Even if they had encyclopaedic knowledge of the Bible they would never be able to answer the questions put to them Because the statements in Bible are without foundation and incorrect
Quran says babies are made by the womans semen and the mans semen, the man lies the Bible never says men were created from cheese, but muhamed said he forgot some of the quran. and aisha said the Quran was changed.
This is a science in Christianity, embryo was made from cheese: "Hast thou not poured me out as milk, and curdled me like cheese? Thou hast clothed me with skin and flesh, and hast fenced me with bones and sinews." (Job 10:10-11 (KJV):
Matthew 4:1 Jesus was tempted James 1:13 God cannot be tempted John 1:29 Jesus was seen John 4:12 No man has ever seen God Acts 2:22 Jesus was and is a man sent by god Numbers 23:19 God is not human Hebrews 5:89 Jesus had to grow and learn Isaiah 40:28 God doesn't need to learn Corinthians 15: 3-4 Jesus Died (according to Cristians ) Timothy 1:17 God cannot Die Hebrew 5:7 Jesus needed salvation Luke 1:37 God doesn't need Salvation John 4:6 Jesus grow weary Isaiah 40:28 God cannot grow weary Mark 4:38 Jesus Slept Psalm 121: 2-4 God Doesn't Sleep John 5:19 Jesus is not all powerful Isaiah 45: 5-7 God is All powerful Mark 13:32 Jesus wasn't all knowing Isaiah 46:9 God is all knowing Matthew 21:10-11 10 When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, “Who is this?” 11 The crowds answered, “This is Jesus, the PROPHET from Nazareth in Galilee.” ----------- Quran 3:71 O People of the Scripture, why do you mix (confuse) the truth with falsehood and conceal the truth while you know (it)? -----------
Jesus left his place at the thrown to come to earth in the flesh, to live as a man and be tempted as a man would yet committed no sin. If his actions had any meaning it had to happen in the flesh, not as god. When his own people put him on the cross for claiming to be god is the moment we gentiles were grafted into the tree of David.
I’m not Christian or catholic but most of these prove nothing like how god can’t be seen but Jesus can. That’s the whole point of Jesus he was made by god to be seen and to be a preacher and representative of god
@@AaliAsjad First of all, it is easy one google search massive answers and explanations. You can search for the answer too well to All of you I just found the response but I hv decided not to share it with you. At least until tomorrow because I'm really tired and the one who asked the question is just derived from ignorance and that kills my mood. I really feel like he brings that question to the streets while he knew the right meaning of cause it is literally written at the same paragraph and the mission of the 4 Angles at the four corners what they are doing there is even stated at the same page. He taught he found wrong Single sentence in the bible but if he only read even one paragraph down what he reed, he would have gotten the meaning. So if he is pretending to be asleep he won't listen even I nag him up. So your homework is look it guys for your self by reading book of revelation chapter 7. It should come automatic to any grownups if they are asked name the four corners of the Earth. I wonder if Arab countries have geography class and I'm sure many many countries and people even use the term or figure of speech like I wish to visit four corners of the world.
👤: As-salamu alaykum Brother/Sister Did you do dhikr today? 👤: No!? Make sure you read with your heart ❤ 👤: Ok, let's go it will take 1-3 minutes. 📿 Astagfirullah ×33 (أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللَّهَ) 📿 Subhan Allah ×33 (سبحان الله) 📿 Allahu Akbar ×33 (اللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ) 📿 Alhamdulilah ×34 (الحمد لله) 📿 La ilaha illa Allah ×3 (لا إله إلا الله) 📿 Subhan Allah hi wa bi hamdi hi ×3 (سُبْحَانَ اللّهِ وَ بِحَمْدِهِ) 📿 Subhan Allah al adheem ×3 (سبحان الله العظيم) 📿 Allah huma ini asaluka al jannah ×7 (اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْئَلُكَ الجَنّةُ) 📿 Allah huma ajarni mina naar ×7 (اَللَّهُم أَجِرْنِي مِنَ النَّارِ) 📿 Allahummaghfir lil muslimina wal muslimati wal mu'minina wal mu'minati ×1 (اَللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِلْمُسْلِمِيْنَ وَالْمُسْلِمَاتِ، وَالْمُؤْمِنِيْنَ وَالْمُؤْمِنَاتِ اْلأَحْيَاءِ مِنْهُمْ وَاْلأَمْوَاتِ) Well done! (أحسنت!) InshaAllah you will be rewarded, spread for good deeds (وإن شاء الله لك الأجر في نشر الخير.)
Yes it’s like why are trying to defend it without knowing much about it? While the truth that is Islam is so clear and evidences are there but yet they hate the truth and mock it. 😅
@sub7se7en that's because unlike the Quran the bible way larger is made up of many smaller books that people read individually and the amount of detail that the bible goes into it's stories in comparison to the Quran is like night and day. If you think it's as simple as not reading the bible then I dare you to read one book in the bible and then memorize it
@TinotendaHunda-ib2nu Okay, so not only did agree with me, but you substantiated my point. So you saying "that's not true" is wrong, by your own statement. And I'm confident enough to say 0 have memorized any book of the Bible.
Gospel of john [14:28] my father is greater than I. Gospel of john [4:12] No one has ever seen god. Gospel of john [5:30] I can do nothing of Myself. I judge as God tells me. My judgment is fair and just. I am not concerned with what I want, but with what God wants, wants He has sent Me. Gospel of john [10:29] my father is greater than all. Gospel of mathew [12:28] I cast out devils with spirit of god. Gospel of Luke [11:20] I with the finger of god cast out devils. Gospel of John [14:24] Everything what I say comes from god but not from me. Gospel of Mark [13:32] But when, on what day and at what hour these things will happen, no one knows. Not the angels and not even me. Only the Father knows that. Gospel of John [17:3-4]= [17:3] Eternal life is that they know You, the only true God, and the One You sent to earth, Jesus Christ. [17:4] I have shown the people how great your power and majesty are. With that I have done what You commanded Me. Gospel of Mathew [11:25] And Jesus prayed this prayer: "Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you that you have given to little children what you have hidden from the wise and learned. Gospel of Mark [10:17-18] As He continued on, a man came running. He fell on his knees before Jesus and said, "Good Master, what shall I do to have eternal life?" "Why do you call me good?" Jesus asked. "Only God is Good, right? Gospel of Matthew [26:39] He went on a little farther and bowed with his face to the ground, praying Gospel Of John [20:17] Touch me not," said Jesus. "For I have not yet returned to my Father. Go to my brothers and tell them that I am going back to my Father, who is also your Father. To my God, who is also your God. John 6:38 For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me. Matthew 26:39 He went on a little farther and bowed with his face to the ground, praying, “My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I WANT YOUR WILL TO BE DONE, NOT MINE.” Matthew 24:36 “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. Matthew 21:10-11 10 When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, “Who is this?” 11 The crowds answered, “This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.” 1 Timothy 2:5 For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus John 5:30 "I can do nothing on my own. As I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just, because I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me.
@Melancholian Leave the Arrogance my friend and accept the truth. It is not necessary that the religion you grew up with or the one your society is accustomed to practicing is the correct one. It may be a path to God in another way. Therefore, you must be humble before God, be sincere to Him alone, and seek the truth for His sake, and purify your heart and soul from pride and arrogance. Open your mind and heart. Go to God and He will receive you. You are the only loser by rejecting the truth and clinging to falsehood, even if you love falsehood and hate the truth. (And perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you) as God said in the Qur’an.
@Jesus.Is.NotGod this makes zero sense, yeah as stories translate to new languages the names also translate? Did you really think before even texting this?
@Melancholian you don't translate names just because you're speaking in another language. Adam is always Adam and Muhammad is always Muhammad. Isa is always Isa and Maryam is always Maryam. Isa and Maryam are Aramaic names, Jesus and Mary aren't.
A muslim arguing with christian about scientific errors in the scripture is ridiculous...quran has twice more antiscientific things than bible lol..anyways both are illogocal
Nah both are tools of the devil. They create division and hatred. You are all blind. If you knew God you would know better.. but you serve the devil. Why do you look for God in this book or that? No amount of books in the world could contain God. Look for God in yourself and in others only then will you truly know the creator.
Verse 53 from surah Ta-Ha ﴿الَّذِي جَعَلَ لَكُمُ الْأَرْضَ مَهْدًا وَسَلَكَ لَكُمْ فِيهَا سُبُلًا وَأَنزَلَ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ مَاءً فَأَخْرَجْنَا بِهِ أَزْوَاجًا مِّن نَّبَاتٍ شَتَّىٰ﴾ [ طه: 53] English - Sahih International 20:53 [It is He] who has made for you the earth as a bed [spread out] ... Surah Al-Anbya 21.32 سَقْفًۭا a roof 😮
The Lantern can be a charming comedian. I really laughed at his verbal volley and use of tone and head scratch....you are funny brother..Alhumdhulillah
Nope. Not corners. No such thing on a spheroid. Also East was still just a relative direction until the prime meridian was arbitrarily set in the 1800's.
Four corners of the earth: north, south, east, west. You've got to have an issue to think it's literal corners Job 10:10-11 Did you not pour me out like milk and curdle me like cheese, clothe me with skin and flesh and knit me together with bones and sinews? Again if you read that and take it literally, while it's clearly written in poetry and so are many countless verses then there's nothing more I can say.
Revelation 7:1 states: "After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth, to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree." The phrase "four corners of the earth" is a figurative expression used to convey the idea of the entirety of the earth. In ancient times, people often described the world in terms of cardinal directions-north, south, east, and west-using "corners" to represent these directions. This imagery emphasizes God's sovereignty over all creation and His control over the forces of nature. The "four winds" symbolize the power and influence that can come from all directions, indicating that God's protection and intervention are comprehensive and universal.
The verse 18:86, says “He found it set in muddy spring” according to Hafs narration, and ”He found it set in Hot spring” according to Nafi narration.12
He is the One Who has revealed to you ˹O Prophet˺ the Book, of which some verses are precise-they are the foundation of the Book-while others are elusive.1 Those with deviant hearts follow the elusive verses seeking ˹to spread˺ doubt through their ˹false˺ interpretations-but none grasps their ˹full˺ meaning except Allah. As for those well-grounded in knowledge, they say, “We believe in this ˹Quran˺-it is all from our Lord.” But none will be mindful ˹of this˺ except people of reason There are verses that are riddles for tje disbeliever, that only god knows the meaning of. But you can read the tafsir. Quran already says tje earth is egg shaped, amd the sun and moon has its own orbit, amd that we have a ozone layer and the universe expanding.
@@cccumberr572 it was the original text context, its not even context - the quran openly says it - The heavens, We have built them with power. And verily, We are expanding it" (51:47) And He is the One Who created the day and the night, the sun and the moon-each travelling in an orbit. Science cpuld only catch up in the last 20 years. No man can write the book with the infornation given
@cccumberr572 did tje egyption know the universe was expanding, that we had a ozone layer, the structure of the deep oceon etc. You do realise god sent prophets to every nation, egypt had recieved multiple prophets, again prophet mohammed or its people did not know anything about all the information, nor did the rest of mankind
So painful.😂 Churches across Europe are being abandoned or converted into entertainment venues as Christianity continues to decline on the continent. "That is painful. I will not hide it. On the other hand, there is no return to the past possible," Monsignor Johan Bonny, the Bishop of Antwerp, Belgium, told The Associated Press.
I would be laughing too. I see nowadays that people don't know that the bible is also written metaphorically, not everything is taken literally, just like the quaran and any other religious book.
Those who have the SON have Eternal Life but those who refuse the SON of GOD will not have Eternal life! Come to GOD through His SON who GOD has sent from Heaven to save you! Come to GOD through His HOLY WORD and be forgiven by GOD!
You're absolutely correct. Revelations uses metaphorical language to explain an apocalyptic message. The cheese argument is also probably a literal interpretation of Job said God pured him out like milk and churdled him like cheese as a metaphorical explanation of how God raises and brings up man...as a Christian I admit I have bias but he brought up terrible arguments...
@@bobmald13 With all due respect, the Bible is a collection of 66 books covering the span of 1,500 years. It's written for you, not to you. In our modern context, sure no one speaks like that, but if you're intellectually honest and read the verse in context, you'd understand it's talking about compass points. I'm not trying to insult you, but what you were doing was dishonest.
@@K_d_-dz6ps By inferring to Jewish culture and the literary style of the time, this becomes clear, and there are similar examples in Isaiah that support the fact that the idiom, 4 corners of the earth, referred to cardinal points.
Quirinius was appointed years after Herod's death. This is a definitive, objective fact. Yet they apparently lived together at the same time according to the four Gospels. You can't argue that one away as metaphorical, or parable, etc. That is just observably not true.
SubhanAllah ! La Ilahe Illa Allah ! Allahu Akbar ! Elhamdulillah ! I am from Germany. SubhanAllah ! La Ilahe Illa Allah ! Allahu Akbar ! Elhamdulillah ! May Allah s w t bless our beloved Sheikhs / Brothers and their Familes and everyone who is involved in the Dawah ! Amin ! May Allah bless you. Amin !
Job 10:8-11 New International Version: “Your hands shaped me and made me. Will you now turn and destroy me? Remember that you molded me like clay. Will you now turn me to dust again? Did you not pour me out like milk and curdle me like cheese, clothe me with skin and flesh and knit me together with bones and sinews?
As a Muslim I feel like that Bible verse can be metaphorical. In Turkish we also use the idiom "four corners of the world" when we mean to say all around the world, not necessarily thinking of corners.
The problem is.. metaphorical for what? Where's the original language of the bible to figure this out? Where is the commentary of the bible from Jesus's mouth? Ulhumdulilah for Islam. We can only assume it's literal without that information
So then the question is...who decides what is metaphorical and what is literal in the Bible ?? Would this not confuse every reader of the Bible if you say some things are a metaphor and others are not ???
@historian3290 When we have verses, we are allowed to provide context and explanations. They are allowed to provide explanations (even if they are ridiculous). The Qur'an, 18:86 - the sun sets in a murky spring. When the don't let us give our explanation, which they don't, they tell people Muslims believe the sun sets in muddy water.
First of all, the four corners is talking about north south east west, 1 Chronicles 9:24, second. Another thing Muslims bring up is how many horses there were or whatever. But this all but proves the reliability of the people writing the bible. When they make a mistake in the number of horses, it doesn’t disproven the idea of Christ, in fact it shows that people didn’t stop things from the bible like done with the Qu’ran to make it “perfect”. They kept it whole and preserved from its original script.
Four corners of the Earth are compass directions ie north, south, east and west. Pillars because they are set steady stallworth coordinates. Geography.
Allah has told about the 2 easts and 2 wests, this is before modern scientists proved that the earths polarity is shifting so your point has been proven to be false
@@Jesus.Is.NotGodThe concept of north, south, east, and west, also known as the cardinal directions, existed as far back as ancient civilizations, with evidence of their use appearing on clay tablet maps from the Akkadian period around 2500 BC, meaning the concept of these directions has been around for thousands of years. While other ancient civilizations may have had their own directional systems, the concept still existed despite what modern science have proven.
@@mysticfable09 I love Allah. The first human being ever created is a Muslim and Adam peace be upon him was given knowledge of the universe. The first ever human being is one of the most intelligent people ever created, he is a Muslim and so is his family, these people had knowledge far beyond the ancestors that you were talking about.
@@mysticfable09 The fact that the cardinal directions don't have a set position like the original comment said is what I am talking about. This knowledge was known by the first people to ever exist. That's my point.
Its north east south and west. The bible also said that god sits enthroned above the circle of the earth. No corners there. Job 26:7 "He stretches out the north over empty space; he hangs the earth on nothing" What is the nothing that he has hung the earth on? I would guess that the faithful in those days would the earths foundation must be empty space, and no doubt such a person would be called crazy. This video is just one individual with an agenda capitalizing on the ignorance of another person. But the truth of god cannot be kept quiet. Have a good day.
Revelation 7:1 And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.
Do christians never read ? While on the other hand the first ever verse of Quran when it was revealed was " Read ( iqra ) " . One of the reasons muslims know what they believe . Alhamdulillah
Even the truth is front of their eyes....and all propehts and messenger came the same message... Your Lord is only one, not tree....they argue about Allah and they have so hard to believe in Allah
@@MbispingFan Job 10:8-11 New International Version: “Your hands shaped me and made me. Will you now turn and destroy me? Remember that you molded me like clay. Will you now turn me to dust again? Did you not pour me out like milk and curdle me like cheese, clothe me with skin and flesh and knit me together with bones and sinews?
Four corner one is a bad example. Bible using the phrase "the four corners of the earth" doesn't necessarily imply the bible is saying earth is square or earth has literal corners. Its a figure of speech. Such example would only provoke Christians to attack Quran using similar tactics.
Because they loved not the Truth of GOD and His Holy SON who GOD has appointed Master over all mankind, they will believe in a lie and those who would believe in a lie would be damned forever!
Actually 6 corners,points on earth... and the universe in middle between our universe and the end of cosmos on each side,corner of our earth there's another earth like planet...so there's 7 earth's in cosmos....just mentioning what knowledge I got when I was infront God, when I was driven dead by car.... anyways religions is just for human understanding BTW
I actually understand that the guys in the comment wan't Islam to win but Revelation as it is the name of the book represent things figuratively. Now science is the study of nature and nature comes from earth. How do you try to understand the supernatural through natural phenomenons?
Yeah thats true but in islam especially in the Quran. There are lot of verses that scientifically accurate and those verses has proven by many scientist. Like the embrio, the sea that can't mix, the orbit, rainbow mountain, mountains hold the earth like nail, the queen bee, etc. I mean Muhammad saw was not a scientist and even illiterate, how did he know that
Revelation is from God, and God is all-knowing beyond timeline. Surely God will reveal His signs to His believers, no? "The revelation of this Book is from Allah-the Almighty, All-Wise. Indeed, within the heavens and earth are signs for the believers." [Quran 45:2-3] Here are some of the scientific miracles that are found in the Quran: 1. Embryology: The Quran describes the development of the human embryo in stages, which corresponds with modern embryology. Verses like 23:12-14 detail this process. 2. Mountains as Stakes: The Quran has used the word stakes to describe mountains (78:6-7). Mountains have deep root, and the word stakes is an accurate description for them. This fact was discovered only in the latter half of the 19th century. 3. Expansion of the Universe: The Quran states that the universe is expanding (51:47), which is a concept confirmed by modern cosmology through the observation of galaxies moving away from each other. 4. Protective Layers of the Atmosphere: The Quran describes the sky as a protective canopy (21:32), which can be seen as a reference to the Earth's atmosphere protecting life from harmful radiation and meteoroids. 5. The Barrier Between Salt and Fresh Water: The Quran mentions the existence of a barrier between saltwater and freshwater, which prevents them from mixing completely (55:19-20). This phenomenon is known in oceanography as the halocline. 6. The Bee: In the 20th century, people only discovered that male bees never leave the nest to look for food. The bee in Surah An Nahl (The Bee) is described as a female bee (accordingly to the male/female differentiation in arabic language). Female bees look for nectar, build the hive and makes honey (16:68-69). In this verse, Quran used feminine word for bees. 1400 years ago people had no idea which one are female bee which one are male bee. 7. The Darkness of the Deep Ocean: Quran (24:40) “Or [they are] like layers of darkness in a vast deep ocean, covered by waves, upon which are waves, over which are clouds-layers of darkness, one upon the other…” The discovery that the deep sea is dark is generally attributed to scientific ocean exploration around the mid-19th century. 8. The Existence of Internal Waves in the Deep Ocean: The same verse Quran (24:40) "... covered by waves, upon which are waves..." aligns with the discovery of internal waves beneath the ocean’s surface that exist between layers of different densities. Direct evidence of internal waves in deep sea only came with 20th century science and technology. 9. Every living thing is made up of water: After the invention of microscope, today science proves that every living cell is made of water. A cell is primarily made up of water, with around 70% of a cell's mass being composed of water molecules. The Quran said: ".. We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?" Quran (21:30).
Even if "israel" actually stopped killing Palestinians, a ceasefire neither brings justice, nor does it bring a solution, so don't make the mistake to think that anything accept the full liberation of Palestine free from foreign influence will bring justice, and the mistake to think that any state, accept one led by the successor of the prophetﷺ will bring security and most importantly be the right path of Islam.
The 4 corners of the earth means the 4 directions north, south, east and west. Don’t read the bible to find faults. Read the bible to understand what it teaches.
Actually I want to hear about cheese, going to have to check that, ... To be fair i checked, job 10:10 it is metaphorical, it seems as the english translation reads
@ezekinyou know the quean talk about a man that saw it don,t you ? And in the bible its talking about 4 ... 4 diffrent cornoer in the eye of your god ? In the quran tho alqarnain is the one who saw the sun sit in a muddy water in the BIBLE OF HOLY it talk about GOD SAYING THE ANGELS ARE IN THE FOUR ... FOUR 4 CORNERS OF EARTH sooooooo yeah take it as you like gsone863
The book that was authored by 40+ ppl and has LITERAL errors confirmed by Christain SCHOLARS themselves (a former one like Bart ehrman which it really doesn’t get better than that)
They never read the book that they defended their whole life. It's bizarre.
Hence, "blind faith."
I don't understand it either, it's bizarre
Even if they had encyclopaedic knowledge of the Bible they would never be able to answer the questions put to them
Because the statements in Bible are without foundation and incorrect
1 Samuel 2:8 (KJV):
"For the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s, and he hath set the world upon them."
“When truth is hurled against falsehood, falsehood perishes, for falsehood is by its nature bound to perish.” Quran 17:81"
الله اكبر
Quran says babies are made by the womans semen and the mans semen, the man lies the Bible never says men were created from cheese, but muhamed said he forgot some of the quran. and aisha said the Quran was changed.
أعوذبالله من الشيطان الرجيم
"وَقُلْ جَاءَ الْحَقُّ وَزَهَقَ الْبَاطِلُ ۚ إِنَّ الْبَاطِلَ كَانَ زَهُوقًا"
صدق الله الكريم
His laughter tells you all you need to know 😂😂
@@12thninja He is cooked
ya laugh it off to dodge it
1 Samuel 2:8 (KJV):
"For the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s, and he hath set the world upon them."
Dia menertawakan isi Bible nya sendiri.
This is a science in Christianity, embryo was made from cheese:
"Hast thou not poured me out as milk, and curdled me like cheese? Thou hast clothed me with skin and flesh, and hast fenced me with bones and sinews." (Job 10:10-11 (KJV):
Read. Read. Read.
Christians: "we don't do that"
"God. God. God."
"Father, Son, Holy Spirit"
"God. God. God."
Jesus Christ, Jesus Cristo, Jesus Cristos ❤❤❤Amen 🔥 Amen ❤Amen 🙏
they have the holy spirits. Theres realy no need to read
@@robertoarriola-bustamante9169 the name Jesus don't exist 2000 years ago
The 4 corners are north, south, east, west. 1 Chronicles 9:24
Jazak Allah khyrain
I was waiting for the bit about us being created from cheese. I was already laughing about it 😂
Can we see the whole video?
Job 10.10
Ex christian muslim here. Dont mock Christians with verses out of context, like this video.
@@MbispingFan What are you? A christian or a Muslim?
@@Iambadboy88 I think he's trying to says he is ex Muslim
Matthew 4:1 Jesus was tempted
James 1:13 God cannot be tempted
John 1:29 Jesus was seen
John 4:12 No man has ever seen God
Acts 2:22 Jesus was and is a man sent by god
Numbers 23:19 God is not human
Hebrews 5:89 Jesus had to grow and learn
Isaiah 40:28 God doesn't need to learn
Corinthians 15: 3-4 Jesus Died (according to Cristians )
Timothy 1:17 God cannot Die
Hebrew 5:7 Jesus needed salvation
Luke 1:37 God doesn't need Salvation
John 4:6 Jesus grow weary
Isaiah 40:28 God cannot grow weary
Mark 4:38 Jesus Slept
Psalm 121: 2-4 God Doesn't Sleep
John 5:19 Jesus is not all powerful
Isaiah 45: 5-7 God is All powerful
Mark 13:32 Jesus wasn't all knowing
Isaiah 46:9 God is all knowing
Matthew 21:10-11
10 When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, “Who is this?”
11 The crowds answered, “This is Jesus, the PROPHET from Nazareth in Galilee.”
Quran 3:71
O People of the Scripture, why do you mix (confuse) the truth with falsehood and conceal the truth while you know (it)?
This is a wake up slap for christian
This is the comment of the year
Jesus left his place at the thrown to come to earth in the flesh, to live as a man and be tempted as a man would yet committed no sin. If his actions had any meaning it had to happen in the flesh, not as god. When his own people put him on the cross for claiming to be god is the moment we gentiles were grafted into the tree of David.
I’m not Christian or catholic but most of these prove nothing like how god can’t be seen but Jesus can. That’s the whole point of Jesus he was made by god to be seen and to be a preacher and representative of god
@@scaleyscaley8027 representative is called a messenger.
And rightly called so.
He is not called GOD
His laughter is the correct response.
What do u mean bro
@AaliAsjad well if the bible is wrong why not laugh at it?
As if he knows the response
No no I just didn't understood his comment
@@AaliAsjad First of all, it is easy one google search massive answers and explanations. You can search for the answer too
well to All of you I just found the response but I hv decided not to share it with you.
At least until tomorrow because I'm really tired and the one who asked the question is just derived from ignorance and that kills my mood. I really feel like he brings that question to the streets while he knew the right meaning of cause it is literally written at the same paragraph and the mission of the 4 Angles at the four corners what they are doing there is even stated at the same page. He taught he found wrong Single sentence in the bible but if he only read even one paragraph down what he reed, he would have gotten the meaning. So if he is pretending to be asleep he won't listen even I nag him up.
So your homework is look it guys for your self by reading book of revelation chapter 7.
It should come automatic to any grownups if they are asked name the four corners of the Earth.
I wonder if Arab countries have geography class and I'm sure many many countries and people even use the term or figure of speech like I wish to visit four corners of the world.
they really passionate about something they don't know..
That's how religion works my friend. It's called faith.
@@blackpalacemusicit's called blind faith
@@blackpalacemusic Alhamdulillah.. may Allah guide them away from ignorance ..
@@ahmadruzaini4646Do you know anything about your god? I’m not religious at all but for something so almighty he dosent really do much
@@scaleyscaley8027 well he created time and space.
That's a nervous laugh. He's speechless.
God is not a man. God forget that he is Jesus
@Whatisahandles God does not forget
so cheese is holly? gives the saying "Holy cow" a new meaning.
Holy cow, i thought that was Hinduism?
if you’re muslim don’t make this joke
@@ahmaduahmed8760 will same thing
@otter you're wound up way, way too tight. Give it a rest brother.
and the list goes on and on and on...
Hahaha. Brother ali allahuma barik.
Making these people see the absurdity.
If only that were true, they don't see the absurdity, they double down on it.
ofcourse he ran off the minute i responded
@ 🤣 its what they do best, make a bogus claim then run away. Says a lot about their integrity.
1 Samuel 2:8 (KJV):
"For the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s, and he hath set the world upon them."
👤: As-salamu alaykum Brother/Sister Did you do dhikr today?
👤: No!? Make sure you read with your heart ❤
👤: Ok, let's go it will take 1-3 minutes.
📿 Astagfirullah ×33 (أَسْتَغْفِرُ اللَّهَ)
📿 Subhan Allah ×33 (سبحان الله)
📿 Allahu Akbar ×33 (اللَّهُ أَكْبَرُ)
📿 Alhamdulilah ×34 (الحمد لله)
📿 La ilaha illa Allah ×3 (لا إله إلا الله)
📿 Subhan Allah hi wa bi hamdi hi ×3 (سُبْحَانَ اللّهِ وَ بِحَمْدِهِ)
📿 Subhan Allah al adheem ×3 (سبحان الله العظيم)
📿 Allah huma ini asaluka al jannah ×7 (اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي أَسْئَلُكَ الجَنّةُ)
📿 Allah huma ajarni mina naar ×7 (اَللَّهُم أَجِرْنِي مِنَ النَّارِ)
📿 Allahummaghfir lil muslimina wal muslimati wal mu'minina wal mu'minati ×1 (اَللَّهُمَّ اغْفِرْ لِلْمُسْلِمِيْنَ وَالْمُسْلِمَاتِ، وَالْمُؤْمِنِيْنَ وَالْمُؤْمِنَاتِ اْلأَحْيَاءِ مِنْهُمْ وَاْلأَمْوَاتِ)
Well done! (أحسنت!)
InshaAllah you will be rewarded, spread for good deeds (وإن شاء الله لك الأجر في نشر الخير.)
جزاك الله خيرا
May Allah bless you ❤
Jazak Allah Khair!❤
That nervous laugh. He even realised how silly that sounded.
Yes it’s like why are trying to defend it without knowing much about it? While the truth that is Islam is so clear and evidences are there but yet they hate the truth and mock it. 😅
Most “Christians” have never read the Bible.
That's not true
It is 100% true and they've demonstrated that on many RUclips channels.
@TinotendaHunda-ib2nu it's absolutely true. The vast majority of the time we speak to Christians they don't know what their scripture says.
@sub7se7en that's because unlike the Quran the bible way larger is made up of many smaller books that people read individually and the amount of detail that the bible goes into it's stories in comparison to the Quran is like night and day. If you think it's as simple as not reading the bible then I dare you to read one book in the bible and then memorize it
@TinotendaHunda-ib2nu Okay, so not only did agree with me, but you substantiated my point. So you saying "that's not true" is wrong, by your own statement. And I'm confident enough to say 0 have memorized any book of the Bible.
Barakallahu Fiikum wa Jazakumullah Khairan Katsiran
Gospel of john [14:28] my father is greater than I.
Gospel of john [4:12] No one has ever seen god.
Gospel of john [5:30] I can do nothing of Myself. I judge as God tells me. My judgment is fair and just. I am not concerned with what I want, but with what God wants, wants He has sent Me.
Gospel of john [10:29] my father is greater than all.
Gospel of mathew [12:28] I cast out devils with spirit of god.
Gospel of Luke [11:20] I with the finger of god cast out devils.
Gospel of John [14:24] Everything what I
say comes from god but not from me.
Gospel of Mark [13:32] But when, on what day and at what hour these things will happen, no one knows. Not the angels and not even me. Only the Father knows that.
Gospel of John [17:3-4]= [17:3] Eternal life is that they know You, the only true God, and the One You sent to earth, Jesus Christ.
[17:4] I have shown the people how great your power and majesty are. With that I have done what You commanded Me.
Gospel of Mathew [11:25] And Jesus prayed this prayer: "Father, Lord of heaven and earth, thank you that you have given to little children what you have hidden from the wise and learned.
Gospel of Mark [10:17-18] As He continued on, a man came running. He fell on his knees before Jesus and said, "Good Master, what shall I do to have eternal life?" "Why do you call me good?" Jesus asked. "Only God is Good, right?
Gospel of Matthew [26:39] He went on a little farther and bowed with his face to the ground, praying
Gospel Of John [20:17] Touch me not," said Jesus. "For I have not yet returned to my Father. Go to my brothers and tell them that I am going back to my Father, who is also your Father. To my God, who is also your God.
John 6:38
For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will but the will of him who sent me.
Matthew 26:39
He went on a little farther and bowed with his face to the ground, praying, “My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from me. Yet I WANT YOUR WILL TO BE DONE, NOT MINE.”
Matthew 24:36
“But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.
Matthew 21:10-11
10 When Jesus entered Jerusalem, the whole city was stirred and asked, “Who is this?”
11 The crowds answered, “This is Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth in Galilee.”
1 Timothy 2:5
For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus
John 5:30
"I can do nothing on my own. As I hear, I judge, and my judgment is just, because I seek not my own will but the will of him who sent me.
Terrible arguments, you haven't done any research in these verses, probably because you're a copy and paster
Leave the Arrogance my friend and accept the truth. It is not necessary that the religion you grew up with or the one your society is accustomed to practicing is the correct one. It may be a path to God in another way. Therefore, you must be humble before God, be sincere to Him alone, and seek the truth for His sake, and purify your heart and soul from pride and arrogance. Open your mind and heart. Go to God and He will receive you. You are the only loser by rejecting the truth and clinging to falsehood, even if you love falsehood and hate the truth. (And perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you) as God said in the Qur’an.
@Melancholian the name Jesus didn't exist 2000 years ago
@Jesus.Is.NotGod this makes zero sense, yeah as stories translate to new languages the names also translate? Did you really think before even texting this?
@Melancholian you don't translate names just because you're speaking in another language. Adam is always Adam and Muhammad is always Muhammad. Isa is always Isa and Maryam is always Maryam. Isa and Maryam are Aramaic names, Jesus and Mary aren't.
And they call us flat-earthers, While they're living in Minecraft... 😂
I'm about to say same thing
A muslim arguing with christian about scientific errors in the scripture is ridiculous...quran has twice more antiscientific things than bible lol..anyways both are illogocal
@@rashmithsuvarna3100 What does your bible say about the sun and planets having their own orbits?
@MuhammadIdris-jb6jv why u say my bible when i already called both bible and quran illogical while quran is 10 steps ahead illogically
@@rashmithsuvarna3100 Bruh, Keyboard Warriors 😂👎 Claims with no proof, And what about your's, is it more logical or somethin??? 😂
The Quran, on the other hand, is always scientifically accurate.
Nah both are tools of the devil. They create division and hatred. You are all blind. If you knew God you would know better.. but you serve the devil. Why do you look for God in this book or that? No amount of books in the world could contain God. Look for God in yourself and in others only then will you truly know the creator.
جزاك الله خيرا
Verse 53 from surah Ta-Ha
﴿الَّذِي جَعَلَ لَكُمُ الْأَرْضَ مَهْدًا وَسَلَكَ لَكُمْ فِيهَا سُبُلًا وَأَنزَلَ مِنَ السَّمَاءِ مَاءً فَأَخْرَجْنَا بِهِ أَزْوَاجًا مِّن نَّبَاتٍ شَتَّىٰ﴾
[ طه: 53]
English - Sahih International
20:53 [It is He] who has made for you the earth as a bed [spread out] ...
Surah Al-Anbya 21.32 سَقْفًۭا a roof
😂 he was laughing on his side when he was so confident first 🤣🤣
How can they be so blind? May Allah bring him out of darkness and guide him to the truth ❤
"don't they ponder carefully about this Quran had it been it is from other than Allah you could have found inconsistencies in it"Quran 4:82
Ahh laughter is to cover up their anxiety
Marrying your adopted sons wife who is your first cousin is mind boggling.
Wicked and perverted....
@@John14ver6 Jacob married 2 blood sisters.
Rebecca was 3.
How old was Mary when she got pregnant?
I can go on and on
Love how strategic this video is clipped
Nah I'm muslim but that ain't fair a argument, that's like expecting the average muslim to explain the sun setting into a muddy lake.
The Lantern can be a charming comedian. I really laughed at his verbal volley and use of tone and head scratch....you are funny brother..Alhumdhulillah
Way to go my brother. Continue to exposing the scientific incorrect facts in their religious text and make them think harder on bases of their faith..
Much Respect for Brother Muhammad Ali !!!
I heard the earth is having four corners in hindus convo too😂😂😂
Yes. In Rigveda
Maybe it's a metaphor, like the moon being split in two
The 4 corners are north, south, east, west. 1 Chronicles 9:24
Nope. Not corners. No such thing on a spheroid. Also East was still just a relative direction until the prime meridian was arbitrarily set in the 1800's.
Four corners of the earth: north, south, east, west.
You've got to have an issue to think it's literal corners
Job 10:10-11 Did you not pour me out like milk and curdle me like cheese, clothe me with skin and flesh and knit me together with bones and sinews?
Again if you read that and take it literally, while it's clearly written in poetry and so are many countless verses then there's nothing more I can say.
Alhamdulillah im a muslim, arragance does not help and pride is nothing but false and leads to error
And he gives the answer with laughter that’s all what you need to know 😂😂
Revelation 7:1 states: "After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back the four winds of the earth, to prevent any wind from blowing on the land or on the sea or on any tree."
The phrase "four corners of the earth" is a figurative expression used to convey the idea of the entirety of the earth. In ancient times, people often described the world in terms of cardinal directions-north, south, east, and west-using "corners" to represent these directions.
This imagery emphasizes God's sovereignty over all creation and His control over the forces of nature. The "four winds" symbolize the power and influence that can come from all directions, indicating that God's protection and intervention are comprehensive and universal.
Are you a pastor?
@ no.
The verse 18:86, says “He found it set in muddy spring” according to Hafs narration, and ”He found it set in Hot spring” according to Nafi narration.12
He is the One Who has revealed to you ˹O Prophet˺ the Book, of which some verses are precise-they are the foundation of the Book-while others are elusive.1 Those with deviant hearts follow the elusive verses seeking ˹to spread˺ doubt through their ˹false˺ interpretations-but none grasps their ˹full˺ meaning except Allah. As for those well-grounded in knowledge, they say, “We believe in this ˹Quran˺-it is all from our Lord.” But none will be mindful ˹of this˺ except people of reason
There are verses that are riddles for tje disbeliever, that only god knows the meaning of. But you can read the tafsir. Quran already says tje earth is egg shaped, amd the sun and moon has its own orbit, amd that we have a ozone layer and the universe expanding.
@aaaddf4572 you're just using modern science for the interpretation, which wasn't the original text content
@@cccumberr572 it was the original text context, its not even context - the quran openly says it -
The heavens, We have built them with power. And verily, We are expanding it" (51:47)
And He is the One Who created the day and the night, the sun and the moon-each travelling in an orbit.
Science cpuld only catch up in the last 20 years. No man can write the book with the infornation given
@aaaddf4572 the egyptians knew the earth was egg sharpe in the 3th century even drawings with hieroglyphs when was the Quran written ?
@cccumberr572 did tje egyption know the universe was expanding, that we had a ozone layer, the structure of the deep oceon etc. You do realise god sent prophets to every nation, egypt had recieved multiple prophets, again prophet mohammed or its people did not know anything about all the information, nor did the rest of mankind
They're make my day, no failure to make me laugh so hard, Poor Christians😅😅
So painful.😂
Churches across Europe are being abandoned or converted into entertainment venues as Christianity continues to decline on the continent. "That is painful. I will not hide it. On the other hand, there is no return to the past possible," Monsignor Johan Bonny, the Bishop of Antwerp, Belgium, told The Associated Press.
Do you think Christianity will die out soon?
I would be laughing too. I see nowadays that people don't know that the bible is also written metaphorically, not everything is taken literally, just like the quaran and any other religious book.
Those who have the SON have Eternal Life but those who refuse the SON of GOD will not have Eternal life! Come to GOD through His SON who GOD has sent from Heaven to save you! Come to GOD through His HOLY WORD and be forgiven by GOD!
I’m a Muslim alhamdullilah but in there defence would the 4 corners not be north, west, south and east ?
You're absolutely correct. Revelations uses metaphorical language to explain an apocalyptic message. The cheese argument is also probably a literal interpretation of Job said God pured him out like milk and churdled him like cheese as a metaphorical explanation of how God raises and brings up man...as a Christian I admit I have bias but he brought up terrible arguments...
Point to me on a globe those corners. If you arbitrarily change the meaning of words (like corners) then all words have no meaning.
@@bobmald13 With all due respect, the Bible is a collection of 66 books covering the span of 1,500 years. It's written for you, not to you. In our modern context, sure no one speaks like that, but if you're intellectually honest and read the verse in context, you'd understand it's talking about compass points. I'm not trying to insult you, but what you were doing was dishonest.
@@BigManWaks How did you know this?
@@K_d_-dz6ps By inferring to Jewish culture and the literary style of the time, this becomes clear, and there are similar examples in Isaiah that support the fact that the idiom, 4 corners of the earth, referred to cardinal points.
Maybe that four corner means south, north, west, east. Maybe, idk🧐
Quirinius was appointed years after Herod's death. This is a definitive, objective fact. Yet they apparently lived together at the same time according to the four Gospels.
You can't argue that one away as metaphorical, or parable, etc. That is just observably not true.
We could poke fun at all religious books very easily with no exceptions.
SubhanAllah ! La Ilahe Illa Allah ! Allahu Akbar ! Elhamdulillah !
I am from Germany. SubhanAllah ! La Ilahe Illa Allah ! Allahu Akbar ! Elhamdulillah ! May Allah s w t bless our beloved Sheikhs / Brothers and their Familes and everyone who is involved in the Dawah ! Amin ! May Allah bless you. Amin !
That is not literal four corners,just like winds cannot be held.That is symbolic,meaning the angels have command of the whole earth(wind)
Show the cheese part please
Job 10:8-11 New International Version:
“Your hands shaped me and made me.
Will you now turn and destroy me?
Remember that you molded me like clay.
Will you now turn me to dust again?
Did you not pour me out like milk
and curdle me like cheese,
clothe me with skin and flesh
and knit me together with bones and sinews?
I would laugh too if I was ignorant and didn’t know my own book😂, Alhamdolilah for Islam.
As a Muslim I feel like that Bible verse can be metaphorical. In Turkish we also use the idiom "four corners of the world" when we mean to say all around the world, not necessarily thinking of corners.
Same here. Similar with the verses about cheese.
The problem is.. metaphorical for what? Where's the original language of the bible to figure this out? Where is the commentary of the bible from Jesus's mouth? Ulhumdulilah for Islam. We can only assume it's literal without that information
So then the question is...who decides what is metaphorical and what is literal in the Bible ?? Would this not confuse every reader of the Bible if you say some things are a metaphor and others are not ???
Have you read the context of that verse? What do they say about it? Does it say it’s metaphorical or allude to that or not?
When we have verses, we are allowed to provide context and explanations. They are allowed to provide explanations (even if they are ridiculous).
The Qur'an, 18:86 - the sun sets in a murky spring. When the don't let us give our explanation, which they don't, they tell people Muslims believe the sun sets in muddy water.
When they dont know, they resort to arrogance, then mockery and then vulgarity if mockery doesn't work.
If you see this comment, send blessings upon the prophet peace be upon him.
Religion is not a laughing matter in these cases
That verse about the wind is completely wrong, we are witness that how the wind spread the fire and burned down Los Angeles.
Idk, this might be a "stones in glass houses" kind of a thing.
The 4 corners it's metaphorical.
It means the tetragon, a simbol of Devine protection.
😂 seriously tetragon?
First of all, the four corners is talking about north south east west, 1 Chronicles 9:24, second. Another thing Muslims bring up is how many horses there were or whatever. But this all but proves the reliability of the people writing the bible. When they make a mistake in the number of horses, it doesn’t disproven the idea of Christ, in fact it shows that people didn’t stop things from the bible like done with the Qu’ran to make it “perfect”. They kept it whole and preserved from its original script.
That was a nervous laughter.
“I don’t know what was so funny to laugh about” must’ve hurt him 😅
I've got to admit, I hadn't heard of or read about the cheese one. Cite?
The laughing was trying to deviate....
Is it haram to wear red? May Allah bless this brother, just seeking clarification .
Read and discover ❌️
Believe everything from the church ✅️
Four corners of the Earth are compass directions ie north, south, east and west. Pillars because they are set steady stallworth coordinates. Geography.
Allah has told about the 2 easts and 2 wests, this is before modern scientists proved that the earths polarity is shifting so your point has been proven to be false
@@Jesus.Is.NotGodThe concept of north, south, east, and west, also known as the cardinal directions, existed as far back as ancient civilizations, with evidence of their use appearing on clay tablet maps from the Akkadian period around 2500 BC, meaning the concept of these directions has been around for thousands of years.
While other ancient civilizations may have had their own directional systems, the concept still existed despite what modern science have proven.
@@mysticfable09 I love Allah. The first human being ever created is a Muslim and Adam peace be upon him was given knowledge of the universe. The first ever human being is one of the most intelligent people ever created, he is a Muslim and so is his family, these people had knowledge far beyond the ancestors that you were talking about.
@Jesus.Is.NotGod I apologize, but I can't comprehend how that has anything to do with the topic of cardinal directions.
@@mysticfable09 The fact that the cardinal directions don't have a set position like the original comment said is what I am talking about. This knowledge was known by the first people to ever exist. That's my point.
Never heard of north south east and west I’m assuming lol
Its north east south and west. The bible also said that god sits enthroned above the circle of the earth. No corners there.
Job 26:7
"He stretches out the north over empty space; he hangs the earth on nothing"
What is the nothing that he has hung the earth on? I would guess that the faithful in those days would the earths foundation must be empty space, and no doubt such a person would be called crazy.
This video is just one individual with an agenda capitalizing on the ignorance of another person. But the truth of god cannot be kept quiet.
Have a good day.
Revelation 7:1
And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.
Erm a circle has four corners as long as you show where they are and they are equal distance away
@@scaleyscaley8027 Maybe take it up with king james
Maybe he genuinely didnt know what the corners meant but the guy claiming it to be scientifically true should hv explained it to him.
Do christians never read ? While on the other hand the first ever verse of Quran when it was revealed was " Read ( iqra ) " . One of the reasons muslims know what they believe . Alhamdulillah
Even the truth is front of their eyes....and all propehts and messenger came the same message... Your Lord is only one, not tree....they argue about Allah and they have so hard to believe in Allah
it’s so bloody sad how blind people can be
cheese is funny lol. it's in job chapter 10.
Did you even read it?
@@MbispingFan Job 10:8-11 New International Version:
“Your hands shaped me and made me.
Will you now turn and destroy me?
Remember that you molded me like clay.
Will you now turn me to dust again?
Did you not pour me out like milk
and curdle me like cheese,
clothe me with skin and flesh
and knit me together with bones and sinews?
Four corner one is a bad example. Bible using the phrase "the four corners of the earth" doesn't necessarily imply the bible is saying earth is square or earth has literal corners. Its a figure of speech. Such example would only provoke Christians to attack Quran using similar tactics.
The irony, every religious apologist can clearly see the faults in other scriptures. But are blinded when it comes to their preferred book.
Because they loved not the Truth of GOD and His Holy SON who GOD has appointed Master over all mankind, they will believe in a lie and those who would believe in a lie would be damned forever!
Actually 6 corners,points on earth... and the universe in middle between our universe and the end of cosmos on each side,corner of our earth there's another earth like planet...so there's 7 earth's in cosmos....just mentioning what knowledge I got when I was infront God, when I was driven dead by car.... anyways religions is just for human understanding BTW
yes great, and the quran does not say anything incorrect "86:6-7" "
I actually understand that the guys in the comment wan't Islam to win but Revelation as it is the name of the book represent things figuratively. Now science is the study of nature and nature comes from earth. How do you try to understand the supernatural through natural phenomenons?
Yeah thats true but in islam especially in the Quran. There are lot of verses that scientifically accurate and those verses has proven by many scientist. Like the embrio, the sea that can't mix, the orbit, rainbow mountain, mountains hold the earth like nail, the queen bee, etc. I mean Muhammad saw was not a scientist and even illiterate, how did he know that
Revelation is from God, and God is all-knowing beyond timeline. Surely God will reveal His signs to His believers, no? "The revelation of this Book is from Allah-the Almighty, All-Wise. Indeed, within the heavens and earth are signs for the believers." [Quran 45:2-3]
Here are some of the scientific miracles that are found in the Quran:
1. Embryology: The Quran describes the development of the human embryo in stages, which corresponds with modern embryology. Verses like 23:12-14 detail this process.
2. Mountains as Stakes: The Quran has used the word stakes to describe mountains (78:6-7). Mountains have deep root, and the word stakes is an accurate description for them. This fact was discovered only in the latter half of the 19th century.
3. Expansion of the Universe: The Quran states that the universe is expanding (51:47), which is a concept confirmed by modern cosmology through the observation of galaxies moving away from each other.
4. Protective Layers of the Atmosphere: The Quran describes the sky as a protective canopy (21:32), which can be seen as a reference to the Earth's atmosphere protecting life from harmful radiation and meteoroids.
5. The Barrier Between Salt and Fresh Water: The Quran mentions the existence of a barrier between saltwater and freshwater, which prevents them from mixing completely (55:19-20). This phenomenon is known in oceanography as the halocline.
6. The Bee: In the 20th century, people only discovered that male bees never leave the nest to look for food. The bee in Surah An Nahl (The Bee) is described as a female bee (accordingly to the male/female differentiation in arabic language). Female bees look for nectar, build the hive and makes honey (16:68-69). In this verse, Quran used feminine word for bees. 1400 years ago people had no idea which one are female bee which one are male bee.
7. The Darkness of the Deep Ocean: Quran (24:40) “Or [they are] like layers of darkness in a vast deep ocean, covered by waves, upon which are waves, over which are clouds-layers of darkness, one upon the other…” The discovery that the deep sea is dark is generally attributed to scientific ocean exploration around the mid-19th century.
8. The Existence of Internal Waves in the Deep Ocean: The same verse Quran (24:40) "... covered by waves, upon which are waves..." aligns with the discovery of internal waves beneath the ocean’s surface that exist between layers of different densities. Direct evidence of internal waves in deep sea only came with 20th century science and technology.
9. Every living thing is made up of water: After the invention of microscope, today science proves that every living cell is made of water. A cell is primarily made up of water, with around 70% of a cell's mass being composed of water molecules. The Quran said: ".. We made from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?" Quran (21:30).
Salaam why don't ypu put the full video
What's the name of the book that insults human intelligence and still is ...? Anyone has the answer ?
Hahaha = you got me 💀
😂 human created from cheese? That's ridiculous!
Even if "israel" actually stopped killing Palestinians, a ceasefire neither brings justice, nor does it bring a solution, so don't make the mistake to think that anything accept the full liberation of Palestine free from foreign influence will bring justice, and the mistake to think that any state, accept one led by the successor of the prophetﷺ will bring security and most importantly be the right path of Islam.
The 4 corners of the earth means the 4 directions north, south, east and west.
Don’t read the bible to find faults. Read the bible to understand what it teaches.
you forget the diagonal.. we have 8 direction, not 4
According to them “You are what you eat” would apply very well once you eat a piece of cheese.
SubahanAllah Alhamdulillah jajakAllah
Bro is as polite and as brutal as it gets 😂😅
Actually I want to hear about cheese, going to have to check that, ... To be fair i checked, job 10:10 it is metaphorical, it seems as the english translation reads
I was hoping that the, stop stop, was to deal with thr cheese 🧀 verse
What about flat earth in quran? What about human made of clay, made of water, made of nothing all different verses in quran? Which is right? 😂😂
Also in Genesis the sun and moon created AFTER plants and trees.
Which just plain stupid.
Now we know why gabriel first words to Mohammad was to read, so that the muslims won't be like the Christians who never actually read the bible
ohhhhh when i go to london that’s you
*So according to the perfect Bible scientifically the earth has four corners and has four pillars guarded by angels*
It's not literal
@ezekinyou know the quean talk about a man that saw it don,t you ? And in the bible its talking about 4 ... 4 diffrent cornoer in the eye of your god ? In the quran tho alqarnain is the one who saw the sun sit in a muddy water in the BIBLE OF HOLY it talk about GOD SAYING THE ANGELS ARE IN THE FOUR ... FOUR 4 CORNERS OF EARTH sooooooo yeah take it as you like gsone863
@@TBL-AMELIAit in fact is as it says four corner and a circle can,t have it nor a sphere so just a cube/ tringle or the sort of them
Which cheese, cow cheese, lamb cheese goat 🐐 cheese or donkey cheese?
I’m just curious 🤨
We never even got to thr cheesy part 😂
Where is the full video
Why dont they read their own book, but always seem to know everything about other religions?
Is the why they call it cheese 😂😂😂
The book that was authored by 40+ ppl and has LITERAL errors confirmed by Christain SCHOLARS themselves (a former one like Bart ehrman which it really doesn’t get better than that)