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  • @YakimaLions
    @YakimaLions 3 года назад +4

    Thank you! This did help. I wanted to believe the bite described in the post was a unique situation. We have been birdless for a few years and someone I work with mentioned they had just had three Caique eggs hatch. The gentleman said their biggest concern was finding good homes for them. So my daughter and I have been studying up on the breed and requirements. We plan to start visiting them about a month before we bring one home to see if any particular one takes a shine to us. Our daughter will take the bird once I can no longer care for it. Thanks again!

    • @ParrotBliss
      @ParrotBliss 3 года назад +1

      Let me know how it goes, it's always exciting to bring a new family member home!

  • @ReeferNoob23
    @ReeferNoob23 2 года назад +3

    Love to know when are they go thru this I know its different for different species my pineapple cinnamon green cheek conure is almost 2 now an very bonded to me but here recently over the summer she was more nippy an demanding of my time an when I would talk ti my wife my bird would come an nip me for me to pet her or yell at me to pet her I thibk it was hormones an now the weather getting cooler am she going back to her sweet self like she was when I got her as a baby I noticed all that demanding behavior kinda calming down now an she going back to being sweet im guessing green cheers go thru puberty around 2 years of age and my gcc is a female named Ellie!

    • @ParrotBliss
      @ParrotBliss 2 года назад +1

      So glad Ellie is calming down- they really are sweet!

  • @roneljames1159
    @roneljames1159 Год назад +1

    Thank you for your videos. I have cried watching this video, as a bit more than a week ago my WBC was killed by my son's dog. I know it was my fault as it really happened in less than a minute. I have been crucified on FB groups admitting this.
    You were so spot on to say they have the ability to look into your soul. They are definitely not pet birds but a companion.
    Now please do not tell me I am making a mistake to want another caique. This time I am not getting its wings clip as the Avian vet recommended. He could previously fly away from the dogs as he thease them. And when it is cage out time it will be mommy out time for them.
    His cage is standing here empty, it is really massive for 1 caique( like the ones behind you in this video)
    It's now breeding season in South Africa. If I get 2 from the same sex at the same time, will they bond with me as I believe caiques will do?

    • @ParrotBliss
      @ParrotBliss Год назад +1

      Sorry to hear that and avian vet is Tell ing you to clip your parrot.
      Clipping should be a matter of what is most beneficial for the parrot and owner. Yes, you should get 2 and let them fly. Wbc are highly social, they will still bond with you. I expect you will find that they will even be happier, having companionship, when you’re not around.

  • @laweaver5050
    @laweaver5050 3 года назад +4

    Oh I wanted to also tell you, I went to take Ozzy outside to his cage out there this morning (he was being too loud inside) well as soon as I got out the door something spooked him and he took off into the woods next to my house. He landed in a tree pretty high. I was so upset & scared cuz we had a hawks nest in out yard recently and the 2 babies are fledgling now, they still hang out in our yard in the morning I see them looking for food. I wouldn't leave ozzy, my husband came out and brought me the nut jar to shake and lure him down. Which worked. This happened before and that what we did to get him down. He was up there for about 15 minutes until he decided to come down. He flew into my arms. I was so 😊 The little stinker!

    • @ParrotBliss
      @ParrotBliss 3 года назад +1

      Sounds like you handled it super well. I'm fortunate because we have screened enclosures outside the doors. So, we haven't had a bird make it past the door and then the screened area. So glad Ozzy is home safe!

    • @laweaver5050
      @laweaver5050 3 года назад +1

      Thank you! ❤

  • @danielson_9211
    @danielson_9211 3 месяца назад +1

    My friends macaws are terrified of his ciaque LOL He runs the house hahhah even the sun conure fly to the hills from him hahah

    • @ParrotBliss
      @ParrotBliss 2 месяца назад

      I’m not too surprised, although I would expect the Macaws not to be scared!

  • @PetiteParrotLover
    @PetiteParrotLover Год назад

    I had no idea your dad was a veterinarian like my husband!🥰

    • @ParrotBliss
      @ParrotBliss Год назад

      Yeah... but he passed away a couple of years ago :( When he was alive, I'd ask questions, even though he wasn't avian, rather bovine.

  • @mel98
    @mel98 2 года назад +1

    My zorro just turned 7 today. But when he's hormonal he will be super aggressive to me n no one else in house mostly. I have scars to prove it. But when he's out of that he's great bird n we do nightly training even during hormones. He's a great bird he wears harness n we go on walks n errands sometimes. He's super smart n is guard bird watching the neighbors. He's the nosey neighbor. Confidence is definitely a thing. If he knows I'm timid during hormones that can trigger an attack sometimes to the face. So he will step up on towel. Because during hormones my hands set him off if I ask him step up. Offer him towel n he will fly to it. Maybe my hands r ugly. Lol

  • @floridamadman59
    @floridamadman59 2 года назад +2

    That was a good presentation and pretty much reflects my experience. I had a Caique for 16 years and she got hormonal and laid 14 eggs over a couple of months. We consulted an animal behaviorist and watched many videos. We finally have her somewhat under control but she’s much better with my wife because she’s with her everyday. I’m on the road half the week so it’s more difficult. She also no longer plays with toys. I don’t understand what’s up with that. I am going to try and spend more time with her and reintroduce her to toys.

    • @ParrotBliss
      @ParrotBliss 2 года назад

      How much of her behavior is from having brought new parrots in the house? Sounds like something is going on that triggered a change, yes? What the behaviorist say? What does she do/ focus on during the day?

  • @daniellashiels656
    @daniellashiels656 2 года назад +2

    Is it cruel to only have one Caique?

    • @ParrotBliss
      @ParrotBliss 2 года назад +1

      I don’t believe in absolutes, but generally speaking, yes. It is very hard on a Parrot - and Caiques are very social. Having 2 parrots is required by law in Germany. I totally understand and see the merit of such a law.

  • @eh4074
    @eh4074 2 года назад +2

    I successfully went 5 years without a decent bite. He basically pierced my ear. His attitude changed at 5. I don’t pet him anywhere but the head, give him a great diet, and plenty of sleep. This is definitely hormonal behavior. I am not done with him though. I consider it a lesson learned. Sometimes, it easy to let your guard down with the smaller birds. In my opinion, the males are a bit tougher. In another month, he will be back to normal. He can be very sweet.

    • @ParrotBliss
      @ParrotBliss 2 года назад +1

      Eve, I agree. I find my males to be more assertive and protective; I find my females to be reserved. My male likes attacking my Amazon.... ugh! Good for you for being patient. A month isn't a big deal -- and I find that my older parrots are more mellow. Those hormones don't rule forever, they are like humans. Young people can be more run by their hormones, but (generally speaking) adults aren't driven by hormones. I find this to apply to parrots too.

  • @flarnurse
    @flarnurse 2 года назад +1

    My Caique began biting me consistantly last week....out of the blue. He drew blood today. Broke my heart. I think I figured it out. I got long black nails for Halloween last week. He focuses on my fingers and nails and I'm praying this is all it is. I was devastated He attacked me this week. I have bandaids all over my fingers now and allowing my partner to handle him until I have them removed.

    • @ParrotBliss
      @ParrotBliss 2 года назад +1

      I'd love to hear how it goes, if he goes back to not biting. One challenge with parrots, or strength, is that they are quite habitual creatures. Could be that your nails caused too much of a change.
      I used to paint my nails all the time, but I got tired of my parents trying to bite the color off. With them, I've had to make a lot of adjustments, like wearing a lot less jewelry. Unfortunately, this is a part of what exotic means in a parrot. However, I totally think they're worth it!

  • @1hawaii21
    @1hawaii21 3 года назад +3

    I think Caiques are A.D.D. birds.They are into everything and beyond curious. Yes they are little poop machines. Because they just don’t have a significant attention span, I work with each one individually for about 5-10 minutes. I like to do target work. I never force it. My husband calls them bipolar birdies. One of mine is very bonded to me. She is a Velcro bird. She constantly preens me and gives little kisses and makes kiss sounds. She sometimes gets moody but cackles at me and pushes my hand away with her beak. Every once in a while she takes my finger and give me a look to let me know who’s boss. Mine can also be tremendously noisy. That’s when we use the parrot calming music on RUclips. Yes, they can be stubborn but that doesn’t bother me. I think a lot of people get these birds without researching them. They are so much more than colorful small parrots. They are BIG birds in a small body. Thank you for featuring Caiques! By the way, your CBD has made the world of difference in Charlie. 🥰🥰🥰

    • @ParrotBliss
      @ParrotBliss 3 года назад

      So, so glad the CBD is helping Charlie. There's nothing I like better than natural cures. I feel like they support a body to do what it knows how to do versus medicine that becomes a required part of life. I like doing everything I can to restore and support the body's independent health :)

    • @eh4074
      @eh4074 2 года назад

      I totally agree that they are big birds in small bodies.

  • @megsutube1815
    @megsutube1815 3 года назад +1

    I love the iridescent blue Linnies. They are so beautiful. Will you get 2?

    • @ParrotBliss
      @ParrotBliss 3 года назад +2

      You know me, Meg! I'm looking at two places so I can get 2 unrelated Linnies!

  • @tammy6678
    @tammy6678 3 года назад +1

    Great video as usual...always such good info...I have a cockatiel and conures....I would much rather get bit by conures than

    • @ParrotBliss
      @ParrotBliss 3 года назад +1

      Agreed. Sometimes people don't realize that the little birds spice can be worse!

    • @tammy6678
      @tammy6678 3 года назад

      @@ParrotBliss yes...he was hormonal and he would be nice and come on my shoulder then 5 min later peg me on the cheek..I learned the hard way on hormones

  • @francetouchette3658
    @francetouchette3658 2 года назад +1

    Hi Kalyn thanks for the video. Could it be a hormonal period for Quattro right now. She bites me more for the past week but not Paul my husband 😒 We were on vacation too is it related??? Thanks! 😉

    • @ParrotBliss
      @ParrotBliss 2 года назад +2

      She could be hormonal, but I don’t think so. Not quite the season. If you on vacation though, yes. She might be mad at you! She loves you and she missed you, so she’s mad! Lol

    • @francetouchette3658
      @francetouchette3658 2 года назад +1

      @@ParrotBliss she was with use the whole time at the cottage on vacation for 2 weeks 😊

    • @ParrotBliss
      @ParrotBliss 2 года назад +1

      @@francetouchette3658 Oh- huh. Maybe she’s a little stressed. How old is she?

    • @francetouchette3658
      @francetouchette3658 2 года назад +1

      @@ParrotBliss 7 years old

    • @ParrotBliss
      @ParrotBliss 2 года назад +1

      @@francetouchette3658 Hmmm… is anything else going on? Has she bonded more with your husband?

  • @jayneliou
    @jayneliou 3 года назад +3

    Great video! What age do caiques go through puberty/sexual changes?

    • @ParrotBliss
      @ParrotBliss 3 года назад +4

      Between 2 to 5, generally speaking.

    • @eh4074
      @eh4074 2 года назад +1

      Mine seemed to get fully hormonal at 5. He is sweet all but twice a year. He is my best buddy, and then full on difficult during hormonal times.

    • @chromaticgeckos3433
      @chromaticgeckos3433 Год назад

      @@eh4074 How bad does he get?

  • @squaretriangle9208
    @squaretriangle9208 Год назад

    I subscribe to your companion concept but would say dogs are, too

    • @ParrotBliss
      @ParrotBliss Год назад

      I don't disagree; for me though, parrots are more so

  • @Spiritualpanda2
    @Spiritualpanda2 3 года назад +1

    Please please please do a video on macaws, specifically larger breed macaws. This is what I want and have done research for the last 2 years now.

    • @ParrotBliss
      @ParrotBliss 3 года назад

      Sure any questions in specific?

  • @laweaver5050
    @laweaver5050 3 года назад +1

    Quetzi is cute, he's such a busy bird looking around, he reminds me of my Ozzy. Are your other caiques like Quetzi?
    Ozzy & Kiwi are doing really good I let them play outside of their cages together now. Ozzy tries to play with kiwi but kiwi doesn't get it, he thinks he's attacking him and screams. I told my husband they remind me of my boys when they were young. My oldest Chris was such a bully and he was always going after Max, out of nowhere he would run over to him & jump on him, not hit him, just horseplaying. But Max would scream! So everytime I would hear Max scream I'd yell CHRIS!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MAX NOW!!! LOL 🤣 I hope all is well with you Kalyn. ❤Take care..