What Makes the ISTP Female So Sensational?

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии •

  • @GlitchInTheMatrix888
    @GlitchInTheMatrix888 8 месяцев назад +6

    I don’t approach things with an emotional connection and I strongly desire to be alone. THIS ❤

  • @CuddleClaw.
    @CuddleClaw. Год назад +14

    Extremely uncommon
    Pragmatic, logical, calm, nonjudgmental, relaxed, intriguing to others, independent, problem solver
    Prefer to do most things on their own, natural intelligence, internally analyzes situations, strongly desires alone time to recharge, highly introverted, dislikes distractions when thinking through stuff.
    Can appear odd to others. Needs to explore, needs freedom, takes risks, spirited, wild, breaks rules, doesn’t like being held back, does things that frighten others, wants life to be exciting and full of passion. Adventurous, tries new things, doesn’t always follow social norms, prefer being true to themselves, takes on new challenges calmly. Can take on anything. Can be stoic. Can be nurturing for special people. Doesn’t naturally open up emotionally in front of people, or focus on their own feelings. Aren’t naturally in touch with their own emotions, can feel uncomfortable to do so, can be developed.
    Often considerate and polite to others. Misunderstood often. Can be perceived as cold and unfeeling, but she likes to understand things logically. Strong willed. Feel things very deeply.
    Physical people. Science, mechanics, often surrounded by men in the work place. Is rarely afraid to take on a challenge, willing to prove themselves. Often impressed people because she’s very capable. Often stands out because she’s different. Has lots of skills, confident, strong.

  • @creativethinking5567
    @creativethinking5567 11 месяцев назад +4

    Me🙋🏻 ISTP female

  • @Tinydancer0502
    @Tinydancer0502 10 месяцев назад +2

    I have taken this test multiple times and got this each time and do not relate lol

    • @methanide8257
      @methanide8257 8 месяцев назад +1

      Don’t take the test, it’s inaccurate. Learn cognitive functions instead, definitely more accurate.

    • @RM-ti8nf
      @RM-ti8nf 8 месяцев назад

      What part does not relate to you?

  • @Msqles
    @Msqles Год назад

    So relatable

  • @Jvstna
    @Jvstna 10 месяцев назад

    Ive taken the MBTI test several times to make sure and it says i am a ISTP. Most things are accurate except for the fact that i am very scared to try new things because i worry alot about the uncertainty or because i like consistency. Am i rlly istp?

    • @methanide8257
      @methanide8257 8 месяцев назад

      Don’t take the test, it’s inaccurate. Learn cognitive functions instead, that way it is entirely accurate

    • @methanide8257
      @methanide8257 6 месяцев назад

      Probably not. Don’t take the test, it’s very inaccurate. Instead learn cognitive functions then apply them to yourself!! It’s much more accurate

    • @Marses970
      @Marses970 4 месяца назад

      Continue exploring and learn in many ways dude