You not alone, every time I seen that Elusive Samurai Triangle logo, it just Zelda Triforce symbol. Most people thought i just upset too much of Zelda stuffs. This month, i going to get Goodbye Eri Special Edition (it came with hardcover and some color page with it), it also coincidentally released the same day of Look Back movie in theaters.
Great Haul & I am so excited for the Trigun! Definitely need to put aside some extra cash
You not alone, every time I seen that Elusive Samurai Triangle logo, it just Zelda Triforce symbol. Most people thought i just upset too much of Zelda stuffs.
This month, i going to get Goodbye Eri Special Edition (it came with hardcover and some color page with it), it also coincidentally released the same day of Look Back movie in theaters.
Is that the Italian version? But great choice. Such a well told and crafted one shot!