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  • @MendedLight
    @MendedLight Год назад +3

    Join the Mended Light membership site: Click and get 50% off!

  • @simplepengy
    @simplepengy Год назад +229

    The first thing our couples therapist said to us was "I am here to help you both come to a place were you are both content". It was not a guarantee that she would "fix" our marriage, but it also wasn't saying we were doomed to divorce.
    It was a very low point in my life, I had trouble sleeping and in one of my restless nights I found a channel called "Cinema Therapy" and I finally understood what she meant. "Staying means nothing without the choice to leave", our therapist was giving us the space to choose each other...
    ... and last month we celebrated our 10th anniversary together.

    • @soul1380
      @soul1380 5 месяцев назад +2

      I love this story.

    • @karenwalters1211
      @karenwalters1211 3 месяца назад +1

      I love your story! Thank you for sharing and congratulations. I’m so happy for you both

  • @catisuser
    @catisuser Год назад +123

    "Its..from the Lorax, if you.. mended light-"

  • @noremac7216
    @noremac7216 Год назад +36

    I love being divorced, I was so stubborn for so long for no reason. Let myself become diminished and complacent to being used and abused. When my divorce was finalized it felt like I had air in my lungs for the first time in a decade.

  • @missnaomi613
    @missnaomi613 Год назад +63

    I was married for 18 years. I'm divorced now. I'm also homeless (living in my car) but my baseline level of anxiety/overall daily stress is LOWER NOW.
    Thanks for another insightful video, good sir!

    • @blackeneddove
      @blackeneddove Месяц назад +2

      I hope things are going better for you a year later. ❤️

    • @missnaomi613
      @missnaomi613 Месяц назад +1

      @@blackeneddove slightly. Thank you.

    • @blackeneddove
      @blackeneddove Месяц назад

      @@missnaomi613 that’s good to hear. I am in a situation where I may be divorcing after 17 years. I hope to not end up homeless, but you never know. I’m glad things are going slightly better. ❤️

  • @NobodyListensToCasandra
    @NobodyListensToCasandra Год назад +36

    I just sent this to my daughter’s dad. We divorced 7 years ago (when she was 3)- and found our way back to friendship and being a family because of that decision. I love him, love his wife, and am grateful that the choice to end our marriage helped both of us to be the parents and people we couldn’t be in marriage

  • @cucublueberry8078
    @cucublueberry8078 Год назад +42

    My Therapist said to me: There´s wolves and there´s sheep. If you don´t wanna be a sheep, you must become a wolf.
    I had therapy session with him for a few months because of very bad workplace bullying. I started drinking because of the constant psycho terror, couldn´t sleep anymore, had panic attacks, started harming myself and in the end i had to quit my absolute dream job. I just couldn´t take it anymore, and it felt like i was expelled from eden.
    So i went to that therapist and he let me talk. I talked a few weeks and he just listened, maybe asked a few questions, nothing else. When i was finished talking, he started talking, Things went downhill from there.
    He said that wolves and sheep phrase and what he meant was that if you don´t wanna be a victim, you have to become the perpetrator. If you don´t want to be bullied, be the bully yourself. If you have a feeling that someone might attack you (in any way possible) you gotta attack them first to scare them off. Show them who´s boss. He then proceeded to (very proudly) tell me how he got through life doing just that and that it worked really fine. He told me how he once manipulated an official into falsifying a document for him. How he got his neighbor to spent thousands of euros on a completely unnecessary assessment, because he didn´t like the guy and so on.
    I was speechless. I told hm that i wanted to be able to look into the mirror at the end of the day. And that this just wasn´t the type of person i wanted to be. He told me that i was (and i quote) "fairly naive" to think that way. I called him the week after and told him i didn´t want to continue sessions because our views were too different. He didn´t comment on that.
    It didn´t really shock me that there were people like him out there. It only shocked me to learn that such people can apparently become therapists and give such advice. I really could use therapy right now (found a corpse last year and that really messed up my head), but i am really wary about having a similair experience... 😕

    • @julannelly
      @julannelly Год назад +16

      I recommend finding a trauma-informed therapist. That therapist you went to gave really toxic advice. I couldn't imagine mine ever saying that.

    • @hiddenechoes
      @hiddenechoes Год назад +8

      Oh dang, that is hard. I really recommend the channel "crappy childhood fairy" in addition to this one.
      I had a wonderful therapist who still gave me some very unhelpful advice... But her good advice outweighed the bad so that was helpful and she was nothing like the therapist you had. Very altruistic woman.
      I run into the issue of most of the therapists I've seen have seen me as so together that they believed I didn't need help due to my intense levels of self reliance and my ability to narrate in a seemingly less biased way. The self reliance was actually one of the issues I had where there was an extreme belief in not getting help because no one was reliable in my mind and I desperately needed support that I could count on that saw me as needing/worthy of support. But the good ones I've had were very good. Any advice, even professional, compare notes and think it over for yourself.
      I hope you find a good altruistic and realistic therapist sooner rather than later.

    • @swatisaini6447
      @swatisaini6447 Год назад +4

      Perpetuating abuse bcoz u were abused is the opposite of healing.good u changed therapist

    • @wendychavez5348
      @wendychavez5348 Год назад +2

      This channel has helped me appreciate what great experiences I've had with therapy throughout my life! In high school, there was a school therapist that was very Freudian, and I only saw him maybe 3 times, though my parents hooked me up with an awesome therapist when I let them. I've had to see various therapists in various locations for 35 years now, and only had the one truly negative experience (though some didn't work out for various reasons). Please don't give up due to getting bad therapy with that person, because most really are worth their credentials!

  • @Belovedlotus
    @Belovedlotus Год назад +32

    9:30 this is exactly where my marriage is at. My spouse has been repressing some forgotten trauma, and not dealing with things for a long time . He finally reached a breaking point, and he realized he hasn’t been true to himself our entire relationship. While we both still have love for each other, I ultimately want both of us to be happy, and that’s not gonna happen in the context of our marriage right now. Fortunately, we’re on really good terms, and have been more open and honest with each other that we have in years. We’re committed to our kids and committed to doing what’s best for them. And that includes both of us being the best versions of ourselves for them (and us). It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do.

  • @Sarah-re7cg
    @Sarah-re7cg Год назад +35

    I’ve never been married, but my last boyfriend broke up with me because he just didn’t want to be my boyfriend anymore. I was absolutely heartbroken, but I respected him even more for telling me that and I found it as evidence that I fostered an environment where the person that I loved felt safe to say that to me and be open and honest. This guy, we were like 2 peas in a pod, but I don’t want to be in a relationship where the person is forcing themselves to stay. We both deserved better and he knew that and ended it and l would take that in a heartbeat over someone who again, feels like they have to stay with me out of some kind of duty or obligation or whatever.

    • @claramercier7924
      @claramercier7924 Год назад +2

      Thank you for sharing that. I've got some learning to do in that subject. :) I guess it all makes sense until one gets emotionally dysregulated or has an emotional flashback and would give anything to have that person be with them. Wounds and unmet needs can be terrifying. Hopefully working on it is enough for one's attachment styles to get healthier and for one's emotional life to go uphill as experiences are processed and digested. Anyways, thank you for the nice comment. 😌

    • @velvetnightmare3133
      @velvetnightmare3133 Год назад +1

      I'm so glad for you that you were I mean he was honest on that level before you got even more committed

    • @Sarah-re7cg
      @Sarah-re7cg 8 месяцев назад

      @@claramercier7924 full transparency, it was such a hard breakup in general and it took a lot of time to process. It’s interesting how people process things in different ways and it’s important to allow yourself to not only honor that but flesh out what processing is like for you. After that breakup, I definitely learned a lot about myself and I’m thankful that my friends gave me the space to express myself. It would get super ugly and painful, but I think the non-judgement helped a lot. It was a safe space for me to process things in an environment where no one else would be affected if that makes sense. Just like how in therapeutic settings, all things said are between you and your therapist and the therapist guides you through it in a healthy and supportive manner. I love that you brought up attachment styles because that’s a huge thing too! Something I’ve learned with the most recent romantic entanglement I’ve had is how being present, getting to know the person in front of me and to not idealize them helped me get a lot more out of the experience. He ended up just wanting to be friends after awhile and when he told me, it sucked but there was a very noticeable difference in how that felt in relation to me. It wasn’t some lofty ideal person with a narrative I’d built up in my head that I lost, it was someone who just wasn’t really compatible. I needed space to recalibrate, but him and I are actually friends now 😀

  • @Valdagast
    @Valdagast Год назад +37

    I think that once disgust has entered the picture, there's no going back. Once a person feels revolted by the other, that's not fixable. That's a bridge too far.

    • @onejcruz
      @onejcruz 5 месяцев назад +1

      Not true. There are
      Countless marriages that come back from that when they get to the roots of why they feel that way etc… even cheating sometimes. Secret is Jesus Christ in the middle of u both. Only he knows hearts and is the best heart surgeon hands down

    • @ahamed6702
      @ahamed6702 3 месяца назад +1

      @@onejcruzJesus Christ in the middle…

    • @Jesus-lives-inside-me
      @Jesus-lives-inside-me 13 дней назад

      This is where I'm at. I'm disgusted by my spouse and I feel trapped in the marriage. I don't know why i ever married this person. I didn't want to at the time but I did. I felt coerced into it. So toxic and unhealthy. Waste of my life. I want out, always have wanted out, but out to where?? I have no family other than my 5 children and I've been a homemaker forever so no job or way to make money. I don't want to be resentful or bitter but I am and idk what to do about any of it. Its been over 18 years now, feeling this way and lots of other kinds of awful. I'm becoming more and more detached and withdrawn from my spouse recently.

  • @grossliz1995
    @grossliz1995 Год назад +4

    It's hard to quit, but when it's over it's so worth it.

  • @adinal1958
    @adinal1958 Год назад +25

    My divorce was finalized today, and I feel ok about it. We held onto each other longer than we should have, I think, until it just became very obvious that our lives had diverged past the point of being able to come together again, that we wanted completely different things out of life, and that for us to stay together happily, one of us would have to become a completely different person. Ironically, I think we worked better together (like partners) to end our marriage than we did while in it. I really hope we can be those people that are better friends after the divorce.

  • @happyash6048
    @happyash6048 Год назад +29

    It takes me back. I knew it was over when my ex admitted that he'd quit trying. I mean he had quit trying a long time before he said it, but we left therapy and got in the car and he said, "I'm not actually planning to do any of those things I said I'd do." We were married for three and a half years and spent two and a half of those years in therapy. Looking back, he was abusive to me. He never hit me, but he'd frequently make me just get out of the car and find my own way home. Or he would leave me places like friends' houses or parties if I went to the restroom. He would tell me it was punishment for something I'd done days or even weeks earlier. This was before Uber, but I was good at public transportation and just dealt with it. It seems crazy now. The weird thing is, he remarried less than a year after we got divorced and it seems like he has been good to his second wife. That was really scary for me because it made the whole situation seem even more random like there is just no way to know who someone really is or what they will do. As crazy as it sounds, I ended up marrying his best friend a few years later. (They no longer have contact with each other and there were no kids involved.) We've been married 10 years now and I never expected marriage could be so easy. I guess all that counseling helped after all, just not where I expected it to.

    • @swatisaini6447
      @swatisaini6447 Год назад +5

      Good riddance! He left you in middle of road? What an a***

    • @happyash6048
      @happyash6048 Год назад +4

      @@swatisaini6447 well, the side of the road, but yeah. He was struggling with some pretty severe mental illness and I always used that as an excuse for him. But that's all it was - a lame excuse for him to be an a** and a lame excuse for me to stay.

    • @swatisaini6447
      @swatisaini6447 Год назад +1

      @@happyash6048 by middle of road I meant middle of journey 😅 a partner is supposed to be a partner in journey of life and he literally left u middle that too multiple times. U deserve better dear

    • @happyash6048
      @happyash6048 Год назад +9

      @@swatisaini6447 Thank you! I ended up with so much better. My husband now is a dear and we have built a beautiful life together.

    • @swatisaini6447
      @swatisaini6447 Год назад

      @@happyash6048 ❤️☺️

  • @isixqueenxofxmadness
    @isixqueenxofxmadness Год назад +19

    I really liked how you put it. You need to reflect on your own relationship and not others.
    In my case, I've been together with my Partner for over 10 years. We've had suffering moments where every conclusion was "we should break up". Everytime that happened, we tried to look into what was causing the problem, and then define what we were willing to do to eliminate those causes. Then we agree to do exactly that and check in sometime later if it was working. It has worked everytime, our relationship has just gotten better and closer, and when we want to check in, we are as sincere and honest as we can, no hiding of anything to try not to hurt each other.
    So for me, the point where you could say a relationship or marriage Is over, is when you or your partner are not willing or able to make the changes or agreements you need, even after trying many times. If you go back to the same arguments and agree to stuff you don't do, it's time to say goodbye. You need to be sincere too, both of you must be willing to say what you truly feel.
    In my experience, this works with family and friends too.

    • @vkrgfan
      @vkrgfan Год назад +1

      I would say reflect on your relationships because if the marriage is toxic there is a good chance that you are surrounded by toxic, not supportive friends as well.

  • @mgb7140
    @mgb7140 Год назад +11

    If you get divorced because you are being abused, it isn't your concern whether the abusive partner has more peace or not.

  • @nagpapataba
    @nagpapataba Год назад +25

    My husband was depressed so I forced him to go see a therapist. The advice given to him was that maybe we should have kids to help him recover from his depression. Uhm no thanks. Kids are not anti-depressants. And I am not going to do all the parenting when my husband does not have the capacity to be a parent or a husband while he is depressed. No thanks

    • @Biiku_
      @Biiku_ 2 месяца назад +4

      As a depressed person, thank you. Thank you so damn much for this.

    • @noneyabusiness328
      @noneyabusiness328 27 дней назад

      Did he become depressed before or after he married you?

    • @nagpapataba
      @nagpapataba 26 дней назад +2

      @@noneyabusiness328 he wasn't depressed before we were married. He got depressed because of his job. When he resigned, he got better. I don't really understand how his psychologist would even suggest having kids would magically heal his depression. Kids are not antidepressants. Wives are not antidepressants. Remove yourself from the source of depression, receive support from people that you love, that's how he got better.

  • @Sarah-re7cg
    @Sarah-re7cg Год назад +54

    I also want to say that as a person whose parents have been divorced for like ever, the divorce wasn’t what made it hard. It was literally the social backlash that made it hard and how one of my parents held resentment towards my other parent. THAT was what made it hard. Even after that, I still 10/10 would not want it any other way because it was so necessary. I find it so condescending when people freak out over learning my parents were divorced, as if I’m like a broken human because of it. Uh, no. It was one of the best things that could’ve happened and the only harm that I experienced were from the people who claimed to want to protect me when they actually just wanted to reinforce and protect extremely harmful and dangerous social norms.

    • @vkrgfan
      @vkrgfan Год назад +3

      It's their problem not yours, if they can't take it that shouldn't prevent you from living your life, finding a new circle of friends, and leaving the past in the past.

    • @emmaleeaman1110
      @emmaleeaman1110 8 месяцев назад +4

      I understand and empathize with this based on my own similar childhood experience.
      Extremely abusive stepdad from as far back as I can remember until I was 11, and my older brothers were 13 and 16.
      All 3 of us kids were extremely relieved when our mother finally kicked him out of the house and divorced him. The divorce, which got us all out of abuse after many years of trauma, was a huge relief.
      Other people gave our mother (and sometimes us) crap about her getting a divorce, but all 3 kids know how brave it was for her to do that, we still are proud of her and grateful to her for going through with the divorce and getting us out of abuse.
      For anyone who needs to hear this:
      If you are in an abusive marriage and have kid(s), the best thing you can do for your child(ren) is get all of you out of abuse as soon as possible.
      The longer kids witness and/or experience abuse, the deeper that trauma and negative lessons get ingrained into a person, and the work that needs to be done to heal the trauma in adulthood is more painful, difficult, and takes more time to un-tangle and heal the longer a person has lived with abuse, especially in childhood.
      When it comes to abuse, ending the relationship / divorcing is the healthier, braver, and more ethical thing to do. And *no one* should be shamed for that - we should be *cheered on and supported* for leaving abuse.

    • @Sarah-re7cg
      @Sarah-re7cg 8 месяцев назад

      @@vkrgfan So we’re talking about the environment a child is growing up in. What you said to me, I hope you don’t take that approach when talking to children in the midst of a traumatic upbringing. Thanks, as an adult I understand your words, but that’s irrelevant to childhood me.

    • @Sarah-re7cg
      @Sarah-re7cg 8 месяцев назад

      @@emmaleeaman1110 Very similar experience I went through. Thank you for sharing your story xoxo…very well written!

    • @vkrgfan
      @vkrgfan 8 месяцев назад +1

      @@Sarah-re7cg Sorry, I was referring to the social backlash, didn't realize you were talking about children.

  • @alexandraratliff7904
    @alexandraratliff7904 Год назад +18

    My spouse and I have a lot of love respect and care for one another, but our relationship has involved dishonesty and emotional and verbal abuse. Neither of us are functional or have been for most of our relationship. and while we have made significant improvements over the years, the rate of improvement is not good enough for either of us. We could potentially continue to make minimal improvements for the next 30 years and still be unhappy. Ultimately it took getting to the healthiest point in our relationship to finally have the strength and self care to be able to definitively say we need to end it. It’s very difficult. And because our relationship is codependent we are both having trouble breaking from trying to emotionally regulate the other person. To check in with each other. To help each other. And as with many unhealthy relationships we have both lost our support systems outside of eachother such as friends and family. So we are both trying to rebuild which is not easy and in some cases maybe not possible.
    Love and commitment are not always enough. You need security in one’s self. You need to admire one another. You need autonomy and shared values. Kindness. Communication. And the ability to regulate your own emotions.
    This isn’t gospel or anything. But ultimately as painful as it is (and as someone with Dependent personality disorder, it truly feels like im drowning and in a semi constant state of panic and/ or depression) I know that this is necessary for both of us to live functional satisfactory lives.
    Sometimes divorce is the best decision. We have no kids but that doesn’t mean it’s easy bits really really hard. But we are still trying to be kind to each other in the process. And slowly putting up boundaries (probably slower than one would recommend. But it’s all we can handle emotionally right now)

    • @Silvermoonscorpion
      @Silvermoonscorpion 3 дня назад

      I hope you're doing well.
      I hope the silent static/chaos has begun lifting. It's a place of pure terror.
      🫂 If you're open to it.

  • @hiddenechoes
    @hiddenechoes Год назад +11

    For me, I think it was realising how different our priorities were. We were similar in enough ways and beliefs to potentially work. The differences in the order in which we ranked our values was irreconcilable.
    (Long-term relationship but not married, so also easier to end but very gutwrenching and heart breaking for both.)

  • @catherinecrawford3058
    @catherinecrawford3058 Год назад +4

    I knew the marriage was over when he told me he wasn't interested in learning anything new when I tried to get him to play Magic:The Gathering. It was a sign that we were not going in the same direction or shared any common interests. I was also mentally unwell due to years of trauma and misdiagnosis. I was a very angry person. He found a better fit for him and so did I, but it took a long time to get to the point where my current relationship is stable.

  • @jujublue4426
    @jujublue4426 Год назад +13

    For those of you who want to absolutely preserve your marriage because of the children or "to not break the family", please if your partner is abusive divorce might be healthier for the family. My father was emotionally abusive to both my mother and me and even physically abusive to me sometimes, my mother has always been much nicer to me but she let it happen. I know it wasn't her fault, but I still feel bitter about it. I have anger issues and was horrible to my sister who my father has never harmed and didn't have any problems with, I only started realizing she didn't deserve me to be this crappy with her a few months ago and I'm in my 20s ! I still have low self esteem and I constantly need approval to feel good at work, I always feel like I'm not doing good enough and imagine the worst when I make a mistake, even when I do a job I like.
    I felt horrible feeling that because of all the kids who don't want parents to be divorced, including my sister at the beginning, but I felt relieved not having to live with my father anymore. But I was 18, the damage was already done. I would like to fix my issues with a therapist but I can't afford that, I still need to get a stable job and don't want to force this burden on my mother who doesn't really understand me anyway.
    My grandfather was the same with my father apparently, but unlike my father I no longer want people to suffer from me just because I suffer. I reproduced some of the abuse on my sister and my mother ( the emotional one) but they never did anything to deserve it, it should never have been an excuse to begin with.

  • @danahashcroft9482
    @danahashcroft9482 Год назад +19

    When only one person cares or is trying then it's time. It takes two, if one os checked out then i think it is time for the other to check out too

    • @Doctor.Dentista
      @Doctor.Dentista Год назад +2

      Geoffrey Setiwan would beg to differ. Sometimes one person checks out because they dont feel understood and dont think their partner is listening to them. If the other partner tries to make the other feel safe to express themselves, the other will probably warm up again.

    • @danahashcroft9482
      @danahashcroft9482 Год назад +4

      @@Doctor.Dentista I think you are not wrong but sometimes that check out cannot be checked back in. All attempts to bring the person back just leads them to find a new issue rather than come back to the table.

  • @TNHawke
    @TNHawke Год назад +8

    You know the relationship (friendship in my case) is over when the other person insists there are no problems, issues are all in my own head and I need to deal with that, but thr other person did not. When our time together had degenerated into me being a chauffeur and not having anything fun or even pleasant.

    • @shannonhoffman7873
      @shannonhoffman7873 29 дней назад

      ...but it's harder when they, too, know there are problems and there is still love. It's all just complicated...

  • @aviendha1154
    @aviendha1154 Год назад +6

    I’m glad my parents got divorced. I do however wish my mother and I had therapy when she decided I was a heartless monster and not to be trusted. I was 13.

  • @TheCastIronChancellor
    @TheCastIronChancellor Год назад +6

    My former husband was only occasionally physically abusive. I didn't really understand the incredible emotional and mental abuse going on. I was worried to leave because of our son. When he saw his dad get arrested, he whooped. Not the reaction I had anticipated. My son was so happy because daddy couldn't hurt mommy anymore. Best thing I could have done and I had no idea.

    • @emmaleeaman1110
      @emmaleeaman1110 8 месяцев назад

      I am so glad you and your son are safe now.
      I survived my first 11 years of childhood living with seeing my mother abused and being abused myself, and I can tell you my mother divorcing my abusive stepfather was one of the best things she ever did for me and my 2 older brothers - we were all extremely relieved to no longer go through the trauma of seeing our mother abused, and to no longer be abused ourselves.
      You have done the best possible thing for your child and yourself by leaving abuse, and I am proud of you.

  • @alexandraratliff7904
    @alexandraratliff7904 Год назад +11

    Definite bad sign was when my spouse and my sibling agreed without any hesitation that I would stay with someone physically abusive. I was horrified. But they both argued that the fact that I’ve stayed despite everything proved it. It was definitely an upsetting moment for me. When my (soon to be ex spouse) starting telling their friends and family that they abuse me (not physically) it really struck me. I had been refusing to call it abuse even though I knew deep down it was. My spouse was basically begging people to step in and help us get divorced bc neither of us was strong enough to take steps to do it. But in the end it had to come from one of us. And it came from me. After a particularly scary interaction with my spouse a couple months ago (not the worst, but for some reason I just couldn’t take it anymore that time)
    I finally definitively said I want to get divorced. Something we have both said before but have always resolved to keep going and hope it gets better as we continue to try to work on ourselves and our relationship. Not this time.
    It is painful to leave someone you love. Especially someone you respect and worry about. 2 mentally ill people can make it work, but in our case the risk of what could happen to one or both of us if we continued was too great. Even if the potential for improvement was there. You need to feel safe. And it just wasn’t safe.
    It’s painful now. I’m pretty much constantly in a state of panic or depression. But I know in time I will be grateful for the versions of us that were able to put an end to our relationship. Even if it feels like I’m drowning right now. And even if I’m worried that the struggles we are each facing will be too much for us to bare alone. I know in my heart this is the best thing for us. No matter how hard it is. Thanks jono for another relevant and well articulated video

  • @jaginaiaelectrizs6341
    @jaginaiaelectrizs6341 Год назад +8

    Sometimes, you might want to be married or may have genuine feelings for each other, but when/if your personalities &/or life-goals or such are too incompatible it's just not the right fit for either of you. It's not about being too similar or too different or not similar enough or not different enough, it's about whether or not you can both complement each other[ & your lives] equally and well, whether that be through your similarities /and/or through your differences. But, if you aren't careful, sometimes you can also become more in love with the _idea_ of someone or of your relationship with them[ or with what you want it/them/ to be] than you truly love the actual person and/or however your relationship together actually is.

  • @tkrause1116
    @tkrause1116 Год назад +5

    TW: sexual assault, emotional abuse, threatening violence
    During my 13 year marriage I saw red flags and asked my then-husband to go for counselling together. He always refused and only wanted to go to sex parties, which I was forced to also attend. I became increasingly miserable and exhausted with my controlled life and he was becoming more abusive to me, even threatening to choke me with my wedding ring. He was controlling of everything I did, said, wore, thought, etc. Finally I knew I had to leave him because I found out he planned to take me to a hotel for our anniversary. I was terrified at the thought and panicked. Tomorrow it will be 9 years since I left him and yes, I am healing everyday and our children (including his daughter from a previous marriage) are doing well and have nothing to do with him. My body remembers this date every year, but I can truly say I did the best I could and now my kids and I are safe.

  • @SC-md4qo
    @SC-md4qo Год назад +2

    This video definitely hit home. Sometimes, we have no idea there's words for what we are experiencing and how common the situation actually is. I really appreciate you!

  • @ratter1023
    @ratter1023 Год назад +3

    My parents went through divorce when I was a child. I was shocked they did it and was mad my mom didn't tell me - but I was mad I wasn't informed, not that they did it. They went through separation and co-parenting phase for few years beforehand and I hardly noticed anything as my dad was visiting every day to read me a book to sleep and tell stories. But I'm so glad that they did it. Mom could finally breathe and I finally stopped hearing telephone-fights every day. I love my dad, but I'd be completely different person if he was the one who raised me instead of my mom, more frustrated for sure. He started a new family and is happy, mom moved back to her home city and is happy, me and my sister grew up in relative peace and have great relationship with both parents and we're happy. It was a win-win-win, even if I didn't understand it fully at the beginning.

  • @stellapik.
    @stellapik. Год назад +1

    So precious! Thanks a lot for this touching teaching

  • @julialong743
    @julialong743 Год назад +3

    ten more reasons I love mended light. Beautiful

  • @NatalieZii
    @NatalieZii Год назад +3

    Love your videos. I could’ve used all these truth bombs in my last toxic relationship but learning it now feels really healthily empowering.

  • @MorgynGreyWolfASMR
    @MorgynGreyWolfASMR Год назад +8

    I love watching these videos. It may not pertain to my life at the moment but I find it helpful to learn, think about and plan how to respond if I ever get into any of these situations. Before watching these I never thought about couples therapy early on. But as I have thought about it. I know I will be bringing baggage along that I believe couple therapy would help me feel safer talking about.

  • @roweng.4245
    @roweng.4245 Год назад +4

    A few years ago, I had an odd happening; a young woman of a couple that at the time lived next door knocked on my door late at night, and asked if she could come in and talk to me. I wasn't comfortable having her come in, but came and sat out on the front porch with her. She told me that their marriage was breaking up, but her "uber-Christian" (her words) parents didn't like the idea of divorce. She said she didn't know if her husband was "the one." I told her that a) whether or not she stayed married was her business and that of her then-husband, not that of her parents, b) there are millions of humans on the planet, so I doubted that there *was* such a thing as "the one" with whom someone could be happy, and that there was no guarantee that she would ever encounter such a person. (I am not a licensed health professional, just a woman in her seventh decade, with some experience of life, relationships, etc. But for whatever reason, I was the one to whom she looked for advice.)

  • @ericgoldsmith8831
    @ericgoldsmith8831 2 месяца назад

    Great video and you give the best guidance.

  • @erib156
    @erib156 24 дня назад

    Finally someone gives real good advice

  • @itsna03
    @itsna03 Год назад +1

    Love your videos!

  • @ralfj.1740
    @ralfj.1740 6 месяцев назад +1

    Getting divorced was one of the best decisions we made. Getting married also

  • @Namtrix
    @Namtrix Год назад +1

    Never seen the Lorax so that singing of "letting it die" at the beginning was surprisingly morbid and caught me off guard 😂 Omg I'm wheezing laughing!!! I'm gonna be humming that all tomorrow.

  • @kakeen1977
    @kakeen1977 Год назад +4

    My friend stays married, bc her kids are grown, and she doesn't want to lose her house, her lifestyle, bc there will be no child support, and she can't survive on her own & most of all, she's scared to be alone
    Her marriage is so unbelievably toxic. The man does everything he possibly can to ruin every good thing in her life.
    Christmas day, he will make it a point to scream at her just to ruin her day.... and that's just one moment.
    He's narcissistic, a drug addict, a gambler, a serial cheater, but she will not leave. And it's taking a toll on her mental state.
    She won't listen to any of us who tell her to leave.

    • @PS-dm1dq
      @PS-dm1dq Год назад +4

      Just telling someone to leave often doesn't do the trick. Has anyone tried offering her to stay on their couch while she gets on her feet? Has anyone offered real substantial emotional support so she doesn't feel so alone? I sure as hell wouldn't be able to leave a spouse if what was waiting for me was a big empty void of "you're going to be all alone in the world."

  • @a7i20ci7y
    @a7i20ci7y Год назад +2

    She needed help for trauma. She refused to get help. Refused to understand that she wasn't the only one in pain. Years of no intimacy, no affection. Nothing was improving and everything was my fault. Treated me like a pet, her needs mattered, my needs did not. I had to get out or just give up on myself.

  • @twitchell2682
    @twitchell2682 26 дней назад

    I think it would be refreshing to find an honest therapist that could admit it won't work and wont continue to take ur money. 99% of therapist think that staying tg is a success.

  • @delenaisrealbithes
    @delenaisrealbithes Год назад

    I've always wanted to know the answer to this question. I'm 22. thank you for all the learning you allow us to do

  • @mrscarter6279
    @mrscarter6279 Год назад +3

    My personal opinion is when you've tried all the options and avenues available and you still stuck in the same situation... Then it's time to let go (not talking about abusive situations.. There shouldn't be any excuse for abuse in a relationship)
    But I do know that people tend to hang on because they feel like it's a failure on their part if they walk away.

  • @Eden_Rivers
    @Eden_Rivers Год назад +6

    So what do you tell a client when they've come to the point where they want to get out, but they don't know how. Things like children, finances, support systems etc. are complicating the situation. Would you recommend therapy to help them find a way out? Or is it better to see a lawyer? Or both?

  • @AtlasAdratica
    @AtlasAdratica Год назад +3

    I don't think I've ever seen an amicable divorce, but I would also hope that people know it's an option.

    • @fafolguy
      @fafolguy Год назад +2

      Mine was! I'm still close friends with my ex, and now his husband too. We've continued to enjoy good times and support each other in bad times like good friends do. We did things the "right" way to avoid resentment and anger so we could maintain what drew us to each other in the first place.

  • @Amitabha108
    @Amitabha108 Год назад +3

    I had a partner quit on Us, and try to leave... and I fought hard for the relationship. He was the narc'/abuser, but I felt like what we had was spiritually important and richly layered. I was fooling myself. But what he was doing was re-priming his Supply. He ultimately had abandonment issues and had to be in control of when relationships end. (Lifelong pattern with him.) I thought we were special, but that was a huge lie. I was a supply, a resource (financial crutch for him), a convenient sex partner, and a cheerleader for him.
    I should have let him leave 4 years before he ultimately did (twice in one year). It hurt SO MUCH MORE after believing we were both invested in healing, when all he was doing was looking for another partner to latch onto (20 years younger, in our case). 💔
    If I'd only had the courage and emotional support to let it go back then, who knows? But I'm doing better nowadays, and I am still poly' and proud, happy being myself.

  • @greatjob_barbara
    @greatjob_barbara Год назад

    I found out about the dishonesty after i had asked for the divorce. I felt so guilty and then found out i had no idea what had been going on. I start therapy for myself this week.

  • @ratter1023
    @ratter1023 Год назад

    1:20 "almost always it goes like this-"

  • @grumpgamerat5071
    @grumpgamerat5071 Год назад +1

    I dont need a marriage therapist to tell me my marriage is over...the signs have been there for awhile

  • @pbandjedi5006
    @pbandjedi5006 9 месяцев назад +1

    If you are not both committed to putting into the relationship, then it's time to leave - One person does not make a couple, it is not meant for one person to shoulder all the burdens.

  • @Hag_of_Fangorn
    @Hag_of_Fangorn 10 месяцев назад +1

    "Just cause for a divorce is a prolonged and apparently irredeemable relationship that destroys a person's dignity as a human being." Well, I feel validated in my choice to end it. Even after, he continued behaviors that ended our relationship. But NOW he wants to try. Sorry, it doesn't work that way.

  • @LordVandor1
    @LordVandor1 Год назад

    Hi I come from the OTHER channel :)

  • @gillianlouw7172
    @gillianlouw7172 2 месяца назад

    I recently lost my mother, just after her funeral he went and hooked up with his friend, his dad died years before and I was there for him in every way, he always goes out with his friends, leaves me at home with the kids and is never back the time he promised. I feel something is not right, there is nothing you have mentioned for me to hold onto.

  • @RB-tt3bc
    @RB-tt3bc Год назад +2

    Have u ever thought abt doing songs like reviewing song lyrics after listening to a song to analyze it?

  • @TheLateral18
    @TheLateral18 Год назад

    After you try and work on it, if things don't change. Let it die
    In his professional opinion.
    I get it. Honestly i think my relationship has been long overdue for it's ending too

  • @ActiveAdvocate1
    @ActiveAdvocate1 Год назад +1

    My mom has been threatening for a decade to divorce my dad. It started BEFORE this, but the one and only unforgiveable thing my mother has ever done was to threaten to divorce him while he was laying on the couch dying, a giant tumour in his chest. The man had CANCER and she was saying, "Once you're well, you're out of here, because little Jimmy is getting too heavy for Maggie to carry." I realize that she said this not out of spite, but stress, but REALLY You couldn't have picked a better time? Kick the man while he's down, mom, Christ.

  • @LunarBaby85
    @LunarBaby85 Месяц назад

    Fired a counsellor for saying "well I don't see any signs of physical abuse and that's really the only reason to get divorced"
    I reported her... just awful

  • @__Mist__
    @__Mist__ Год назад

    I was not married, but my child's father and I split up 4 years ago, and that was really hard but it was the only thing to do. Now we are good are co parenting. At least our separation is a success, if the couple was not.
    But it takes two persons to have an healthy breakup, if the other one is not ready to make efforts and go on, you can't make it work all by yourself

  • @wendychavez5348
    @wendychavez5348 Год назад +1

    My ex husband is an Arabic man. I know that polyamory is prevalent in that culture, but he was absolutely not ok with me dating men who aren't him, though we were going to school in different cities when we met--so I decided it was worthwhile to stop seeing the other half dozen guys. Of course, I told him, "It works both ways--you don't see anyone else either. And, if you do for any reason you do, please don't let me find out."
    A year and a half after we married, he was again going to school half a state away from me (I was distracting him from his studies), and he ended up having an affair. I knew when things changed, but I didn't want to know so I didn't ask questions; he told me anyway. He blew it off, saying, "Well you've been doing the same thing haven't you?" I hadn't, because I had agreed not to.
    I really didn't want a divorce, and tried like mad to fix things, only at some point I realized that if he wasn't also trying, it wasn't going to work. Also, preserving the marriage could only cause us to resent each other at that point.
    My therapist helped me come to terms with that realization, though she was careful not to advise me and I appreciate the heck out of her! We were divorced exactly 23 months after we were married, and ten years later he found me on Facebook--and was surprised that I accepted his Friend request. I never stopped loving him, and am glad we were able to retain the good memories and get on with our lives. Thanks, Jono, for backing me up with this video!

  • @kierlak
    @kierlak 9 месяцев назад

    I just finalized my divorce (was married for 11 years).
    How did I know that my marriage was over ?
    I think it happened when I realized that first and foremost I cannot be my true authentic self around the other person. Also I stopped seeing any future together. Stopped feeling emotionally safe too.
    Like, most of the parts of me voted to end the marriage despite the minority still feeling hopeful and sad. (Did IFS therapy hence why I just used this "parts" language/analogy).
    2 books I would highly recommend on the topic of relationships:
    - You're the one you've been waiting for
    - Bring yourself to love

  • @itsaplantlife9850
    @itsaplantlife9850 Год назад

    Ours pointed out that I was chasing him, yet still only told me what to do, as in taking lunch to him at his job every week. Believed his victim mentality was my fault, and then damned me when I'd had enough (fights every week between the sessions about the sessions) and was walking away.

  • @zethcrownett2946
    @zethcrownett2946 Год назад +1

    I would apply the same thing I've applied to other relationships that I decided to keep or not.
    Is the overall impact on your life from your relationship with this person a net negative? Even with the work? Do you consistently feel worse because of interacting with this person? Then it's a loss.

  • @garciasschevy
    @garciasschevy 22 дня назад

    Do you charge for your services?

  • @imac7121
    @imac7121 Год назад +1

    The reality is that some divorces are forced for the fact the person initiating it thinks it will control the other person. When the person realizes they didn't gain control, it's uglier after divorce with the kids stuck in middle and there's disagreement simply because the person refuses to compromise or follow any of the "agreements" made in the decree, it has nothing to do with making things better. The other reality is when you have a person from a long line of divorces, probably should think more than twice about marrying them because they will divorce and do what they know and experienced in their family.
    My opinion is divorce is mostly about selfishness whether it's one partner or both. I also think we don't spend enough time getting to know the person before marrying. We spend more time having fun and "falling" in love and tend to ignore real issues that come up.

  • @musicallydisneyamvs6731
    @musicallydisneyamvs6731 Год назад

    I know I need communication & emotional connection which is hard being autistic. So I know I have work to do. I expect take it one step at a time relationship. If that connection isn’t coming back than it’s done.

  • @cc_snipergirl
    @cc_snipergirl 5 месяцев назад

    Baby Johno thinking there's no such thing as irreconcilable differences is both ironic and wholesome

    @TEAMHYBRID007 Год назад +2

    I would like a video on trying to stay in a relationship with a borderline female. I am familiar with narcissism and borderline I know they're both cluster B in the DSM-5 they both do love bombing and sex bombing and devaluing. I can't go through the devaluation stages because I know it only gets worse from there.

  • @kwanzalee
    @kwanzalee 2 дня назад

    Tell me I just can't do it financially by myself in the morning thanks for helping a person to love him basically they're not going to work a job that they didn't go to school for it but they went to school for a job that they can't go into the workforce for and it's been almost 9 and a half years and he told me to hold on longer I mean I'm working for 7 days a week and it sucks do we have two kids together

  • @FeralSwift
    @FeralSwift Год назад +1

    What if... Its just because you fully believe your not capable of love? Like, you just cant love a person no matter how hard you try. Not like, how you KNOW you love, say, your dog. You know youde fight a bear for your dog, but a person? a HUMAN? Nah. No thanks.
    What if its something like that?

  • @Livelongwforce
    @Livelongwforce Год назад

    I'm at the point where it is bad and should of ended a long time ago. But financially feel stuck

  • @eranshachar9954
    @eranshachar9954 Год назад

    Hard subject for me. Because to this day I haven't been married yet but I saw my parents go thru uneasy divorce. He betrayed her and showed no care until it was too late. He left a memory from that treason (sister for me and my 2 elder brothers. Me being the youngest I am 18 years older than my sister) so in that case there was no turning back. For my mother once there was treason, once the trust was broken then it's all burned. I get it this is how I would do if my partner that I don't have yet ever cheated on me. The opposite won't happen ever I am the most loyal to any girl I am with. I would say that if anything trust breaking didn't happen it's worth fighting for personal opinion. The only reason I wouldn't divorce is if there are small kids.

  • @ParkityParkPark
    @ParkityParkPark Год назад +1

    What can you do if your partner adamantly refuses therapy? My wife has a lot of trauma that she won't talk about or try to personally deal with, and it among other things is absolutely destroying our relationship. She gets angry any time I bring up individual or couples therapy, but I don't remember the last time we had an emotionally productive conversation. I'm mentally and emotionally drifting towards the cliffs edge of "we go to therapy or we start working on separating."

    • @VanillaBean15
      @VanillaBean15 Год назад

      You can't force her to go to therapy. It's up to you.

    • @imapandaperson
      @imapandaperson Год назад +2

      Don't settle. And don't avoid grief --- it's going to hurt but sometimes that hurt is a good thing. It's ok to grieve it all, the good and bad, and let yourself feel all of it. Don't let a relationship keep you in a state of purgatory forever, if she isn't choosing to do the trauma work sticking around isn't going to convince her.
      You can't force her to face her demons you can't save her and you nor any other person is going to matter enough to be the reason she changes. She has to hit her rock bottom to change, and all you are doing by staying with her is slowing her inevitable descent, and getting dragged down to your rock bottom with it.
      I don't want you waking up one day as a shell of yourself. If she never chooses to work on herself, It's ok to want the best for her, and cheer from afar.

  • @melkerner
    @melkerner 3 месяца назад

    There is still love there, no abuse, no violence. But she killed her spark and refuses to come back. ZERO physical intimacy beyond hand holding, cheek pecks and the occasional hug (which I guess is something) - but nothing that would be counted as physical intimacy. Dead bedroom, zero desire and will not seek medical support.

  • @mushroom2.0
    @mushroom2.0 Год назад

    Can u react to saddest things students said to their teachers.

  • @ActiveAdvocate1
    @ActiveAdvocate1 Год назад +1

    But neither of them is stupid enough to leave the other. TRUST me when I say that they can't function apart. After he had surgery to get rid of the tumour, he was in hospital for...Gods, that whole year is a blank, but a WHILE, and the house was, like...sadly quiet. It was that "something is missing" feeling, you know? They can scream at each other for three days straight, followed by a week of the silent treatment (no I'm not kidding), but they CAN'T function with "something is missing".

  • @warrenwong7358
    @warrenwong7358 11 месяцев назад

    How about when a woman should've been in a relationship to begin with?

  • @user-ov1fl5hk4s
    @user-ov1fl5hk4s 3 месяца назад

    You have a soul contract with them and you have evolved in your own way, then no point in trying to save it.

  • @Natalie09800
    @Natalie09800 Год назад

    I knew when my 12 year old told me to look for a man, that does not treat me poorly…

  • @nathanielschwartz425
    @nathanielschwartz425 Год назад

    10:00 So what you’re saying then is that, in marriage, size doesn’t matter. 😁

  • @Mochi-xo5cb
    @Mochi-xo5cb 9 месяцев назад

    Let it die... Let it die.. you can't change your partner behavior

  • @wolfytaters
    @wolfytaters Год назад

    I really wish my parents would get divorced😅

  • @jpichet6999
    @jpichet6999 9 месяцев назад +1

    This is the most useless video. He’s just randomly talking about his experience as a therapist

  • @elizabethhouser3357
    @elizabethhouser3357 Год назад +5

    A bunch of professionals have given me the question of, do you want to explore other options, to right out saying, do you want to be with your husband. I examined it thoroughly, and came up with yes. We are still ‘in love’ with each other after 13 years and unobtainable circumstances. Me and my kids are better with him than without. I grew up without a father. He is also a good father, more so now. After very expensive therapy he has improved. It is getting better ❤️‍🩹. Recovery from anger issues isn’t 100%, but much better. At face value I should have left, but you never know what someone is going through.