Mae vs 200 Guns

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 861

  • @ScarriorIII
    @ScarriorIII 2 года назад +746

    Safe to say, she's fired more guns than almost anyone. This was beautiful music, by the way.

    • @Kyohan137
      @Kyohan137 2 года назад +9

      Inspired me to sing when Johnny comes marching home to the rhythm

    • @johnh.tuomala4379
      @johnh.tuomala4379 2 года назад +6

      She reminds me of some of the women I went through ROTC with.
      I've actually fired only a fraction of those weapons.

    • @brocaesar7484
      @brocaesar7484 2 года назад +1

      @@johnh.tuomala4379 only few people will understand what you're saying

    • @OEFvet0311
      @OEFvet0311 2 года назад +9

      Whoever did the editing timed it fucking PERFECTLY.

    • @jordanbolm8517
      @jordanbolm8517 2 года назад +1

      I agree, the sound would be a great template for a track

  • @ernestorafaeldiaz8374
    @ernestorafaeldiaz8374 2 года назад +623

    You just gotta love how anemic the Patterson Device sounds in comparison to everything else

    • @erg0centric
      @erg0centric 2 года назад


    • @zunije.l2954
      @zunije.l2954 2 года назад +27

      Lol I laughed out loud it was so funny.

    • @G41wal
      @G41wal 2 года назад +41


    • @chrisphoenix77
      @chrisphoenix77 2 года назад +33


    • @BeingFireRetardant
      @BeingFireRetardant 2 года назад +19

      Here for that reason. Especially after the Tank Gewehr.

  • @TenaciousTrilobite
    @TenaciousTrilobite 2 года назад +364

    It's really cool to see the chronological progression

    • @jaredmclauchlan3957
      @jaredmclauchlan3957 2 года назад +13

      Well, it looks like it was chronological to the weapon's adoption as opposed to strictly chronological, but yes that was a cool detail to notice

    • @Simon_Nonymous
      @Simon_Nonymous 2 года назад +4

      I've only just realised it was chronological... I was more focused on Mae's hair styles

    • @a.h.s.3006
      @a.h.s.3006 2 года назад +2

      Thank you!!
      I was just about to ask how the editor decided which footage comes when.

    • @brocaesar7484
      @brocaesar7484 2 года назад +2


    • @TenaciousTrilobite
      @TenaciousTrilobite 2 года назад +3

      @@brocaesar7484 Howdy

  • @Simon_Nonymous
    @Simon_Nonymous 2 года назад +203

    That, dear people, is a very good piece of editing and compilation. The single shots were metronome perfect in their timing. Also, the spinning nationality disc bottom left was well worth the effort put into it. Well done on your 200!

    • @colemanmoore9871
      @colemanmoore9871 2 года назад +5

      I really enjoyed the different sounds from pistol to rifle to machine gun. pop...pop...pop...BOOM...BOOM...pop...CHUGGA-CHUGGA-CHUGGA...pop...pop... BOOM...

    • @Simon_Nonymous
      @Simon_Nonymous 2 года назад

      yup - I heard the same tune!

    • @joekerman194
      @joekerman194 2 года назад

      It was just beautiful. I love these guys so much.

    • @aaaht3810
      @aaaht3810 2 года назад


  • @theodoreroosevelt3143
    @theodoreroosevelt3143 2 года назад +139

    This was so fun :D
    Can't wait to see new version in 10 years: Mae vs 500 Guns

    • @davesomeone4059
      @davesomeone4059 2 года назад +5

      Mae will have the best vlog when the civil war or foreign invasion comes.

  • @maxkronader5225
    @maxkronader5225 2 года назад +82

    I am practically gobsmacked with envy of this batch of vintage firearms. It's pretty much as if I was reciting my wish list of C&R guns and Mae just says "Yep, got one." over and over.

    • @Mortablunt
      @Mortablunt 2 года назад +3

      C&Rsenal is a destructive force upon my wallet.

  • @warrenpeace0
    @warrenpeace0 2 года назад +6

    Lots of very similar sounding bolt-action rifles and such and then T-Gewehr shows up at 3:15 , followed by the Chauchat's distinctive chugging, then the chatter of a BAR... only to be let down by the "pfft!" of the Pederson Device.

  • @dylanmcgregor6496
    @dylanmcgregor6496 2 года назад +45

    Never saw someone fire a whole museum before, that was awesome.

  • @downunderrob
    @downunderrob 2 года назад +152

    That became almost...Musical! And what a fascinating array of Firearms! We'll done.👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏🇦🇺

    • @derschwartzadder
      @derschwartzadder 2 года назад +5

      It really does need the 1812 in the background, doesn't it?

    • @videodistro
      @videodistro 2 года назад +1

      No, it does NOT need any added sound, any more than putting a blur filter on the video! We want to see and HEAR the guns. What part of this do some video producers not get?? (Vickers channel, I'm looking at you.)

    • @khajiitty
      @khajiitty 2 года назад +2

      Excuse me, kind sir, but what do you mean by that "almost" i wonder?

    • @doughesson
      @doughesson 2 года назад +1

      @@derschwartzadder Dah Dah Dah Dah Nana Nana Nant Nant nahhhh!BLAM"
      (I have little to no musical talent.Sorry)

  • @someonenamedbob
    @someonenamedbob 2 года назад +35

    You guys have made excellent use of your time.
    It's actually kinda impressive just how much stuff you guys have gone through.

  • @richhardie6897
    @richhardie6897 2 года назад +20

    This one has to be rewatched at least 200 times.

    • @tenofprime
      @tenofprime 2 года назад +3

      Just put it on a loop as an audio file and see how long it takes for your neighbors to check on you.

  • @9HoleReviews
    @9HoleReviews 2 года назад +2

    dats'a lotta damage.

  • @peten6691
    @peten6691 2 года назад +26

    I’m always amazed by how good your audio quality is.

  • @bertblue9683
    @bertblue9683 2 года назад +1

    Finally showed back up on my feed. Haven't seen this channel in a few months. Time to binge to get caught up.

  • @KPen3750
    @KPen3750 2 года назад +10

    I just love how most of the guns sound very much like a metronome, methodic, constant, paced, almost like it'll put you sleep. and then out of nowhere comes something like the Madsen or another automatic with "DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA DAKKA"

  • @michaelrobbins9679
    @michaelrobbins9679 2 года назад +7

    Nice compilation gang! I need this as a ring tone for my great friends!

  • @mrdaniel911
    @mrdaniel911 2 года назад +1

    Looks like she's having FUN!!!

  • @nicholasresar
    @nicholasresar 2 года назад +2

    I love how it's just BANG pause BANG pause etc. and then the Madsen comes along and is just BANGBANGBANG.

  • @josemfernandeza5979
    @josemfernandeza5979 2 года назад +1

    Tank Gewehr: *BAOM!!!*
    CSRG 1918: *Pom Pom Pom Pom*
    BAR 1918: *Ratatatatatatata*
    Pedersen device: pew

  • @88porpoise
    @88porpoise 2 года назад +1

    The little *pfft* of the Pederson device is just so awesome in contrast to everything else.

  • @datpieceofbread9570
    @datpieceofbread9570 2 года назад +2

    Love it. Especially when the Berthier Mosqueton just blams so much louder than everything else

  • @RockIslandAuctionCompany
    @RockIslandAuctionCompany 2 года назад +15

    This was surprisingly relaxing.
    P.S. Good work, Mae. Impressive.

  • @williamlloyd3769
    @williamlloyd3769 2 года назад +30

    Serious fun!
    OMG - what a great idea to string all these shots together!

  • @dmg4415
    @dmg4415 2 года назад +1

    Just awesome! And You just touched the WW1 era, the cadence in the sound was mesmerising, a lot of hard work to produce this, keep them coming, we digest them ASAP.

  • @blackpowderfirearmenthusia3194
    @blackpowderfirearmenthusia3194 2 года назад +4

    Awesome, thanks for sharing all these incredible firearms with us.

  • @Lomi311
    @Lomi311 2 года назад +2

    Truly epic. That’s a sweet job you have there Mae. We appreciate the 60+ hours a week it takes to get each one filmed.

  • @kenweiss8565
    @kenweiss8565 2 года назад +8

    OOOOh, that's a lot of gun cleaning! Love the video!

  • @rexus72
    @rexus72 2 года назад +1

    Wow. Great job editing those together. My shoulder is sore just from watching this.

  • @surfacingcom
    @surfacingcom 2 года назад +3

    "We like to call this one 'repetitive stress injury'"

  • @alexdebord9716
    @alexdebord9716 2 года назад +2

    I like the detail of showing the country of origin emblem next to the name. Very nice video!

  • @TheDoppelgangster
    @TheDoppelgangster 2 года назад +1

    Awesome! So much joy from Mae!! Thank you - you brought a big smile to my day!

  • @rush8531
    @rush8531 2 года назад +1

    Now this is wonderful because they are all, as far as I can tell, placed in chronological order of year

  • @sinisterthoughts2896
    @sinisterthoughts2896 2 года назад +2

    That little bang for the 92 Winchester made me giggle.

  • @LongPeter
    @LongPeter 2 года назад +1

    This is what my wife's watch sounds like at 3 o'clock in the morning when I'm trying to get back to sleep.

  • @luziaflone1951
    @luziaflone1951 2 года назад +1

    I imagine this is how it sounds in the wood during war. Gun shoots are continuing

  • @BreezyLoveMachine
    @BreezyLoveMachine 2 года назад +5

    A little disappointed it wasn't 201 guns, but pleasantly surprised with it not being 199 guns.

  • @lelandmason5760
    @lelandmason5760 2 года назад

    Absolute best video on all of RUclips. I met Mae at a military/gun show once in louisville, super nice!

  • @JBASH2011
    @JBASH2011 2 года назад +3

    I gotta watch this @ half speed! Awesome.

    • @Hybris51129
      @Hybris51129 2 года назад

      Misread the comment and watched at double speed. Pretty damn good.

  • @lucajohnen6719
    @lucajohnen6719 2 года назад +5

    I love how you have begun your crusade to rename the Arisakas into Nambus

    • @Candrsenal
      @Candrsenal  2 года назад +4

      I'm trying to name a lot of things... the names of the inventors.
      We'll see how it goes.

    • @TenaciousTrilobite
      @TenaciousTrilobite 2 года назад +1

      @@Candrsenal Hopefully the Lebel is next in line to be renamed. Something like Vieille or Tramond

  • @eduardoeamelia8626
    @eduardoeamelia8626 2 года назад +1

    Mae certainly haves one of the best jobs.

  • @elliotdryden7560
    @elliotdryden7560 2 года назад +1 what is on display here. Shooting AND Editing. Bravo!

  • @redcat9436
    @redcat9436 2 года назад +1

    That was awesome! Thank you for this. I bet you had a lot of fun with all that shooting over the years.

    • @videodistro
      @videodistro 2 года назад

      Actually, as they point out many times, it is a lot of work.

  • @davisbwaddell
    @davisbwaddell 2 года назад +2

    That was therapeutic to listen to. Great sound quality.

  • @NellaCuriosity
    @NellaCuriosity 2 года назад +2

    This is such a cool video! What a great way to mark 200 Primer videos.

  • @KabonkNo1
    @KabonkNo1 2 года назад +1

    I think the Tank Gewehr 1918 is may favourite. Operated by Mae.

  • @kurtb2522
    @kurtb2522 2 года назад +1

    It has a good beat, and it's fun to dance to. Rock on, Mae!

  • @pdalko
    @pdalko 2 года назад +1

    Excellent. I believe I watched every one of those episodes

  • @LuGer212
    @LuGer212 2 года назад +3

    I saw that MP18 in the thumbnail and some weird, prussian ancestory thing inside me said *WATCH THIS NOW* and also I liked it - thank you very much

    @DUKWAK 2 года назад +2

    Nice work Mae. Keep em coming.

  • @stephenwoods4118
    @stephenwoods4118 2 года назад

    The always lovely Mae, hundreds of guns. It doesn't get any better. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

  • @FirstDagger
    @FirstDagger 2 года назад +1

    I like how the sound quality improves in the end making each gun more distinctive.

  • @nicksweeney5176
    @nicksweeney5176 2 года назад +1

    My kind of pleasure viewing. Thanks!👍🏻👍🏻

  • @MaxwellAerialPhotography
    @MaxwellAerialPhotography Год назад +3

    If you guys keep going , Mae might eventually set some sort of record for most antique firearms shot.

  • @oolooo
    @oolooo 2 года назад +3

    Many of these guns have massive drip

  • @rb67mustang
    @rb67mustang 2 года назад +1

    1:23, I like the whole video, but I have the Mauser C96 Post War Bolo with an original stock and it's fun to shoot, but watch out for Hammer Bite!!!

  • @mikepette4422
    @mikepette4422 2 года назад +10

    Can we give a nod to Mae's ever changing hairstyles ? It's how we know this took years to compile !

  • @BrockvsTV
    @BrockvsTV 2 года назад +1

    A wonderful video. Thank you

  • @ShooterMagoo
    @ShooterMagoo 2 года назад +2

    Haha the Chauchat from outta nowhere made my house shake 🇫🇷

  • @AshyGr33n
    @AshyGr33n 2 года назад +17

    To think Mae might have shot the largest number and variety of historical firearms in history (and with video evidence to back up the claim) :D

  • @wristofkings
    @wristofkings 2 года назад

    3 and a half minutes of Mae! What an outstanding compilation to start the day with. Here's to the next 200 =)

  • @Hawk1966
    @Hawk1966 2 года назад

    Congratulations on 200! Looking forward to 200 more!

  • @F-Man
    @F-Man 2 года назад +3

    This had to have been an editing nightmare! Much appreciation for it, though!

  • @danravenna2974
    @danravenna2974 2 года назад +1

    Excellent. As well, I love my Tank Gewehr t-shirt!

  • @Gun-Government
    @Gun-Government 2 года назад

    It's a very rhythmic and sensible video.
    Thank you for uploading.

  • @suddenwall
    @suddenwall 2 года назад

    So much editing, thank you for this

  • @greydonstautzenberger3901
    @greydonstautzenberger3901 2 года назад

    What y’all are doing is awesome and I greatly appreciate it

  • @michaelrieber4858
    @michaelrieber4858 2 года назад +1

    Well done. Love it!!

  • @davidwalker6887
    @davidwalker6887 2 года назад

    I really enjoyed this! Thank you.

  • @christopherseivard8925
    @christopherseivard8925 2 года назад

    Very well edited. Thanks again.

  • @EE-iv5ej
    @EE-iv5ej 2 года назад +1

    I sleep peacefully to this.

  • @andrewneale2056
    @andrewneale2056 2 года назад

    Obviously not all filmed in one day, but all I could think while watching this was "get some ice on it Mae, quick!" Brilliant video, thank you for posting.

  • @MrDgwphotos
    @MrDgwphotos 2 года назад +25

    It's interesting how similar the water cooled machine guns ALL sound to each other, even the Browning M1917, which is not based on the Maxim designs.

  • @TheWellplayed
    @TheWellplayed 2 года назад +1

    A perfect ~200 second timer for a noisy environment, thanks c&rsenal!

  • @tanshihus1
    @tanshihus1 2 года назад +3

    Don't know whether to be happy or afraid? Have you noticed that even shooting all of these antiques, her groups are consistently good?

  • @sirtaylor2569
    @sirtaylor2569 2 года назад

    this is SO good!
    Great edit!

  • @geoffreyraleigh1674
    @geoffreyraleigh1674 2 года назад

    Excellent upload! Thank you.

  • @bobbyscott8024
    @bobbyscott8024 2 года назад +1

    Now that's what I'm talk'n about! You go Mae!

  • @josephd.5524
    @josephd.5524 2 года назад +2

    You can hear that transition from blackpowder to smokeless!

  • @lairdcummings9092
    @lairdcummings9092 2 года назад +3

    That's a whole lotta *BANG!*
    Edit: get some guitar and keyboard in here, we got a hit. No need for drums - there's already a percussion line!

  • @RTTOE
    @RTTOE 2 года назад

    Love that the mics are set up to actially hear the unique report lf esch gun as opposed to a typical gun video where you just get a big blast that blows oit whatever cheap crap they have set up five feet away.

  • @Dapstart
    @Dapstart 2 года назад +32

    It took a bit for me to realize that you guys ordered them by year. Cool to see how the technologies prevalent slowly changed.
    I do kind of wish you'd hard cut to the T-Gewehr shooting just after the endcard lol

  • @afitz34
    @afitz34 2 года назад

    That was a lovely beat set to pistols, rifles, shotguns, and a heck of a lot of machine guns. Some of those heavier rifles are absolute beasts.

  • @boomslangCA
    @boomslangCA 2 года назад

    What a great idea.. kudos to whomever stitched it together.

  • @BlackCoinCrypto
    @BlackCoinCrypto 2 года назад

    Oh that's music to my ears.
    Drove the family nuts listening to it, awesome.

  • @Hybris51129
    @Hybris51129 2 года назад +1

    Mae vs 200 Guns. "I possess the Maxim Gun and they do not."

  • @famedgaming1865
    @famedgaming1865 2 года назад +2

    Actual music to my ears. So much history and engineering ❤️.

  • @r2crowseye
    @r2crowseye 2 года назад +1

    This is some weird ASMR stuff. I've watched it 5 or 6 times (between here and Utreon) now just to listen to all the sounds. So crisp and clear.

  • @noahcount7132
    @noahcount7132 2 года назад +3

    What a show! Mae 200, Hollywood 0. From the very first shot it has been: Mae, you got this!

  • @stevenbaringer7309
    @stevenbaringer7309 2 года назад +38

    Weird how the pistols kept getting longer and the rifles kept getting shorter as the years went on.

    • @reconscout2238
      @reconscout2238 2 года назад

      No glock is shorter than c96 botchard for example

  • @floundergearjam
    @floundergearjam 2 года назад +1

    The underlying message of this upload is: Don't mess with Mae.

  • @wasntmeXYZ
    @wasntmeXYZ 2 года назад +1

    She’s amazing!
    Definitely a keeper!

  • @BrianXM177
    @BrianXM177 2 года назад

    It sounded like the kind of music they would use in a commercial for a post-modern TV show.

  • @bluesheep2021
    @bluesheep2021 5 месяцев назад +2

    This, but order it so the guns get progressively longer.

  • @TinMan0555
    @TinMan0555 2 года назад

    What a great effect. Timing was awesome even throwing in the full autos. Looking forward to #201.

  • @caseyplunkett6083
    @caseyplunkett6083 2 года назад +5

    Big Fan of Mae !!

  • @PhilKelley
    @PhilKelley 2 года назад

    I just had to laugh. Mae has such a joyful expression when she fires a gun. Plus, the cadence was so rhythmical, especially when the first machine gun was fired. Genius.

  • @Brigand231
    @Brigand231 2 года назад +1

    Three and a half minutes of Mae...
    For anyone wondering, yes that really was 200. I counted too.
    Way to go guys, that's quite an accomplishment! Looking forward to the next 200 and beyond.

  • @robviousobviously5757
    @robviousobviously5757 2 года назад

    bravo.. editing was musical... thanks

  • @plaintiveplainvanilla9729
    @plaintiveplainvanilla9729 2 года назад +23

    My first thought was, "I enjoy a lovely woman with a lovely figure shooting firearms. After a few seconds though, my thoughts turned to "this young woman has fired more firearms already, than I will fire in what's left of my entire life. From there it just went downhill to "You lucky dog!'
    No offense intended, just pure envy!

    • @jakeroberts7435
      @jakeroberts7435 2 года назад +1

      I was thinking the exact same thing, l really was. She's a modern day Annie Oakley in her own right.

    • @Yanate1991
      @Yanate1991 2 года назад

      bruh she looks transgender

  • @Sogard22
    @Sogard22 2 года назад +1

    "...37! My girlfriend shot 37 guns!"
    "In a row?"