hello, I have an A4V56 pump, when I do not watch the booster pump, the control piston slides correctly and the main shaft turns by hand. when I engage the booster pump, there are a few days which are tightened by tightening the screws. On the other hand the control piston is almost impossible to move and the shaft does not turn by hand. Is it normal ?
It is normal for the inability to move the control piston manually due to the force of the spring inside the piston. It is only controlled hydraulically.. On the other hand, the appropriate pressure to move the piston must be 30 bar, otherwise there will be a defect in the feed pump
@@هيدروليكألماني Hello, thank you for your answers. On reassembly, is the gap between the booster pump and the main pump normal? can I send you a photo to better understand?
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السلام عليكم
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يعني ايه ضغط كويس وف نفس الوقت مابيخرجش ؟ وتقصد ضغط الاتشارج ولا الضغط الرئيسي.. واتس +201061642084
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والجنب الايسر بيشتغل تمام
ممكن تشفلي حل للمشكله
اتفضل.. 01061642084 رقم الواتس
hello, I have an A4V56 pump, when I do not watch the booster pump, the control piston slides correctly and the main shaft turns by hand. when I engage the booster pump, there are a few days which are tightened by tightening the screws. On the other hand the control piston is almost impossible to move and the shaft does not turn by hand. Is it normal ?
It is normal for the inability to move the control piston manually due to the force of the spring inside the piston. It is only controlled hydraulically.. On the other hand, the appropriate pressure to move the piston must be 30 bar, otherwise there will be a defect in the feed pump
@@هيدروليكألماني Hello, thank you for your answers. On reassembly, is the gap between the booster pump and the main pump normal? can I send you a photo to better understand?
@@alanpompier please send me in watsapp number +201061642084