The Process of Extremely Obese Man Doing 720 hours of Pull-ups Episode 1

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 11 тыс.

  • @rpascon
    @rpascon 3 года назад +10748

    This "Extremely obese" dude wouldn't even be considered overweight in the USA.

    • @koitsukiaya8454
      @koitsukiaya8454 3 года назад +433

      Korean beauty standard...

    • @chrismckell5353
      @chrismckell5353 3 года назад +187

      In Australia he'd be a bit overweight.

    • @kelvinle8662
      @kelvinle8662 3 года назад +229

      Bruh. This guy is in better shape than me. Look at them back muscles.

    • @kelvinle8662
      @kelvinle8662 3 года назад +343

      @@chrismckell5353 yeah. This is what you call chubby, not extremely obese.

    • @alexaxy3328
      @alexaxy3328 3 года назад +24

      This is exactly what i wanted to say:))

  • @Jorbuv
    @Jorbuv 3 года назад +14692

    “Extremely obese”
    People in the US: “He looks average.”

    • @NYCShaolin718
      @NYCShaolin718 3 года назад +239

      He a fraud door don’t move for like 3 minutes he wearing the same underwear for what he say is over a month and your right he isnt obese he a regular guy faking that he can’t do pull ups

    • @bevinfrew665
      @bevinfrew665 3 года назад +369

      @@NYCShaolin718 or it’s his work out attire

    • @santiagovigil2574
      @santiagovigil2574 3 года назад +55

      I was going to say husky lol

    • @iangrant3615
      @iangrant3615 3 года назад +227

      It's true he's not extremely obese, by any measurement.

    • @jasontaylor1627
      @jasontaylor1627 3 года назад +15

      Start with push-ups

  • @liondovegm
    @liondovegm 3 года назад +772

    If he's extremely obese, I'm in trouble.

    • @ankitbrother
      @ankitbrother 3 года назад +8


    • @lepotato135
      @lepotato135 3 года назад +28

      Nooo. Little chicks need to stay chubby and fluffy to stay warm. You're in the safe side here. And the cute side.

    • @bluedogviking00
      @bluedogviking00 3 года назад +11

      Some countries are just extremely judgemental honestly.

    • @agclove9369
      @agclove9369 3 года назад +1


    • @dogbreath4320
      @dogbreath4320 3 года назад +4

      @@lepotato135 no

  • @skansl123
    @skansl123 3 года назад +123

    너무 멋지네요. 매달리기도 10초도 못버티던 사람에서 턱걸이를 아주 쉽게 하는 사람이 되는 과정이 우리는 왜이리도 무서울까요. 자기 자신을 이겨나가는 과정이 너무 멋집니다. 감사합니다

    • @Sam-p3q9g
      @Sam-p3q9g 2 месяца назад +2

      Yes as the saying goes "Rome was not built in one day" . Anything worth doing is rarely easy.

  • @kingleo9008
    @kingleo9008 3 года назад +304

    The moment I found out that Korean "extremely obese" is American average 😳

    • @potatogamer5267
      @potatogamer5267 3 года назад


    • @Sh33rAwwsumniss
      @Sh33rAwwsumniss 3 года назад

      Genetics, food, culture, and lifestyle all affect how a country views “health”. It doesn’t make korea better or worse it just is what it is. There are many people who believe that what korea considers a healthy weight is too thin . For every person there is on the planet there’s a different lense to view the world from. Some people just so happen to wear the same prescription glasses.

    • @betofernandez5524
      @betofernandez5524 2 месяца назад +3

      This % of body fat is obese no matter what region you are. Many countries average is way above the healthy weight. In US almost 40% of the adult ppl are obese.

  • @D.H.CE_FL
    @D.H.CE_FL 3 года назад +3549

    Koreans: "extremely obese man"
    Me: "this looks like nearly every American man I know" 😢

    • @LongBug
      @LongBug  3 года назад +164

      I am underweight. Dustin

    • @eswaradityalingala2764
      @eswaradityalingala2764 3 года назад +64

      @@LongBug 👈He's such a nice person....Dustin he's trying to make you feel good..🤗

    • @ronaldguida
      @ronaldguida 3 года назад +103

      This is skinny in America 😆😆😆

    • @Eljavi2099
      @Eljavi2099 3 года назад +34

      He just look above average

    • @weirdoodee1216
      @weirdoodee1216 3 года назад +28

      And at least people this weight in America can do pull ups

  • @박상옥-z2e
    @박상옥-z2e 3 года назад +3289

    근데 이분 돼요. 왜냐면 저렇게 연습해야되는거 누구나 알텐데 지키는사람 잘 없거든요. 나름의 계획을 가지고 저렇게 꾸준하게 하고 시간만지나면 몸 많이 바뀌실거임. 유전자든 뭐든 일반인 수준에선 꾸준한 사람이 몸짱임

    • @여행일상-f1b
      @여행일상-f1b 3 года назад +23

      안녕하세요 ❤~~ 반갑습니다 ~ 우선~~운동은 포기 않하고 1주일에 2일 내지 3일정도만 성실히 해주어도 ~ 서서히 좋은 변화가 있습니다 ~ 몸전체 체형미를 보았을때 본인 자신이 대회를 준비 한다고 해도 얼마든지 가능하고 충분 합니다 ❤~~ 우선 식단개선을 하면 6개월정도면 본인이 만족할 정도에 충분한 육체미를 만들수 있습니다 ~~❤하면된다❤ 화 ~이팅

    • @김정수-b4p5s
      @김정수-b4p5s 3 года назад +24

      성공전까진 아무도 모른다

    • @Iminlove579
      @Iminlove579 3 года назад +82

      주변에 운동 알려달라는 놈들 많았고 지금도 많음. 솔직히 꾸준히만 가고 공부만 제대로하면 주3일만 가도 몸좋아지지만 제대로하는 놈이 없음. 열심히 알려줘도 결국 안따라옴. 스스로 마인드가 변해야됨. 채널 방장분 분명히 변할것임.

    • @더나은-i5c
      @더나은-i5c 3 года назад +14

      시간이 꽤 됐는데도 크게 변함없으면
      그저 유튜브란 컨텐츠를 위해 겉만 핥는거 같음

    • @좌희힝-n4r
      @좌희힝-n4r 3 года назад +2

      돼요x 되요o

  • @YouAreCreators
    @YouAreCreators 3 года назад +242

    All I see is discipline 🎯

    • @권예건-z1f
      @권예건-z1f 3 года назад +7

      160만인데 한국에는 아는사람이 없어서 좋아요 적은거봐라ㅋㅋ

    • @Profit33
      @Profit33 Год назад

      А почему он в одних и тех же трусах всё время? За 29 дней он практически ничего не достиг, дальше смотреть не стал. Такое ощущение, что это было снято за один вечер

    • @Powerlift24
      @Powerlift24 Год назад +3

      ​@@Profit33Stfu and u dont have right to say about someone's hard work fr

    • @Profit33
      @Profit33 Год назад +1

      @@Powerlift24 relax man, I didn't ask you

    • @y0ungd0
      @y0ungd0 Год назад

      who r u?

  • @dong2793
    @dong2793 3 года назад +590

    I'm surprised no one's talking about the commentary, I love this guy's personality

    • @LongBug
      @LongBug  3 года назад +102

      Not guy. bug

    • @athxrv
      @athxrv 3 года назад +4

      @@LongBug 😂😂

    • @kawaiidog2064
      @kawaiidog2064 3 года назад +4

      @@LongBug lady bug? Jk.

    • @mayyhamyy
      @mayyhamyy 3 года назад +9

      "am i dead?-" had me rolling 😂

    • @luvsuneja
      @luvsuneja 3 года назад +1

      His self deprecating humor is awesome.

  • @TheSabrist
    @TheSabrist 3 года назад +1127

    I like how this guy describes himself as extremely obese, when in America he'd be thinner than average.

    • @canismajoris6733
      @canismajoris6733 3 года назад +35

      So that's obese then

    • @gwc_garage
      @gwc_garage 3 года назад +10

      And weaker to im in worse shape and can do more pull-ups dude is mostly just hanging on the bar for a bit

    • @kkayda
      @kkayda 3 года назад +17

      When i lived in Russia i was diagnosed by a doctor that i am obese, i moved to USA and am considered normal weight. I am 5'7 155lbs

    • @marceloescobar9096
      @marceloescobar9096 3 года назад +4

      @@kkayda you're obese for your height pretty much it's like what 1,61-65 m and 70 kg?

    • @scottherf
      @scottherf 3 года назад

      @@canismajoris6733 25% body fat or more, it ain’t much.

  • @mouton464
    @mouton464 3 года назад +1028

    The way he confidently flings his foot into that band. I cannot. 😂

  • @user-xr3dt7ja1k
    @user-xr3dt7ja1k 2 года назад +5

    나 이분 인스타 릴스인가? 유튜브 숏츠에서 본거 같은데;;
    처음엔 무슨 발차기 고수인것처럼 편집되서 ㅈㄴ빵터짐
    배 잡고 미친듯이 웃었었는데ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  • @dorinstory
    @dorinstory 3 года назад +374

    나레이션도 바지도 의지도 꾸준하다는게 너무 대단합니다. 진짜 멋지세요!!!!

    • @user-mz7rj3dydrh
      @user-mz7rj3dydrh 3 года назад +44

      진짜 저 바지는 몇벌 있는거지ㅋㅋㅋ

    • @yakim7702
      @yakim7702 3 года назад +7

      바지도 의지도 꾸준 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    • @LongBug
      @LongBug  3 года назад +50

      반갑습니다 오후님

    • @kesti_
      @kesti_ 3 года назад +37

      아니 바지 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 그와중에 답변을 왜 새벽인데 오후라하는거야 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    • @mini8706
      @mini8706 3 года назад +2

      @@kesti_ ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  • @deneb3552
    @deneb3552 3 года назад +87

    This is by far the sweetest, most honest and human workout video on RUclips.

  • @sabrinavillarreal4283
    @sabrinavillarreal4283 3 года назад +401

    "Extremely obese"
    Dang and I was just starting to feel confident in myself lol

    • @CeoScarlett
      @CeoScarlett 3 года назад

      Same ;-;

    • @ihnjj4077
      @ihnjj4077 3 года назад +1


    • @knmonlinemedia
      @knmonlinemedia 3 года назад +3

      If that's extremely obese then wtf am I?? 😅😭

    • @Nicoleth
      @Nicoleth 3 года назад +24

      You should check out reaallly old beach photos from the 70s, no one was fat. I think we’ve normalised being unhealthy these days in the west

    • @angrygoat2937
      @angrygoat2937 3 года назад +3

      @@Nicoleth to an extent yeah we have. I mean we have fat positive influencers now encouraging people to love being obese and not bother losing weight. Of course do what you want with your body, but we should have people influencing people to stay morbidly obese who would otherwise want to get lighter.

  • @xyzkim993
    @xyzkim993 2 года назад +1

    0:43 이구아인 초희아 쭈웅ㅋㅋㅋ 자막천재시네요 턱걸이하면서 작명하시나요?

    @ASHlSHKEBAB 3 года назад +325

    Your body might not have changed as much as you wanted but your mindset grew exponentially and THAT is the most important and impressive thing here. I commend your dedication. Good luck brother!

      @TOTOMOTOR 3 года назад

      😂😂😂😂 that ...

    • @admag4705
      @admag4705 3 года назад +1

      look at his newer videos and you'll be surprised

  • @titicacam8109
    @titicacam8109 3 года назад +586

    말투가 너무 중독성있음ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 웃겨죽겠네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 응원합니다!! 꾸준함 대단 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    • @之勢破竹
      @之勢破竹 3 года назад +15

      독거노총긱 따라하는 거 같은데ㅋㅋ

    • @hello-w5g
      @hello-w5g 3 года назад

      @@之勢破竹 독거노총각이 먼전가요 임이지인가? 독거노처녀님이 먼전가요 ㅋㅋㅋ

  • @slicvm
    @slicvm 3 года назад +327

    "I think I hurt my right leg while trying to place it in the band. It's fine, I got my left leg."
    That's determination

    • @ekimpp
      @ekimpp 3 года назад +1

      Tears rolling laughing so hard.

    • @joejope2156
      @joejope2156 3 года назад +1

      Thats the mentality i need.

    • @hani_zizi
      @hani_zizi 3 года назад +1

      That time when Deku broke his arms then remembered he still got his legs 😀

  • @무능한청년
    @무능한청년 Год назад +3

    선생님 저도 고도 비만입니다..
    근데 이런 운동을 성공하시니 너무 존경스러울 따름입니다.
    선생님 영상을 보고 다시 한번 다이어트 할 힘이 생겼습니다.
    당신의 노력의 결과에 박수와 응원을 보냅니다.

  • @rutyvensc4590
    @rutyvensc4590 3 года назад +200

    The way he elegantly swindles his foot into the open band is just full of the exaggerated swagger of an asian teen

    • @mr.turbo_boost3383
      @mr.turbo_boost3383 3 года назад +7

      I could never relate so fuckimg well to this. Ealry 20s and i still do stupid stuff like that when theres no need to do it. Like spinning a broom after picking it up lol.

    • @mattpet7913
      @mattpet7913 3 года назад +1

      Lmfao spider man reference

  • @__Zinnia__
    @__Zinnia__ 3 года назад +266

    쑥 올라갈 때 육성으로 "오오오" 소리침. 응원하게 되네요. 꾸준히 열심히 노력하시는 모습이 멋있습니다.

  • @musicianshut
    @musicianshut 3 года назад +863

    Это за день сняли, просто актёр хороший)

    • @michaelanisimov
      @michaelanisimov 3 года назад +11

      И ты тут)

    • @user-ei1pb2bv8r
      @user-ei1pb2bv8r 3 года назад +47

      Да и ожирение несильное.

    • @Tremulse
      @Tremulse 3 года назад +4

      Когда новые видео? С акстаром

    • @eu38th47
      @eu38th47 3 года назад +3

      У каждого своя дорога, как ни крути)

    • @slasherwr
      @slasherwr 3 года назад +1

      АУУУУУУУ 😤😤😤😤

  • @FumblezXIII
    @FumblezXIII 3 года назад +37

    The fact he was trying everyday and didn't give up is the best part. Getting fit and shredded is grind are easy but sacrifice and dedication are the main components to that kind of success.

  • @사공-y6t
    @사공-y6t 3 года назад +119

    형님 밴드에 다리거는스킬이 대단하십니다

  • @bad8900
    @bad8900 3 года назад +1496

    1:59 killing point

    • @hyun3841
      @hyun3841 3 года назад +120

      문밖에 고양ㅇ이 화들짝 도망가는거 개웃기네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    • @bad8900
      @bad8900 3 года назад +2

      @Hip-hop 넵 맞아요 ㅎ

    • @usereriiooppjj
      @usereriiooppjj 3 года назад +10


    • @cofoo-c3h
      @cofoo-c3h 3 года назад


    • @mini8706
      @mini8706 3 года назад


  • @냠냠-o6v
    @냠냠-o6v 3 года назад +935

    3:59 이제 고양이도 주인이 밴드에 발을 걸면 심상치 않은 일이 생긴다는걸 반복 학습하고 발 걸자마자 호다닥 도망감ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    5:05 꽤 적응된 모습

    • @minerrrrrrr
      @minerrrrrrr 3 года назад +4


    • @제아너
      @제아너 3 года назад +11

      ㅋㅋㄱㅋㅋㄱㅋㄱㄱㄱㅋ고양이 학습

    • @judylee12
      @judylee12 3 года назад +3


    • @jellyy4782
      @jellyy4782 3 года назад +2


    • @teoatl5362
      @teoatl5362 3 года назад +3

      1:41 ㅋㅋㅋ

  • @김민정-b1e4o
    @김민정-b1e4o 2 года назад +28

    귀찮은 영상 찍어서 편집해서 올리신것만 봐도 이분 끈기있는 분입니다.

  • @drumrit
    @drumrit 3 года назад +279

    The most profound thing that I picked up from this video was the “just pull up, who cares if you get hurt? Don’t think. Just do it” attitude.
    I definitely overthink things sometimes because I’m scared to take the leap and feel like I lack the grit to stay consistent.
    It all boils down to showing up and just doing it.
    Great video! Hilarious commentary

    • @smokeygreeny4488
      @smokeygreeny4488 3 года назад +2

      That applies to absolutely everything.

    • @billiambyte
      @billiambyte 3 года назад +1

      Agreed. Also this video does a great job at showing that starting to exercise can take a while but, if you push consistently, and monitor your improvements, you can achieve a lot. Don't think your going to get a lot done in 4 months. Think more by the year. It takes a lot of patience but it's worth it.

    • @anthonyprevost3968
      @anthonyprevost3968 3 года назад +1

      @@billiambyte one thing I learned is don’t push yourself past your limits on a regular basis. Your muscle develops quickly but tendons on the other hand take months to recoup, so by muscle standards you may be ready but give your tendons time to fully recoup. Figured that out from sword training. My muscle tone was improving rapidly but after a couple weeks of stepping up intensity and duration I started getting pains that shouldn’t have been there and they started becoming more and more persistent but I’d push past them until my teacher noticed it one day and told me to take it easy for a couple weeks. Helped monumentally and now I know to pace myself and don’t consistently do every strike as if your life is depending upon it

    • @moda8509
      @moda8509 3 года назад

      @jj bb i wish you are alright now man ... i now have somewhat uneven shoulders due to repetative shoulder dislocation .. i over trained and didnt put my arm in a sling after the shoulder was dislocated .. which happened 9 times lol ... anyway i felt like sharing this and i wanna wish all the best .. life is a journey :)

    • @litls4946
      @litls4946 3 года назад +1

      A great mindset if you're ready to fuck shit up and injure yourself

  • @arunsrinivasiyengar2759
    @arunsrinivasiyengar2759 3 года назад +241

    Persistence pays. Mentally strong man. Wishing him success.

  • @NoName-to5xl
    @NoName-to5xl 3 года назад +63

    Very inspiring. All other pullup videos start with the assumption that you can do at least 1 or 2.
    I started like this man. After many months i am at 5! No bands, just 10 months of diet, training, and hard work.
    Thank you!

  • @HI_J_JERO
    @HI_J_JERO 2 года назад +23

    처음엔웃겼는데 뒤로갈수록 응원하게되네요.노력은 배신하지않는다!!

  • @QuietMindful
    @QuietMindful 3 года назад +228

    “I can tell these are tips, but I don’t really get them” 😂 that’s so true!

  • @scottmkurtz
    @scottmkurtz 3 года назад +321

    I love watching his confidence growing every single time.

    • @gamervignesh
      @gamervignesh 3 года назад +6

      he shot all in one single day

    • @shawndayvis6169
      @shawndayvis6169 3 года назад +1

      Oh yeah, watcji.g this loser completely ignore his weight problem is so rewarding

    • @nlysvs3844
      @nlysvs3844 2 года назад

      @@gamervignesh Wifiway día del di a decir odooeoei 3

  • @bruhh3759
    @bruhh3759 3 года назад +841

    Jokes apart, keeping that cositancy in such goals needs high level determination everyday. Keep it up dude 🙌

    • @guruk
      @guruk 3 года назад +8

      Plot twist - he shot everything in a span of 5 days.

    • @vendettagrazie5653
      @vendettagrazie5653 3 года назад +2

      Honestly, its not that hard to fake that, and you should feel shamed because you take everything seriously in internet

    • @gabadu529
      @gabadu529 3 года назад +2

      @@vendettagrazie5653 let's say he did that but, isn't it good for us as it will give is motivation to do it regularly.

    • @vikingthedude
      @vikingthedude 2 года назад

      cositancy? Yummm

    • @nidhin_gowri
      @nidhin_gowri 2 года назад

      Same SHORTS

  • @reese.jubilee
    @reese.jubilee 3 года назад +19

    페북에서 보고 왔어요!
    때려칠 법도 한데 멈추지 않고 꾸준히 하는게 멋지네요!
    처음에는 버티는 것도 힘들었는데 나중에는 두번 세번 올라가는 것 보고, 눈에 띄는 것 같지 않아도 조금씩 노력의 성과가 쌓여 차곡차곡 본인의 것이 되는구나 하고 작심하루였던 나를 반성해봅니다 :)

  • @nakki9600
    @nakki9600 3 года назад +289

    이분 영상의 관전 포인트는 1.밴드 다리걸기 2.교관스탈의 지독히 객관적인 나래이숀…아무생각없이 보러왔다가 간만에 실컷 웃었네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    • @LongBug
      @LongBug  3 года назад +6

      반갑습니다 너선영님

  • @better331132
    @better331132 3 года назад +365

    아 존나웃긴게 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    턱걸이 하는 사람이랑
    내레이션 하는 사람이랑
    다른 사람같음 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
    근데 나보다 못 하는 사람 보고
    동기부여되긴 처음이네
    멋있다 진짜

  • @얍-s7n
    @얍-s7n 3 года назад +258

    진짜 매일매일 빠지지않고 끈기있게 하신다는게 너무 굉장하신 것 같아요..
    무슨일이 있어도 다시 이 영상보면서 자신감 가지시고 무엇이든지 하실 것 같아요 👍

  • @물안경-r1i
    @물안경-r1i 2 года назад +5

    초등아들 팔굽혀펴기나 턱걸이 알려주려고 검색하다 본의아니게 발견했어요 한참을 아들과 둘이서 이게모야를 반복하며 끝까지 다봄 ㅋㅋ 쭉~잘보고 있습니다 경상도말투 친근친근

  • @irynjeon9149
    @irynjeon9149 3 года назад +378

    매일매일 한다는게 진짜 그냥 대단해보임..

  • @sethmartinez4783
    @sethmartinez4783 3 года назад +669

    This is inspiring. I'm just starting to workout again, and I just want to thank you for this video. You're determination is inspiring and.. just thank you man!

    • @daebak7370
      @daebak7370 3 года назад

      @Luis scary but amazing times we live in. Military checkpoints will be set up on us interstates for covid vaccination certification. Camps will be activated. Police state is coming. New world order led by obama and pope francis is coming. Jesus christ is coming back for the rapture. Get ready. Dont believe the coming ufo alien abduction narrative

    • @skullkraken_resurrected9857
      @skullkraken_resurrected9857 2 года назад +1

      @Luiz what does that even mean?

    • @Powerlift24
      @Powerlift24 Год назад

      ​@@luiz1016This ain't even Japanese channel

  • @mattfuller6812
    @mattfuller6812 3 года назад +43

    U r not extremely obese. Cheers mate! Stick with it. U r inspiring! If u want to do pull ups u can do it. Daily steps is the right track. Keep it up!

  • @wawoo8783
    @wawoo8783 2 года назад +1

    저도 턱걸이 1개 도전하고 있지만 몇 개월째 진전이 없어서 여쭤보아요ㅠㅠ D-14일부터 시작한 점푸 후 조금식 당기기 할 때 한번에 몇 회하고 몇 셋트 하셧나요?

  • @miguels.b.2749
    @miguels.b.2749 3 года назад +304

    I have been there, mate. And while it may seem impossible at first, the first time you are actually able to do your first pull up, it just feels so glorious.

    • @siddharth1610r
      @siddharth1610r 3 года назад +8

      Almost poetic.. Like you've unlocked a new feat in life

    • @FalkenSkyline
      @FalkenSkyline 3 года назад +4

      Three years ago I managed to do my first pull up because I was angry :p

    • @alverofathir
      @alverofathir 3 года назад +4

      @@FalkenSkyline atleast youre able to channel your anger into somewhere good

    • @ashithshankar7492
      @ashithshankar7492 3 года назад

      Your brain is a prediction making machine. Whatever you imagine is an output of the reference data you have in your memory. Doing something you have never done before is like breaking a personal record.

    • @josephzimmer6364
      @josephzimmer6364 3 года назад

      and you can do like a 10 a week after u get ur first one it’s weird

  • @Баламут-д2ш
    @Баламут-д2ш 3 года назад +699

    Парняга-то настолько любит турник, что влетает в него с ноги. Уважаемо.

    • @DEN_Belko
      @DEN_Belko 3 года назад +5


    • @romkatb2243
      @romkatb2243 3 года назад +4


    • @vyacheslavmatylitsky5184
      @vyacheslavmatylitsky5184 3 года назад +2


    • @101Games-x8q
      @101Games-x8q 3 года назад +4

      Как говорят:в дело перед ногами летит.

    • @pivo315
      @pivo315 3 года назад +6

      Такой бы турничок мне бы дома, давно бы был бы под 2 метра, жаль батя себе оставил мою шведскую стенку, когда разводился

  • @RayMak
    @RayMak 3 года назад +119

    Really really amazing!!

    • @LongBug
      @LongBug  3 года назад +16

      Come on, go to Ep2. Mak

    • @spacesimp
      @spacesimp 3 года назад +9

      Haven’t seen your comments in a while, seeing this made me feel that my youtube feed is back to normal.

    • @cheezyboii
      @cheezyboii 3 года назад


    • @el33tkrew
      @el33tkrew 3 года назад

      Not this time

    • @daebak7370
      @daebak7370 3 года назад

      Scary but amazing times we live in. Military checkpoints will be set up on us interstates for covid vaccination certification. Camps will be activated. Police state is coming to whole world. New world order led by obama and pope francis is coming. Jesus christ is coming back for the rapture. Get ready. Dont believe the coming ufo alien abduction narrative

  • @ravinchem3035
    @ravinchem3035 Год назад +3

    I think you should start by do some push up to strengthen your arm first.
    But you do a great job man. Respect.

  • @charlieosko4151
    @charlieosko4151 3 года назад +246

    I love how he kicks his foot into the resistance band!

      @TOTOMOTOR 3 года назад +3

      😂😂😂 really?

    • @NCM393
      @NCM393 3 года назад

      this guy is all about Technique

    • @niknabeelah7084
      @niknabeelah7084 3 года назад

      And when he released it as well. Gusto

  • @shailendratanwar5617
    @shailendratanwar5617 3 года назад +722

    The way he put his foot on that band everytime, so funny feels like he is super frustrated with his whole life

  • @robynhitchen7820
    @robynhitchen7820 3 года назад +1102

    The saga of him trying to get his foot in and out of the resistance band everyday is hilarious 😂

    • @isabelmelo3327
      @isabelmelo3327 3 года назад +13

      Its the saga within a saga

    • @tiffanyarrrr782
      @tiffanyarrrr782 3 года назад +12

      I couldn't stop laughing at him running and trying to fling his foot into the band!

    • @medusastone9278
      @medusastone9278 3 года назад +6

      Am I dead?

    • @Dominicthedonkey
      @Dominicthedonkey 3 года назад +8

      4:15 would be my personal favorite.

    • @daebak7370
      @daebak7370 3 года назад

      @@isabelmelo3327 unprecedented times coming ahead. Military checkpoints will be set up on us interstates for covid vaccination certification. Camps will be activated. Police state is coming. New world order led by obama and pope francis is coming. Jesus christ is coming back for the rapture. Get ready. Dont believe the coming ufo alien abduction narrative

  • @qwsa1475
    @qwsa1475 4 месяца назад +2

    진짜 이 형 턱걸이때문에 봤는데 인생 나태해질때마다 한번씩 보고있으면 동기부에 씨게옴

  • @ForbiddenFate
    @ForbiddenFate 3 года назад +119

    "Extremely obese"
    My dude is like 35 pounds overweight.
    In America we would call that average 🤣

  • @Mr.Radel.
    @Mr.Radel. 3 года назад +125

    Good job 👏🏽
    I think it’s hilarious how he kicks his leg up every time to put it in the band instead of holding it down with his hands then putting the leg in 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @LongBug
      @LongBug  3 года назад +36

      It came off after hanging on my lap and almost ruined my face.

    • @elkanjulian1037
      @elkanjulian1037 3 года назад +1

      @@LongBug oof

    • @urjeshutthasani3714
      @urjeshutthasani3714 3 года назад

      That approach didn't work with the purple one🤣🤣

  • @Tycy2014
    @Tycy2014 3 года назад +278

    Ngl the way you just launch yourself at the Bungee cord had me laughing. But you are trying and that's what counts.

    • @Saf-ue6yh
      @Saf-ue6yh 3 года назад +4

      I had to laugh when he almost fell. Lol the kick when he goes on tha band

    • @sageisaiah7171
      @sageisaiah7171 3 года назад +1

      Fuckin karate kicking his leg in that band

  • @gevorgmovsisian2025
    @gevorgmovsisian2025 3 года назад +3

    Thats good bro. Keep going.

  • @goatee21
    @goatee21 3 года назад +168

    I was going to click off, but the band flying leg kicks kept me watching. You can do yeeeeeeet!

    @AHSHEEVED 3 года назад +62

    The hardest part is to never change boxershorts. Thats dedication!

    • @spb4rent
      @spb4rent 3 года назад +2

      Lol, guess it tells us that he might ve shot it in a day, not a month ))

    • @tenzinwangmo100
      @tenzinwangmo100 3 года назад


    • @pvlapa
      @pvlapa 3 года назад +4

      Or it came from a set of 10 which is common in Asia.

    • @peterholland1989
      @peterholland1989 3 года назад +1

      Man you cracked me up with that comment

  • @달-r5g
    @달-r5g 3 года назад +103

    와 ㄹㅇ 내레이션 존나 간지나면서 웃기기도 하는데 개머싯누 점점 좋아지는거 같이 응원하게됩니다!!

  • @MohammedKhaled-ju7gy
    @MohammedKhaled-ju7gy 2 года назад +45

    Yesterday I hit the gym for the second time in my life. It was fun, my arms are sore today but I feel like Every person who’s on this journey with me are like my bro and eventually we will conquer our fitness goals

    • @LongBug
      @LongBug  2 года назад +16

      Let's go together without any injuries

    • @resolveseed6913
      @resolveseed6913 2 года назад +4

      Welcome bro
      Enjoy the journey

  • @zackwanhakimi5344
    @zackwanhakimi5344 3 года назад +138

    87kg = extremely obese man
    Me at 100kg: "i still look slim in these shirt" 😂😂😂😂

    • @khan_bekzhan
      @khan_bekzhan 3 года назад +5

      Me 140kg😄 Absolutelly understand you

    • @Gudi._.
      @Gudi._. 3 года назад +1

      It depends on your height and constitution, so yeah.
      Also, muscle weighs way more than fat

    • @khan_bekzhan
      @khan_bekzhan 3 года назад

      @@Gudi._. My height is 187cm, which is very rare for Asians. I have a belly and poles, but I have not swam with fat. I can look different in different clothes. When I wear clothes without a uniform, I look very fat and gigantic, but if I dress to my figure and with the right choice of colors, I look very pretty. It gives me masculine massiveness and beauty. Although I did sports, I don't have much muscle.

    • @aig5429
      @aig5429 3 года назад +2

      I'm 75 kg considered very skinny

    • @sanjivinsmoke9154
      @sanjivinsmoke9154 3 года назад +1

      @@khan_bekzhan 140 kg is still a lot brother

  • @TM-xz1mi
    @TM-xz1mi 3 года назад +186

    The most part I like is when he kicks and try to catch the tie with his foot.

  • @Diebold410
    @Diebold410 3 года назад +89

    In America him saying he’s extremely obese would trigger other people
    I’m glad I’m other countries they embrace reality and hold themselves accountable
    Good on you for getting after it brother I’m proud of you

    • @afiqputra9076
      @afiqputra9076 3 года назад +11

      But let's be honest here, he is only over weight at best. Nowhere near obese

    • @orsontrius8284
      @orsontrius8284 3 года назад +3

      @@afiqputra9076 depending on his height he very well could be medically obese

    • @woobinpark9372
      @woobinpark9372 3 года назад +2

      @@afiqputra9076 in korea it is obese, America is insane....

    • @bluedogviking00
      @bluedogviking00 3 года назад +2

      @@afiqputra9076 some countries are just extremely judgemental that's why. Over weight yes extremely obese not so much.

    • @happymolecule8894
      @happymolecule8894 3 года назад +2

      @@orsontrius8284 Obese is when the person starts looking like a ball. You can easily make out where his bones are, where his hips start, where his chest is. He's just chubby

  • @jaramelo1
    @jaramelo1 2 года назад +14

    Si tu puedes yo puedo, me encanto mucho tu video, tu disciplina, tu entusiasmo, digno de admirar.
    Saludos desde Chile.

  • @AmbroseTheBastrd
    @AmbroseTheBastrd 3 года назад +72

    Him: I'm extremely obese
    Me looking in the mirror: Oh, honey, what have you done to yourself?

    • @tiffanyarrrr782
      @tiffanyarrrr782 3 года назад

      Ditto 😑

    • @tennisthapa7291
      @tennisthapa7291 3 года назад

      @@tiffanyarrrr782 but you look fine in the pic if that's you.

    • @tiffanyarrrr782
      @tiffanyarrrr782 3 года назад

      @@tennisthapa7291 thank you. It is me, but a few years back. I am about 10 pounds heavier than in the picture, but even there you can't see my lower half. I could easily stand to lose 40-50 pounds!

  • @stevejones224
    @stevejones224 3 года назад +175

    That first time he fell off the resistance band had me in stitches 🤣 but in all honesty, you should be proud of your achievements. It’s not easy at all but you did it. Good luck in the future buddy

  • @SilentAttackTV
    @SilentAttackTV 3 года назад +272

    If you can't do a pullup to start, you have to do negatives in order to progress. Basically you climb up on a chair, or jump up, then lower yourself down slowly.

    • @gantengpisan4709
      @gantengpisan4709 3 года назад +9

      Sounds good idea, I will try it, thanks.

    • @powerincarnate6783
      @powerincarnate6783 3 года назад +9

      That's great advice, when I was a kid I was unable to do pull ups.

    • @RockinRay4711
      @RockinRay4711 3 года назад +15

      I guess it's also very difficult for the beginner to do with this kind of grip... Wide and reverse... Better work with chin-ups first and then change to pull-ups with wide grip

    • @clem3325
      @clem3325 3 года назад +4

      Try Australia Pull ups/ Rows aswell. And slowly increase the difficulty by relying less on your legs.

    • @danielaruffin2182
      @danielaruffin2182 3 года назад +1

      Chair helps keeping you safe and getting into the band without injuring and almost falling every time. Also instead of foot putting knee in band would help getting out of band without falling as it won’t wrap around toes etc.
      But kudos to your consistent efforts and motivation!!

  • @JustAnotherRussianDude
    @JustAnotherRussianDude Год назад +2

    Nice job! Keep moving on, but be careful - not to injure yourself :( and have a good rest and sleep after training.

  • @Symsonix
    @Symsonix 3 года назад +148

    This is absolutely incredible, a demonstration and a representation of real discipline. Well done mate.

    • @LongBug
      @LongBug  3 года назад +5

      반갑다 게소테릭

    • @brickstep8424
      @brickstep8424 3 года назад

      Too be fare he half assed a minute a day….

    • @Elbot938
      @Elbot938 3 года назад

      @@brickstep8424 if he only did it one time a day he wouldnt be able to make any progress- i reckon he did some off camara or just didnt include in the video

    • @dreamcast3w525
      @dreamcast3w525 3 года назад

      Lol what?

    • @brickstep8424
      @brickstep8424 3 года назад

      @@Elbot938 I’m just imagining how pathetic one must be to think this is incredible and real discipline.

  • @Cettywise
    @Cettywise 3 года назад +155

    Remember. It's okay to do jump assisted and slowly let yourself back down. It works the same muscles and eventually you should be able to pull up instead of going down slowly.

    • @MrDwieszopyjackson
      @MrDwieszopyjackson 3 года назад +2

      It's called 'negative pull up' and it might safer for you if you can climb up rather than jump, especially if you are on the heavier side. Provided your setup allows that of course

  • @Sega2127
    @Sega2127 3 года назад +190

    There is another method (I tried it and it worked). It is called negative moves. Start from the upper position (use chair or box) and then slowly go down. Then again and again, as many times as you can. This is better way because you train all muscles you need to pull up. When you use resistence bands you will use another muscle more and other less (it the lowest position band helps pretty strong and the most important muscles dont work as hard as should). And it is much safer to use box then a band and you know why :) keep going!

    • @LtdJorge
      @LtdJorge 3 года назад +4

      Yep, this is the way

    • @jesusmanzanares5192
      @jesusmanzanares5192 3 года назад +1

      Are you descending from the top while your feet remain on the chair , or are you simply starting from the top on a chair and then stepping off to then hold the negative ?

    • @spartanmen100
      @spartanmen100 3 года назад +4

      @@jesusmanzanares5192 You step off the box

    • @Sega2127
      @Sega2127 3 года назад +1

      @@jesusmanzanares5192 you need to hang free in the upper postion. In fact you can even jump and lock your arms in that position if you can. With box or chair it is easier. Then go down as slow as you can till you have straight arms then land on floor.

    • @Sega2127
      @Sega2127 3 года назад +1

      @@jesusmanzanares5192 search on RUclips negative pull ups there are lots of videos about that ☺️

  • @louisdaleasmr
    @louisdaleasmr 3 года назад +52

    이런 종류의 영상들 보면 이미 운동을 꽤나 했던 분들이 살찌우고 올리는 영상들이 많아서 짧은 시간에 현실성 없는 몸 만들어 놓은 애프터 보면 약간 시청자들 기만하는 느낌 ㅠㅠ 나서 별로였는데, 긴벌레 님 영상은 기만 없는 진짜 운동 처음 하는 사람의 현실성 있는 모습을 보여줘서 좋네요. 👍

  • @bjkim822
    @bjkim822 3 года назад +602

    킬포가 몇개냐 ㅋㅋ
    1. 똑같은 바지와 헤어스탈
    2. 박진감 넘치는 밴드걸기 하이킥
    3. 내려올때 넘어질똥 말똥 주춤주춤 결국 넘어지네
    4. 중독성있는 걸걸 말투
    5. 말투와 상반된 피아노 곡

    • @항상배고파-q6l
      @항상배고파-q6l 3 года назад +54

      6.엄청나게 불성실한 말툰데, 운동은 엄청 성실하게함

    • @austin5327
      @austin5327 3 года назад +29

      7. 테넷마냥 날짜 카운트가 거꾸로 감

    • @unfortunately816
      @unfortunately816 3 года назад +4

      괴물 신인의 등장

    • @맘모쓱타드
      @맘모쓱타드 3 года назад +19

      8.한결같은 몸

    • @cieloy
      @cieloy 3 года назад +1

      ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 제 2의 독거 노총각 될 뜻 대박임!!!

  • @eidanharp1750
    @eidanharp1750 3 года назад +32

    Молодец 👍 но я бы посоветовал добавить подтягивания другими хватами, для развития плечевого пояса, бицепсов и спины.

    • @demetriusrush
      @demetriusrush 3 года назад +2

      Да ему крепления пониже ещё дополнительные сделать что б не мучится с резинками а ногами помогать, да и сам турничок надо было с возможностью отжимания как на брусьях взять, себе такой же приобрел, а ходить на турники лень, лишний вес уже 4 кило за 2 месяца сбросил, по 10 подтягивания и 10 отжиманий свободно уже делаю, когда начинал 5 было предел

    • @Qwerty-ck5xg
      @Qwerty-ck5xg 3 года назад

      О експерты диванные подвалили😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @Qwerty-ck5xg
      @Qwerty-ck5xg 3 года назад

      @Evgeniy 😂😂😂

  • @쩡이-z9b
    @쩡이-z9b 2 года назад +1

    2편 땜시 구독해야것어요 😂

  • @jojotan3344
    @jojotan3344 3 года назад +68

    I like how he went from "aight let's go" to "LETS FOOKIN GO" when he enter the scene in just a few days

  • @Jcc988
    @Jcc988 3 года назад +124

    I love his explosive karate kicks.
    I'm surprised he didn't try negatives. He might have been able to build up more muscle quicker.

    • @LongBug
      @LongBug  3 года назад +3

      네거티브 방식 오케이

    • @johnthreesixteen5643
      @johnthreesixteen5643 3 года назад +79

      @@LongBug i dunno what you've said but just in case...your mom also

    • @varunjohnson9570
      @varunjohnson9570 3 года назад +7

      @@johnthreesixteen5643 lol

    • @ploxability
      @ploxability 3 года назад

      @@johnthreesixteen5643 💀☠⚰

    • @alexesh3048
      @alexesh3048 3 года назад +3

      @@johnthreesixteen5643 bro hahahahaha 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @GrantAMoody
    @GrantAMoody 3 года назад +124

    Not sure why this popped into my feed... but the motivation is inspiring. Big ups to him for wanting to make a change

    • @snoopdoggthecertifiedg6777
      @snoopdoggthecertifiedg6777 3 года назад +1

      Did he do any other exercises though? You can’t get thin from doing just pull-ups lmao

    • @jakeb6703
      @jakeb6703 3 года назад +1

      @@snoopdoggthecertifiedg6777 all the crazy kicks at the band probably counted for some cardio lol

  • @shakycr007
    @shakycr007 3 года назад +70

    Perseverance, practice and patience. That’s all we need. Easy said than done

  • @nicopity1194
    @nicopity1194 3 года назад +79

    True progress, my respects to him 💪🏻

    • @jaym7766
      @jaym7766 3 года назад

      There was progress?

    • @aravindh6235
      @aravindh6235 3 года назад +2

      @@jaym7766 of course there is only people who can't do a single pull ups would know

    • @devilvocano420
      @devilvocano420 3 года назад

      @@jaym7766show me your progress

  • @eucalyptus303
    @eucalyptus303 3 года назад +111

    Truly inspiring. And …. What is this piano song?!?! I love it!

    • @LongBug
      @LongBug  3 года назад +7

      Hi Mcgirr. go to my video 'Here's My Background Music'

    • @johnmca5643
      @johnmca5643 3 года назад +8

      Funny....I didn't notice the piano music until reading your comment. I was to fixated on watching him.

    • @audiazham4789
      @audiazham4789 3 года назад

      @@johnmca5643 mee too haha

  • @Takashi_Morinozuka
    @Takashi_Morinozuka 2 года назад +6

    Красавчик! Привет из России! Вдохновляешь заниматься спортом👍

  • @leedsdrumacademy
    @leedsdrumacademy 3 года назад +426

    First of all: you weren't obese buddy. Secondly, the first 8 days of not attempting a pull up was mostly a mindset thing. You weren't even flexing or trying. But you got there and you should be proud of yourself!

    • @kowalskikowalski8080
      @kowalskikowalski8080 3 года назад +69

      In East Asia, he is obese. He would be normal in Europe and North America.

    • @youwantmyname9208
      @youwantmyname9208 3 года назад +24

      @@kowalskikowalski8080 idk man. If BMI is over 30 then it was considered obese in here. Which is pretty high. Better hope all of those weights are from muscles

    • @bethereorbesquare3416
      @bethereorbesquare3416 3 года назад +2

      I mean... in many part of asia, it is sadly

    • @slowturtle6745
      @slowturtle6745 3 года назад +39

      Overweight yes, obese no, mostly looks out of shape.
      If he wants to know what obese looks like go to any Walmart in America.

    • @musiclableeds7785
      @musiclableeds7785 3 года назад +7

      @@slowturtle6745 Exactly, he's not obese but he's VERY out of shape - especially mentally. He seems weak, more than fat. Most "fat" people I know would be able to do at least 4 or 5 pull ups.

  • @jmds6660
    @jmds6660 3 года назад +182

    Still remember my first pull ups. Felt like my hands were made of butter and my feet were lead weights.
    Play a sports game, pause the game and do one every time you score. Then make it five. Then make it ten. Exercise becomes the break from work and study.

    • @meremsag1728
      @meremsag1728 3 года назад +1

      Lol,nice. Ima try it out

    • @f-15estrikeeagle35
      @f-15estrikeeagle35 3 года назад +1

      Dammit I’m on FIFA’s Ultimate

    • @smokeyjoe4248
      @smokeyjoe4248 3 года назад +2

      When I was in army we had to do press ups every time we walked through a door and it does help alot.

    • 3 года назад

      Big brain

    • @djbxandsbr451
      @djbxandsbr451 3 года назад

      I use a similar system for sit ups and push ups. I do 25 sit ups on one commercial break, then 25 push ups on the next break. Watch your favorite shows for just 2 hrs and you'd be surprised how much you've accomplished.

  • @xz9chicken3zx
    @xz9chicken3zx 3 года назад +104

    This guy's commentary is hilarious with his voice haha

    • @m1ngtzy
      @m1ngtzy 3 года назад +3

      Like a anime main character that becomes hot after being bully

  • @pd3330
    @pd3330 18 дней назад +1

    1:40 율무차 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ😂
    과정보고싶어서 2배속으로 보고있는중인데
    1:55 미쳤냐곸ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

  • @remo
    @remo 3 года назад +140

    Your consistency and determination are hugely inspiring!!

  • @vesuvius8537
    @vesuvius8537 3 года назад +53

    I lost it when he becomes more and more aggressive, day by day, when his foot reaches for the bands HAHAHAHA
    Bro. I have to tell you. I am in the same situation last year; can't pull up a single one. We also have the same body type, with wide belly and love handles. bought resistance bands and a bar to attach in the entrance of my room, might as well do it during quarantine. Now 8 months later I can comfortably do pull ups and my arm muscles have gained definition. Just keep doing it man. Be consistent. Best of luck! 🤟

  • @JinuDaniel-p7u
    @JinuDaniel-p7u 3 года назад +1283

    1:59 아 방심하다 터졌네 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    • @LongBug
      @LongBug  3 года назад +143

      갈 뻔 했습니다.

    • @바키-n1c
      @바키-n1c 3 года назад +67

      고양이 놀래서 도망가네ㅋㅋ

    • @건물주-w1j
      @건물주-w1j 3 года назад +5


    • @가을전어-v1f
      @가을전어-v1f 3 года назад +5


    • @JinuDaniel-p7u
      @JinuDaniel-p7u 3 года назад +1

      말투뭐야 하고 무표정으로 보다가 간만에 현웃터졌습니다 감사합니다.

  • @조성호-v6q
    @조성호-v6q 3 месяца назад

    오래된 영상 볼 때 마다 자극됩니다. 지금 보니 조회수도 엄청 나네요.
    열심히 해서 좋은 결과 얻으신 것 같네요.
    늘 응원합니다 긴벌레님

  • @fabiantalton6888
    @fabiantalton6888 3 года назад +158

    When he fell and the rubber smacked the pole was funny lol but keep pushing yourself Saitama 💪🏽😂

  • @king-ps1tw
    @king-ps1tw 3 года назад +437

    Интересный факт: этот парень не менял шорты 30дней

    • @andrewidkidc559
      @andrewidkidc559 3 года назад +17

      Decided to translate this random comment and it was worth it hahahahahaha

    • @Judged-Dread
      @Judged-Dread 3 года назад

      @@andrewidkidc559 what does it say?

    • @sadhorsephile
      @sadhorsephile 3 года назад +19

      ​@@Judged-Dread interesting fact: this guy didn't change his shorts for 30 days

    • @jungermechaniker1476
      @jungermechaniker1476 3 года назад +14

      Шорты год не меняю🤣

    • @BigKing274
      @BigKing274 3 года назад +7

      То чувство когда зашел в камменты что бы написать это, но увидел тебя._.

  • @이은수-x3d
    @이은수-x3d 3 года назад +664

    4:15 발걸기 숙련도 오르고 있음ㅋㅋㅋ

    • @jsysonjung
      @jsysonjung 3 года назад +13


    • @ta2oos
      @ta2oos 3 года назад +23

      아 저거 밴드에 균열생기면 어느순간 끊어지는데 ㅋㅋㅋ 그 충격으로 우리집 천장에 움푹파인자국있음ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 강력한 고무 ㅠㅠ

    • @flow3432
      @flow3432 3 года назад +1


  • @helllow
    @helllow 2 года назад +1

    남들이 쉽게 가질수 없는걸 가지고 계시네요..
    끈기 근성! 멋지십니다

  • @just_sawa
    @just_sawa 3 года назад +227

    After words "I need cut off my hair" I imagine how he transforms to Saitama (Onepunchman) and show his result after 3 years of training and lets rock🤣🤣🤣

  • @МинкаилШахбиев
    @МинкаилШахбиев 3 года назад +50

    Красавчик!!! Успехов тебе! Очень мотивирующее видео, сохраню себе, буду смотреть, когда будет лень тренироваться

    • @milavka32
      @milavka32 3 года назад +2

      Очень смешной чел)

    • @blagodaryya
      @blagodaryya 3 года назад +7

      По спине видно что он может подтянуться. Это постанова. У них юмор такой издевательский. Не понятный нам. Целеустремленность это хорошо. Но тут над ней насмехаются.

    • @stoic8415
      @stoic8415 3 года назад +2

      Думал он раз 30 будет в конце видео подтягиваться, а он даже и раза не сделал без резинки, так себе мотивация

    • @МинкаилШахбиев
      @МинкаилШахбиев 3 года назад

      @@stoic8415 есть продолжение. Он во второй части подтягивается

    • @investman911
      @investman911 3 года назад +1

      Это а один день снято

  • @rkdfogh
    @rkdfogh 3 года назад +89

    존나 재밌다 존나 존나 재밌다. 요새 본 유투브 채널 중에서 제일 재밌고 제일 집중해서 스킵없이 다본 영상이다. 신박하고 좋다.

  • @최유리-x2p
    @최유리-x2p Год назад

    손바닥 물집 안잡히셨나요ㅠㅠㅠㅠ?
    12초 가능하기전 오래 못버티실때
    매일 하시는동안 몇번이나 반복하고 끝내신걸까요...? 의지,노력 넘 멋지십니다

  • @pthompson2113
    @pthompson2113 3 года назад +65

    You're so talented, hilarious, and creative. 🤣😊👍🏼💪🏼
    And you're such an inspiration for me to get back in shape as I've been depressed the last few months due to a slight back injury that took me from the best shape of my life to the weakest I have ever been.

    • @cleigh8435
      @cleigh8435 3 года назад +3

      I know how it is, in a similar boat

  • @blanviterbo3314
    @blanviterbo3314 3 года назад +81

    I just noticed, he doesn't change his short for the whole month lol

    • @adenwillemburg4300
      @adenwillemburg4300 3 года назад +4

      its called gym clothes?

    • @surenot1
      @surenot1 3 года назад +3

      His hair has not changed neither. Clickbait?

    • @PrinceAnims
      @PrinceAnims 3 года назад +5

      @@surenot1 hair wouldnt grow that much within 1 month so i dont think so

    • @The_entainer_way
      @The_entainer_way 3 года назад

      @@PrinceAnims bro my hair grows too fast
      Even if I shaved my whole head and after 1 month I will have proper hairs

    • @PrinceAnims
      @PrinceAnims 3 года назад +2

      @@The_entainer_way must be genetics or somethn, mine dont even grow that fast, usually i notice my hair getting longer when its already 3 months