Bill’s Adventures: Gay Village, Rave Culture, and Ecstasy

  • Опубликовано: 20 дек 2024

Комментарии • 44

  • @jonathanshaw1153
    @jonathanshaw1153 Месяц назад +3

    been watching all these chats- really great, proper true alternative historys of Manchester, this one is hilarious in places

    • @PaulBSceneStories
      @PaulBSceneStories  Месяц назад +1

      Thanks mate , glad you like my angle on these . I’ll show this to Bill 😀

  • @Ondolite
    @Ondolite 27 дней назад +2

    I like Bill's ecstasy story.
    I took half a dove in a pub in Turnpike Lane in '89.
    Nothing happened for a while and me and two friends went back to their flat nearby and I was given a bedroom with 3 cds and a player.
    All were unappealing but 808 State 90 semed best of bad bunch (I had heard Pacific State and disliked it, still do)
    First song started with rapid glockenspiel notes then two rapid drumrolls and the next note was ignition.
    I took off and became so happy and at one.
    The first 3 songs sounded astonishing and wondrous (still do) and then came Pacific State (😁).
    The following New Years Eve I was with my sister and her crowd in Hackney and nursed a single can of Tennants for hours due to packed pubs (off licences closed at 3 pm!!)
    I took an E at about 11.30 and went to a party which was full of local bouncers and their pretty little birds.
    I found my little self approaching each couple, throwing my arms around them, telling them I loved them and giving them a pep talk, almost like a papal blessing. I was the messiah of love and was accepted as such by all that I embraced.
    I really, really meant it and successfully communicated the feeling.
    E sort of gave me the authority to spread love.

    • @PaulBSceneStories
      @PaulBSceneStories  27 дней назад +2

      Wow , I absolutely love this post . Can I do a TikTok post with a screenshot of it ? X

    • @Ondolite
      @Ondolite 27 дней назад +1

      @PaulB_SceneStories Yes, of course.
      First channel where I will watch everything.

    • @PaulBSceneStories
      @PaulBSceneStories  27 дней назад +1

      @ wow , I love that, thanks so much. Dermo from Northside dropping Wednesday 😀

    • @Ondolite
      @Ondolite 27 дней назад +1

      @@PaulBSceneStories I look forward.

  • @mrjefflambe
    @mrjefflambe 3 месяца назад +5

    I know the lovely Bill hes a very nice guy,
    My nights in the early 80s were spent in Phil Cleggs Hero's, and stuffed Olives run by Clive Jones.
    i worked for Granada tv so had late night finishes working late on tues/thurs /fridays you were allowed a taxi home so i always arranged to be picked up from Hero's at 2 am. The week nights were very quiet but you got to know so many people the 80s for me were my best of times .
    Flesh nights were Fantastic for a few years he is so on the spot on Gay clubbing in the 80s i did everything he says with my partner Martyn.
    In 91 i ran a Gay pub in Bolton, The Church we had a late night licence for 5 year's some great nights its nice to reminisce over the old old days i am 70 next year. My partners birthday today he died 4 years ago. Martyn would have been 63, we were together for 38 wonderful years

  • @megamanmuppet
    @megamanmuppet 2 месяца назад +3

    Very informative video as usual Paul. Bill is a character. Wasn’t part of the gay scene but it certainly was a major influence on the Manchester club scene in the nineties.

    • @PaulBSceneStories
      @PaulBSceneStories  2 месяца назад +1

      Thanks , I agree . I plan on doing more on this scene x

  • @Brookman59
    @Brookman59 3 месяца назад +3

    Absolutely loved listening to this. Bill you made me laugh with your recall of dropping your first, almost mirrored mine. 😂

    • @PaulBSceneStories
      @PaulBSceneStories  3 месяца назад +1

      Thanks, it’s been a great experience. I’ll make sure Bill sees comments 😀

  • @DavidHodkinson-ps1cb
    @DavidHodkinson-ps1cb 3 месяца назад +4

    Can't beat stories from back in the days ..... I lived it myself in London and all over the country everywhere but Manchester ...... But I recognise the same vibration of that time ..... Used to go spectrum Astoria milk bar biology energy the brain dance with the devil crazy Larry's Camden palace vvale bons and so many others that I can't remember .... Queens club Dave Courtney on the door at that one every Sunday they would play Joe smooth promised land last choon special times great memories 😀😍😎 was out 6nights a week ...... There will be something new but not like that .planets were aligned so many new things happened at once 😃 keep at um mate 😎

    • @PaulBSceneStories
      @PaulBSceneStories  3 месяца назад +1

      Wow , I bet you’ve got some cool stories David . I’m glad you enjoyed it . I’m aiming to do more on people’s stories x

    @STEVIWONDER27 Месяц назад +1

    I remember a drawing on the inside of the toilet door where we used to do our speed it was inspiral carpets and it said mooo 😂 don’t know why I remember that lol. I also remember all the dealers at back of the dj box.

    • @PaulBSceneStories
      @PaulBSceneStories  Месяц назад +1

      The Dung 4 Cassette and “ Moo “Shirts were really popular in Manchester for a while. There’s another ex dealer in my videos on here 😀

  • @jaynedawson1965
    @jaynedawson1965 3 месяца назад +1

    Absolutely loved listening to your stories, brought back so many memories of clubbing in Manchester, thank you x

    • @PaulBSceneStories
      @PaulBSceneStories  3 месяца назад

      Thanks Jayne, glad it’s brought back memories x

  • @simonparker7066
    @simonparker7066 3 месяца назад

    Should add, thanks Paul and Billy.
    As a straight lad my introduction to the gay scene was at the No.1 in the mid 80s. I was blessed, went on to make many many gay friends.
    I split my time between the Hacienda, Devilles ( early 80s) and No.1.
    Great memories and very close to my own experiences.
    Tim Lennox was amazing as were Mike, Graham, Pawlett, Luv Dup etc al.
    Anyone recall who played Club Whiplash at the Venue, after Flesh?

    • @PaulBSceneStories
      @PaulBSceneStories  3 месяца назад

      I was actually talking about the Venue after Flesh earlier with a mate . I forgot the name of that night. I hope someone remembers on here for you . The story of the village scene needs to get out more doesn’t it . I’m speaking to a big name on the scene tomorrow 😀

  • @stuartparrott6078
    @stuartparrott6078 3 месяца назад +1

    Cheers Paul and Bill

  • @white91561
    @white91561 2 месяца назад +1

    My favourite tune was Renegade Master!

  • @CashelOConnolly
    @CashelOConnolly 2 месяца назад +2

    Billy,do you remember Kevin Leyland?

    • @PaulBSceneStories
      @PaulBSceneStories  2 месяца назад

      I’ll ask Billy for you 😀

    • @CashelOConnolly
      @CashelOConnolly 2 месяца назад +1

      @@PaulBSceneStories thanks Paul 🏳️‍🌈✌🏻

  • @malcforshew1023
    @malcforshew1023 3 месяца назад +1


  • @robbaker1841
    @robbaker1841 2 месяца назад +1

    I’m wondering if bill knew my first bf Jon Mansell’s from Bolton who frequented the early days of thompsons arms. Sadly no longer with us.

  • @steve-en7bm
    @steve-en7bm 2 месяца назад +1

    Is this the same Billy from Gorton?

    • @PaulBSceneStories
      @PaulBSceneStories  2 месяца назад

      I’ll ask if he was from Gorton x

    • @PaulBSceneStories
      @PaulBSceneStories  2 месяца назад +1

      He said “ Yes I lived in Gorton years ago off Mount Road “ x

    • @steve-en7bm
      @steve-en7bm 2 месяца назад +1

      @@PaulBSceneStories Cheers Paul. It sounds like the same Billy who was not out when I knew him. I knew him from the basement bar in the Town Hall Tavern when a mate called Frank used to run the bar, around 1981. I think he was also a part time model or that is what he told me lol. Great times

    • @PaulBSceneStories
      @PaulBSceneStories  2 месяца назад

      @@steve-en7bmI’ll show this Billy . I spoke before but I don’t know your full name to give him x

    • @steve-en7bm
      @steve-en7bm 2 месяца назад +1

      @@PaulBSceneStories He would only know me as Steve. I met him a few times. I used to hang out with Sharon and Bernard who were Hairdressers we would all meet every weekend in the Town Hall Tavern before heading to a club called Pipers and then Heroes. We used to think Manchester and the 80's were shit, but it is only when you look back, you realise how blessed we were to have been there and part of it.

  • @simonparker7066
    @simonparker7066 3 месяца назад

    Great account of an amazing time.
    Dina Carroll: Ain't No Man!!!! Great pick. I still get asked for it and play it.

    • @PaulBSceneStories
      @PaulBSceneStories  3 месяца назад

      Thanks Simon, I’ve some more lined up on this scene 😀