May Allah give us which is good and Hereafter that is which is good and save us from the tournament of the fire Scw scw scw Scw Scw scw scw Scw Scw scw scw Scw Scw scw scw Scw Scw scw scw Scw Scw
May Allah give us which is good and Hereafter that is which is good and save us from the tournament of the fire Scw scw scw Scw Scw scw scw Scw Scw scw scw Scw Scw scw scw Scw Scw scw scw Scw Scw
Jazaakalaahu khyer Allaha u naxariisto sh cumar faaruuq
اللهمارحم شيخ عمرفاروق
Asalaamu calaykum wr wb jazaakalaahu khyer Allaha u naxariisto sh cumar faaruuq
Rabbi ha u naxariisto sheekh cumar faaruuq
Alaha janatul firdowsa ha geeyo Sheeqa.
Allah Is sufficient for me
Maashaa Allah
MashAllah May Allah (sw) grant him janatul firdows
Amiin yaa allaah
Maasha Allaah Jazaakallaah
Rabi jannatul Firdowsa Alaclaa hageeyo sheikha
mnsha Allaah
Allaha u naxariisto shiiqa
Sheekh cumar faaruuq janatul firdowsul aclaa alle swt hakugu arzaaqo.aamiin ya rabbi
اللهم ارحم موتانا وموتى المسلمين
May Allah give us which is good and Hereafter that is which is good and save us from the tournament of the fire Scw scw scw Scw Scw scw scw Scw Scw scw scw Scw Scw scw scw Scw Scw scw scw Scw Scw
رحمه الله وللجميع
Jazahaaga waa firdows al aclaa
الله يرحمك ويغفر له ويسكنه الفردوس الأعلى يارب
waxaan layaabya 10 qof baa desleta saarya tasiirka qolkii ebbe maxaa ka qaldan
Anaa hortaa fahmi waayay!malaha waa gaalo.
M.a alle ha kuu raxmado shiiq cumar faaruuq
@@خضراءمحمدحسن maxaad ku, gaa leysiisa?!!
May Allah give us which is good and Hereafter that is which is good and save us from the tournament of the fire Scw scw scw Scw Scw scw scw Scw Scw scw scw Scw Scw scw scw Scw Scw scw scw Scw Scw
اللهم ارحم موتانا وموتى المسلمين