\ - . - / She really did it, I am for so long watch her playing and today she really did shock the whole world of table tennis. What a cute little Samurai walking through the battlefield without mercy and fear, I hope this will not be her last winny winny win win. Beating No.1 Ning Ding on her birthday and after that beating No.2 Zhu Yuling and No.5 Chen Meng in the finals both by 3-0 to win the tournament with a record as youngest ever - what can I say more.
This is the amazing Hurricane Hirano.
Miu Hirano #1.
\ - . - / She really did it, I am for so long watch her playing and today she really did shock the whole world of table tennis.
What a cute little Samurai walking through the battlefield without mercy and fear, I hope this will not be her last winny winny win win.
Beating No.1 Ning Ding on her birthday and after that beating No.2 Zhu Yuling and No.5 Chen Meng in the finals both by 3-0 to win the tournament with a record as youngest ever - what can I say more.
橋本絵莉子 美宇太厲害了!世乒賽繼續加油吧!
It is impossible not to love Hirano.
Не устаю смотреть как хирано красиво играла и играет
Someone said Hariano just got impressive backhand. … I should declare that …. her front hand is as well VERY VERY STRONG 😂😂😂😂😂
Как красива девчёнка и красива игру сделала
平野的反手根本就是地獄級! 正手也相當相當厲害。😮😮😮😮😮😳😳😳😳😳
打國乒頂級選手可以大分3比0 轟下
而且一串三,打败了朱雨霖、丁宁、陈梦。我查了一下,平野美宇这一年用的底板就是斯帝卡CL,很多人的启蒙练功拍🤣 这说明烧器材是毫无意义的,到了这个等级的球拍就足够再40+塑料球规则下打到亚洲杯冠军了。现在很多人疯狂追求各种纤维板,说纯木过时了。也有不少人说一定要用蝴蝶的。平野美宇的日本人,用的是瑞典底板😆
🌴 → ♥平野 美宇 選手!!♥
♥🍑ズリー 選手に勝利!!🍑♥
How is it that Hirano's name ends up sounding like "PDMA" in Chinese? Same characters but different pronunciation or something else?
her name in chinese charector
平野 美宇
both in chinese n japanese read differently.
in japanese hirano miu
in chinese ping ye mei yu
nobody has played better than 17 years old Hirano with plastic balls
ZHU Yulingより後ろのPCの前に座っている子の方が可愛いね‼