You measured a snagged fish too see if you could keep it. Good thing it was just under 13 eh. Dnr do watch these videos and they will come to your house. So maybe if a fish isn't hooked IN the mouth you shouldn't show it in a video or just let it go regardless of size.
Obviously we know the rules all fish foul hooked automatically get put back but we can still measure the fish. We did not keep any foul hooked fish therefore there was no rules broke
Nice action. River ice can be sketchy.
Definitely gotta be careful we were on about 10 in of ice
I’m going to the sag river this weekend where would u recommend myself to go. I’ve never been. And have never caught a Walter yet
You measured a snagged fish too see if you could keep it. Good thing it was just under 13 eh. Dnr do watch these videos and they will come to your house. So maybe if a fish isn't hooked IN the mouth you shouldn't show it in a video or just let it go regardless of size.
We just measured all of them no matter the size. All fish that were snagged were released back into the river.
Was out there a few days ago didn’t catch a thing exact same spot must’ve just been unlucky
man if i knew what i was doing behind a camera id do it for free just to learn some tips on ice fishing the river
How many foul hooked fish are you gonna try and catch ?? Even if they were legal fish you couldnt have kept them ..
Obviously we know the rules all fish foul hooked automatically get put back but we can still measure the fish. We did not keep any foul hooked fish therefore there was no rules broke
Lol...dudes rod is bent over like a 8lber and hes just jigging ...just a tip get a rod with a lil more backbone
That’s what happens the first time you go and have to use a crappie rod lol. He got one right after this video.
@rkoutdoors1925 Right on ....good luck rest of season
@ appreciate it