Virgin Ri reader vs Chad "I am Fang Yuan" edit

  • Опубликовано: 27 окт 2024

Комментарии • 31

  • @TAS42069
    @TAS42069 11 месяцев назад +16

    Bro can literally kill fang yuan
    From cringe 🗿

  • @Fangyuan838
    @Fangyuan838  Год назад +10

    Fang yuan is me. Literally me.
    No other character can come close to relating to me like this.
    There is no way you can convince me Fang yuan is not me.
    This character could not possibly be anymore me.
    It's me, and nobody can convince me otherwise.
    If anyone approached me on the topic of Fang yuan not possibly being me, I immediately shut them down with overwhelming evidence that Fang yuan is me.
    Fang yuan is me, it is indisputable.
    Why anyone would try to argue that Fang yuan is not me is beyond me.
    If you held two pictures of Fang yuan and me side by side, you'd see no difference.
    I can safely look at Fang yuan every day and say "Yup, that's me".
    I can practically see this Fang yuan every time I look at myself in the mirror.
    I go outside and people stop me to comment how similar I look and act to Fang yuan.
    I chuckle softly as I'm assured everyday that Fang yuan is me in every way.
    I can smile each time I get out of bed every morning knowing that I've found my identity with Fang yuan and I know my place in this world.
    It's really quite funny how similar Fang yuan is to me, it's almost like we're identical twins.
    When I first saw Fang yuan, I had an existential crisis.
    What if Fang yuan actually became aware of my existence?
    What if Fang yuan was the real me and I was the fictional being?

    • @selfishman5163
      @selfishman5163 Год назад

      I also understand fang yuan, his way to see the world, his meaning, but how are you going to achieve eternal life ?
      You may see like limitless venerable but eternal life is impossible.
      If you think the contrary then prove it to me.
      Let the world behold of your achievement.

    • @Fangyuan838
      @Fangyuan838  Год назад +2

      @@selfishman5163 ok take this with a grain of salt but it is what I found from one year of doing psychedelics and searching for the truth of the world
      Reality is a Paradox, you get Eternal life by not trying to get it
      Can you get eternal life in the physical world? Impossible, human bodies are imperfect and sullied and would not become eternal even in a billion generation
      So how do you become eternal? By understanding that you already Are Eternal
      You would say the body dies
      The body is not real, the entire world is not real
      "I" Is Reality
      What is this "I"?
      Who are you? You would say I am this personality, I am this body
      But you say "my" body, "my" thoughts, as if you own them but they are Not You
      Say I Am something, an example, say your face, Can you see your face without a mirror?
      This "I" does not have a mirror, so what am I?
      I am that which cannot see itself
      now go further
      What is this "I"?
      "What am I?"
      Can you locate where this "I" is located?
      In your head? sure, where specifically?
      It has no location
      Just understand "I" is spaceless timeless, in fact this "I" is God
      The world is the Dream of God
      Before the world,
      "I" Alone exists eternally without attribute, neither evil nor good, bodiless, without thoughts, timeless, spaceless pure consciousness
      see it as "I" is an ocean, in the ocean a wave arises
      The world is this wave, "I" becomes the World, or more like the world appears in it,
      So an example, so the "I" goes from being the "I" of God, God here is Being itself, so from "I" to being lets say a dog, but its not just the dog, its everything, the entire world
      Its Everything Everywhere at the same time
      Even a table is "I" , the same way lets say a table its just atoms, maybe deeper its sub-particles but just understand that All is just "I", "I" is the fabric of the Universe
      So lets say You as a Human being have this "I" and you think it belongs to you but it doesnt, this "I" is Everything
      The same way the same space exists inside a jar and everywhere putside the jar, so "I" exists inside the bodies and outside them everywhere else
      The Mind uses this "I" and says "I am this body" "I am these thoughts"
      not true
      I am "I" or from the christian bible "I am That I am"
      I am "I am" itself, not a body, not a human being, not even a living being, undescribable
      Eternal, Limitless, All-Encompassing
      "I" is Eternity itself
      not here, not there, but everywhere right before your eyes
      This is the focus of meditation, Realise what this "I"
      Going to the bottom of it, to find the Self
      Our True Self is already Eternal, Limitless, Infinity itself, Beyond any imagination
      This is Literally what Fang yuan realises in the Ending I wrote of Reverend insanity, Fang Yuan reverse refines the entire world then has a God realisation where he becomes God and he does that only to Realise He Was Always God
      Thats why I tell people God wrote Reverend insanity, I also explain that Only formerly unlimited being once becoming limited would fight that hard to become eternal,
      also well since everything is made by God, not the christian god but "I am"
      God is All and Free of All, there is only God
      The same way smoke appears to touch space but does not, so does God appearrs to be bodies but is Beyond them
      There is no difference between living in the physical world and Being God,
      You are God while being in the world
      Just understand the entire physical world is like a mirage, unreal,
      You are not just the body but the very fabric of everything
      Say I have a TV, the TV is just pixels, now imagine I am the pixels themselves, make that on reality, I am the very fabric of the world
      Since there is no seperation from God, the same way when you pour water on water it becomes water without distinction, so everything is God

    • @selfishman5163
      @selfishman5163 Год назад

      I see
      If i am a droplet of water jailed outside of it's source how can I come back or fuse again with it ?

    • @selfishman5163
      @selfishman5163 Год назад +1

      @@Fangyuan838 truly the profundity of human path is extraordinary. I thank you for the enlightenment

    • @Fangyuan838
      @Fangyuan838  Год назад +2

      @@selfishman5163 You are free of the jail when you understand there is no jail, its a paradox
      Say I read Reverend insanity and Fang yuan is suffering and I am suffering with him
      How do I get free from the suffering? By understanding the novel is not real and is just a novel
      Now the exact same, you realise God whwn you Realise the World is Not Real and is just a dream/imagination
      So there is nothing to free yourself from since there is no world
      But you would say the world is in front of me,
      imagine I watch a Tv and I am watching a scary movie and I think its real and everytime the person in the movie is hurt, I am hurt since I think I am him
      How do I free myself? First I pull my attention away from the movie, So I Stop Caring, I became Indifferent to whatever happens then after some time and some clear mind , I understand its unreal its just a movie
      Thats why eastern Religious practice meditation to Sharpen and clear the mind enough to perceive the you and the world is unreal and once you do that, you realise the true Self and You Are Free
      In advaita vedanta, it says the source of all Suffering is Confusing the Self with the Not-Self and the Not-Self with the Self
      Basically the Self is bodiless and immortal, so when you forget your own self you start to think I am this body and this mind and ypu start to fear, get confused, hate, suffer...

  • @personx4999
    @personx4999 Год назад +19

    Dude I think you might be Fang Yuan...

  • @Neal_21
    @Neal_21 7 месяцев назад

    I know Fang Yuan did inhumane things, he was already beyond of what makes him being a human..from your typical Isekai protagonist to just a living monolith with only perseverance remains also gives lesson to those who walk in the same path of reaching beyond of what makes them human.

  • @Titanus2057
    @Titanus2057 8 месяцев назад +1

    I am Fang Yuan.

  • @Milkmanana
    @Milkmanana 11 месяцев назад +1

    Guys.... i think i found the real Fang Yuan!!!!!!!

  • @emotionless_moron
    @emotionless_moron Год назад

    W Bro
    do you have disc ??

  • @donnimanni
    @donnimanni 9 месяцев назад

    harbinger of calamity victim

    @NOURELDEEN129 2 месяца назад

    Song ?

  • @RebornAgainAndAgain
    @RebornAgainAndAgain Год назад

    No new videos??????

    • @Fangyuan838
      @Fangyuan838  Год назад

      lol been having a heavy migraine and since I have a tooth filling so like the migraine comes to that teeth, plus the migraine is caused by stress, not that I'm stressed but I just put too much in life and my lifestyle is all over the place, trying to see what I can do about it lol, I had some video ideas like really cool ones but I'm disappointed I can't just take my imagination and put it into a video lol yeah, perhaps will see tomorrow if I can make one

  • @reycrimson2023
    @reycrimson2023 Год назад

    Dude, why aren't you on TikTok?
    It will give you more reach
    Good edit

    • @Fangyuan838
      @Fangyuan838  Год назад +1

      I will do it lol but its mostly because they dont allow long videos and I like story videos more than edits but i will