Surah YA-SIN | سورة يس | Islam Sobhi | translation

  • Опубликовано: 29 сен 2024
  • Surah Ya-Sin | ayah 83 | Place of revelation Mecca
    The sura takes its name from the two letters of the alphabet with which it begins.
    Period of Revelation
    A study of the style shows that either it was sent down in the last stage of the middle Meccan period, or it is one of those surahs that were sent down in the last stage of the stay of the Holy Prophet in Mecca.
    Subject and theme
    The purpose of the discourse is to warn the Quraish of the consequences of not believing in the prophethood of Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and resisting and opposing it with tyranny, ridicule and ridicule. The warning aspect is dominant and conspicuous, although along with repeated warnings, arguments have also been made in favor of correct understanding by people.
    Arguments were made in favor of three things: (1) in favor of Tawheed, based on the signs of the universe and common sense; (2) for the future life, from the signs of the universe, from common sense, and from human existence itself; and (3) for the prophethood of the Prophet Muhammad, because he faced all the difficulties in preaching his message without any selfish motives, and because everything he called people to was rational and reasonable , the adoption of which was in the interests of the people themselves.
    On the basis of these arguments, the themes of censure, rebuke, and warning were repeatedly and very convincingly presented, so that hearts are shaken, and those who are in any way capable of accepting the truth remaining in them should not remain indifferent.
    Imam Ahmad, Abu Dawud, Nasai, Ibn Maja and Tabarani reported from the words of Hadrat Makil bin Yasar that the Holy Prophet said: "Sura Ya Sin is the heart of the Qur'an." Surah Al-Fatiha has Umm al-Qur'an (the core or core of the Qur'an) because Al-Fatiha contains the sum and essence of the teachings of the entire Qur'an. Sura Ya Sin is called the trembling heart of the Qur'an because she presents the message of the Qur'an in the most convincing way that breaks down inertia and awakens the human spirit to action.
    Imam Ahmad, Aba Dawud and Ibn Maja narrated from the same Makil bin Yasar that the Holy Prophet said: "Read Surah Ya Sin to the dying among you." The goal is not only to revive and refresh in the mind of the dying person the whole Islamic creed, but also to present to him, in particular, a complete picture of the afterlife, so that he can know what stages he will have to go through after passing the stage of this worldly life. In view of this, it is desirable that, along with the reading of Surah Ya Sin, its translation should also be made for the benefit of a person who does not speak Arabic, so that the purpose of exhortation is properly fulfilled. @missionkoran #سورة يس #yasin #surayasin #surahyaseen
    #surahyasin #qurantranslation #islamsobhi #qurantranslationenglish #quran

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