Inside the Most Dangerous Country (You Won’t Believe This) | Joby Warrick

  • Опубликовано: 25 дек 2024

Комментарии • 47

  • @FWDPM
    @FWDPM 21 час назад +16

    The most misinformed talk about Syria, ever. First of all, Bashar entered the dentistry school in Damascus, but after one year his father transferred his file to the school of Medicine. His Ophthalmology specialty was done in Damascus (Hamdoush Hospital). After he finished his residency he visited England to treat his epilepsy (Australia refused to grant him a visa). To avoid publicity, the Brits embassy granted him a scholarship visa to attend 6 months of training in a hospital in London. He went there to treat his epilepsy, not for continuing education. While he was visiting the Syrian embassy, he met an administrative employee there who brought delicious food she made at home (her name is Sahar). This is how he met her daughter, the Brits MI6 agent Asmaa. How do I know all these details? We run the show in Syria for the past 50 years. I used to dine with his elder brother, who was assassinated by German intel through an explosive in the tire of his car.

    • @AuschwitzMyPants
      @AuschwitzMyPants 18 часов назад

      What’s your name Jason Bourne? 😂😂😂 Why did the Germans kill Bashar’s older brother? Now western backed Al Qaeda terrorists run Syria 🤡show.

    • @BadlydrawnBen
      @BadlydrawnBen 17 часов назад

      Sahar has filed for divorce and is trying to claim asylum in the UK also needing treatment for advanced C

    • @GabrielLupertazzi
      @GabrielLupertazzi 17 часов назад

      So MI6 encouraged this relationship? Why would the Germans wet the elderbvvv brother? Considering the Germans weren’t exactly heavy hitters post ww2. They’re basically a satellite state… I’m sorry I had some really good questions for you but I can’t say the name of the country I believe you are from without being ce******…

    • @FWDPM
      @FWDPM 14 часов назад

      @ Whaaaaaat? Sahar is the mother-in-law. Asmaa is an official agent of Brits MI6. She was sent initially to New York to spy on JP Morgan bank. How do I know? Her mom was our neighbor.

    • @Memphis_Mafia
      @Memphis_Mafia 14 часов назад +1

      Sure you did.. smh. I visited Pluto one time..

  • @calvineaton8261
    @calvineaton8261 День назад +15

    We were on assad side until he denied construction of a pipline from kuwiat thru syria to turkey.

    • @RobertAllen-e4i
      @RobertAllen-e4i 23 часа назад +2

      He didn't say they couldn't build it,he wanted to own it when it entered his country,same as Turkey does now and so you see the next to fall Erdogan.

    • @Doubie.
      @Doubie. 9 часов назад +1

      @@RobertAllen-e4imaybe when erdogan is gone i feel bad for his future successor their going to need to be smarter than him to get turkey out from under all his shenanigans playing both sides

    • @RobertAllen-e4i
      @RobertAllen-e4i 2 часа назад

      @Doubie. Erdogan thinking the Ottoman Empire is coming back.The ones actually running things are loosing DC, Vatican City is under scrutiny and City of London is being overrun before the replacements have been stood up,or at least I don't see them yet.They have been exposed like never before.

  • @adamduncan5371
    @adamduncan5371 15 часов назад

    Merry Christmas Julian dorsey! Im surprised you didn't take the day off! You run one of the most awesome channels around! Much love brother! God bless! 🙏

  • @DerpPers
    @DerpPers День назад +1

    Thanks for the video you and your team stay blessed

  • @SherryakaWimpyRambo
    @SherryakaWimpyRambo День назад +4

    STOP WORKING JULIAN, Merry Christmas

  • @MacTheCelt301
    @MacTheCelt301 6 часов назад

    I just discovered this channel recently. Where can I watch the full interviews? Please and thank you

  • @Sp4rky247
    @Sp4rky247 13 часов назад

    Merry Christmas and a Happy Nee Year!!!

  • @mmaximk
    @mmaximk 17 часов назад +5

    You say democratic uprising, I say Operation Timber Sycamore.

    • @ottoweh
      @ottoweh 8 часов назад

      So what was 1776? Operation Eclairant le Monde? - Man, just parrot anything as long as it resembles a nice, simple chessboard: Everyone but two players being pawns. Seems to be right your level of complexity, anything else is beyond …
      Timber Sycamore was set up a year _after_ the uprising started in Syria. And it gave the rebels very limited support. Much more limited than what the Continental Army received from the French after 1775 …
      Or any revolution or uprising in the history of mankind received from some interested power. Support is different from cause or control.

  • @carsenarsen8634
    @carsenarsen8634 День назад

    Thank you Julian. I'm working today and these videos are saving me from replaying dumb boredom. #feedtheseniors

    • @bradholcomb7525
      @bradholcomb7525 20 часов назад

      Stop click baiting people of the west you fuck’n tool! Stop being the viral “moment” in your world and PLEASE REPORT JUST FACTUAL INFORMATION! Right now you suck ass

  • @matthewlins6075
    @matthewlins6075 5 часов назад

    Lets look at the list of countries that resisted the centralized banking system over the last 30 years and what's happened to them.

  • @samorpeterenpretene9184
    @samorpeterenpretene9184 11 часов назад +1

    Didn’t Saddam say “ come and get it”

  • @aprilmcknight1574
    @aprilmcknight1574 8 часов назад

    He has been with the post sense 96, operational insider journalists ?

  • @raydavison4288
    @raydavison4288 6 часов назад

    Assad "the younger" was, imo sabaotaged by his neighboring theocracy.
    Syria was the strongman in the region when Assad became leader. It was the only mideast country that could hold said theocracy in check. A civil war was instigated, certain enemies of Assad's regime were armed, and the rest is tragic history.😢

  • @SalMichaelC
    @SalMichaelC 2 часа назад

    sure sure..

  • @dixielohmar
    @dixielohmar 23 часа назад


  • @TurboTexas
    @TurboTexas 41 минуту назад

    Social engineering 😢

  • @bondarem
    @bondarem 13 часов назад +1

    Wait, a sec. Wasn't it the same rhetoric in Iran...and then the Taliban took over and all went down in flames? This will echo long and painful on the people of Siria and around the world.

    • @ottoweh
      @ottoweh 7 часов назад

      Taliban in Iran … ok.

  • @ياالله-م8ك9س
    @ياالله-م8ك9س День назад +3

    أحْنْا اخْوْاتْكْ تْمْرْ ايْامْنْا وْلْيْالْيْنْا وْاحْنْا لْانْمْلْكْ شْيْ ايْنْ الْقْلْوْبْ الْرْاحْمْهّْ ضْااااقْ حْالْنْا وْضْااااااقْ بْنْا الْحْالْ وْالْلْهّْ مْا كْتْبْتْ هّْذْا الْكْلْامْ الْا مْنْ الْضْيْقْ وْقْسْوْتْ الْضْرْوْفْ انْيْ طْالْبْهّْ مْنْ الْلْهّْ ثْمْ مْنْكْ لْاتْرْدْنْيْ خْايْبْهّْ يْا اخْيْ احْنْا نْسْاء مْا نْقْدْرْ نْخْرْجْ نْشْتْغلْ مْثْلْ الْرْجْالْ رْبْيْ اكْرْمْكْمْ انْكْمْ رْجْالْ احْنْا نْسْاء مْا بْنْقْدْرْ نْخْرْجْ وْلْا نْشْتْغلْ مْثْلْكْمْ اخْيْ وْيْنْ الْانْسْانْيْهّْ ايْنْ الْاخْوْهّْ الْايْمْانْيْهّْ فْيْ قْلْوْبْكْمْ''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' انا داخله على الله ثم عليكم يااهل الخير تقفوا معنا يا عالم حسوا فينا يا اهل الخير وين النخوة وين الاخوة وين الرحمه الى اوصى عليه النبي محمد بجاه النبي محمد تحسوا فينا انا بطلب منكم لو تساعدونى لو بثمن اكل مش طالبه شي غير انه نسد جوعنا ارجوكم من غير تجريح وكلام بكسر الخاطر انا يا خوان العيشة والله ما . عيشة فيكم تتاكدو يا اهل الخير انا توسل لكم ابوس على ايدكم تساعدونى ارجوكم امانه عليكم انا اعتبرونى اختكم عرضكم ساعدونى والله لول الضيق والفقر ما مديت ايدي اشحد من الناس استرونى يستر عرضكم وربنا يفرحكم في اطفالكم واهلكم ويبعد عنكم الضيق والحزن وربنا يجعل هذا المساعده في ميزان حسناتكم ساعدونى لو بثمن الاكل او بثمن اجار البيت ارجوكم يا اخواني يا اصحاب الضمير الحي يا اهل الخنوة واهل الكرم ارجوكم ساعدوني لو بشي قليل امانه عليكم والي حاب يساهم معي ربي يجزيه كل خير هذا رقمي 𝟵𝟲𝟳،711013075+ الوتساب اللي يستطيع يساعدنا يتوصل واتساب معنا نعطيه الاسم الكامل العنوان ويحول لنا بما يستطيع وانا وسرتي نسالك بالله لولك مقدره على مساعدتنا لاتتاخر علينا و جزاك الله خيرالجزا ،،.،.،.،.،. ~«~//»~»/»/~» ~» ~» ~*» ✔️🇾🇪✔️🇾🇪✔️🇾🇪✔️🎉😢😢🎉😢😢😢

    • @shawntailor5485
      @shawntailor5485 День назад +5

      REPENT and be Born again in Jesus Christ . !

    • @bradholcomb7525
      @bradholcomb7525 20 часов назад

      Jesus was just man, you sir are all fool! You know ZERO of that persons afterlife and the fact that you proclaim him “wrong” and bound for “hell” tells me that YOU ARE FUCKING DELUSIONAL AND POSSIBLY RETARTED! You know absolutely NOTHING of the afterlife (because you are HERE AND NOW!) to type your bullshit threat…… YOU’RE JUST AN ASSHOLE QUESTIONING THEIR OWN FAITH AND MAD!
      If god is all and Jesus king? Then maybe Jesus may’ve spoken fo the soul in question!? I guarantee HE HASN’T SPOKEN A WORD TO YOU! Cause he’d have said stay quiet cause god is louder than the fool

    • @ottoweh
      @ottoweh 7 часов назад

      @@shawntailor5485 - so you read what she was writing? If you did, your comment is gross. And contrary to everything Jesus Christ is about.