I’ll be out in the garage working on the machines in a few hours, I’ll measure them and get back to you. I want to say they’re 3’ but I’ll measure to be sure.
Nope, been crazy busy lately, haven’t even had time to ride since our last trip to Brimstone in September. Going to start winter maintenance mode here in about a month, and go over everything to see how she’s held up since buying new, so I’ll look into it then.
What size/model tablet do you have? I saw you have been asked before, and your reply was A. Unfortunately I purchased the A7 lite. Then I went to "lifetime Trails" to download, only to read they strongly recommend any of the A models, EXCEPT the 7A lite, or any lite model! Found your channel a few days ago, really cool. So, please help with tablet choice. Thank you
Unfortunately I can't find jhst the A. I see an A8 that is 10". I will try that one. I have a Can Am Sport X R/C and I ordered the electronic holder that turns the dash into a glove box. It says it handles up to a 10" tablet. Thank you for your quick response. G
I just found they make a "business model". It's water resistant, the screen works if wet and will work with gloves also more rugged to being dropped. I am looking into that, seems pretty robust
What ft your whip lights?
I’ll be out in the garage working on the machines in a few hours, I’ll measure them and get back to you. I want to say they’re 3’ but I’ll measure to be sure.
Really cool whips
Did you figure out the issue?
Thanks! I’m pretty happy with them.
Do you mean the issue with signature lights not blinking?
@@GarzaGangAdventures yup
Nope, been crazy busy lately, haven’t even had time to ride since our last trip to Brimstone in September. Going to start winter maintenance mode here in about a month, and go over everything to see how she’s held up since buying new, so I’ll look into it then.
@@GarzaGangAdventures I’m waiting 🤩
I’ll get on it!
What size/model tablet do you have? I saw you have been asked before, and your reply was A. Unfortunately I purchased the A7 lite. Then I went to "lifetime Trails" to download, only to read they strongly recommend any of the A models, EXCEPT the 7A lite, or any lite model! Found your channel a few days ago, really cool. So, please help with tablet choice. Thank you
It is a Samsung Type A 10”. It’s not the Lite version though. It handles Lifetime decent enough, some more RAM would help, but it handles it.
Unfortunately I can't find jhst the A. I see an A8 that is 10". I will try that one. I have a Can Am Sport X R/C and I ordered the electronic holder that turns the dash into a glove box. It says it handles up to a 10" tablet. Thank you for your quick response. G
I just found they make a "business model". It's water resistant, the screen works if wet and will work with gloves also more rugged to being dropped. I am looking into that, seems pretty robust
That's weird. If it helps, I can pull up the model information from mine later on tonight....
That sounds interesting! What's the price tag for the business model?