Should have gone with a DK crush to spare time and radiation... but it really was a master piece that most interventional cardiologists would avoid to face live,,, that explains her exhilaration at the end! Thanks for such a detailed step by step live case... it is almost impossible to see this nowadays even on the big conferences.
Placing an LAD ostial stent without a caudal view is... brave.
Should have gone with a DK crush to spare time and radiation... but it really was a master piece that most interventional cardiologists would avoid to face live,,, that explains her exhilaration at the end! Thanks for such a detailed step by step live case... it is almost impossible to see this nowadays even on the big conferences.
Amazing to watch the Heart specialist.
You probably would be able to cross diag without venture, i think it was just for a show and did create the problem!
Absolutely wonderful case...👍
Very nice case! thanks!
Warm regards from Moscow. Thanks
Great sir