesn't follow their rule. Bloody garden is west.
I'm wishy washy about this topic. I would love to see Ukrainians reclaim their country. We are spending billions of military in Ukraine. he'll probably continue and start conflict with Nato which means America's army is going to put soldiers on the battlefield.
I still remember when NATO all ganged up on Serbia and bombed them for four months. That was when I truly realized that the US was the premier threat to world peace, that US dominance meant wars of aggression worldwide for as long as that superiority lasted. That’s why so many of us are rooting for Russia now. They’re the only thing standing in the way.
You are absolute right. The only export products of the US are war and terror. The "defence alliance" NATO is only a tool for the US. Support for Serbia from the Netherlands.
Do you still remember Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo... do you remember Srebrenica? Siege of Sarajevo? Serbia got bombed because the West couldn't risk another genocide in Kosovo like Srebrenica... it was on its way just like over 10000 Albanians in Kosovo were butchered by the Serbs... that's why they got bombed... if they didn't, more and more Albanians would've been murdered.
@@ea1347 I remember there are 15000 missing Serb civilians from Sarajevo still unaccounted for, alqaida jihadis murdering Serb civilians with chainsaws on camera. Klecka terrorist camp in Kosovo where they raped then burned alive around 80 kidnapped Serbian women. BinLaden visiting Kosovo prior to the Anti Serbian genocide. Where do you get the number, from znn? Source? Event? More than 3000 albanians were murdered by uck terrors. Also bulgarian police squad of around 120 bulgarians from city Pirot are the ones who murdered most albanian civilians same way theymurdered Serbs in ww1 and ww2, boiled themalive incauldrons, but unlike serb put in prison for only beating killers up, these evil bulgarians were untouched, and they continue terrorising Serbs in Pirot to this day
I've noticed NATO never tries to help countries in difficult situations, they only issue ultimatums and threats, not bad for an organisation that's obsolete and trying to justify its existence.
Really? Have you taken a look at Ukraine? They are helped not by troops but weapons to defend themselves from the terrorist country russia . Your thinking is distorted.
@@gordonschedel368 that won't do nothing, something else would emerge with same agenda.. There's no stopping to all of this till big bosses are happy with amount of power and control gained
Stay strong and peace be with you my Serbian brothers and sisters but if that fails then it's time to fight with logic and reason. I'm from America and there are many of us that are on your side.
I just traveled by Serbia's new SOKO high-speed train yesterday and saw a lot of foreign tourists speaking a variety of languages, including English, Spanish, German, Russian and some others I couldn't identify. Can't even think of drawing that beautiful country into war again for the benefit of some perennial armchair owners...
The country has full right . I am from Bulgaria and the whole balkans is sick and tired of Albania and their ratty tactics off steeling land . They are doing the same in Macedonia to . Historically Serbia is a rival and we don’t have the best of relationships . But this time I am rooting for Serbia 100% .
@@123skillax We are tired of you Avar trashes that came from iranian deserts to Russia then to Balkan. You do not belong here. Albania is the heart of Balkan
People, it's Serbia threatening with WEAPONS against Kosovo and NATO has a PEACE mission from United Nations to STOP CRIMINAL Serbia repeating crimes and genocide as in 1990's against other people of former Yugoslavia.
Servië zijn turken origineel uit de kaukasus.. net als Bulgaren n origineel etnisch turks stam zijn genaamd. Bulgar. De Servische originele stam is Serboi. Aziatisch.
Serbians are T to the RASH expansionists like Russians, they settled in foreign territories and then when there are enough of them they start claiming it for their own. Real turk expansionism
Russia drop threat to nato and USA since feb 24 but never made a move he is so scaaaaring ? 🙄😅😅 He can only try and see the response from nato and US he will regret The way he regretted invade Ukraine 11 month now failure leader
NATO is looking to create a conflict in Serbia for two reasons. One, they are losing in Ukraine against Russia and two, against Serbia they have a chance to win again by bombing woman and children like they did in 99. It is disgusting that those same countries would put ultimatum of sorts to Serbia for a land that they occupied and partition from Serbia. Isn't their rethoric awkwardly ironic that they accused Russia for and are in the indirect war with. How hypocritical these colonizing former empires can be.
That land that you call occupied was liberated after it was occupied in 1912. Also, it is not NATO that seeks conflict, but it is you Serbs who want to play with fire, you always make trouble and behave like victims.
Yet it is servia who is threatening with invasion each week and causing instability… also its ukrainians fighting in ukraine not NATO if it was like that russia would be no more
Do you have any idea how many albanians where killed tortured and massacred over five centuries, from serbian police and military terrorists, shame on you to defend murderer and terrorist, shame shame shame!!!
@@jffjdj That's not true and luckily no one believes you anymore! not even those who pay you to lie! Hmm, very strange, you say "Serbs killed all Albanians", but there are almost no Serbs in Kosovo! Many Serbs were killed or expelled by Albanians! That's the only truth!
@@jffjdj do you have any idea how many Serbs have been tortured, killed, abused, raped and forced to leave over the last few centuries, every time someone came to invade balkans Albanians joined in.. From Ottoman Empire to Nazi Germany to nato globalizam...
@@worldsnomad Hundreds of thousands of Albanians have been killed by the invading Serbian terrorist forces, who came from the Russian Carpathians, with the sole purpose of conquering the Albanian Illyrian lands and then ruling and dismembering the centuries-old Albanian lands!! What guilt do the Albanians have if someone from the Nazis committed crimes against the Serbs?? You want to blame the Nazis on the Albanians or what??? You know nothing about the massacres that have been committed against the Albanian people in Kosovo!!! The Serbian terrorists cut open the pregnant Albanian woman's stomach, took the fetus of the unborn child and massacred her just like her mother!!! Serbs are wild!! The only country in Europe that justifies Russia's war in Ukraine!
@@visnja3828 a zasto nema vise srba kao sto je imao pre rata?? Zasto ovo pitanje ne postavljas sebi pa da se vratimo onda na temi !!! Zamisli covece ti mene kazes da lazem, a vasa Akademija Nauka je pokazala kako srpska nacija laze, i kako je laz u srpskim genima !!! Joooj srbin kad ti kaze da lazes, zamisli to covece !!!
We Indians will supply all arms to Serbia if this happens. Full support to Serbians from India. Kosovo is part of Serbia illegally occupied by Albania.
Be quiet you know nothing why does 95 percent of kosovo hate Serbia? That already tells you the genocidal Serbs are the ones always casuing trouble albania have already had there people massacred they are just ensuring it doesn't happen again kosovo was always albanian a country doesn't have 95 percent of its people speak 1 language 1 currency and yet the other 5 percent who tried to kill all of them then claim the land it makes no sense and u are an embarrassment to india
It's not really Europe. It's the governments and their dogs. They're the ones dragging us into conflicts, bringing muslims, and suppressing any disagreement. It's a dictatorship dressed as a democracy.
@@perbondesen yes true to a certain degree, but as an european I am appalled to see how many europeans continue to support the american warmongering, although it has been shown many times that they are evil...heck, after Snowden I thought revolutions would have started in the west...but nothing!! this is what they call democracy! a bunch of nazi gransons rule and the sheeple obey
@@alyia9618 If you rob the people from their standards to distinguish between good and evil, between truth and lies it takes very strong integrity to find your way in this evil world when the media are part of the lying narrative. You need a spiritual foundation. Good trees do not produce rotten fruit! By their fruit you shall know them. (Mt 7:16-20) Blessed are they which hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled! (Mt 5:6). But don't expect to make friends in your seeking the truth!
@@soul8938 Your logic is backwards, many western countries colonized africa, took over the african lands and the westerners were not the original inhabitants.
This won't happen, when was any nato countries being punished for anything? The UN is an unfair institution only, punishes the weak that are innocent, but the laws doesn't applies to the big crime boses.
Nah forget that there are already international laws in place showing that Kosovo is Serbia and the west still tries to ignore it, international law doesn’t apply when ur Serbian lol
@@GrandmasterFU666 well, theres a saying in Spanish, "cría fama y échate a dormir" meaning "build fame and go to sleep", kinda like the boy who cried werewolf but backwards
Russian diplomacy > Putos...you have two waysd to do this...my way...and then there is my way....your choice! western diplomacy at its most comical. Thats why the west thinks diplomacy is wasted on total idiots!
@@needatag "South slavia" a place where the Slavic people live. Administrated by various states nowdays. Albanians in Kosovo are not a part of the Slavic people.
The Albanian forces opened rifle fire on the Serbian side, the Serbs responded with fire, so far no one has been hurt, we will see if the situation continues? By the way, the Serbs set up barricades in several places as a sign of protest against the arrest of some Serbs, this is all I know.
@@edmond8603 You are just one of many who are not interested in the truth, but do not like Serbs and Russians out of habit, that is my whole problem. Now I think that you are a serial killer and everyone in your country is like that, and now what?
Only a few months ago NATO was defeated by the Talibans with basic AK 47. In the Ukraine war NATO and some 9 others are struggling badly. Don't tell me it can beat Mighty Russia!
I'm not even sure that usa is the one leading this. Seems to me from Serbia that the Germans took charge and are trying to escalate this all cause in every conversation eu members had with Putin he told them that if they could have done it in Srbia so can Russia in Ukraine. And now they are trying to force us to recognise this sharade of theirs called independent Kosovo, and I really dont know who will have the courage to sign something like that from our side cause it would be death sentence for him, so they can take that argument out of Putin hands. And when the big ones dance the smaller ones get hurt, as always.
@@savage1717 are you really asking what are they doinh there? The servs quit all their jobs and left the place lawless if the reaction to police is to throw grenades at them then that’s terrorist behavior
@@soul8938 you're very smart with your words 😂 but I think not.. whose police? Whose authority?👀 Who made them relevant? And why should they obey unknown police without any valid authority?
Once upon a Time a pure Christian majority country......and now because of Peaceful community The majority have become minority and these peaceful community people starting to divide this region and trying to dominate......slowly this will happen to other European countries also.....😪😪😪😪💐
So, the eu instructs kosovo institutions on how and when to deploy authorities? Kosovo is not an eu member and if it was, eu has no right to take charge of any entity security forces.
@@cammy399 whoever u are u totally uneducated on tactics used by the Anglosaxons to achieve results! Walking on corpses is such a pleasure for the Anglosaxons!
Kosovos government is able to think outside of the box something that servia doesn’t seem to be able to do and there fore not caring about further escalations
@@soul8938 pretty weak lmao.... India , china and pakistan will all side with Russia if war breaks out. Now that might seem funny because how do those 3 workout their issues right?😂 But trust me, we would do anything for Russia
The West din't do very well in the last war with Serbia in 1999. They issued a ridiculous, unacceptable ultimtum, and when Serbia refused to comply they tried to enter Serbia, but Serbias army wouldn't allow them to pass. They tried a bombing campagn which did little damage to the Serb Army, so they then began to bomb Serbian infrastructure, the very thing they accuse Russia of doing in Ukraine, killing thousands of civilians. Eventually they were forced to drop the two unacceptable demands in the ultimatum and were allowed to enter Kosovo. NATO's message to the world is:- do as we say, not as we do! Britain is the hypocrisy capital of the world, closely followed by the USA.
@@soul8938 how the f..k do you know that , armchairs viking ... ??? had your coffee with putin this morning ... or you are just another land grabbing albanian ...
NATO won't last that long anymore. Mr. Putin depleted NATO stocks in Ukraine and now without basic resources, a big crash is coming. We'll have to endure some tough times but if it means that our EU and US governments fall and be replaced by people with some integrity ten it's worth it.
Krejt Serbia o shki kriminala maxhup të karpateve ruse. Krejt Serbia është tokë e shqiptarëve të Republikës Demokratike të Kosovës dhe e shqiptarëve të Turqisë.
@@alexisroman3195 Talk to Jews;Israel who knows most about peace. They come to shove your ass, you ask for peace. Peace is kept alive by power.Go back to grade 4 history class.
China is the most coward, it will run putting tail behind their legs first & Iran will not do anything as Albanian Turks(Kosovar) r Muslims. 🤷♂️ Hypocrisy is everywhere not only just in NATO countries.
@@jayovski82wreckingcrew When was the last time Russia stabbed any other country that trusted Russia. Give facts no lazy keyboard punching. By the u must ask Indians about United snakes.
@@zoroman7186 ,what like Georgia, ukraine,Belarus, Chechnya,Poland Moldova, Czech Republic,there own people like the young conscripts,,,,you need to get your facts right 😉😂😎
As a Bulgarian i support Serbia . Past is put behind . Tho whole of balkans is tired of albo extremists stealing land . Glory to our brothers . Glory to freedom !
@@Luka23567 Kosova territotial integrity is undeniable, beside that, Kosovas power was drained by Serbia, not mentioning the war crimes and the 75 percent of Kosova destroyed literally to flat surface, Trepca has paid for all your debts and you clearly owe to Albanians not just to much, but more than you think. And yes look at my nickname, this is something real, and not nonsense written this last century! By yourself and be sold for free to others!!!!
@@dreambrothers667 You speak PURE Albanian Propaganda . You must be the best and brightest Kurti and Ramo have to offer to world 🤣. God will decide who's kosovo will be while you Albanians work for the demonic USA and do their evil bidding
India and Indians always back you up. Don't worry you are not Ukraine you are Serbia, India will definetly condem the actions of NATO if if war persists India wouldn't hesitate to aid you with our powerful military.
@@painkillergames1030 those were fascist Serbs who got support from the west, I'm against those ones But under Ugo Slavias umbrella Muslims and Christians were living quite peacefully
@@veryiran1567 correct those fascist serbs even this day celebrate people like ratko mladic, karadzic, milosevic. I know very well we here in Bosnia still live peacefully all religions and everything else but serbian government still have those faschist supporters. " for 1 serb we kill 100 muslims" words by alexander vucic 1 min before genocide in srebrenica.
and we wished our leadership wasnt so coward and corrupt , so bent by washington as to allow NATO jets to bomb from inside romania 13 years ago ... maybe Putins plan will work and soon US will implode ... and all its puppets will get destroyed ... stay strong serbian brothers !
if nato think vladi putin run out of ammo certainly they are wrong...most of the nato members are EU and already or most is disarray since at the brexit and ukrine war....
Except USA, the Germany, Austria, Italy, Bulgaria and Turkey were defeat by Serbia in several wars. Kosovo is 1200 years part of Serbia, ethnic Albanian as refugees from Albania brought Islam and their "theories" of society. Ethical cleaning of Serbian population was permanent. But it doesn't mean they can took territory.
@Natan kosovo is an ancient ungodly land with the people for the people, until the Romans forced Catholicism on it and the Ottoman empire forced Islam on it.
@Natan how are Romans Catholic is your question? Why are the Spanish or the English are Americans Catholic lol all those countries mentioned are followers
@Natan your a follower I think you've forgotten your history, don't speak on kosovo bro they let serbia expand and then came back and said yeah look how big our country is kosovo is ours too we still have a piece of the north, ofcourse you have a piece of the north your from kosovo not serbia, serbia was created.
@@painkillergames1030 Indians will always stand with Russia and Russia's friend. West is biggest shithole. Immoral Satan. Living on Sleeping Pills and Inflated egos. Take out the fake valued dollar and we see how broke the western ass is.
Lots of love and support Serbia from India 🇷🇸🤝❤️🇮🇳 , stay strong Serbia, you are not alone God bless Serbia 👍🇮🇳🤝🇷🇸 Russia , China , India to send arms and all kinds of needs to Serbia like , Nato did to Ukraine, let give the same medicine to Nato 🇷🇸💪🤝🇮🇳👍
There's no list of friendly nations. There's only list of unfriendly nations. Are you related to Goebbels by any chance?! Please don't try to spread fake news. You're clearly not a Serb, troll.
What happened to the NATO’s claim that it is a defense alliance and it protects its members only? Kosovo isn’t nato country. Isn’t this yet another prove that nato is not a defense alliance but a hostile alliance to impose American hegemony?
at 1:52: "EUROPEAN UNION POLICE DEPLOYED" says the EU engages in regional and local conflicts in order to to establish the internal order as the EU Centrale wants. This is not about peace and freedom. This is about centralizing and in the result fascism. Obviously there is no freedom for the locals. The EU Centrale dictates.
@@aunggabe You write incomprehensively. What is it about you and E? This has nothing to do with Serbia in teh first place. You are in the wrong film or something else is not right about you. But of course hiding behind some fantasy name is as clever as you cna get. Don't tell me what I need. You need to learn straight thinking. So don't annoy me again until you learned it.
Serbia should launch special operations just like Russia to gain complete control over Kosovo ........Russia will not let any sanctions on Serbia through veto power
How? Study who the Illyrians are. Where is this knowledge coming from? Literally look at the beginning of time 395BC. Serbs came from Russia in the 7th century.
NATO and its allies should be asked to stay clear of the internal problems between Kosovo and Serbia. Kosovo and Serbia, I believe, can independently resolve their internal problems. NO MORE NATO.
In 1999, NATO bombed us for 73 days, all of Serbia. If we had known that such a great power would sign something without respecting anything from that agreement, we would never have agreed to stop the bombing, even if everyone perished. So you know, if war breaks out again, and I hope it won't, because after all, a peaceful solution is the best for us Serbs and ethnic Albanians in our southern province. But if you think that Serbia will give up its territory to anyone (you have Albania as your state) , then you are badly mistaken. No surrender and long live Serbia!!!
@@soul8938 To support the terrorist UCK just like they did with the Taliban, to build a base and create a narco state. Nobody in their right mind beleibes your lies anymore.
Support to serbia, stop nato ...... kosovo is serbia !!! Immagine in any country alban gypsies with help of usa take control over serbia land !!! Brothers serbs be strong
Nato wants to overthrow Vucic (regime change in Serbia) because he doesn't want to apply western sanctions against Russia.
Support to Serbia
These countries are acting gods
Shame on HT for lying.
Serbs do not make the majority in Kosovo.
Albanians make up 93% of Kosovo.
Even if they overthrow him we wouldn't support sanctions
F**k west and NATO
I think the plan is to create conflict where ever they can
so they can get their World War 3
With the 1 WW they got rid of the monarchy
After WW2 they created Capitalism Communism the EU ..UN .. IMF … the final stage after WW3 when they killed 7 Billion people a NWO will be created no nations no Borders just the UN World government ruling their 400 mio slaves everything else is distraction in my opinion
Support Serbia from Sri Lanka, no country would like to dance to the tune of US/Western hegemony.
As soon as they realize that we will never obey and kneel before them, as we never did to anyone, there will be peace again.
What you said is true but does the same apply to Chinese hegemony? Hambantota port? Ring a bell? I'm not judging you as I'm sure Sri Lanka had its own problems but please do take care in the future. Deep down, all of you know that only India will help you unconditionally as we share common culture, language etc. Just see how China responded and how we responded when Sri Lanka went bankrupt.
China- 74 Million USD
India- 1.85 Billion USD Line of Credit
Even now Sri Lanka has agreed to make use of INR in international trade as this will tie Lanka's economy to ours and then your nation would be safe. This move does not benefit us inn any way except in expanding our soft power. But we still help and we are happy to help. I will always support Sri Lanka. Just make sure that you also do the same.
Serb shutting nights time to time days protesting should unblock roads ppl need buy food
@@shashwatmaurya8599 There is some truth in what you say, but they have never made this kind of threat to Sri Lanka, They have not given assistance to Sri Lanka by force and it must be said that our politicians are responsible for the current situation.
යකෝ Serbia වලට උඩව් කොරන්න කලින් තොපේ අම්මගේ රෙද්ද බලපන්..තෝගේ රට කෑලි කෑලි කරලා තොගේ තක්කඩි දේශපාලුවන් විකුනනවා..ඒක බලපන් මුලින්..රනිල්ට ජයවේවා
NATO: A day without bully and war is a day wasted ....
Lord of war said roughly "weapons business to succeed needs proxy wars"
"Defensive organization"
@@nerzhul2455 "Devil is the father of lies and of deaths" So why being astonished and scared ???
Bullying the warmongering state who threatens with invasion every month…how tragic
West is raised in east's blood. Colonial monsters biggest criminals racist people then they use term human rights to other country which doesn't follow their rule. Bloody garden is west.
NATO and their preacher friends should take care of their house(country) first and should stop interfering in other countries.
Shame on HT for lying.
Serbs do not make the majority in Kosovo.
Albanians make up 93% of Kosovo.
I'm wishy washy about this topic. I would love to see Ukrainians reclaim their country. We are spending billions of military in Ukraine. he'll probably continue and start conflict with Nato which means America's army is going to put soldiers on the battlefield.
Oh the irony.
@@nonope9326 they won't
Wind you neck in you must be friends with Russia you are pathetic
I still remember when NATO all ganged up on Serbia and bombed them for four months. That was when I truly realized that the US was the premier threat to world peace, that US dominance meant wars of aggression worldwide for as long as that superiority lasted.
That’s why so many of us are rooting for Russia now. They’re the only thing standing in the way.
Stupid nato is taking the world towards total destruction. I should say west and their allies mind your own fucking business
canada: Look Amerika, we used up all our cruise missiles on Serbia! Give us a treat and a pat on the head!
You are absolute right. The only export products of the US are war and terror. The "defence alliance" NATO is only a tool for the US. Support for Serbia from the Netherlands.
Do you still remember Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo... do you remember Srebrenica? Siege of Sarajevo? Serbia got bombed because the West couldn't risk another genocide in Kosovo like Srebrenica... it was on its way just like over 10000 Albanians in Kosovo were butchered by the Serbs... that's why they got bombed... if they didn't, more and more Albanians would've been murdered.
@@ea1347 I remember there are 15000 missing Serb civilians from Sarajevo still unaccounted for, alqaida jihadis murdering Serb civilians with chainsaws on camera. Klecka terrorist camp in Kosovo where they raped then burned alive around 80 kidnapped Serbian women. BinLaden visiting Kosovo prior to the Anti Serbian genocide. Where do you get the number, from znn? Source? Event? More than 3000 albanians were murdered by uck terrors. Also bulgarian police squad of around 120 bulgarians from city Pirot are the ones who murdered most albanian civilians same way theymurdered Serbs in ww1 and ww2, boiled themalive incauldrons, but unlike serb put in prison for only beating killers up, these evil bulgarians were untouched, and they continue terrorising Serbs in Pirot to this day
Glory to Serbia from London England 🇬🇧
Another Serbian troll 🤣 😆 😂 keyboard warrior
glory to Nato from grimsby
Fuck Grimsby, it's a shithole.
Fvck Serbia and all its butt lovers
I've noticed NATO never tries to help countries in difficult situations, they only issue ultimatums and threats, not bad for an organisation that's obsolete and trying to justify its existence.
Which existence are you mention here? What was a defensive organization and become an Offensive one? And facts are the proofs about it!
They need to be shut down
Really? Have you taken a look at Ukraine? They are helped not by troops but weapons to defend themselves from the terrorist country russia . Your thinking is distorted.
@@gordonschedel368 that won't do nothing, something else would emerge with same agenda..
There's no stopping to all of this till big bosses are happy with amount of power and control gained
NATO is a shit organization run by cowards.
Stay strong and peace be with you my Serbian brothers and sisters but if that fails then it's time to fight with logic and reason. I'm from America and there are many of us that are on your side.
You are Serbian troll 🤣 🙄 😒 😂
Kosovo is Albania 🇦🇱 😍 ❤️ ♥️
Why don't you come and personally fight against NATO with Serbs
Thx my brother.God be with you. Kosovo been Serbia, is Serbia and always will be.💪
West supporting muslim nation after getting their city ruined by Muslims 😂😂😂😂
I just traveled by Serbia's new SOKO high-speed train yesterday and saw a lot of foreign tourists speaking a variety of languages, including English, Spanish, German, Russian and some others I couldn't identify. Can't even think of drawing that beautiful country into war again for the benefit of some perennial armchair owners...
wouldn't be the first time...
The country has full right . I am from Bulgaria and the whole balkans is sick and tired of Albania and their ratty tactics off steeling land . They are doing the same in Macedonia to . Historically Serbia is a rival and we don’t have the best of relationships . But this time I am rooting for Serbia 100% .
@@123skillax We are tired of you Avar trashes that came from iranian deserts to Russia then to Balkan. You do not belong here. Albania is the heart of Balkan
People, it's Serbia threatening with WEAPONS against Kosovo and NATO has a PEACE mission from United Nations to STOP CRIMINAL Serbia repeating crimes and genocide as in 1990's against other people of former Yugoslavia.
Serbia will have Indias Support 💯
Shame on HT for lying.
Serbs do not make the majority in Kosovo.
Albanians make up 93% of Kosovo.
@@nonenja7775 ha ha ha ur existence 🤡
😂😂😂😂😂😂support from india 😂😂😂😂
Greetings to the Serbian people! We are with you, Serbian brothers! Kosovo is Serbia!
fk ur mother
Not according to 95 percent of the people who live there
History says Kosovo is Albanian
@@wodgwidh history 😂😂😂😂😂
China and India has 33% population and none know what the hell is Kosovo
@@ivanspahaj5977 Nonsens.
Lots of love and Support to serbia and serbian people from india 🇷🇸❤️ 🇮🇳
Shut the f up dirty cow hindus go back to worshipping isreal 😂
Thank you for understanding znd support!
Hahaha 😂 your russian though you hate Serbians it's a well known fact
@@mirjanaradosavljecic6282 don't listen to him he's a Russian bot he's been flagged up on a Interpol data base two days ago ,,,
@@jayovski82wreckingcrew interpol databases are full of censorship liberal democrats that push agenda
We are talking about Serbian Ground here
Think about that!☝️🇷🇸
Servië zijn turken origineel uit de kaukasus.. net als Bulgaren n origineel etnisch turks stam zijn genaamd. Bulgar. De Servische originele stam is Serboi. Aziatisch.
Serbians are T to the RASH expansionists like Russians, they settled in foreign territories and then when there are enough of them they start claiming it for their own. Real turk expansionism
What year slave people came to Balkan?
The ground that not belongs to you .belongs to us of albania
@@Antilluminati 😂
How would NATO feel if Russia and China were now to supply Serbia with massive amounts of weapons, logistics, advisors, trainers etc.,
this should be interesting! Russia and China should apply the same medicine to them..
They should, I wish Russia come out and say, “ if you touch Serbia, we will obliterate Germany”
Hopefully they will💯
Best opportunity for China, Russia and Iran to test offensive weapons against NATO.
NATO running from side to side, except confronting Russia.
Europe and North America would be no more.
That would lead to nuclear war. If nuclear weapons didn’t exist NATO would have confronted Russia already.
This is the US (through Nato) confronting Russia in Serbia... havent you followed the news ?!?
Russia drop threat to nato and USA since feb 24 but never made a move he is so scaaaaring ? 🙄😅😅
He can only try and see the response from nato and US he will regret
The way he regretted invade Ukraine
11 month now failure leader
@@americanumero1923 I know ,this what I say Pootin he can try if he want,
But I would not advise him to do so he will regret
NATO is looking to create a conflict in Serbia for two reasons. One, they are losing in Ukraine against Russia and two, against Serbia they have a chance to win again by bombing woman and children like they did in 99. It is disgusting that those same countries would put ultimatum of sorts to Serbia for a land that they occupied and partition from Serbia. Isn't their rethoric awkwardly ironic that they accused Russia for and are in the indirect war with. How hypocritical these colonizing former empires can be.
That land that you call occupied was liberated after it was occupied in 1912. Also, it is not NATO that seeks conflict, but it is you Serbs who want to play with fire, you always make trouble and behave like victims.
Yet it is servia who is threatening with invasion each week and causing instability… also its ukrainians fighting in ukraine not NATO if it was like that russia would be no more
You are a f... liar, just like that !!!
Exactly 100%
Nato isn’t in war with Russia
A false move from Russia to nato or a nato member will be end of Putin and Russia
Instead of making peace these foolish leaders are making situation more worse
Let the kosovo,s decides thier future, and not by fucking nato
Especially the NATO and Albanian Government
That's what NATO exists for
They want WW3 and they will get it ! Prepare now !
Goals for 2030
There’s a world wide club…..
You ain’t in it
We Indians Support Serbia
Punjabi lover69
Indians is better to support each other live Serbia on balcan nothing to do with indians
Haha you bloody cringe animal do you even know where Serbia is on map? Just cuz your wife russia supports Serbia does t mean that you eat their cow
So let Hyderabad being independent, why didn't you? Why you fought for Kashmir? Ahaha
Ya indian always support the wrong ones.. 😂😂
Much love for serbia , they are free to choose
Do you have any idea how many albanians where killed tortured and massacred over five centuries, from serbian police and military terrorists, shame on you to defend murderer and terrorist, shame shame shame!!!
@@jffjdj That's not true and luckily no one believes you anymore! not even those who pay you to lie! Hmm, very strange, you say "Serbs killed all Albanians", but there are almost no Serbs in Kosovo! Many Serbs were killed or expelled by Albanians! That's the only truth!
@@jffjdj do you have any idea how many Serbs have been tortured, killed, abused, raped and forced to leave over the last few centuries, every time someone came to invade balkans Albanians joined in.. From Ottoman Empire to Nazi Germany to nato globalizam...
Hundreds of thousands of Albanians have been killed by the invading Serbian terrorist forces, who came from the Russian Carpathians, with the sole purpose of conquering the Albanian Illyrian lands and then ruling and dismembering the centuries-old Albanian lands!!
What guilt do the Albanians have if someone from the Nazis committed crimes against the Serbs??
You want to blame the Nazis on the Albanians or what???
You know nothing about the massacres that have been committed against the Albanian people in Kosovo!!!
The Serbian terrorists cut open the pregnant Albanian woman's stomach, took the fetus of the unborn child and massacred her just like her mother!!!
Serbs are wild!! The only country in Europe that justifies Russia's war in Ukraine!
@@visnja3828 a zasto nema vise srba kao sto je imao pre rata??
Zasto ovo pitanje ne postavljas sebi pa da se vratimo onda na temi !!!
Zamisli covece ti mene kazes da lazem, a vasa Akademija Nauka je pokazala kako srpska nacija laze, i kako je laz u srpskim genima !!!
Joooj srbin kad ti kaze da lazes, zamisli to covece !!!
We Indians will supply all arms to Serbia if this happens. Full support to Serbians from India. Kosovo is part of Serbia illegally occupied by Albania.
Thank you for supporting Serbia but Kosovo is occupied by NATO not by Albania. Albania have very weak army.
Hi hi hi came and se how Albos fight for theyre land with hands they don't need weapons theyer blood is explosive for any enemy big or small he is
Be quiet you know nothing why does 95 percent of kosovo hate Serbia? That already tells you the genocidal Serbs are the ones always casuing trouble albania have already had there people massacred they are just ensuring it doesn't happen again kosovo was always albanian a country doesn't have 95 percent of its people speak 1 language 1 currency and yet the other 5 percent who tried to kill all of them then claim the land it makes no sense and u are an embarrassment to india
Shame on HT for lying.
Serbs do not make the majority in Kosovo.
Albanians make up 93% of Kosovo.
Kosovo belongs to Albanians.
Glory to Serbia 🇷🇸 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
We will support you..
Respect ✊
VIVA SERBIA 🇷🇸 VIVA EL SALVADOR , Thanks for support bro
Viva El Salvador!!! 🇸🇻❤️🇷🇸
Gracias hermano Salvadoran
Thank you from Serbia,friend☦💪✊.We will win
Glory to Serbia god save Serbia
Europe showing it's true colors.....
It's not really Europe. It's the governments and their dogs. They're the ones dragging us into conflicts, bringing muslims, and suppressing any disagreement. It's a dictatorship dressed as a democracy.
It is not Europe or the Europeans, it is their owners. Look into the Wolfovitz doctrine please.
@@perbondesen yes true to a certain degree, but as an european I am appalled to see how many europeans continue to support the american warmongering, although it has been shown many times that they are evil...heck, after Snowden I thought revolutions would have started in the west...but nothing!! this is what they call democracy! a bunch of nazi gransons rule and the sheeple obey
@@alyia9618 If you rob the people from their standards to distinguish between good and evil, between truth and lies it takes very strong integrity to find your way in this evil world when the media are part of the lying narrative.
You need a spiritual foundation. Good trees do not produce rotten fruit! By their fruit you shall know them. (Mt 7:16-20)
Blessed are they which hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled! (Mt 5:6).
But don't expect to make friends in your seeking the truth!
So what if the ethnic Africans in London want to declare it independent of the rest of the UK? Do we simply allow it?
Excellent point. 👌
Yes you'll have to allow it. Just like you allowed it in Arabia in Africa and in Asia
Not comparable since albanians are native to that land long before slav serv invasion of the balkans
@@soul8938 Not a single shred of evidence supports your claim. Even genetically, Serbs are closer to Ilirians than you lot are.
Your logic is backwards, many western countries colonized africa, took over the african lands and the westerners were not the original inhabitants.
Serbia should bring this to the UN summit and initiate a vote to sanction those 5 countries according to UN law.
Their is no law, only the jungle🌴
This won't happen, when was any nato countries being punished for anything? The UN is an unfair institution only, punishes the weak that are innocent, but the laws doesn't applies to the big crime boses.
Nah forget that there are already international laws in place showing that Kosovo is Serbia and the west still tries to ignore it, international law doesn’t apply when ur Serbian lol
there is no NATO and no UN ... just the United Snakes ... and their slaves ... and the mass media they own ...
@@klausklaus9112so true, makes alot of sense.
I don't understand. People are manifesting violently in Paris but no one does anything.
No guns mean just a bunch of people complaining.
Easy to dismiss.
You forgot about diversity is our Strength. But in Eastern Europe we have a point of view, in many ways. But the mistakes are ireversable.
Kosovo Belongs to Serbia 🇷🇸
As Crimea and the 4 self proclamed republic belong to Ukraine
@@zorlos Sure, but until Kosovo is Serbia, Crimea is Russia, deal?
@@Kraypus If Kosovo = Serbia then Crimea = Ukraine. I hope this time you can read it correctly.
@@zorlos Thats literally what I said
@@Kraypus greeat then Kosovo is Serbia and Crimea is Ukraine, deal.
Any thing nato touch alway become issue
Diplomacy, it seems, is dead in the Western world.
You know there is absolutely no truth to this video, the headline is just click bait!
how u know ?
@@GrandmasterFU666 well, theres a saying in Spanish, "cría fama y échate a dormir" meaning "build fame and go to sleep", kinda like the boy who cried werewolf but backwards
Russian diplomacy > Putos...you have two waysd to do this...my way...and then there is my way....your choice! western diplomacy at its most comical. Thats why the west thinks diplomacy is wasted on total idiots!
I think it is dead in Russia,china and northkorea.
Putin,xi nor Kim Jon un are trying to have a diplomatic with any neighbours
Pa vrati se onda pa podrži 🤣
@@zombiegolfer1055 podrzat ce on preko tastature 🤣
Do what you must Serbia
If ok for US/EU to send weapons to Ukraine,, then Russia and China might send weapons to Jugoslavia.. same logic right ?!
@@needatag "South slavia" a place where the Slavic people live. Administrated by various states nowdays. Albanians in Kosovo are not a part of the Slavic people.
Well you have to build a time machine then. Yougoslavia do not exist anymore.
@@roki5941 China is biggest cowards it will run in first instance. Looks like India have to send weapons just like its sending to Armenia.
I don't support any war but you are right in what you are saying, there is a brit saying what is good for the goose is good for the gander.
The Albanian forces opened rifle fire on the Serbian side, the Serbs responded with fire, so far no one has been hurt, we will see if the situation continues?
By the way, the Serbs set up barricades in several places as a sign of protest against the arrest of some Serbs, this is all I know.
Another BS Serbian terrorist comment
Lawful arrest of Serbs instigating break off politics.
@@Antilluminati I don't know if it is legal and on what basis they were arrested.
@@edmond8603 You are just one of many who are not interested in the truth, but do not like Serbs and Russians out of habit, that is my whole problem.
Now I think that you are a serial killer and everyone in your country is like that, and now what?
@Baki MC
Go ask the police, why Serbian war criminal is been arrested
India with Serbia
Dont just talk like the American for Ukraine.
Proof with Indian army footprints in Serbia. Can?
@@BabaYaga826 are you an illiterate?🤡
@@BabaYaga826 did that even make sense?
@@savage1717 Action speaks louder than words. Don't just make noises only.
Slava Serbja, Slava Russya!
You beg
Only a few months ago NATO was defeated by the Talibans with basic AK 47. In the Ukraine war NATO and some 9 others are struggling badly. Don't tell me it can beat Mighty Russia!
Surprised at the bolloks that comes out of your mouth
Hahahaha and you are Taliban joke 🤣🤣
America is so out of control . Very scary 🌎😳
I'm not even sure that usa is the one leading this. Seems to me from Serbia that the Germans took charge and are trying to escalate this all cause in every conversation eu members had with Putin he told them that if they could have done it in Srbia so can Russia in Ukraine. And now they are trying to force us to recognise this sharade of theirs called independent Kosovo, and I really dont know who will have the courage to sign something like that from our side cause it would be death sentence for him, so they can take that argument out of Putin hands. And when the big ones dance the smaller ones get hurt, as always.
Yea bcoz USA is falling very fast,they cannot command countries anymore.🧐🇵🇭
Attacking civilians directly is criminal offense in any standards.
Hmm i think throwing grenades at police officers isn’t really legal aswell
@@soul8938well what were they doing there in the first place?
@@savage1717 are you really asking what are they doinh there? The servs quit all their jobs and left the place lawless if the reaction to police is to throw grenades at them then that’s terrorist behavior
@@soul8938 they shouldn’t be there simple as that.
@@soul8938 you're very smart with your words 😂 but I think not.. whose police? Whose authority?👀 Who made them relevant? And why should they obey unknown police without any valid authority?
Once upon a Time a pure Christian majority country......and now because of Peaceful community The majority have become minority and these peaceful community people starting to divide this region and trying to dominate......slowly this will happen to other European countries also.....😪😪😪😪💐
Nope,religion has nothing to do with it.Don't missinform people.Serbia as usually starts conflicts.
So true bro
Yes this will happen with millions of Muslims in Europe....
@@gibbynetto2557 It would be better if NATO no longer existed, hasn't anyone told them that the cold war ended 30 years ago
I love the Serbian people
How come 🤔👍🏻
So, the eu instructs kosovo institutions on how and when to deploy authorities?
Kosovo is not an eu member and if it was, eu has no right to take charge of any entity security forces.
Well what one can say? Do they need one? They are presently doing it in Ukraine! Putin will sort them out as he is playing the long game! Watch out!
@@christheori4002 Get some copium fool, you’re bias is out of this world 😂
@@cammy399 whoever u are u totally uneducated on tactics used by the Anglosaxons to achieve results! Walking on corpses is such a pleasure for the Anglosaxons!
Kosovos government is able to think outside of the box something that servia doesn’t seem to be able to do and there fore not caring about further escalations
You mean they can go running to momma eu and poppa merica and threaten war, yes.
Kosovo is Serbian, Guantanamo is Cuban, Donbass is Russian 💪
Po karin tem 🖕 serbia failures 1999 russia fail 2022 to light weapon stinger himars😉😉 lada vs mercedes
Serbia against the world once again? No problem 🇷🇸💪🇷🇸💪🇷🇸💪🇷🇸
Didn’t really end well for you…just saying
@@soul8938 things have changed.. different countries are involved this time
@@savage1717 true nato has become stronger than ever while servia and russia seem as pretty weak
@@soul8938 pretty weak lmao....
India , china and pakistan will all side with Russia if war breaks out. Now that might seem funny because how do those 3 workout their issues right?😂 But trust me, we would do anything for Russia
@@soul8938 Nato is a joke compared to BRICS 🤫
NATO 🤬 Stay strong Serbia 🇷🇸✊🙏
Full support for Russia from Serbia! 🇷🇸❤🇷🇺💪
Full support for Russia from Africa
full support to peace from Serbia! 🇷🇸🇷🇺🇺🇦✌️
Serbia or Russia are not evil colonisers,,all they do is protect themselves,,,unreal what is happening in world!
The West din't do very well in the last war with Serbia in 1999. They issued a ridiculous, unacceptable ultimtum, and when Serbia refused to comply they tried to enter Serbia, but Serbias army wouldn't allow them to pass. They tried a bombing campagn which did little damage to the Serb Army, so they then began to bomb Serbian infrastructure, the very thing they accuse Russia of doing in Ukraine, killing thousands of civilians. Eventually they were forced to drop the two unacceptable demands in the ultimatum and were allowed to enter Kosovo. NATO's message to the world is:- do as we say, not as we do! Britain is the hypocrisy capital of the world, closely followed by the USA.
Last time we Pakistanis saved you and Bosniaks.
This time you fight on your own.
We have our war with Taliban
Facts brother
all the countries should stand up against nato still have time 👌
@Shorea robusta Don't worry India is there as Thanos or Batman Dark Knight. Watching everyone's Karma. When time comes, boom, goes everyone.
They want to see what Russia will do. I believe it will be different this time if they repeat the past.
Again using Serbia as a pawn for proxy war?
Russia won’t do anything…again
Russia will put sanction on Serbia, same like in 1992.
@@soul8938 how the f..k do you know that , armchairs viking ... ??? had your coffee with putin this morning ... or you are just another land grabbing albanian ...
Nato should stop making more mistakes.....
NATO won't last that long anymore. Mr. Putin depleted NATO stocks in Ukraine and now without basic resources, a big crash is coming. We'll have to endure some tough times but if it means that our EU and US governments fall and be replaced by people with some integrity ten it's worth it.
Nato is bunch of j*rk people... they do what they want without future consequence
🫡🫡🫡🫡🇷🇸🇷🇺 Kosovo🇷🇸
Krejt Serbia o shki kriminala maxhup të karpateve ruse. Krejt Serbia është tokë e shqiptarëve të Republikës Demokratike të Kosovës dhe e shqiptarëve të Turqisë.
No more wars!!!
We the people want peace!
The Bible didn't say that!
They are saying that they will shoot,kill you. Peace don't come easy esp with those demented, deluted neo nasy. They want it, let them have it.
Tell that to Albanians, they are asking for a war.
The world doesn't work like that there will never be peace get the hippie stuff out your head
@@alexisroman3195 Talk to Jews;Israel who knows most about peace. They come to shove your ass, you ask for peace. Peace is kept alive by power.Go back to grade 4 history class.
Best opportunity for China, Russia and Iran to test their offensive weapons on NATO
if there was still a Yugoslavia, they would have a chance...
Good suggestion 👌
Good suggestion indeed
Surely Russia China and Iran will get a golden opportunity to test their weapons on NATO forces as you rightly predict .
China is the most coward, it will run putting tail behind their legs first & Iran will not do anything as Albanian Turks(Kosovar) r Muslims. 🤷♂️ Hypocrisy is everywhere not only just in NATO countries.
Love and support to our Serbian brothers from Greece 🇷🇸 🤝 🇬🇷
Beware of backstabbing countries
China will be first in that list.
Like Russia 😂🙈😎
@@jayovski82wreckingcrew When was the last time Russia stabbed any other country that trusted Russia. Give facts no lazy keyboard punching. By the u must ask Indians about United snakes.
@@zoroman7186 ,what like Georgia, ukraine,Belarus, Chechnya,Poland
Moldova, Czech Republic,there own people like the young conscripts,,,,you need to get your facts right 😉😂😎
Only serbs backstabbing!
What part of Serbia borders the north Atlantic? Someone give NATO a map, they seem to be hopelessly lost!
As a Bulgarian i support Serbia . Past is put behind . Tho whole of balkans is tired of albo extremists stealing land . Glory to our brothers . Glory to freedom !
Yeah and Romanians spawned all over Romania without any land grabs.
@@Playstationshow they didn’t rob it now by migrating through sewers . That’s for sure
Serbian 🇷🇸 and Hungarian 🇭🇺 army should unite together to challenge NATO. If Serbia falls, next to fall will be Hungary 🇭🇺
Hungary is a NATO member buy I agree with your statement that Hungary strongly supports Serbia
Great idea, Hungary is a Nato member since 1999.
Child, you need to grow up.
Respect ✊
They can try challenge nato
Good luck to they head
The only country NATO was afraid to put ground troops into was Serbia.
If you don’t believe Kosovo is a part of Serbia? Because NATO ground troops are in Kosovo.
@@Luka23567 In a way you’re absolutely correct..
@@Luka23567 Kosova territotial integrity is undeniable, beside that, Kosovas power was drained by Serbia, not mentioning the war crimes and the 75 percent of Kosova destroyed literally to flat surface, Trepca has paid for all your debts and you clearly owe to Albanians not just to much, but more than you think. And yes look at my nickname, this is something real, and not nonsense written this last century! By yourself and be sold for free to others!!!!
You speak PURE Albanian Propaganda
You must be the best and brightest Kurti and Ramo have to offer to world 🤣.
God will decide who's kosovo will be while you Albanians work for the demonic USA and do their evil bidding
@@Ljuta-Guja no dude, study shqip, so study albanian have a glimpse of reality not what you ve been told only, travel, meet people, study, again!
India and Indians always back you up. Don't worry you are not Ukraine you are Serbia, India will definetly condem the actions of NATO if if war persists India wouldn't hesitate to aid you with our powerful military.
But India join QUAD. India is still a colonial puppet of the Anglo saxon
Powerful military 🤣😂
@@markhor350 yes with including China ,Russia ))
@@sasapejc5648 @makhor is pakistani so he is laughing.
@@SS-dl6oq No!
Indians support Serbia
India 🇮🇳 people screw goats and work in a scam call center 😂
we pakis too
Just cuz your wife russia supports Serbia. Majority of Indians don’t even know where Serbia is on map, forget about geopolitics
@@best_toiletpaper_intheworld good thing to know now i will focus be bad tp pakistanis =) remember we are albanians we strong we blame u ez
Kosovo est une partie de la Serbie, c'est une création de là O.T.A.N....SLAVA SERBIA
Serbia = freedom .
🇷🇸 ☦️ ❤️
Iran stands with Serbia ✌️
do you know how many muslims they killed in 92/95?
@@painkillergames1030 those were fascist Serbs who got support from the west, I'm against those ones
But under Ugo Slavias umbrella Muslims and Christians were living quite peacefully
@@veryiran1567 correct those fascist serbs even this day celebrate people like ratko mladic, karadzic, milosevic. I know very well we here in Bosnia still live peacefully all religions and everything else but serbian government still have those faschist supporters. " for 1 serb we kill 100 muslims" words by alexander vucic 1 min before genocide in srebrenica.
@@veryiran1567 this is fact Bravo ... Peace was in yugoslavia within all Religions
YUGOSLAVIA 💪💪 From Romania with love ❤️
and we wished our leadership wasnt so coward and corrupt , so bent by washington as to allow NATO jets to bomb from inside romania 13 years ago ...
maybe Putins plan will work and soon US will implode ... and all its puppets will get destroyed ...
stay strong serbian brothers !
There is no more.
@@klausklaus9112 corect 👍
@@attilazabos846 Not on the paper, but we are still connected.
@@ivana_7010 Yeah! With wars,kills.. Amazing.
if nato think vladi putin run out of ammo certainly they are wrong...most of the nato members are EU and already or most is disarray since at the brexit and ukrine war....
Exactly and are already paying huge prices on fuel from Russia because of sanctions.
NATO attack , Serbia 3 world war👀🔥🎅🎁
Serbs start ww1,maybe they gonna start ww3 too?
Except USA, the Germany, Austria, Italy, Bulgaria and Turkey were defeat by Serbia in several wars. Kosovo is 1200 years part of Serbia, ethnic Albanian as refugees from Albania brought Islam and their "theories" of society. Ethical cleaning of Serbian population was permanent. But it doesn't mean they can took territory.
US keep away from Europe.
NATO:we are coming..
NATO left the chat....
No one is scared of Russia, not even Liechtenstein.
Serbia stay strong and keep Christianity from china
Slava Serbia
Orthodox christians must reunite to bring solution and protect earth.
🇷🇸Косово је Србија🇷🇸
Kosovo is an ancient Orthodox land similar to Nagarno Karabakh, sadly moon worshippers occupied both lands.
No it's not , do your research properly.
Italy/Rome conquered and they were Catholic then the ottomans Turned them Muslim.
@Natan kosovo is an ancient ungodly land with the people for the people, until the Romans forced Catholicism on it and the Ottoman empire forced Islam on it.
Do your research.
@Natan how are Romans Catholic is your question? Why are the Spanish or the English are Americans Catholic lol all those countries mentioned are followers
@Natan your a follower I think you've forgotten your history, don't speak on kosovo bro they let serbia expand and then came back and said yeah look how big our country is kosovo is ours too we still have a piece of the north, ofcourse you have a piece of the north your from kosovo not serbia, serbia was created.
NATO should know that Russia always comes for support of Serbia when things get hard for them.
Last time Russia didn't come for Yugoslavia. 🤷♂️ hypocrisy is everywhere.
@@surojeetchatterjee Last time there wasn't no Putin!
Serbia is 100% right , no more terror against the Serbs.
Hardik pandaya 's wife is serbian so... we should definitely support them as cricket lover ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️
Abe gandu, gawar sale dimang hug dete ho daily subha subha?
Your reasoning is that of a simpleton
@@Antilluminati definitely have a God tier reasoning power with an iq of 160
Then What If Some Serbs (For Example),Make Fun Of India?
Thank you our Indian brothers
Dear Serbian and Russian Friends we all have to die one day, so rather die brave and fight the west and show them their place. Love from India. ❤️❤️❤️
i can bet on my life you didn't know about serbia yesterday now it's your friend 🤣jealousy towards west from sh1thole places is hilarious 🤣
@@painkillergames1030 Indians will always stand with Russia and Russia's friend. West is biggest shithole. Immoral Satan. Living on Sleeping Pills and Inflated egos. Take out the fake valued dollar and we see how broke the western ass is.
Lol you trying to get them wiped out
@@soul8938 And the Evil west gets wiped out too after that
Z 🇷🇺 🇷🇸
Lots of love and support Serbia from India 🇷🇸🤝❤️🇮🇳 , stay strong Serbia, you are not alone
God bless Serbia 👍🇮🇳🤝🇷🇸
Russia , China , India to send arms and all kinds of needs to Serbia like , Nato did to Ukraine, let give the same medicine to Nato 🇷🇸💪🤝🇮🇳👍
Yes sent ur army in Serbia
Russia declared the list of "friendly nations"... Serbia is not among them...
As much as it hurts me to admit, as a Serb, Russia is 100% right...
Could you elaborate.
I don't know why you lie about it.
Here is a list of all countries.
You mean Unfriendly nations list....?
Serbia is not in that list
There's no list of friendly nations. There's only list of unfriendly nations. Are you related to Goebbels by any chance?! Please don't try to spread fake news. You're clearly not a Serb, troll.
What happened to the NATO’s claim that it is a defense alliance and it protects its members only?
Kosovo isn’t nato country.
Isn’t this yet another prove that nato is not a defense alliance but a hostile alliance to impose American hegemony?
at 1:52: "EUROPEAN UNION POLICE DEPLOYED" says the EU engages in regional and local conflicts in order to to establish the internal order as the EU Centrale wants. This is not about peace and freedom. This is about centralizing and in the result fascism. Obviously there is no freedom for the locals. The EU Centrale dictates.
Looks like they need R.Erdogan to screw self selected E.U blood suckers, white powder lovers,Van der crazy needs one more lesson from Turkey.
@@aunggabe Is Turkey in this "conflict"? Tell me some details.
@@wilhelmmeyer89 You need to learn more how Erdogan made U.V.L as a servant.
@@aunggabe You write incomprehensively. What is it about you and E? This has nothing to do with Serbia in teh first place. You are in the wrong film or something else is not right about you. But of course hiding behind some fantasy name is as clever as you cna get. Don't tell me what I need. You need to learn straight thinking. So don't annoy me again until you learned it.
why NATO afraid to fight directly to Russia?
Because they are afraid that leads to another world war
They r cowards against nuclear Powered countries. Always fight using proxies.
I think that might cause ww3
@@baithangdebbarma1948 They're not afraid, they just don't want WW3 to start. NATO can end Russia in 3 days.
China is an Ally of Belgrade. They Beijing ought to send troops, and equipment to aid Serbia. Don't left NATO bomb EMBASSIES, like they did in 1999.
Kosovo is part of Serbia, Crimea is psrt of Rusia. FOR EVER!
Support ITALY 🇮🇹
Serbia should launch special operations just like Russia to gain complete control over Kosovo ........Russia will not let any sanctions on Serbia through veto power
we are surounded by anto
First serbia and now russia 2 the most genocidal nations in the world and they both suck 💩
That would cost unnecessary deaths. Russia did that in Ukraine and they have retreated from most of the territory they conquered.
Slava 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦 🇺🇦
Fack Russia teroris 🐒🐒🤣
How? Study who the Illyrians are. Where is this knowledge coming from? Literally look at the beginning of time 395BC. Serbs came from Russia in the 7th century.
Nato supports Kosovo separatist to form an independent state
NATO does not support the same for Donbas.
Situation Same, Hypocrisy Top Level
Leave Serbia alone 🙏🙏
NATO and its allies should be asked to stay clear of the internal problems between Kosovo and Serbia. Kosovo and Serbia, I believe, can independently resolve their internal problems. NO MORE NATO.
In 1999, NATO bombed us for 73 days, all of Serbia. If we had known that such a great power would sign something without respecting anything from that agreement, we would never have agreed to stop the bombing, even if everyone perished. So you know, if war breaks out again, and I hope it won't, because after all, a peaceful solution is the best for us Serbs and ethnic Albanians in our southern province. But if you think that Serbia will give up its territory to anyone (you have Albania as your state) , then you are badly mistaken.
No surrender and long live Serbia!!!
Can you remind me again why they intervened…
@@soul8938 To support the terrorist UCK just like they did with the Taliban, to build a base and create a narco state. Nobody in their right mind beleibes your lies anymore.
@@milangrujicic4679 aha…so servia was completely innocent and didn’t do anything to shock the international community like in the 90s in bosnia? 🤔
@@soul8938 Evo cekamo da vidimo sta ce to biti sa "ultimatumom" !!! A sad mars u tu mahalu od 23% i da te ne cujemo vise !!!
Support to serbia, stop nato ...... kosovo is serbia !!! Immagine in any country alban gypsies with help of usa take control over serbia land !!! Brothers serbs be strong
Be prepare.. Ww3 is coming
The Serbs being told what to do in there own country
Wrong they have zero control over Kosovo and 98% of its inhabitants doesn’t want anything to do with servia