“The difference between a boy and a man is the lessons they learn” The lessons you learn through your passions apply to everything in life! Love your energy cam, don’t ever change!
Hey Cam, thank you for allowing me to experience my dream whilst I'm impatiently waiting to be old enough to ride a bike. I genuinely feel connected to you because of your great behaviour, messages and actions. I can truly relate to the impact it had on you when you heard the v8 groans go past! 6 more months to go and then the 8 years of waiting is finally done. Please continue to inspire me!
I was once you man, the wait is almost over. congratulations. im 29 now and still enjoying my life. my only advice is lots of quality gear and be careful. good luck bud.
@@letgo_racing9823 Thank you for the motivating message and advice! I have had plenty of time to save up for my dream gear and bike. Already made a list for the off-season sale :) Be safe, A 19 year old with an undying passion ;)
the back in forth between you guys has to be the most funny part of this video. When doing wheelies you have to be aware of the area around you. meanwhile, "Ouch my nuts", "do i have a lisp, Ihave a lisp"😅
I just wanted to say that I’m proud of you cam, I’m 17 but I’ve watched you grow so much over the years. your my favorite RUclipsr, and I hope someday when I get a bike we can ride. You’re videos are my therapy for when I’m down and boom I’m in a better mood from just 2 mins in a video. I wanna thank you for the love and support your giving out for everyone ❤
I feel like if we met by accident we would connect immediately because no one has made me feel as I was so close with them but yet so far, if that makes sense 😅
@@itiddles4419 I said I do this for you guys, I make content for you guys! We’re all going through something so I’m trying to help as many people as I can
These videos are one big reason I got another bike. The entertainment, thrill, adrenaline and memories that comes with riding are absolutely something I can’t live without. LOVE YOUR VIDEOS BRO!
Videos like these are a major driving force behind my decision to get a new bike. The excitement, thrill, adrenaline rush, and the memories that come with riding are something I absolutely can't live without.
yoo yall funny af ! the different POV shots + the conversations yall were having on your own added so much to the video ! looking forward to more content cam, be safe
I may not ride, but I find that the way you speak, essentially to yourself, but directed towards an audience is fascinating because that’s the same way I talk to myself when I’m doing something I enjoy. You’re absolutely right about passion and riding is something you truly are clearly happy doing! Find a passion you can love and dedicate yourself to too an extent where you can speak and teach upon that passion as Cam has on wheelies 📝 The money will always follow 👍 Edit: Still haven’t found that passion so don’t feel alone if anyone else hasn’t, the search continues
Bro !!! My new fave RUclipsr ! I’m about to start with my first bike and i watch all your stuff and honestly you bringing up One Piece just let me know this was destiny lol my favorite anime all time
It’s hilarious how I found this video scrolling down RUclips and I just got my GPR serviced and got the top lid black on my Red GPR. Noticing you got two colors on yours too. Cool video 🫡
Yo what you were talking about at 2:20 i know exactly what you mean, for me its just sort of knowing already what a car could do in the situation and you understand which one is more likely, its a weird thing to explain but I get it
Hey Cam, I was wondering if you wouldn't mind breaking down what you need to record and what set up you are currently running. I also would love to know what software you use for editing. Maybe you could make a short video on the topic. I would really enjoy and appreciate it. I also love the dual vlog set up. Your friend is hilarious.
next june makes 2 years since i got my bike license and still haven't had enough money to get the bike that i want. imma keep grinding though. much love cam, love the videos
Its so wierd to hear you talk about it being breezy when its 70 degrees. I live in Norway and its around 30-40 degrees in the mornings now, but i love riding so i still ride to school. Dont know how much longer i can do that tho.
you guys rode through my entire hometown!!! nice to see what you can do with all the police activity up here! would love to show you some of the fun roads up in this area! -zx6r
The conversation switching back and forth was GOLD 😂😂😂
Agree need more of this with anyone willing. You don’t see this type of commentary.
@@alejandrotobienne8220 I’d do it but hardest thing is finding friends that also run a GoPro/mic
I love how similar yet different the conversations are 😂
Glad we got talkutive cam for a vid
Fr I missed it
He fucking blew through 4 mics or something that's why he wasn't talking so much 🗿💀 i have no idea how he'll fix the issue lol
Right 😊
Nice yes goooo sri April 10 🇵🇷 😳
“The difference between a boy and a man is the lessons they learn”
The lessons you learn through your passions apply to everything in life!
Love your energy cam, don’t ever change!
Hey Cam, thank you for allowing me to experience my dream whilst I'm impatiently waiting to be old enough to ride a bike. I genuinely feel connected to you because of your great behaviour, messages and actions. I can truly relate to the impact it had on you when you heard the v8 groans go past! 6 more months to go and then the 8 years of waiting is finally done.
Please continue to inspire me!
I was once you man, the wait is almost over. congratulations. im 29 now and still enjoying my life. my only advice is lots of quality gear and be careful. good luck bud.
@@letgo_racing9823 Thank you for the motivating message and advice! I have had plenty of time to save up for my dream gear and bike. Already made a list for the off-season sale :)
Be safe,
A 19 year old with an undying passion ;)
Dude! No problem, I can’t wait for you to get a bike, OMG! Hopefully we can ride one day, thanks for the support ❤
retweet this
Had me dying when the camera and audio switches over between you guys. 😂
the talking going back and fourth has to literally be my favorite thing ever, it's so hilarious, love you cam
the back in forth between you guys has to be the most funny part of this video.
When doing wheelies you have to be aware of the area around you. meanwhile, "Ouch my nuts", "do i have a lisp, Ihave a lisp"😅
Them having the same train of thoughts while not hearing each other is true friendship
The fucking mic on point as usual
I just wanted to say that I’m proud of you cam, I’m 17 but I’ve watched you grow so much over the years. your my favorite RUclipsr, and I hope someday when I get a bike we can ride. You’re videos are my therapy for when I’m down and boom I’m in a better mood from just 2 mins in a video. I wanna thank you for the love and support your giving out for everyone ❤
I feel like if we met by accident we would connect immediately because no one has made me feel as I was so close with them but yet so far, if that makes sense 😅
Dude! No problem, I do this for you guys and myself!
@@haydenchristo764 parasocial relationship moment
@@erickmarquez5755 u wot
@@itiddles4419 I said I do this for you guys, I make content for you guys! We’re all going through something so I’m trying to help as many people as I can
The chaos between the two of y’all is amazing😂
These videos are one big reason I got another bike. The entertainment, thrill, adrenaline and memories that comes with riding are absolutely something I can’t live without. LOVE YOUR VIDEOS BRO!
I just accidentally watch half an hour of 2 dudes riding, i dont regret it tho this was so entertaining
Videos like these are a major driving force behind my decision to get a new bike. The excitement, thrill, adrenaline rush, and the memories that come with riding are something I absolutely can't live without.
this video is funny asf bro. please post more dual motovlogs but maybe buy an intercom so u guys can speak together.
what a genius
“I Have never Talked this much in my entire life” me daily lmao
yoo yall funny af ! the different POV shots + the conversations yall were having on your own added so much to the video ! looking forward to more content cam, be safe
Been riding for 5 years and every video inspires me to ride like before I even had a bike
Absolutely awesome to watch you rip the exact same roads me and the boys are riding. Crazy we haven’t run into each other yet. Ride safe as always.
The guy doing a wheelie , the cop pulling up .. cam like 😮🙂🙂🙂 ! Love the energy already of this video hahahaaa!
Talk about a dynamic duo you two are entertaining as f loving the content 🤘
I love these vlogs even if it’s just riding around and talking and admiring people’s cars
“That’s why I bought an r1 I want that instant power. MhM.”
Proceeds to send it, wheelie through 3 gears. “WOOOOO!!”
I feel that man. Love the videos.
Love the chemistry you guys have even without talking
I love your enthusiasm for life and things like the sounds of dump trucks and nice cars. Stay safe!
Bro you inspire me a lot, like you give me that hype of getting a Superbike for myself and i love it🔥🇿🇦🇿🇦
Man this video is my favourite on RUclips. The conversations randomness is trully awesome
im dying at the random cuts to r6 boi just saying random bs while cam is having in depth convo with us
I love that R6 high pitched sound
This is nice. I live in this exact area so it honestly feels like I am riding with you guys
dude I miss riding my bikes I live through it through watching your videos I cant wait till i recover everyone ride safe!!!!!!!!!
"Bigman ting yeah its not lookin good" This had me dying from the uk i respect 🤣🤣
Whatching ur videos without skipping one sec👌🏻, ur a legend cam🔥
I may not ride, but I find that the way you speak, essentially to yourself, but directed towards an audience is fascinating because that’s the same way I talk to myself when I’m doing something I enjoy. You’re absolutely right about passion and riding is something you truly are clearly happy doing!
Find a passion you can love and dedicate yourself to too an extent where you can speak and teach upon that passion as Cam has on wheelies 📝 The money will always follow 👍
Edit: Still haven’t found that passion so don’t feel alone if anyone else hasn’t, the search continues
I love how the convo switches and one is talking about wheelies and the other about family cars and dogs 🤣
Bro !!! My new fave RUclipsr ! I’m about to start with my first bike and i watch all your stuff and honestly you bringing up One Piece just let me know this was destiny lol my favorite anime all time
This video wouldn't be the same if there was No Conversation- it's Brilliant. The Description is Very True. Ride with your heart not your live
Ah yes the static mic we love. This is what I came for.
BRO I PROMISE MYSELF ILL LIVE THIS LIFE MAN, youre living many peoples dreams cam! hope you're enjoying it the most you can:D
Dude I absolutely love what I do! And I know you can do it too! You gotta keep it in good spirits man, you’ll get there soon! Thanks for watching ❤
@@erickmarquez5755 anytime brother 🙌🙌
Yes they do!!!! No problem man I plan on making for videos like this a lot more with more content creators! Thanks for watching ❤
This might be the best/most entertaining motovlog ever keep it up bro
Lol, I love the little back and back comms you combined
cam: being all serious talking about how to do wheelies cornel: i have lisp :D
Dope af as always! Love you lots cam 🫶🏽
When you do those power wheelies it gives me the biggest smile :)
The back and fourth is funny “y’all both said that is a nice Toyota”😂😂
That two point of view with the commentary was epic fun
"Big man ting yeh, it's not lookin good brav" 😂😂Love from the UK ❤
we need more of these great vid cam♥
here heee issss with 100% material .. love yaaaa greets from berlin
Being able to read cars and anticipate their movements is key to riding
Living in Minnesota. 70 degrees is warm and perfect to ride 🤣🤣. Thanks for the video!
the different energies from the 2 of u commentating is amazing and hillarious lol
I KNOW EXACTLY WHERE YOU WERE RIDING! That was were I grew up! Man, missed my chance to see Cam out in the wild
The whole video is 🔥 bro
Idk what it is about these recent videos but please...keep making them like this. Crazy Entertaining!
It’s hilarious how I found this video scrolling down RUclips and I just got my GPR serviced and got the top lid black on my Red GPR. Noticing you got two colors on yours too. Cool video 🫡
Best motovlogger out there
One piece is goated. Got hooked on the 'Water 7' arc.
Great video Cam, probably don’t need to hear this but ignore negativity and keep being you, your videos are 🤌
You always ride right where I live and you were like 5 minutes away in this video and I never see you.
You and Brian636 were tied as my favorite motovloggers but you definitely took 1st when you mentioned One Piece! xD
I love this video soooo much xD. Its so chaotic with you two, i love it xD
Christ, 10 minutes in, I'm laughing my ass off! God R1's have that sound = perfection.
Nice R1de Along 😳 imkay 🙄 FastLaneg 😱👍brian 636 😲😥🙄😳👍♥️
Glad you are talking again. I’m sorry with whatever happened or is still happening but just know we all love you cam! W video
This is definetely one of my favorite videos of yours from the past few months, good job and thanks for the videos❤
Blue and green is the best combo 👌
Omfg finally a sport bike rider that likes anime and its one-piece bro props to you brotha
Yo what you were talking about at 2:20 i know exactly what you mean, for me its just sort of knowing already what a car could do in the situation and you understand which one is more likely, its a weird thing to explain but I get it
This is why I love your channel
15:07 can we talk about the guy just chowing down in the red car/truck lol
31min good commentary nice quality what more can you ask for
“Naw I wouldn’t say we were speeding”🤣🤣
Everyone else : What a view. Cam : That's a big tracktor!
Hey Cam,
I was wondering if you wouldn't mind breaking down what you need to record and what set up you are currently running. I also would love to know what software you use for editing. Maybe you could make a short video on the topic. I would really enjoy and appreciate it.
I also love the dual vlog set up. Your friend is hilarious.
perfectly edited 👌
Lmmfao, that back and forth convo is funny asf.
Sending love from Miami, keep it up and come visit soon!
i have taken yamaha R1 delivery yesterday so i m very very very happy bro 😍😍💙
im so confused) why dont you have more subscribers your vids are amazing man
Omgg I love this content 😮💨
My brain couldn’t handle that much😂
Dude i forgot he was even doing a wheelie lesson 😂😂 ADHD IS REAL I’M BOUTTA GO RIIIIIDE
next june makes 2 years since i got my bike license and still haven't had enough money to get the bike that i want. imma keep grinding though. much love cam, love the videos
What Jacket is cam wearing? 7:30 Fit is cleann 👌🏾
I miss this type of content keep it up!!!
Its so wierd to hear you talk about it being breezy when its 70 degrees. I live in Norway and its around 30-40 degrees in the mornings now, but i love riding so i still ride to school. Dont know how much longer i can do that tho.
you guys rode through my entire hometown!!! nice to see what you can do with all the police activity up here! would love to show you some of the fun roads up in this area! -zx6r
Lil taste of the Hype Cam again👊🏼😈
That wheel up at 3:39 thooooooooooo
love it man, dope vid
"no officer i would say we were speeding" XD XD he just casually lies to a police officer.
Hey bro! Good to feature Police part?
I just walked upstairs. WtF did I need??? Damn Mimosa #9 🤣😂
im caught up on one piece. literally the best anime out
"I can't hear them", "BE SAFE OKAY!!!" lmaoooo
Great video ... Lol funny but great 😁 🤣
"I feel like I have a lisp, but I don't have a lisp"😂😂