2½ Hrs of Layered ASMR Beard Sounds, Soft, Unintelligible, Male-Whispering and Relaxing Mouth Sounds
- Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024
- I made this video by accident. I bought one of these Blue Yeti mics that everyone uses for ASMR and thought I'd go test it and see if I can get it to sound good with no background noise. I ended up getting 'down with the sound' and spent like 3 hours making beard ASMR, layered mouth-sounds and unintelligible whispering. I've heard so many channels use the Blue Yeti and the background hiss is quite intense with them so I wasn't expecting the mic to sound so good. I actually found it really easy to set the correct gain so there's zero background hiss at all. I'm not sure why other channels have the background so hissy with this mic, maybe it's intentional I don't know, but the beard sounds make for an alternative to mic-hiss 🧔🏼♂️🥰
Sometimes the spontaneous things turn out to be the best. Let me know what you all think of this video please. It's so far removed from my usual ASMR that it feels like a completely new direction for me, and I'd love to hear your thoughts! I kinda like it, especially the super-layered parts with four dimensional audio. It's soooooo trippy!
Oh, I also recorded a short video in this same session, just rambling about, "why I do ASMR". I didn't intend it to be uploaded, it was just a mic test. However, I might just upload it. It's about 10min long or something. Should I upload it, or should I wait and record it properly with better camera angles and all that?
Anyway, I just hope you all enjoy this upload. Sorry it's taken a while to upload a new video, I had some family problems that needed to be sorted out but all is good now so I'm back on track 💞❤️🥰
Support Me:
It takes a long time to produce videos like these. If you enjoy my content and want to support the channel, please consider becoming a member by clicking here: / @asmrtroops Subscribed members are allowed one special request per month so I'll be able to record a trigger of your choice ❤️
Alternatively, you can make a donation via the "Super Thanks" button. PayPal donations are also welcome at the email address below. Your support helps me to improve the content and enhance future ASMR videos with new triggers and sounds and a range of new mics. Your support will help to ensure the sustainability and longevity of this channel.
Thank you for being a part of @ASMRtroops I really do appreciate all the comments and support from you all 🥰
ASMR Troops
I made this video by accident. I bought one of these Blue Yeti mics that everyone uses for ASMR and thought I'd go test it and see if I can get it to sound good with no background noise. I ended up getting 'down with the sound' and spent like 3 hours making beard ASMR, layered mouth-sounds and unintelligible whispering. I've heard so many channels use the Blue Yeti and the background hiss is quite intense with them so I wasn't expecting the mic to sound this good. I actually really like this microphone 🥰
Sometimes the spontaneous things in life turn out to be the best. Let me know what you all think of this video please. It's so far removed from my usual ASMR that it feels like a completely new direction for me, and I'd love to hear your thoughts! I kinda like it, especially the super-layered parts with four dimensional audio. It's soooooo trippy!
Oh, I also recorded a short video in this same session, just rambling about, "why I do ASMR". I didn't intend it to be uploaded, it was just a mic test. However, I might just upload it. It's about 10min long or something. Should I upload it, or should I wait and record it properly with better camera angles and all that?
Anyway, I just hope you all enjoy this upload. Sorry it's taken a while to upload a new video, I had some family problems that needed to be sorted out but all is good now so I'm back on track 💞❤🥰 Enjoy!
Wow, it was a pleasant surprise to see you make a video with so many layered sounds! I doubt it was solely from my request in the community post, but nonetheless, I'm a big fan of this different style of video! :)
@@kyarikatari1225 I do read all of the comments on here and I have taken all of the community post replies on board. My ASMR is heavily influenced by you all so don't be surprised if this video is a result of requests for beard sounds and mouthing sounds. However, I didn't really intend to record this video at all, I was just testing my new mic and ended up getting carried away 🥰❤
You got us wondering if everything was OK. Glad to hear your family is doing fine now!
I’d love to see the casual video where you explain why you do ASMR as is. No redoes or fancy recordings are necessary, it’ll be more like a videovlog post to get to know you better, and as it’s a different category IMO it’s exempt from audio quality scrutiny haha
I think these type of videos actually benefit from being less professional, they make you come up as more approachable. I always love to know more about the creators, how you dared to actually take the leap of faith and jump in front on the camera.
I’m not a big fan of mouth sounds but this video sounds amazing!
Cheers from Barcelona.
@@on_another_rabbit_hole Thank you, mouth sounds are nice layered like this. I would like to experiment a bit more with these layered types of videos to see what I can come up with.
The casual video I made on, "why I do ASMR"... I'll take a look at it again and see if it's uploadable but I think I might swear in it though 😅
I love it
This is one of those super rare and intimate style of triggers that only someone of upmost confidence can pull off. Very well made.
It's funny to hear that actually. A few people have told me that I am a very confident person but I don't feel overly confident really. I think maybe I come across as confident though, so that's a good thing ❤🥰
Beard asmr. I'm sure others have thought of it before but were missing a key element in order to pull it off. A kick-ass beard! 🤘
Haha, yeah it's quite an essential ingredient. I should maybe do more of a beard grooming video next time with combing and brushing etc.
@@ASMRtroops ding ding ding! This for SURE. That sounds like a wonderful video with soft whispering explaining the products! :D
@@Coz-most It's on my list of videos that I want to do. I've test ran it before and failed due to incorrect mics but I've been investing in suitable equipment so stay tuned 🥰❤
My personal favorite type of asmr is some sort of mic tapping or brushing with trigger words or soft inaudible whispers. I have to say you nailed it. I saw you say it wasn’t your typical video but it’s top tier. 10/10!
Thank you, it was a spur of the moment video and yes, definitely not typical. I have to say I was happy with the sounds though and I definitely want to experiment more with this style ❤🥰
@@ASMRtroops hell yea looking forward to it!
@@kparr90 Stay tuned, I have a few things planned first with other videos (mainly a collab I'm working on with one of the really big channels this time) 🥰❤
Tis a glorious beard that effects such glorious sounds. You weren’t kidding when you said that this is something new. I haven’t seen anything like this either, but it seems so intuitive and obvious a trigger! Nicely done!
Thank you, I'm not sure what you think of all the layering of mouth sounds? I'm not even sure if you like mouth sounds (I know a lot of people hate them).... but this was just a little mic test that turned into something that I really quite liked. Some of those layered sounds with the whispering and mouthing mixed in sound mesmerising 🥰❤
wow your whispering voice is PERFECT for ASMR!! I’d love to see you do more whispering ASMR videos!! you could talk about anything you’d like, maybe read a book or something like that!😴
Thank you, I'll definitely be trying more on the whispering side. I've got a book review video that I want to try actually ❤🥰
@@ASMRtroopsgreat idea❤
@@chloekelly5941 Most of my ideas come directly from you guys. This is why I engage in the comments section so much, you guys give me loads of ideas 🥰❤
I think this gotta be one of the best sound I’ve heard in a while. This video is fantastic and I gotta admit that your beard is huge (in a good way) does it take a lot of care? Anyways superb video ❤❤❤
Thank you, I'm quite liking the sounds in this video too, especially those layered mouth sounds. My beard wouldn't look like this is it wasn't for my wife. She takes care of it for me (she's my wee beard angel) haha 🥰❤
Never heard of beard ASMR before, but I’m here for it. Good stuff, yet again. Thanks for all the hard work you put into your vids 🙃
I don't think I've heard of it either but I've been asked for it a lot. It started off as beard ASMR but I guess it morphed more into mouth sounds and unintelligible layered whispers..... I hope you like it?
Your shit is always so good, the post production is crazy and its marathon length, i cant possibly complain, but id easily take half the effort/lo-fi stuff and be perfectly happy
I've never tried lo-fi ASMR but I do quite like it. Sometimes I prefer to listen to it actually ❤🥰
This is awesome!!!! My new favorite asmr channel of the last 10 years! He has literally topped them all. And there are some phenomenal channels of which you all know of. Best quality of content available.
Thank you so much, this is quite the compliment 🥰❤ If you don't mind, who are your top ten ASMR channels?
Absolutely LOVE your ASMR!!! This video is already amazing and I hope you can continue to make absolute bangers like this one! And I hope everyone who reads this comment knows that Jesus Christ loves you all more than you could ever know.
Thank you, so much. God bless you my friend ❤🥰
i loved it all the sounds together sound so good
Thank you, yeah I really liked the way they layered together. I should do more like this ❤️🥰
the mouth sounds are super tingly! I'm definitely gonna sleep well with this, thanks Troop!
Thanks for always commenting on my videos. I think when you listen to this video as you drift off to sleep, you'll hear more layers than ever. Sweet dreams to you 🥰❤
the fact that this man replys on almost every comment is dedication👍
I like the comments section. It's really good for (a) learning things about ASMR and what my audience like most; (b) meeting new people who like ASMR; (c) building a little ASMR Troops community; (d) getting ideas for new videos and; (e) it actually boosts the RUclips algorithm too 🥰❤
he's so precious
@@gullumshoww I've never been called that before ❤🥰
@@ASMRtroops love u asmr legend 💗
@@gullumshoww 🙏🏼❤🙏🏼 thank you
Alright, this might be my new favourite asmr video ever
Did you listen to all of it? I feel it gets better as it goes along? 🥰❤
@@ASMRtroopsI agree! Your quiet whispers and in a layered format is just perfection 👌
@@ray12620 Thank you, this was my first ever experiment with these types of sounds but I'm already itching to try more like this ❤🥰
right on time!! its currently 12 am for me and I have a quiz tmrw and I been having trouble falling asleep. this one should knock me right out!! thank you once again sir you are a legend 👑
Brilliant, I hope it helped you sleep and I hope you get all the questions you know the answers to 🥰❤
i absolutely adore this! Almost missed this gem 💎 ❤
Well, I'm glad you found this one if you adore it like that 🥰❤ I know a lot of people really like this one and keep coming back to re-watch it ❤🥰
I'm a simple person. I see a thumbnail with a mighty beard, I click.
Well, hopefully you enjoy the ASMR 🥰❤
Really good sounds
Thank you, I really like the multiple layered sounds in this one too 🥰❤
Since you asked for out input on this new type of video from you: i honestly love it! The layered effect was really relaxing and it would be nice to see it used again in the future. Unintelligible whispers are one of my favorites too. Great video!
Thank you, all feedback is much appreciated and I was surprised at how nice the sounds were when I layered them all together. I'll definitely be making more like this in the future ❤🥰
I keep coming back to this video when I can't sleep. It really relaxes me ❤
That's so nice that my little spontaneous mouth sounds video has this effect on you. I definitely need to try more like this then ❤️🥰
i love layered asmr its my favorite !
Well then, stay tuned as there's more like this to come in the future as I want to see what other mouth sounds I can layer like this 🥰❤
The legendary beard !!
Haha, yes it had to be done 🥰❤
Ur asmr is so goodd
Thank you 🥰❤
I love your videos man, keep it up
Thank you, I'll just keep on making more 🥰❤
The troop wizard can make me sleep even when I do not have earphones on. Very relaxing.
Thank you 🥰❤ If you have a reasonably good smartphone and you position it well then you can definitely still enjoy my ASMR. It's way, WAY better with headphones though ❤🥰
Been waiting for this one, let's go!!
Hopefully you like it ❤🥰
This gave me tingles right away! 😅
Excellent, I find this one to be quite tingly too. First time I've really tried using mouth sounds and layered whispering like this. I think it turned out pretty good and I would love to make more like this too 🥰❤
Great video, I appreciate the attention to detail and the clarity is immaculate. ❣️
Ahh, you did watch it ❤🥰 Thank you, I appreciate your comment as always 🙏🏼
I was getting tired 7 minutes in your ASMR is incredible! Keep up the good work
Thank you for another nice comment, it's good to have you here and I will do my best to keep up this level of ASMR and hopefully even improve 🥰❤
This video is unbelievably professionally done!!
Thank you so much. I didn't even intend to record that day, I was just testing out my new mic 🥰❤
The first second I clicked on this video I made this face 😮 because FINALLY I found an asmrtist who has gentle and soft style of ASMR which I enjoy 🎉🎉🎉 it’s PERFECT for my sleep 🥰 I thank you so much. You have no idea how much this will help me getting a deep sleep. Sometimes when I listen to others, it’s either not gentle enough or not close enough.. you’re doing it so relaxing I immediately feel sleepy 😴 god bless you ❤ and thank you 🙏
Well, I'm just seeing this comment after 13hrs. so you'll have had a chance hopefully to test the video for sleep time? I hope it was all you expected it to be and I hope you're feeling rested after a good night sleep?
Marvellous beard ASMR, I thought this would be disturbing so I clicked because I don’t like judging books by their covers, I was not disappointed ✨✨✨
Thank you, I'm happy that you clicked and I hope you'll enjoy more of my content too. I seen you have ASMR in your user ID so I clicked your channel. You should not have stopped. Your LoFi video is really good and you have potential to be massive in that genre!
Если хочу расслабиться и поспать то я знаю куда идти,тот бородатый дядька,и столько позитива и чувствуется опыт ,спасибо вам за ваш труд!!!
Для меня удовольствие создавать эти звуки, чтобы вы могли расслабиться, и мне очень приятно, что мое ASMR доходит до вас в Россию ❤🥰
@@ASMRtroops Спасибо,мы рады вам,и всем людям,особенно когда вы делаете добро и спокойствие!!!И вы такой брутальный асмрщик это ж вообщее класс1
@@evgeniikamaro2447 Большое вам спасибо, так приятно слышать такие слова о моем ASMR. Мне бы хотелось иметь больше времени, чтобы радовать вас новым контентом, так как у меня есть множество идей для новых видео, которые я хочу попробовать. К сожалению, бизнес занимает много времени. Возможно, однажды я смогу зарабатывать на ASMR и создать гораздо более крупный канал с еще большим количеством контента ❤🥰
Très bonne vidéo ! Congratulations 🙌
Merci, je suis content que vous ayez apprécié celui-ci et j'espère que vous regarderez aussi mon autre contenu 🥰❤
Amazing content as ever keep up the amazing work 🙏✌️
Thank you for always commenting, I appreciate the support and I'll keep making these videos for you all ❤🥰
Best beard on RUclips
Thank you 🥰🙏🏼🥰
Wow... this is definitely one of my favourite Asmr Videos. Listening to this Asmr feels soo good :D
Thank you, I'm glad you found this video. I think it's better than the reverb whispering video you liked before? I really enjoyed editing this one 🥰❤
Another great video by a great ASMRtist! ❤
Thank you, I know you like whispering ASMR so hopefully you enjoy all those layers of whispering and mouth sounds mixed in together ❤🥰
Responding to the description, a “why I do ASMR” video would be super cool to watch, I’m definitely in favor of you posting+
Thank you, I might dedicate a more lengthy video to this though. It's a nice story so I should really tell the longer version ❤🥰
Love this! I have listened to this three times in the past two nights. It’s helped me focus while studying and has helped me get to sleep. Thank you for taking the time to make such a relaxing compilation 💜!
I'm just happy that this video is doing it for you and I hope you'll stick with the channel as I experiment my way through ASMR 🥰❤
this was so tingly !!!
Thank you, that's the first time I've even experimented with mouth sounds and I kinda like the layering that they make. Definitely need to try more like this but without the beard scratching next time 🥰❤
@@ASMRtroops me too i love it ! that and scratching the mic gently is the bestttt. you should do a fall layered video!!!!
@@ladycakesasmr I agree and I'm already planning a full layered video. I'm going to try a short video with one trigger object and a bunch of mouth sounds layered in there to see what I can come up with. Experimental but we will see ❤🥰
New here and already a subscriber after just s few minutes. The sounds remind me so inexorably of an early summer morning in a wood, listening to the susurrus of the canopy above and a brook somewhere nearby but out of sight. The occasional soft whistles of breath are like waking birds. Just fantastic, I really look forward to future videos and checking out your back catalogue 💚💤
Welcome, I really like your descriptive comment on the sounds here so thank you for that. I would love to be there right now! I love nature sounds so much. I look forward to more of your descriptive comments on my other videos ❤🥰
U got a new subscriber unc, this sound really good, keepitup!
Nice one, welcome to the channel ❤🥰
Bro i love this. Makes me sooooo sleepy 😊😴😴❤
That's good, that's why I make these. Sweet dreams to you then ❤🥰
Well damn Troops, not gonna lie, it's a banger.
Top notch mate 🎉
Well, thank you.... I know it's a bit different to my usual ❤🥰
Hey, I like your videos, I found you with the video when you are tapping on a chicken jerkey box, this one was incredible. I will send your videos to my friends
Thank you so much, sharing really helps as I'm trying to grow the channel 🥰❤
By coincidence, I was watching one of your videos
Ahh, there you are.... so what do you think of this video? I know it's totally different but do you like it?
@@ASMRtroops i like it a lot. So soft and cozy
@@SeyaDiakite7 Soft, cosy ASMR, I like it 🥰❤
@@ASMRtroops absolutely
@@SeyaDiakite7 Just working on my next video, "hand sounds" but I wish I could record more regularly. My full time business gets in the way haha... It must be nice for ASMR to be a full time business for big channels out there.
я думаю правильно говорят что вы самый недооцененный асмртист ,вы первый и самый настоящий!!!!
Спасибо, в последнее время я действительно чувствую себя недооцененным. Другие каналы получают гораздо больше просмотров с минимальными усилиями, но я не собираюсь сдаваться. Я буду продолжать делать эти видео и оставаться настоящим ❤❤
Stumbled across your content the other day and all I can say is is that it is my exact taste of content that I love 🎉
Brilliant, well it's good to have you here and I hope you'll stick with the channel as I grow through this experimental stage in ASMR 🥰❤
Damn, this is good!
Thank you, I've just noticed my beard thumbnail looks a lot like your PFP 🥰❤
Forgot to comment here, but I LOVED this video!! Awesome idea and the whispering in combination with beard sounds is a fantastic idea 😍
Thank you, I want to make more like this with mouth sounds layered over other triggers. I liked how this one turned out (sound wise) 🥰❤
this is hands down the best ASMR video for me this year so far!!! ❤ beard sounds are my favorite, and combined with mouth sounds it's just perfect. i've been using this video everyday to fall sleep 🤭 and i just can't get enough. pleeease, make more like this one in the future.
Thank you so much. I will definitely experiment more with this style of ASMR as I was really pleased with the sounds when I layered them together. So, yeah I definitely 100% want to make more like this ❤🥰
My uncle passed away recently and your ASMR is really going to helping me with my stress thank you
Sorry to hear that about your uncle, that's so nice that my ASMR helps in that way.
God Bless This Man
Thank you, God blessed me a long, long time ago. May he bless you too my friend ❤🥰
@ASMRtroops Amen To That Buddy
@@ooofygoofymonster123 Ecclesiastes 10:2-3: A wise man's heart turns him toward the right which is the way of blessing, but a fool's heart turns him toward the left which is the way of condemnation ❤🥰
i love the asmr ❤
Thank you ❤🥰
Absolutely love this video and 100% watch this along with your other content!! Would also love to see the whisper video you mention in the description! Thanks for the relaxing video!!
Thank you, I'm going to re-listen to the video I mentioned and see if I should just upload it or re-record it. I do want to explain to people why I do ASMR as it's an nice reason and a nice story so it might be worthwhile saving it for the longer version. We'll see 🥰❤
You’re a gem! Super underrated :) I’ve subbed and will be tuning in for more vids 😽
Thank you for subscribing, I'm happy that you've found my channel and look forward to making more videos for you here 🥰❤
your mouth sounds, or well, your ENTIRE ASMR is amazing! i can’t wait for your mouth sounds only vid, you completely destroyed my tingle immunity, you’re my new favorite asmrtist
Wow, thank you. So many people are saying I'm their new fav. ASMR channel and it's really fantastic to hear such high praise. I'm looking forward to making a layered mouth sounds video too, without the beard scratching next time and without the whispering. Just layered mouth sounds. I think it'll be quite good after hearing this little video above (a first attempt) ❤🥰
@@ASMRtroops keep it up man, your asmr is amazing, don’t surrender, you’ll reach 100k subscribers, i’m sure of it
@@Shaowxz It's easy to quit. Many of life's failures are people who did not realise how close they were to success when they gave up - Thomas Edison.
I can see why people quit ASMR if they're doing it to try make an earning. It's not easy at all to get up to those levels where income can be made from this. I don't even think 100k subscribers will pay someone a living at this. 100k is my short term goal but I honestly think you'd need about 1.5 to 2 million subscribers to see a successful payout from ASMR.
That's years away for me but I don't plan on quitting 🥰❤
@@ASMRtroops don’t either plan it on the future, your asmr is pure gold, i trust you man, you’re creating a very unique community with this hobby, and i know it’s easy to quit or surrender, loosing inspiration or all that stuff, but the reward is earned by dedication and patience, and i bet you’ll have yours sooner than later.
i truly hope you become very famous or at least that your channel can become much, much bigger, but only time will answer to that.
it’s 12 am in my country now, and i’ll go to sleep with one of your videos, probably this one, again. keep it up, god bless you. ❤️
@@Shaowxz Hmmm, so you're 6hrs west of here. I'm guessing you're in central America somewhere (lucky you). I don't plan on quitting, I plan on pushing ahead as inspiration isn't lacking just yet. Motivation is taking a hit as there's nothing much in return for my efforts, but determination and inspiration are keeping me going. I hate to quit as I hate to fail so I'm driving on. Just wish I had more time to spend on ASMR is all ❤🥰
this is exactly what i needed 💆♀️💆♀️ thank you
Then I'm glad you found it an I hope you'll find relaxation in my other videos too 🥰❤
Looks really nice
Thank you, I think you'll like the layered mouth sounds, they sound really good ❤🥰
@@ASMRtroops you’re a very kind person. Thank you for existing
@@SeyaDiakite7 Thank you 💞❤
@@ASMRtroops you’re welcome. You’re my friend
Yes, definitely I am ❤️🥰
😮 ohh yes me and my cats have another new favourite video of you. downloading it now and added to my list. they like the beard! one is purring on my bed while listening. another goodnight sleep to us. appreciate it so much! 😻🫴🏻💗
Ahhh, sorry I've not had the cat toys out in a while as I'm just going through this experimental stage here. I guess they recognise the whiskers sounds though huh? ❤🥰
Omg this is so creative and it works really well! 🎉 keep up the work you’ll make it big in no time, 40k subs is right around the corner 🎉😂
Thank you, I hope so as RUclips doesn't give much in return to small channels and I would really like to turn this into a viable way of life. In other words, I want to make more ASMR, more often 🥰❤
I love this video
Literaly right now i meet you and i love this canal new suscriber
Saludos desde Chile espero mi inglés esté bien ❤
Tu inglés está bien para mí, gracias por comentar. Me alegra que te guste este video. Bienvenido a mi canal, seguiré haciendo mi ASMR para ti y, con suerte, también haré más como este ❤🥰
Hi Troopsi! Sorry for watching and lisyening it late ... I was bit unable to watch youtube for few days ... And The sounds produced by moustache is tingly ❤
Thank you, I know you're a busy guy so it's nice that you choose my channel over others 🥰❤
Another banger🔥❤️the tingles kick well on this one,im around 8:48 and already felt them.
Glad to have you back aswell,hope family is good now and much love,as always thanks for this relaxation blasts,they always help me unwind after a long day(specially today...Monday)so means a lot.
Stay safe as always🙏🏼
Thank you, it's one of those videos that gets better as it goes on so stay tuned. I think it's because the longer it goes on, the more I get to understand the sounds I'm making and control them... you'll see, keep watching.
Monday's suck, I know! Family all good now, thank you for asking.... It was a bit scary there for a while but I can't get into that ❤️🥰
@ASMRtroops i ended up falling asleep prob around the 40min mark so i confirm it did get better as time went on😂thats for sure!!And glad all fine now,thats all that matters❤i do have to admit aswell,you are starting to tune REALLY well the mouth sounds and low whispering,so props to you for such an improvement!!!
@@tigrex3622 Thank you and yes, all is well that ends well. As for tuning well to mouth sounds and whispers, I think I have a lot more room to improve. I'm very, very new to this and every time I make a video I can hear where I need to improve. Next one of these will be better still ❤🥰
I just want to commend your absolutely amazing whispers/mouth sounds (that continue to get better every vid w/ them), and how you continue to outdo yourself in production quality. Feels fortunate to be here so early.
And to add a recommendation to this.. Would be to layer some different mouth sounds, inaudible whispers, and other triggers into a full on hypnosis video. Could be fun to do (albeit time consuming) and I can almost guarantee the result would be amazing 😄
Thank you so much and yes, I'm with you on that. After hearing this video it's got me wondering what sort of layered sounds I could come up with using just mouth sounds. I think that after four layers (that's 8 channels) the sounds become too hard to make out and they morph into one cacophony of sound. But it's something I do want to try.....
What do you mean by "hypnosis video" though?
@@ASMRtroops Thanks for the reply, Troops 😄
I used hypnosis quite loosely, I was moreso referencing stuff like MassageASMR's old videos, "Trigger Therapy 6.2" being the best ASMR video ever created in my very biased opinion 😅
But everything in this vid and so many triggers in your past videos encapsulate the very essence of ASMR, for me. So combining some of them and turning them into a "guided journey" of sorts, was what I was getting at. Perhaps of a hypnotic nature. Sorry if this is still vague, it's tough to explain 😅
@@Cycloptic Yeah, I wasn't sure what you meant initially if maybe you meant a hypnotic role play but I understand now that I've watched some of "Trigger Therapy 6.2". It would be really interesting to layer some sounds like that. I'll be giving that a try in the videos ahead ❤🥰
Asmr tingles so fantastic! Watching from south korea
Thank you SK, I'm very happy that my ASMR is finding it's way to you ❤🥰
Just what I needed before my economics exam 😴
Also you should appload the 10 minute extra video as curiosity has killed the cat and “why do I do asmr” would be quite fun to listen to ❤
Thank you and good luck with your economics exam. Should be a breeze to you..... The little video about why I do ASMR might be worth uploading, but I might prefer to explain it in more detail too. The reason I do ASMR is a nice one with good intentions and it would be good to explain it fully to everyone ❤🥰
Probably the best. Exactly what I was looking for. Thankyou.
Thank you, I'm glad you've found what you're looking for and I hope you'll find more of what you're looking for on my channel too ❤🥰
Your channel is amazing the style and THE QUALITY is crazy for the amount of subs you have, your quality is up there with zeitgeist’s content but I believe you can get even more subscribers than zeitgeist!😂❤❤❤
Oh, I would be so happy with even 10% of Zeitgeist subs ❤🥰 Thank you 🙏🏼🙏🏼
best video ever!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you, I didn't even plan it either. I was just testing my new mic and decided to record it ❤🥰
Wow! This is amazing!!! Very sleepy! +1❤
Thank you, I hope you have sweet dreams to this one 🥰❤
Sehr gut Danke ❤
Sehr gerne 🥰❤
Goated channel
Thank you, it's an honour to be GOATed 🥰❤
Is this the same language as your "what language is this" video? It's so good.
Some parts are, yes ❤🥰
best video bro keep it up
You've been watching this one a few times then? I'm so happy you like it... I should make more like this ❤🥰
Ya definitely @@ASMRtroops
@@LoganB.Haslam 🥰🥰
Unbelievably good, as per usual 😊
Thank you, I kinda liked the sounds in this video too ❤🥰
Nice sounds
Thank you 🥰❤
Всё идёт хорошо насколько я вижу и ого, уже 36к! я рад видеть рост а также очень необычная идея с бородой. Желаю здоровья и продолжать в том же духе 👍
Спасибо, что всегда комментируете мои видео. Приятно иметь поддерживающую русскую аудиторию. Да, 36к и 50к на горизонте до Рождества, я думаю. Я ставлю цель достичь 100к к июлю... пожелайте мне удачи 🥰❤
never skip a troops video!!! would love to leave a detailed comment but i have a morning lecture in 6 hours. good night!!!
ok, well sweet dreams. I hope this video helps you sleep 🥰❤
immaculate sound quality listening through a dedulicated dac, amp and planar magnetic headphones. idk how you manage to make these blue yetis shine.
then i go over to jojo asmr, and his 10,000 dollar ku100 head microphone sounds worse due to the very apparent noise reduction /compression he adds to it, never mind youtubes native conpression of sound also fiddling around.
it makes me lol that youtubers like you with a simple blue yeti produce such immaculate sound.
I've considered buying a pair of Focal Stelli headphones, but do you think they're worth the investment? You must be a serious audiophile with equipment like this and I can tell from your comment that you have a fine ear for sound. For recording I just use a pair of Beyerdynamic DT 900 Pro X for recording and Bose headphones for editing.
This is actually the first time I've ever used a Blue Yeti and I must say I was taken aback by the mic. From watching other ASMR channels, I expected some serious background hiss but just dropping the gain down low took it to near zero. Sure, there are better mics for ASMR but I have to admit I really, really liked the Blue Yeti. Not just from the sound quality but from the frequency range. It does a really good job of pickup up ASMR frequencies and it does a great job of keeping everything at a steady sound level (no crazy highs or lows). It was just easy to edit for me and I will definitely use it again. I also prefer it for whispering as it has a nice tone for my voice.
I have a friend who's just bought a KU100. He owns a binaural mic manufacturing business and he bought it to compare and contrast with his much more budget friendly mics. Having listened to both, I have to say the budget mic sounds better. The KU100 looks the part for ASMR but Neumann should watch their back as they haven't updated the design in long, long time and there are other players who want in on this budget range. Watch this space as I'll be making a test/compare video contrasting the Neumann KU100 with a much cheaper (but much better) head-mic 🥰
It's refreshing to hear that you notice the compression and artefacts in JoJo and other channels sounds. I know they do it to simply normalise the volume as it's quick to just press that button in Adobe Audition. For me, it strips out the tingly frequencies and adds unwanted compression. I'm all about clean sound, straight from the mic with manual editing to adjust volumes. It takes 1000x longer but I won't compromise on the sound, no matter how big the channel ever gets. I will never use the normalise button ❤
@ASMRtroops Typically, as an audiophile and many other audiophile for that matter id always recommend open back headphones. They are simply better than close back headphones, so if ur alone in ur studio, I'd definitely consider some nice open back headphones.
My personal setup is a hifiman sundara planar magentic headphone with a fiio k5 pro ess dac/amp. It's around 500 euro in total( relatively cheap), and it's definitely the best sound you can get for around 500 euro.
Now for me personally the hifiman headphones really stand out in terms of technical performance ( went to an audio store 3 months ago and tested various headphones including the sennheiser hd800s and plenty other well known brands like audeze and focal) and also tuning for me personally.
for headphones that i highly recommend after that session 3 months ago is in the 500 range there is the hifiman edition xs which to be honest blew me away. but again the will need at least something like the fiio k5 pro ess or at least a dedicated amplifier like the jds atom or schoot magni or whatever for only like 100 dollars. then theres stuff like the hifiman he1000se ( many variants of the he1000) that are literally oerfection to my ears.
Now obviously sound is very subjective but i recommend hifiman headphones because they are pretty likeable and are often even liked by the majority of people due to their very jeutral tuning that doesnt really miss out on anything ( bass, mids and hughs all represented very well) and they often sound more impressive compared to other headphones like for example the hd800s which i funnily enough found inferior to the 500 euro hifiman edition xs even thought they cost like 1600 euro.
@ASMRtroops also yea but what else is a shame is youtube compression. most of the time it isnt even imo worth it to buy such expensive microphones as an asmrtist if youre just gonna upload to youtube. to really reap the benefits of such an expensive microphone youd need to upload it as an original flac file at a minimum of 16 bit and 44.1khz unaltered audio ( maybe some equalisation to optimise audio but ideally not)
also youtube literally deletes any audio that extends above 16khz lol so thats always a bummer since it still makes it feel more airy.
And p.s ( the brand you use are typically frowned upon in the audiophile community, especially bose lol, still though i admit i admire your ability to conjour such good sound with your setup)
@@Wenzo404 @Wenzo404 I've never even tried open-back headphones. I like to totally blank out the other potential sounds in the house (could be wind outside, the neighbours dog in the distance, the hot tubs out back). I usually turn my gain really low so that nothing else can be heard so I thought probably fully enclosed headphones would help me concentrate on the quite sounds I'm capturing. I understand that open-back offer a wider soundstage and more natural audio, making them better for critical listening in quiet environments but I'm not sure my environment is that quiet where I'd feel the benefit. It would be very, very interesting to try a pair though.
I'm always looking for ways to improve. I bought a set of Westone top end earphones but I really didn't like the sound. It's 'too real' if you like. I deliberately choose Bose headphones for editing as I believe they're the most popular headphones out there. Therefore, chances are I'm editing for the sound that my listeners will probably be experiencing too. So, there's method in the madness ❤🥰
I see those HiFiMan Edition XS on eBay for a couple of hundred UK. I might give them a try, just to hear the difference. They're only 18ohms so easy to drive (I don't want to be using amps).
I always process my videos at 4k and 32bit 44.1khz, I didn't even realise RUclips was stripping out the quality of the audio. Is there a way to prevent that? A FLAC file to RUclips? I was considering Spotify for the ASMR, not sure if they do the same?
@@ASMRtroops yup youtube compresses audio no matter what. currently your video is running opus codec at 251kbps. opus is relatively high efficiency so its comparable if not better than mp3 at 320kbps which already comparable to flac and many including myself fail to distinguish between mp3 320 vs flac. this does indeed hold true if youtube just didnt cut audio above 16khz and i believe tamper with the dynamics of the sound and compress the dynamic range. It could reduce the perceived sound quality even though many sounds recorded do not go above 16khz. so essentially this negates the relative high bitrate and the efficient opus codec and does indeed produce noticeable inferior quality audio than the original file. i notice this when i listen to music on youtube vs the flac file. even with regards to dynamic range which i very often find to make the music sound much more compressed on youtube than the original flac file.
Also regarding the outside noise, you will only really hear it if you literally have your music/ recording currently switched off. when playing music it will almost drown out any sounds. now idk if the suggestion i gave is good for recording and creating content but it sure is a pleasure and amazing for listening to music and its definetly worht trying for that.
now again yes it is 18 ohms but its still needs juice due to its pretty low sensitivity which is basically how much power it needs to reach a certain decibel level. you may find yourself cranking it to 100 percent volume and it still being not loud enough or else being loud enough but lacking in dynamic range and sounding very flat.
Omg sorry for being late , I have been waiting for this video for solo long and RUclips Has the idea to recommendes at almost 10 AM. guess I ll have nap , Thanks for the Quality content captain.
That's ok, you're not late and your comment is nice again as always, so thank you ❤🥰 I hope you enjoy this one after such a long wait 🙏🏼
Its santa🎅🏿🎅🏿
Kris Tingle 🥰
Incredible Video😍
Thank you, it's very, very different from anything else that I've done. Spontaneous too..... I hope you'll enjoy it and I hope it's relaxing for you 🥰❤
Have you made the cyber punk asmr yet? Love you're videos ❤
Not yet, but I've got ShhheliaASMR Ripperdoc 1 SCI on my inspiration list and I still have cyberpunk ASMR on my list of videos I want to make ❤🥰
I’m in love ❤
Hahah, thank you.... I know you liked my hands before, but what about the beard 🥰❤
@@ASMRtroops better not to say anything... 😛
@@alessandrocoppola7199 oh, ok hahah, I guess you like the beard then ❤🥰
@@ASMRtroops you can't even imagine how much...
@@alessandrocoppola7199 I'm guessing, a lot? 🥰❤
My girlfriend:
"Your beard stings when we kiss! Get rid of it, what good is it anyways?"
Me, shows her this vid:
"You are unaware of the powers a man inhabits"😂❤
Tell her, a beardless man is a like a lion without a mane. Besides, when it gets longer she might like it as it's a built-in tickler 😂
brother... this is the best ASMR I've heard in at least a month... keep doing this great work because i really want such relaxing videos to help me relief some study stress and insomnia ❤
Thank you, I'll keep making ASMR so you can pass your exams and rest easy each night 🥰❤
I'm subscribe for you ❤
Thank you and welcome to my channel. It's lovely to have you here 🥰❤
this reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelaxed me
I'm so glad that this video is relaxing as it's my first attempt at this style of ASMR. I have to say that I really like how it turned out too 🥰❤
@@ASMRtroops ye !
@@Underlogic- Yeah, I need to try make more like this one ❤
i wish i had a long beard to fidget with while waiting in a long line 😅
Just let it grown then 🥰❤
Борода с усами просто шикарная)))
Спасибо, надеюсь, вам тоже понравятся звуки 🥰❤
This video is just screaming at me to go to sleep
Then sweet dreams to you ❤🥰
I've got 364 days off so just killin' the time here 🥰
I like asmr
Well, then you're on the right channel as we all like ASMR here 🥰❤
So the beard is not only majestic, but it sounds good too?
haha, thank you, it's a crispy crackly beard I guess ❤🥰
I wish i could enjoy this on my cruise, but i dont got loud enough headphones 😅
I do like cruises (a lot)! There's no need for ASMR on a cruise though, you have the ocean at night and it looks and sounds amazing ❤🥰
ok i see u santa claus
Kris Tingle 🥰❤
ハハハ、はい、髭は本物です。あなたが音を気に入ってくれて嬉しいです。スコットランドから日本のあなたへ、たくさんの愛を送ります 🥰❤