Great pick ups Shannon. I liked the arrival as well. Dunkirk is great, but very sad. The running man is fun. I loved that was then this is now. I need to pick it up. I liked the Boogeyman, the ending wasn't great. I haven't seen spice world since I watched it with my daughter.
Great pick ups Shannon. I liked the arrival as well. Dunkirk is great, but very sad. The running man is fun. I loved that was then this is now. I need to pick it up. I liked the Boogeyman, the ending wasn't great. I haven't seen spice world since I watched it with my daughter.
Thanks, Jason! Good to know about Dunkirk. I already forgot how Boogeyman ended. lol I also haven't seen Spice World in years.
Very nice pickups 🛻 I remember seeing “That was then, this is now” in the movies 🍿 and haven’t seen it since, very nice find.
Thank you, Kenny. The trailer looked interesting.