2020 Moto Razr Teardown! - Better Hinge than the Z Flip?

  • Опубликовано: 26 дек 2024

Комментарии • 2,5 тыс.

  • @thecoffeegod
    @thecoffeegod 4 года назад +3167

    Things to say on your first night:
    - We're already pretty deep inside this thing and we've yet to see the motherboard.
    - This goo feels exactly like you think it would.
    - Prying open the protective covering like little Legos, we can see that the surface has bristles sticking out it

    • @gf1x119
      @gf1x119 4 года назад +285

      "Scratches at level 6 with deeper groves at level 7"
      Holy shit thanks for all the likes :)

    • @oinkocuacko1264
      @oinkocuacko1264 4 года назад +241

      "It's still crazy how thin this is"

    • @thecoffeegod
      @thecoffeegod 4 года назад +34

      @Joe sorry not sorry

    • @PrinceSoni-kg9iq
      @PrinceSoni-kg9iq 4 года назад +126

      Let's get started

    • @AvgSummoner
      @AvgSummoner 4 года назад +45

      Sam sung has positioned the bristles elsewhere

  • @saivarsha
    @saivarsha 4 года назад +1368

    "this goo feels exactly the way you think it would"
    pretty accurate

    • @colla555
      @colla555 4 года назад +20

      booger goo

    • @heptaval
      @heptaval 4 года назад +20

      @@colla555 something else

    • @colla555
      @colla555 4 года назад +4

      @@heptaval I know what you mean, but it looks more squishy like a booger to me. Fantasy, isn't it great?

    • @WilliamDezunchd
      @WilliamDezunchd 4 года назад +38

      it looks like it would feel like the adhesive goo used to secure debit cards and credit cards to paper to mail them to you

    • @sheldoncooper2218
      @sheldoncooper2218 4 года назад +1

      Go finsih your homework

  • @OddTinkering
    @OddTinkering 4 года назад +216

    Pretty cool to see how simple the hinge was compared to the one Samsung used. They probably spent millions on the development with huge team of engineers and they were super proud that they were able to figure it out after many sleepless nights. Until they watch this...

    • @nahidelsanto
      @nahidelsanto 4 года назад +4

      OMG, I love your channel sooo much.
      Greetings from Argentina !

    • @douglasbkerr
      @douglasbkerr 4 года назад +12

      Yea, But: The Samsung can be stopped at any point along the hinge travel. This allows the phone to propped open half-way for video viewing or camera use. The Moto snaps one way or the other.

    • @soy9605
      @soy9605 3 года назад +8

      true, but simple doesn't mean better. the fact that it's so open, breaks easily when bent backwards, and can get so much crap inside makes the z flip a winner for me. i love this phone

    • @TeamBabylon-dp2xf
      @TeamBabylon-dp2xf 3 года назад +1

      Fancy seeing you here lol

  • @chibembo
    @chibembo 4 года назад +1014

    "Samsung is over here doing rocket science and Motorola just pops a pin in there like a door" 😂😂😂

    • @nemowithlou8804
      @nemowithlou8804 4 года назад +10

      So funny

    • @squindle.
      @squindle. 4 года назад +2


    • @lucid4683
      @lucid4683 4 года назад +29

      @@squindle. that's why he quoted it dumbass. (Sorry)

    • @expertbrody9914
      @expertbrody9914 4 года назад

      At least it works

    • @doha3257
      @doha3257 4 года назад +5

      @@expertbrody9914 It works but durability? NOPE

  • @ddiq47
    @ddiq47 4 года назад +200

    The engineering for the inside of this phone alone is so impressive.

    • @shakibm9536
      @shakibm9536 4 года назад +2

      I guess I’ll wait another 3 years for Apple

    • @thefunnygamingthing
      @thefunnygamingthing 3 года назад


    • @Supraboyes
      @Supraboyes 2 года назад +4

      @@shakibm9536 for them to catch up to android like usual, I feel you're pain, they take so long to do what android has done before it's such a shame

    • @samueljones2871
      @samueljones2871 Год назад

      ​@@shakibm95363 years

    • @Will.iam-67
      @Will.iam-67 Год назад

      @@shakibm9536been 3 years not a single Ifold or Iflip

  • @Amirichi
    @Amirichi 4 года назад +1593

    *Samsung goes rocket-science*
    Motorola: Hold my pin.

    • @tejasbhandare251
      @tejasbhandare251 4 года назад +95

      In Samsung's defense Z flip survived durability test

    • @NightO2
      @NightO2 4 года назад +7

      I'm dying 😂

    • @BlNOD
      @BlNOD 4 года назад +5


    • @girlsdrinkfeck
      @girlsdrinkfeck 4 года назад +46

      @@tejasbhandare251 also samsung has a superior hinge since it can hold phone position at any angle and lock out

    • @BadBoyofBinaries
      @BadBoyofBinaries 4 года назад +6

      dude you deserve a pin!

  • @Postetc-cv3tt
    @Postetc-cv3tt 4 года назад +396

    Samsung: We built and designed our hinge from the ground up.
    Motorola: You ever seen a door hinge?

    • @Wazqad
      @Wazqad 4 года назад +16

      Moto Razr hinge makes a crackling sound when fold & unfold the device Samsung Z Flip doesn't
      Z Flip can be folded at free stop angles, which means you can keep the screen folded at whichever angle you like (like a laptop) , you can even half fold the device at 90° angle which has a lot of utility like take handsfree selfies, video calls, steady night shots. Moto Razr can't do this, you can either keep it fully opened or fully closed, nothing in between .
      Jerry needs to know the utilities of the products in a better way before ripping their internals out.

    • @Wazqad
      @Wazqad 4 года назад +5

      Looks like poor jerry is still living with the guilt of wrongly calling the Z Flips glass display 'fake' and now he is trying to justify himself by trying to put down Samsung's device😂

    • @Pol74698
      @Pol74698 4 года назад +12

      @@Wazqad I don't see how he's wrong in calling the screen what it is: plastic. If anything, Samsung should've tried some other solution to actually place Gorilla Glass on the two faces of the folding phone, since they called it "flexible glass". And trust me, I don't hate Samsung, for around 10 years my mobile device of choice has always been a Samsung
      Edit: There IS one layer of glass. Still, the durability is the same as plastic

    • @tejasbhandare251
      @tejasbhandare251 4 года назад +2

      @@Pol74698 IMO plastic is just the protective layer the display can function without it. Replacing the plastic will be similar to glass only screen replacement.

    • @Pol74698
      @Pol74698 4 года назад +3

      @@tejasbhandare251 ​ You're right, there is one layer of glass right under the plastic screen. Now, if they found a way to actually make the flexible glass durable it would be the best thing

  • @anonylesss
    @anonylesss 4 года назад +616

    Samsung: check out my tiny brushes even Jerry missed
    Motorola: hold my goo

    • @BurntFaceMan
      @BurntFaceMan 4 года назад +11

      I don't think Every Jerry missed them. Just this one. Rick And Morty Jerry 318 Saw it just fine. Good thing the reviewers name is Zack.

    • @miladjabri4463
      @miladjabri4463 4 года назад +1

      I can’t watch videos over 1080 p of 720 it just lags I’m on a iPad what to do help plz

    • @Pasturesv
      @Pasturesv 4 года назад +9

      Pay for better WiFi

    • @Kylehappy305
      @Kylehappy305 4 года назад +2

      I don't want to be that type of guy but you spelled Jerry wrong

    • @miladjabri4463
      @miladjabri4463 4 года назад

      What is pfp

  • @ikmnification5737
    @ikmnification5737 4 года назад +567

    Commenters: Refers to Zack as Jerry.
    Responses: "His name isn't Jerry!!!"
    Zack: Refers to self as Jerry.

    • @Pengulin
      @Pengulin 4 года назад +15

      I got stroke reading this

    • @ozymandiasII
      @ozymandiasII 4 года назад +14


    • @HALWG51
      @HALWG51 4 года назад +26

      I think Zack Has legally changed his name to Jerry Rig Everything. JRE.

    • @derjungel
      @derjungel 4 года назад +51

      @@HALWG51 Java Runtime Environment.

    • @devasheeshrana3527
      @devasheeshrana3527 4 года назад +3

      His name is *Zack* not _Zach_

  • @RexusprimeIX
    @RexusprimeIX 4 года назад +347

    After seeing the difference between the two hinges, I'm confused how Samsung is the cheaper one.

    • @alexasdas9917
      @alexasdas9917 4 года назад +61

      I like to think Samsung hired a bright young man right out of Tokyo university eager to make a name for himself. Motorola hired someone who knew what the fuck they were doing.

    • @medi0202
      @medi0202 4 года назад +86

      @@alexasdas9917 Why would Samsung hire a young man from Tokyo University over Seoul University. Samsung is a Korean company.

    • @이지후-l5c
      @이지후-l5c 4 года назад +18

      @@alexasdas9917 As S-Korean, I think that you don't know so much about Samsung. Samsu ng is S-Korea Company and it has hired Korean. Why they have to hire Japanese although Samsung belong to Korea?1

    • @viktorsubic2139
      @viktorsubic2139 4 года назад +37

      @@이지후-l5c because all you chinese look the same

    • @zuhibsparadoxzon
      @zuhibsparadoxzon 4 года назад +22

      @@viktorsubic2139 tf

  • @ahababzarif7915
    @ahababzarif7915 4 года назад +836

    "Phone Yoga is pretty dangerous"

  • @stuchly1
    @stuchly1 4 года назад +554

    I'm actually kinda impressed by Motorola's solution of the hinge area. Just because it's simple doesn't mean it's bad. 😅

    • @migracing8232
      @migracing8232 4 года назад +25

      It it's fail every test cnet and here.

    • @NoviProleterijat
      @NoviProleterijat 4 года назад +106

      The engineering in Samsungs hinge is pretty cool but the simplicity in the motorola is damn genius

    • @kirx.mp4656
      @kirx.mp4656 4 года назад +25

      Its bad

    • @shenhaitao6927
      @shenhaitao6927 4 года назад +34

      Its simple and bad.

    • @NoviProleterijat
      @NoviProleterijat 4 года назад +54

      @@shenhaitao6927 Why? Just saying that it's bad doesn't really add to anything. Making a far simpler hinge means that less components can fail.

  • @juliannoordennen1585
    @juliannoordennen1585 4 года назад +357

    Zack: Let's put everything back together
    Moto Razr:
    Zack: Nevermind

    • @deadbluesky
      @deadbluesky 4 года назад +1

      This little Z guy is going to garbage like most of the phone i touch !!

  • @calvintrinh4869
    @calvintrinh4869 4 года назад +718

    Comment section:
    90%: Sexual puns
    5%: Praising the actual phone
    5%: Criticizing the phone

    • @aasutossh
      @aasutossh 4 года назад +17

    • @dnghn.design
      @dnghn.design 4 года назад +8


    • @NirvikIyer
      @NirvikIyer 4 года назад +4

      Donghoon 2

    • @ktraxD
      @ktraxD 4 года назад +1

      I caught it 😂✋

    • @nqel0
      @nqel0 4 года назад +2

      100% this bad joke

  • @sijithmaz
    @sijithmaz 4 года назад +21

    The amount of engineering that went into this design is definitely amazing. We must not forget that Motorola has designed this foldable OLED technology without comprimising the "Sleek/Slim Phone" factor of the phone. The things inside might be unorganized in some way, but it looks like they did it on purpose to maintain its thin form like its predecessors.

  • @gunwoolee6960
    @gunwoolee6960 4 года назад +634

    Zack: "The price is dropping quite a lot with each new version"
    Huawei: "$2600"

    • @aleph_2ne
      @aleph_2ne 4 года назад +12

      Huawei didn't even release the Mate X, or maybe they did but for some reason it's the one Huawei phone that nobody cares about..

    • @J37182
      @J37182 4 года назад +5

      @@aleph_2ne they did release it

    • @kristinafraxx5808
      @kristinafraxx5808 4 года назад +8

      99% of the comment memes are cringy but I'll laugh at this one coz its accurately funny!🤣🤣🤣👍

    • @shomikoto7558
      @shomikoto7558 4 года назад +6

      @@aleph_2ne well I don't care about any Huawei phones, 😂😂.

    • @lynn.chaaaa
      @lynn.chaaaa 4 года назад +2

      @@aleph_2ne they released the Xs version

  • @jinluffy
    @jinluffy 4 года назад +499

    "Phone yoga is pretty dangerous."
    Good one.

  • @manan-543
    @manan-543 4 года назад +130

    Imagine Zack and Arun from Mrwhosetheboss start their own podcast. Their calming and smooth voices. Best thing ever. I know I wouldn't miss a single episode.

    • @grahamwilliamson5306
      @grahamwilliamson5306 4 года назад +6

      This is the comment I've been looking for

    • @cashreedhar
      @cashreedhar 4 года назад +4

      His name is Arun through

    • @sudevgs7319
      @sudevgs7319 4 года назад +1

      His name is Arun

    • @joaquinrp7784
      @joaquinrp7784 4 года назад +1

      I didn't know I wanted to read this

    • @manan-543
      @manan-543 4 года назад +3

      Oh I always thought it was Aaron lol. Anyways thanks guys for letting me know. Will edit the comment.

  • @Errcyco
    @Errcyco 4 года назад +1

    Probably the neatest taredown I’ve seen in years. I didn’t know what to expect and they did a ton of things I’ve never seen. I’m so used to seeing the same internal setup from oem to oem but moto did their own thing here and that’s super cool.

  • @bhatts18
    @bhatts18 4 года назад +43

    4:47 "Phone yoga is pretty dangerous" 🤣😂

  • @zalva709
    @zalva709 4 года назад +233

    this is what looking at things at a different angle means.
    door hinge in a smart phone

  • @hanamiya8008
    @hanamiya8008 4 года назад +151

    I love how motorola razr "complexity" is more to shielding component in motherboard with cheese grater and have a simple hinge, and samsung z flip has a pretty simple motherboard and have a complex hinge

    • @vladom1380
      @vladom1380 4 года назад +14

      Don't forget to mention that Motorola done it better :)

    • @vladom1380
      @vladom1380 4 года назад +21

      @Ghrome i'm not.. i will always give my respect to the one who keep it simple and get better results. No crease and no gap when folded. Motorola did that, Samsung doesn't, it's simple as that..

    • @허승혁-i2z
      @허승혁-i2z 4 года назад +22

      @@vladom1380 uh... there is a gap

    • @SonuKumar64
      @SonuKumar64 4 года назад +17

      @@vladom1380 "Better results", are you sure about that? You might want to research a bit about their hinge failure.

    • @john_hunter
      @john_hunter 4 года назад +18

      @@vladom1380 you can literally **lift** the display on the Razr with your finger, and reviewers say it makes creaking noises when you fold and unfold the phone. How on earth do you look at that vs Samsung's hinge and think it's better?

  • @mini-momentsmedia1293
    @mini-momentsmedia1293 4 года назад +2165

    Jerry on Valentine's day:
    I unclipped her bra; just like a little Lego.
    Edit: wow what a crazy amount of likes for a silly, throw-away comment 😂

    • @stupidslave
      @stupidslave 4 года назад +7


    • @warlikelaughter6230
      @warlikelaughter6230 4 года назад +84

      "This little guy, was the culprit, that broke her in half."

    • @pain4623
      @pain4623 4 года назад +73

      With just a little bit of heat and prying I could get the protective cover off

    • @warlikelaughter6230
      @warlikelaughter6230 4 года назад +58

      "She failed the scratch test on all counts."

    • @avw4913
      @avw4913 4 года назад +3

      anjiirr 😂🤣

  • @BurntFaceMan
    @BurntFaceMan 4 года назад +1

    Kudos for acknowledging a minor mistake in a previous video, been cool about it, and appreciating that mistakes happen even to legends like Zac.
    1000 points to Griffindor!

  • @f1o18iwi9
    @f1o18iwi9 3 года назад

    Im using my flip z since last year may. I really really recommend it to people who like it, its waaaay more durable I ever thought and the concept never gets old. one of the best devices I ever had

  • @SilvioBritto
    @SilvioBritto 4 года назад +10

    I never thought I would say something like it, but Motorola's hinge design is so clever that is somehow... elegant.

  • @Heelincal12
    @Heelincal12 4 года назад +87

    "You might be asking, 'Hey Jerry, how does the phone spring open?'"
    Was expect a "my name isn't Jerry" joke

  • @tidarsentausa
    @tidarsentausa 4 года назад +732

    phones: *minding their own business
    jerry: *we can snap its part like a LitTle LegO*

  • @keratase1880
    @keratase1880 3 года назад +1

    Motorola anytime. Been hooked to the brand since '06 and never switched since!

  • @sweetestson7
    @sweetestson7 4 года назад +56

    Motorola: Samsung how does your hinge work?
    Samsung: It's space science

  • @BaconFaceMcGee
    @BaconFaceMcGee 4 года назад +56

    Both Samsung and Motorola’s new flip phones have astonishing engineering!

    • @STALKER777LK
      @STALKER777LK 4 года назад +3

      Yes, however I think for Samsung's second attempt its still too messy and not as well implemented. IDK...

    • @BaconFaceMcGee
      @BaconFaceMcGee 4 года назад +2

      Paradise Lost I’m eager to see what Apple and the others come up with.

    • @ohyash
      @ohyash 4 года назад +2

      @@BaconFaceMcGee Apple has popup and hole cameras to explore first before they bring up the "Folding revolution". 😏

    • @BaconFaceMcGee
      @BaconFaceMcGee 4 года назад +1

      Yash Yadav Maybe. P

    • @STALKER777LK
      @STALKER777LK 4 года назад +1

      @@BaconFaceMcGee I'm... Kinda
      Apple nowadays plays it too safe and are not the artsy revolutionary guys, which means we will get a simpler expensive version of what's in the video :/

  • @TheRealGuywithoutaMustache
    @TheRealGuywithoutaMustache 4 года назад +340

    More phones feeling Jerry’s wrath

  • @EddieVR
    @EddieVR 4 года назад +36

    Jerry's like the yoga instructor of phones. He has you bend all sorts of ways you never thought possible. You break. And you never come back.

    • @siddharthdas4735
      @siddharthdas4735 4 года назад

      Someone's searching for a durable gift for Veronica I see 😆

    • @6oLsh0i6o0z3
      @6oLsh0i6o0z3 4 года назад

      Wait for it.....

    • @imthemistermaster
      @imthemistermaster 4 года назад

      @@6oLsh0i6o0z3 yes sir

    • @Ierh
      @Ierh 4 года назад

      Diimelo papii que haces aquí😂😂🇵🇷

  • @jasonalas7894
    @jasonalas7894 4 года назад

    Hey Zack thanks for coming to say hi at discount today , was a pleasure to meet you!

  • @ignatz14
    @ignatz14 4 года назад

    I'm reallly liking all those new phones with mechanical parts, like flipphones or with extending or fliping cameras. The idea that you have something mechanical in a device that most people know only as a digital device is pretty cool. plus it definitely looks great for transparent phone mods.

  • @shahadshahir1800
    @shahadshahir1800 4 года назад +21

    “This goo feels exactly like you think it would..”
    I seriously didn’t think about anything until he said that 😂

  • @fabioarapi1043
    @fabioarapi1043 4 года назад +11

    The Z Flip is light years ahead of the Motorola one already. Can't wait to see future iterations of it. It already is so good!

    • @edfuadmo9995
      @edfuadmo9995 4 года назад +1

      Lavitz11 nooop you’re lying huewei is best

  • @alvidablack7549
    @alvidablack7549 4 года назад +153

    "Samsung is over here doing rocket science and Motorola just pops up they're like a door and is ready to rock"

    • @Xenoray1
      @Xenoray1 4 года назад +15

      American vs Russia in Spacebattle, 2020 colorized

    • @sensei8861
      @sensei8861 4 года назад +6

      Samsung is way ahead in technology, and Motorola is still stuck at dor pins🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    • @dybiosol
      @dybiosol 4 года назад +7

      @@sensei8861 Honestly, this could potentially be Moto's gateway to make cheaper foldable phones. This door hinge mechanism is what any sane designer would first think of. They probably raised the price to keep the initial expectations low, but I would guess this hinge would cost way less than what Samsung's does rn. Personally I think the actual cost of Razr would probably be less than $800.

    • @Marc-zi4vg
      @Marc-zi4vg 4 года назад +1

      @@dybiosol I think the cost is now to pay for the R and D of the screen and that complex board arrangememt

    • @Xenoray1
      @Xenoray1 4 года назад +1

      @@sensei8861 welp, they just revelead their flip phone first, so its already a huge + for their brand :D

  • @BananaboatFI
    @BananaboatFI 4 года назад +1

    Jerry, you are the engineering masterpiece this planet can ever hold. I love these

  • @PeterHerget
    @PeterHerget 4 года назад

    This was a... WONDERFUL teardown! The 2019 and 2020 cellphones are just jam packed with technology inside.

  • @feiruz77
    @feiruz77 4 года назад +202

    Zach: Tears down the razor
    Me: *Tears down two rc cars just to make the Cybertruck*

    • @jordanranstead3016
      @jordanranstead3016 4 года назад +2

      MCgamerGSR same

    • @613robots9
      @613robots9 4 года назад +4


    • @panzerofthelake4460
      @panzerofthelake4460 4 года назад +8

      This reminds me of me
      When i was a child, I teared nearly any toy I had because I wanted to know how they work 😂
      good ol' days

    • @daybot1253
      @daybot1253 4 года назад

      Creative advertising

  • @jamesclass9871
    @jamesclass9871 4 года назад +37

    Jerry : "Phone Yoga is very dengerous "
    Me: u literally do that to every phone.

  • @mariohackku
    @mariohackku 4 года назад +21

    Jerry: This goo feels exactly like you think it would.
    Me: BOOGER

  • @warlikelaughter6230
    @warlikelaughter6230 4 года назад

    i recently watched a three part old military video of single fire, semi-auto and full-auto guns. They used stop motion with oversized models to show how the guns are made and work. The spring loaded hinge in this phone looks to me theyve used the same thought process in designing this phone, only miniturized...very cool!

  • @djamateur1
    @djamateur1 4 года назад +45

    I actually laughed and repeated the part where he said "Samsung is out here doing rocket science..."

  • @amanueltesfaye7788
    @amanueltesfaye7788 4 года назад +11

    jerryrigeverything is the type of guy who carefully opens his Christmas gifts package and then dismantle the gift itself

  • @mustafadudhwala7278
    @mustafadudhwala7278 4 года назад +73

    8:09 Even though he knows his name is Zack but still everyone calls him Jerry 😂

    • @MRKITTY-yi5iw
      @MRKITTY-yi5iw 4 года назад +9

      He might as well legally change his name to Jerry

    • @mustafadudhwala7278
      @mustafadudhwala7278 4 года назад

      @@MRKITTY-yi5iw Then he might finally rest his soul and RUclips channel in peace⭕

  • @jabenewman
    @jabenewman 4 года назад +17

    6:24 “ As you can see the center of the phone has 2 flappy things” 😂😂😂

  • @eklingsinghrathore
    @eklingsinghrathore 4 года назад

    Moto RAZR hands down because of the teardown knowledge and it's features and specifications I m in love with it thanks Jerry rig everything

  • @WAVEW-e6l
    @WAVEW-e6l 4 года назад +11


  • @davidknows9201
    @davidknows9201 4 года назад +6

    He can atacc
    He can protecc
    But the most immportant
    He can: see the small scraches at level 6 with deeper grooves on level 7

  • @vinaynayak9043
    @vinaynayak9043 4 года назад +101

    New phone: I'm gonna rule this market
    Zack: Hi!
    New phone: shit.

    • @adamsemar1694
      @adamsemar1694 4 года назад +3

      Here we go again

    • @karanchavda446
      @karanchavda446 4 года назад +1

      His name is Jerry

    • @SiddharthVyas
      @SiddharthVyas 4 года назад +2

      @@karanchavda446 lol leave

    • @superzze
      @superzze 4 года назад

      Karan Chavda no it's Zack, he said his name is not Jerry,he said Zack in one of his previous videos

    • @karanchavda446
      @karanchavda446 4 года назад

      @@SiddharthVyas Whoosh

  • @SquirtlePWN
    @SquirtlePWN 4 года назад +149

    8:09 lol he called himself "Jerry."

    • @medilyesoudhini7411
      @medilyesoudhini7411 4 года назад +13

      It's hardly the first time, he always does it

    • @gideontuamu
      @gideontuamu 4 года назад +3

      He is

    • @carloschaparro07
      @carloschaparro07 4 года назад +24

      Because most people do and probably he's tired to tell people his name is Zack.

    • @olerius1235
      @olerius1235 4 года назад

      @neon cz yes

    • @6oLsh0i6o0z3
      @6oLsh0i6o0z3 4 года назад +4

      You got people correcting other people in the comment section, while Zack over there chilling and called himself Jerry like no big deal. What a bunch of kids.

  • @T-Fyre
    @T-Fyre 4 года назад +51

    “What it lacks in organization, it makes up for in silly putty”

  • @legoivan44321
    @legoivan44321 4 года назад +9

    Jerry: tears down razr
    Razr: ain't no break em like me no more

  • @King-zo4vv
    @King-zo4vv 4 года назад +13

    Zach: I ACCIDENTALLY folded my phone the wrong way
    JRE subs: hmm hmm🤨
    Motorola Razr: you murderer😭

  • @zsoltsandor3814
    @zsoltsandor3814 4 года назад +146

    These flexible phones need a new tagline: "dust is dust, and dust..."

    • @Isaiah-Hughes
      @Isaiah-Hughes 4 года назад +23

      Dust is dust, and dust dusts lol

    • @joaquinrp7784
      @joaquinrp7784 4 года назад +13

      "Plastic is plastic, and plastic scratches at a Lvl 1 and deeper grooved at a Lvl 2"
      Or maybe
      "I don't like dust... it's coarse and rough. And it gets everywhere."

    • @RonSimiyu
      @RonSimiyu 4 года назад +12

      .....and dust gets everywhere

    • @lorenz2418
      @lorenz2418 4 года назад +2

      dust is dust and dust scratches at lvl 6 and deeper grooves in lbvl 7

    • @flamevell3258
      @flamevell3258 4 года назад +1

      Dust is dust and dust is everywhere

  • @hrishabe3rt147
    @hrishabe3rt147 4 года назад +70

    Samsung: play rocket science
    Motorola : follows the traditional door hinges
    Zack: got anything better?😃

  • @Doomhammer801
    @Doomhammer801 4 года назад

    i know you probably don't need content ideas but i always thought a laptop teardown would be cool to see! love the channel!

  • @octo3010
    @octo3010 2 года назад

    Love the simplified implementation of a sophisticated solution by Moto. Great hardware and software ..

  • @vitoyepthomi421
    @vitoyepthomi421 4 года назад +7

    Jerry:these goops feels exactly like u think
    My brain: hey Jonny

  • @learnwithanurag1344
    @learnwithanurag1344 4 года назад +118

    8:11 might ask myself, hey "Zack" how does this work instead of 'Jerry'.

    • @LittleWhole
      @LittleWhole 4 года назад +1

      Anurag Singh I know right, I was 🤯 when he called himself Jerry

    • @HandledToaster2
      @HandledToaster2 4 года назад +3

      Lol I didn't catch that

    • @JeremyWest210
      @JeremyWest210 4 года назад +16

      Probably a reference to all the people who call him Jerry in the comments

    • @Kris.G
      @Kris.G 4 года назад

      @@JeremyWest210 I thought so too. He clearly finds it amusing.

    • @man_eating_monkey
      @man_eating_monkey 4 года назад

      It’s almost like his channel name is Jerry something something

  • @bernelnery2191
    @bernelnery2191 4 года назад

    I just bought the motorola Razr 2020, I did not jump into the samsung bandwagon, one of the drawbacks I found was that the external display was tiny. I think that is an oversight for even the best engineers. What were they thinking if it was use for selfie? see your tiny face? I'm glad that I waited. Now with JerryRig opening this and showing how simple the hinge is, it makes me think that sometimes people overkill on engineering. So glad I have the motorola! The plus side is that I used to own the startac and then the V3 razr back in Y2K

  • @TheXextreem
    @TheXextreem 4 года назад

    O man when jerryrigeverything channel only had 100k of subs. Zack my man you are the best!

  • @whats_1plus1
    @whats_1plus1 4 года назад +4

    Jerry flips the phone in opposite direction
    Jerrys's friend : Dude you flipped the phone wrong way 🤷‍♂️
    Jerry : no thats the right way for me 😌

  • @faheem8456
    @faheem8456 4 года назад +48

    Love them durability tests,
    I suggest do one on the S20 series if they give u one prehand.
    BTW, pls do one on the new foldable Huawei is going to release once it comes.

    • @RealityClubX
      @RealityClubX 4 года назад

      Btw please dislike my videos

    • @Manuel-ek2cf
      @Manuel-ek2cf 4 года назад +1

      @@RealityClubX why

    • @arthgamer4142
      @arthgamer4142 4 года назад

      @@RealityClubX ok

    • @nikotakai8796
      @nikotakai8796 4 года назад

      @@RealityClubX ask somewhere else for attention.

    • @jintsuubest9331
      @jintsuubest9331 4 года назад +1

      It will not end well for Huawei. Mainly the same complain. Screen scratch at level 2 and deeper groove at level 3, except worse since the screen is facing outward.

  • @beminecraftmrnd863
    @beminecraftmrnd863 4 года назад +4

    Finally made a teardown video of Moto mobile.

  • @mhtweeter
    @mhtweeter 4 года назад +2

    You should make audiobooks or something, bc your voice is so soothing

  • @jedislayer8820
    @jedislayer8820 4 года назад

    I never expected razr's hinge to be so simple and after the teardowns i think i would prefer the razr

  • @iwwanly1544
    @iwwanly1544 4 года назад +28

    Zack: when my phone accidentally was folded in the wrong direction
    The razor: "accidentally" dude I suffered pain 😂

  • @ConnorKobriger
    @ConnorKobriger 4 года назад +4

    3 minutes? Wow this is the earliest I've ever been

  • @rahulds4109
    @rahulds4109 4 года назад +9

    WTF..I got the notification of this video when I was watching it😂

    • @TheQuacken01
      @TheQuacken01 4 года назад

      That happens to me with twitch tho

  • @DebarupaMajumdar
    @DebarupaMajumdar 4 года назад +2

    God his voice is such a turn on🥺❤️

  • @o0OMysticO0o
    @o0OMysticO0o 4 года назад +1

    "Gentle slicing."
    I didn't think I would ever hear that from you especially with things like "They never mentioned which side of the tablet to draw on" XD

  • @sandeepsuyal5481
    @sandeepsuyal5481 4 года назад +46

    "this goop feels exactly like you think it would. "

    • @rakib5756
      @rakib5756 4 года назад +5

      i was looking for this comment🤣

  • @Neknite
    @Neknite 4 года назад +13

    That moment when Zack calls himself Jerry because he had enough with the RUclips comments!

  • @ho11owwonder74
    @ho11owwonder74 4 года назад +9

    3:45 I thought he was bouta say mother fu... you know 🤣

  • @dennishorvath8263
    @dennishorvath8263 2 года назад

    Just purchased one today. This video makes me glad I went Motorola. Thanks for the education

  • @MrJadmansour
    @MrJadmansour 4 года назад

    You should be the main audio speaker for trailer movies. Your voice tone is suitable for that. Try it: "Are you ready, one man, one decision, one desire"

  • @parvezmakandar4269
    @parvezmakandar4269 4 года назад +17

    This glue feels exactly you think it would 😂😂

  • @breezytuesdays
    @breezytuesdays 4 года назад +32

    What we learn from this:
    Simple pin vs rocket science hinge.

    • @Retronyx
      @Retronyx 4 года назад +2

      What we know
      Bends and break vs bends and still held on

    • @richardsuarez1698
      @richardsuarez1698 4 года назад +2

      Although I agree that the simple hinge is a great and intuitive solution, I feel Samsung is now further ahead to making the best foldable. Motorola's is still fragile and will need to be worked on the next version. Samsung has done it right, and now they can focus on a better display ect.

  • @gdlywom
    @gdlywom 4 года назад +9

    This video shuts down all of the complaints about how “mediocre” this phone is. After all these years, Motorola is still a force to be reckoned with. 😊

    • @IPendragonI
      @IPendragonI 4 года назад +3

      Yeah its worse than mediocre. The repair rating on the Samsung is much higher. Imagine trying to repair this shit.

    • @gdlywom
      @gdlywom 4 года назад

      Frank Wong lol 😂

  • @Greebob11
    @Greebob11 4 года назад

    I don't own this phone, I'm not going to buy it, nor do I don't need to fix one of these phones, yet I watched the whole thing because it was relaxing and interesting. This guy could seriously get a job as a voice-over person on the telly 😅

  • @JhaveriAakash
    @JhaveriAakash 4 года назад

    This was your most knowledgeable video yet! Good one Zack

  • @abdoumenouer7762
    @abdoumenouer7762 4 года назад +4

    I really hope they do a followup phone for this masterpiece, it need some improvement, and it defenitely deserves better componenents

  • @ninjaasmoke
    @ninjaasmoke 4 года назад +30

    I died laughing
    "Samsung is over here doing rocket science..."

    • @sreesai
      @sreesai 4 года назад

      Then who commented this ugly thing here?
      I'm just trying to be mean

  • @karemmostafa9831
    @karemmostafa9831 4 года назад +7

    Motorola: "we need to make this phone water-resistive"..
    *Leaving boggers inside*
    Mission accomplished..

  • @randeep18
    @randeep18 4 года назад +1

    My personal favourite is the Huawei mate Xs. I think that is then best way to do folding phones right now

  • @shelbygatess
    @shelbygatess 4 года назад

    These videos make me want to take apart all my old phones

  • @amaandadan446
    @amaandadan446 4 года назад +26

    "What it lacks in organisation, It makes up to it in Silly Puddy"
    *-Zack 2020*

  • @fifteentwelve
    @fifteentwelve 4 года назад +6

    Razr has a cool, retro look to it that I'm drawn to. Plus the secondary screen is larger and more useful than the Z Flip.

    • @dantedijon1
      @dantedijon1 4 года назад +2

      Which explains why its battery is smaller

    • @JiewenTan
      @JiewenTan 4 года назад

      @@dantedijon1 I think the Z flip has 2 equally thick half is the reason why they can fit a battery. I prefer the timeless design of the RAZR but I think the Z flip is more usable as a phone

    • @dantedijon1
      @dantedijon1 4 года назад

      @@JiewenTan you right

  • @simonblixt4215
    @simonblixt4215 4 года назад +4

    Important skills and supplies when repairing modern smartphones:
    Ability to slice gently.
    Experience in detaching little legos.
    Skills in prying tools and razor blades.
    Pulltab proficiency
    Multitasking suction cup pulling with heat application
    Patience/anger management skills.
    Short to no fingernails, when dealing with foldable/ plastic screens

  • @dawoostarr
    @dawoostarr 4 года назад

    The simplicity of the hinge could be a game changer for future foldable phones

  • @michaelg1915
    @michaelg1915 3 года назад

    I honestly really like the RAZR. It just seems like such a neat phone.

  • @TechDove
    @TechDove 4 года назад +44

    If phones could feel fear, it would be when they hit your desk that they felt it

  • @KPrinceMusic
    @KPrinceMusic 4 года назад +16

    2:31 This is the first time he made a dirty joke😂

    • @DennyVarmaYT
      @DennyVarmaYT 4 года назад


    • @6oLsh0i6o0z3
      @6oLsh0i6o0z3 4 года назад

      Get your mind out of the gutter ffs. Didn't you see he flicked his finger or something?

  • @aj__stha
    @aj__stha 4 года назад +36

    Zack: My phone was accidentally folded into the wrong direction.
    Everyone: Really 😲

  • @gmznlr
    @gmznlr 4 года назад

    Motorola razer for bigger back screen, smoother closure and a phsical button at the bottom
    bonus: the nostalgic UI

  • @denava6068
    @denava6068 4 года назад

    both of those videos are just plain tech gore, damn, i jumped at every scratch XD
    Good content btw ♥

  • @prabhavdhanesha7036
    @prabhavdhanesha7036 4 года назад +14

    Zack: Let's see what's next.
    Huawei Mate Xs: **Chuckles** I'm in danger.