David Pawson - Revelation Seminar Part 1b

  • Опубликовано: 28 сен 2024
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    Copyright “This David Pawson video is the copyright of ©DavidPawson Teaching Trust 2020 and is streamed with the permission of the David Pawson Teaching Trust.
    For a full library of David’s teaching resources please visit www.davidpawson.org”.
    Thoughtful Thoughts 24.5.24 by John Dunning. Revelation 1-3
    We have looked at a small piece of Christian history. The first three chapters are part
    of that history but we can still learn from those lessons. These early chapters are the easiest to understand.
    The closer these churches were to Satan’s throne, the more compromising they were found to be… (ie to avoid hardship). However, faithful believers were persecuted. Jesus tells us also in Matthew 24, that things will get far worse before they get better. They will only get better permanently after Jesus returns.
    -Revelation chapter 1
    Chapter 1 provides an introduction where John explains that he is taken in a vision to heaven. He hears the voice of God who has charge of multiple heavenly armies. Then John sees the ‘One who looked like a Son of Man’, who was also the beginning and end of everything, and His glory caused John to collapse to the ground in a heap.
    What John saw was not how he remembered seeing Jesus the Messiah when He was on earth. Now when he saw Jesus as He really is, (His ‘parousia’) John’s legs gave way at the majestic sight, causing him to collapse
    -Revelation chapter 2-3
    Chapters 2-3 Jesus writes letters to seven churches, to encourage them to keep on, keeping on. Some believers were already becoming like the culture around them, whilst others were facing severe persecution.
    Jesus had a message for John to send to the seven churches. Even though they were written to specific churches two thousand years ago, we will see that they are still relevant today.
    -Revelation chapters following the letters to the churches…
    Jesus moves from the present time of John’s day, to what we call “end times”...
    After details of Ch. 1-3 below, we will be moving on to chapters about the future…
    1). The church at Ephesus had true doctrine but was warned for having lost its love for the Lord; (Revelation 2:1-7.)
    This can happen to us too.
    2). The church at Smyrna was going through severe persecution, so Jesus encouraged it. In Jesus’ eyes, the churches that had real value were the ones that were faithful, (and not the rich ones). Jesus says “I know your works, tribulation, and poverty but you are rich… Be faithful unto death and I will give you the crown of life… He who overcomes shall not be hurt by the second death”, (Rev. 2:9-11).
    This is as relevant today because persecution is increasing worldwide.
    3). The church at Pergamos was given a warning for being a compromising church; (2:12-170). The problems caused by Satan… Jesus said that Satan had his residence at Pergamon, which was very close to two of the churches. Jesus called this building ‘Satan’s throne’. That structure was an altar the size of a building, from which sacrifices went up continuously. It was in the shape of an armchair, and was found by archaeologists, who moved it to Berlin, where it is now located in a purpose-built building, called “The Pergamon Building”. (See the image of the actual Pergamon altar in Revelation 2:12-17.)
    The churches that were further away from this ‘temple of Satan’ were not being challenged quite as much. They valued their privileges more than their principles and became lukewarm. The churches that had the most money were the ones Jesus called spiritually ‘poor’, and which Jesus threatened to close down.
    However, the ones that were ‘rich’ in Jesus’ eyes, were the ones with the least money. Rev. 3:19 Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest and repent. 20 Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.
    This message needs to be taken on board by the ‘prosperity movement’ in America.
    4). The church at Thyatira was given a serious warning for being a sexually immoral church, (2:18-29).
    Today, this has become even more true than ever before.
    5). The church at Sardis was warned about becoming a dead church, (3:1-6)....
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    We have launched our new online discipleship radio station….
    Our new discipleship radio station:- “Inspirational Radio”, has hour-long Bible readings, David Pawson sermons, testimonies, and classic hymns. Just follow the website links, to internetchrist...

Комментарии • 9

  • @matthewwaves1657
    @matthewwaves1657 4 месяца назад +6

    Thanks be to God for such a gifted teacher. His lectures will live on, well beyond the mortal existence of this dear man. I have learned so much from Mr. Pawson. The perspective he adds to all books of the Bible is immeasurable. We are so lucky to still be able to enjoy and learn from such a man as this. Thank you and God Bless you Mr. Pawson. I cannot wait to meet you in Heaven, Sir. You will be one of the first people, after Jesus, I will seek out when I get there. Sleep well thy Good and Faithful Servant.

    • @aldegondavanrompuy6927
      @aldegondavanrompuy6927 3 месяца назад

      May I join you in gratitude...so beautiful said, thank you❤❤❤

  • @lizkavi5522
    @lizkavi5522 4 месяца назад +2

    Thank you..

  • @virgiealfaro7
    @virgiealfaro7 3 месяца назад

    Brethren, when u read the book of Revelation, it is crystal clear. Our God is great in mercy that He used him to remind you and I, time and again. God bless 🙏

  • @srwagner324
    @srwagner324 4 месяца назад


  • @jesusgirl5512
    @jesusgirl5512 3 месяца назад +1

    I have a problem when you say that believers can die and lose our salvation.. you gave a list of things that I believer who commits any of them will burn in the lake of fire.. which one are you? And if you say no, whose righteousness you stand on? If it’s your own righteousness, then you’re a liar and if it’s Jesus is righteousness then on what grounds do you stand on that? And if what you’re preaching is true, then you’re preaching in vain because you will be burning in the lake of fire if you say that you are without sin.. Every single one of us were sinners saved through faith in Jesus Christ. You cannot lose salvation. It’s a gift. Jesus is talking about the unbelievers and the demons who were evil. He’s not talking about his own people his own children, they will not burn in the lake of fire! This is mix of law and grace. This is incorrect teaching a lot of it is good but a lot of it is a mix of law and grace. Once saved always saved Jesus’s Lord he’s the one who died for us. He’s the one who did the perfect work. It’s his righteousness that we stand on our own. We didn’t save ourselves. We cannot lose ourselves.

    • @ColinEvans-zr1oh
      @ColinEvans-zr1oh 3 месяца назад +1

      He's talking about denying Jesus Christ in the end of days

    • @YahuShuaisTheWay70x7
      @YahuShuaisTheWay70x7 3 месяца назад

      This helped me I was getting worried and confused if my faith was good enough. I’m such a coward as is. I need Jesus’ help becuse God knows I simply cannot fix myself at all.