I saw the thumbnail for a split second and genuinely thought this was a night reign leak or something like that. Though I stayed for the cool little edit at the start. Have fun with the game! サムネイルを一瞬見たけど、これはナイト・レインのリークか何かだと本気で思った。もっとも、私は最初のクールなちょっとした編集のために留まりましたが。ゲームを楽しんでください! I'm sorry if this is a poor translation, I don't speak Japanese 日本語が話せないので、翻訳が悪かったらごめんなさい
I saw the thumbnail for a split second and genuinely thought this was a night reign leak or something like that. Though I stayed for the cool little edit at the start. Have fun with the game!
I'm sorry if this is a poor translation, I don't speak Japanese