I've always had and will have a little of Seungmin, I can't stop being amazed by him in this song, video and album as a whole. He has changed so much, matured and grew up at a professional level, although very little time has passed since the S-CLASS comeback and it is impossible to recognize Seungmin. Even his look has become completely different, more confident, and his eyes sparkle even brighter, as well as the visual of Seungmini is unrealistically beautiful, but what he is now cannot be described in any words, that's honestly I can't. He perfectly owns his voice amazing high notes angelic timbre and it has always been so only now his vocals have truly opened up with new power and force thundering all over the world. I just love the way he dances, his style of movement is so natural, while absolutely always clear and clean, it's really given to him, and with this choreography he blew up and burned everything around such a colossal return. I'm looking forward to Seungmin's solo album more than anything.
This is my all time favorite performance on Lee Mujin. Still playing on repeat in 2024. Seungmin showed his amazing talent. The warmth of his voice is so unique, and his hard work means he just keeps getting better and better. Also, his voice compliments Lee Mujin's so well. The harmonies melt my heart every time.
Seungmin said that when he confused to choose a song to cover, hyunjin recommend this song to seungmin. Thank you hyunjin for recommending this song to seungmin
한 사람의 보컬리스트로서 승민에게 노래 할 기회를 주셔서 감사합니다. 승민의 노래 목소리를 알고, 인정하고, 믿어, 사랑해, 정말 고마워. 승민을 프로그램에 불러주고 승민에게 노래할 기회를 주며 승민과 콜라보를 해주셔서 정말 고마워요. 많은 사람들에게, 승민이라는 훌륭한 노래 목소리의 소유자가 알려지는 것이 정말 기쁩니다. 승민의 가성을 세계에서 가장 좋아합니다. 정말 축하해.승민의 낮은 목소리도, 높은 목소리도, 승민의 가성의 전부를 세계 제일 좋아해. 승민, 정말 굉장했다. 정말 훌륭했습니다. 승민의 가성은 정말 세계 제일이라고 생각한다. 승민의 태어난 낮은 목소리를 살린 낮은 가성도 깨끗한 중음·고음도 승민의 가성 모두 달콤하고 마음 깊게 닿아 여운을 남기고 있는 최고의 가성입니다. 세계 제일 좋아.
I will never stop admiring Seungmin and this applies to absolutely everything, both his personality and his talent. Seungmin's vocals are just something unthinkable apart from the fact that he perfectly or rather skillfully owns his voice with each new album, his level of professionalism reaches new heights each time his vocals amaze more and more with their power, range and variety. But most importantly, he never forgets about feelings and emotions, showing us all his sincerity. I'm looking forward to his solo album more than anything in the future.
After so many years in the K-POP industry, I didn't think anyone else would be able to impress me with their vocals until I heard Seungmin's voice. He puts so many feelings and emotions into every note that one has only to hear his voice and tears in a stream, the heart jumps out of his chest, and not every vocalist is capable of such a thing. "The most precious diamonds and the brightest stars are hidden from human eyes" now I began to understand this as never before.
Seungmin's voice is an ocean of tears, a heart that jumps out of his chest and a soul torn apart, not every vocalist is capable of this. His voice is clear as crystal, soft as a cloud deeper than the ocean and at the same time as strong as a hurricane.
Every now and then I would watch random videos of Seungmin singing and I fall for his beautiful vocals every single time. I'm so proud of you, my singer.
I'm in paradise and I don't want to come back, Seungmin's voice is truly unique for so many years, including in K-POP, this is only the second time I've met something like this. The voice is clear as crystal, soft as a cloud, and the timbre is so sweet, solid honey and at the same time so sensual and deep that it immediately penetrates into your heart, doing something inexplicable with it just to goosebumps.
Literally every album every song and every performance of Seungmin's voice is a discovery, it never ceases to amaze, and to such an extent that you lose not only the power of speech but also your pulse. A voice that I want to listen to endlessly and how much more potential there is in it, I'm even afraid to imagine. I will never stop admiring Seungmin and praying for his solo album.
I'm in paradise and I don't want to come back, Seungmin's voice is truly unique for so many years, including in K-POP, this is only the second time I've met something like this. The voice is clear as crystal, soft as a cloud, and the timbre is so sweet, solid honey, but at the same time so sensual, emotional and deep that it immediately penetrates into your heart, doing something inexplicable with it, just to goosebumps😳 I pray to all the gods of mankind for his solo album🙏
Seungmin's voice and heart jumps out of his chest, his breath catches in tears like a stream, and his soul is torn apart and everything around him seems to freeze. To sing steadily to take a high note is a matter of technique and to evoke emotions, to awaken feelings, to touch the heart, to take the most painful and not let go until the end, only a few are capable of this. Seungmin's vocals don't just stand out and remember his voice is really unique a real diamond not only in K-POP and the entire music industry.
Every part and every song of Seungmin's voice is a whole discovery for me It's so beautiful that you doubt it in reality, God knew which angel to reward with such talent😭🤲👼🏻🤍
The only thing I am completely powerless against and I want to listen endlessly This is the voice of Seungmin, who I will never stop admiring, this is Seungmin, he is the real diamond not only of STRAY KIDS but of the entire K-POP industry💎
OMG Literally every day, Seungmin's voice is a discovery for me, every time his vocals open up from a completely different side, I just will never stop being amazed and admired. How masterfully, beautifully and skillfully he owns his voice, his amazing stability and most importantly, the strength, power and range of diversity of his vocals. Seungmin from the "angelic voice" turned into a real diamond not only for STRAY KIDS but for the entire K-POP industry as a whole.
I will never stop admiring Seungmin and his vocals, it's just something unthinkable, incomprehensible and inexplicable in words, I'm just crying. How amazing he is.
I sincerely apologize but the voice Seungmin's "something that cannot be explained in words-you can only feel" one note of one second is enough and the heart jumps out of the chest and tears flow only he is capable of it. Seungmin is one of those few vocalists who touch the most remote corners of your heart without leaving anyone indifferent.
이제 2회를 마친 리무진서비스 후기를 쓰고 싶은데,, 사실 나는 장르를 많이 가리며 음악을 듣진 않지만 그래도 좀더 노래위주의 음악을 많이 듣다 보니 리무진서비스 인터넷기사에서처럼 듣는 뮤지션과 보는 뮤지션이란 기사내용을 보고 조금은 의아했지만 민니님편에 이어 승민님편을 보고나니 이제야 이 프로그램의 취지또는 의미를 이해할수 있었다~ 뮤지션으로서 아이돌로 활동하신 분들의 보컬분들 또한 끊임없이 생각하고 노력하지만 보여드릴 기회가 없어 아쉽고 간절한 부분들을 리무진서비스에서 그 목소리를 들려줄 수 있다는게 팬들에게는 너무너무 감사하고 감동이 되어지는것 같다~특히 승민님편은 앞으로 활동을 하면서도 잊지못할것 같다는 그 말이 정말 진심으로 느껴지고 나도 큰 감동이 되어졌다~그 중심에 이무진이라는 뮤지션을 MC로 기회를 주신 제작진분들 넘 감사하고 나또한 팬으로서 너무너무 행복하당~💛 리무진 서비스 100회,200회 까지 쭉쭉 가보자고~‼️ 정말 팬들에게 감사한 코퀄 라이브컨텐츠 리무진서비스 사랑함당❣
No record, no disc will transfer all the beauty, depth, strength and power of Seungmin's voice. The most precious diamonds and the brightest stars are hidden from human eyes, and it's not for nothing that when I met Seungmin, I understand this like never before.
As soon as you hear Seungmin's voice, your heart jumps out of your chest, your breath catches, and tears flow like a stream. And it's not just his great technique, excellent command of his voice, incredible strength and amazing range. His vocals are able to evoke emotions, give birth to feelings and touch the farthest corners of the heart, at the same time capturing your soul and no longer letting go. Not every vocalist is capable of this, but rather one in millions Seungmin's really unique voice. MORE THAN ANYTHING, I'M WAITING AND BEGGING FOR HIS SOLO ALBUM.
"The brightest stars and the most precious diamonds are always hidden from human eyes", when I met Seungmin, I began to understand this as never before. To be honest, after so many years in K-POP, I didn't think that anyone else was able to impress me with their vocals, there were no hopes for new generations until I heard Seungmin's voice. I just pray to all the gods of mankind for his solo album🙏
The only thing I'm completely powerless against and want to listen to endlessly is Seungmin's voice. His voice is capable of the most important thing, it is the ability to evoke feelings and emotions touching the farthest corners of your heart, piercing the soul through and through, and not every vocalist has this ability, or rather a gift from heaven. Seungmini is truly the real treasure and diamond not only of STRAY KIDS but of the entire music industry. And no words can describe how much I want this diamond to shine even brighter with my solo album.
After so many years in the K-POP industry, I didn't think that anyone else would be able to impress me with their vocals until I heard Seungmin's voice, which not only sounded flawlessly clean and phenomenally stable, but so deeply and sincerely that it managed to penetrate into the farthest corners of my heart, punishing it irrevocably and finally. Seungmin is one of those few who puts their feelings and emotions into every note, literally living the song with a truly unique voice of a unique vocalist. It is not surprising that the natural pattern is that the most precious diamonds and the brightest stars are always hidden from human eyes.
Randomly had this performance stuck in my head months after watching this episode and instantly remembered it was this. Their voices leave on hell of an impression as they blend and weave together.
Я в раю и мне не хочется возвращаться голос Сынмина воистину уникальный за столько лет в том числе в K-POP я лишь второй раз встречаю нечто подобное. Голос чистый как хрусталь мягкий словно облако а тембр настолько сладкий сплошной мёд но при этом такой чувственный эмоциональный и глубокий что сразу проникает в твоё сердечко вытворяя с ним нечто необьяснимое просто до мурашек😳 Молю всех богов человечества о его сольном альбоме🙏
As soon as you hear Seungmin's voice, your heart jumps out of your chest like tears and your soul is torn apart, and not every vocalist is capable of this. His voice is clear as crystal, soft as a cloud and deeper than the ocean, while being as strong and powerful as a hurricane. Seungmini is the real diamond not only of STRAY KIDS but of the entire K-POP industry.
"Самые яркие звезды и самые драгоценные бриллианты всегда скрыты от глаз людских" встретив Сынмина я стала понимать это как никогда раньше. Скажу честно после стольких лет в K-POP я не думала что ещё хоть кто-то способен поразить меня своим вокалом не было никаких надежд на новые поколения пока я не услышала голос Сынмина. Просто молю всех богов человечества о его сольном альбоме🙏
킹덤때 승민님이 은광님이랑 종호랑 러브포엠 했을 때도 보컬 색이 너무 예쁘고 개성있는데 승민님도 보컬 욕심이 있으신 것 같아서 이런 기회들이 승민님을 얼마나 더 성장시킬 지 기대하게 만드네요. 이번 곡도 목소리가 가사를 더 살려주는 것 같았어요. 이무진님의 편곡도 그렇고... 정말 너무 귀호강하는 곡이었습니다... 진짜 노력 많이 하셨을 것 같고, 그 노력이 한 곡에 곱게 다 담겨있는 것 같아요. 앞으로도 응원하겠습니다! 너무 잘 들었어요!
승미낭 요즘 들어 현타가 많이 온당 친구 관계든 일이던 참 수많은 생각이 들어 우리 승민이 노래 들으니까 뭉쳐있는 이 감정들이 한번에 터져서 시원하게 울수 있는거 같아 항상 생각하지만 승민아 가수 해줘서 너무 고마워 스키즈 해줘서 너무 고맙고 앞으로도 좋은 목소리로 노래 많이 해줘 항상 스테이가 옆에있다는거 잊지말구 영원하자❤
선공개도 너무 좋아서 30초짜리를 몇백번을 들었는데 풀버전은 더 좋은거같아 특히 승민이가 고음에 대해서 고민도 많이 한 만큼 마지막 부분이 너무 감동스럽고 기특하다... 오로지 노력으로 한다면 해내는 승민이가 너무 자랑스러워 항상 승민이의 도전을 응원할게 많이 사랑해!!
와 정말 감동입니다. 와 승민오빠 목소리가 너무 맑아서 눈도 깜박이지 않고 봤어요 너무 완벽했어요 아. TV 시리즈에도 노래를 만들어야 한다고 생각합니다. 당신의 목소리는 전체 시리즈 노래와 아주 잘 어울립니다. 당신은 완벽했습니다 당신을 사랑합니다. 😮😮🥲🥲🥲🥲😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰👏👏🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍❤❤❤❤🇹🇷🇰🇷
My sea was my favorite song by IU and seeing this, Kim Seungmin from the group I stan called Stray Kids sings this song together with Lee Mujin makes me wanna cry. Seungmin's adlibs and high notes plus the way he and Mujin sang this song with emotions, I would definitely going to watch this on repeat. 🥺
An open letter to our Dandy Voice: Seungmin, our bravest, most diligent and hardworking Odd Star. Your voice will always bring incomparable healing to every Stays' heart. You've been through a lot Seungmini😢~ having to step up as the main in charge in SKZ's vocals, for sure it wasn't easy as it sounds, it never is for confidence and courage are things you need to gather first hand. You've been so dedicated to spend extra hours after work to get vocal lessons and exerted so much effort to be able to handle your position in the group and be a member everyone can depend on.😢 My heart aches for what you have been through that none of us may have truly known, but I am smiling for the fact that you are indeed the STRONGEST person I have ever known, emotionally and mentally.❤ I am so thankful that you are a Stray Kid, you are an important piece of Stray Kids as much as all the other members. Seungminii, you are doing so well and you are improving more and more each day, each comeback and WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU. You said that you are still imperfect, and even if the 8 of you are together - you don't make the perfect team because your imperfections are what make you Stray Kids~ I was deeply touched by that statement uri Seungmini, and because of that, my view of Stray Kids had changed totally! I am looking forward to every member's continuous progress, I love each one of you and I hope all of you the best. In this earth, your voice will always be my favorite and nothing will beat that. 💕
Seriously, Lee Mujin and Seungmin voices gave me goosebump. The high notes are powerful yet very soothing to hear. I hope this will reach a lot of people. Thank you so much including the pianist and staff for having Seungmin. Lee mujin service I hope this program will prosper. :))
풀버전 링크❤ ruclips.net/video/WoKA_Zt0STQ/видео.html
I've always had and will have a little of Seungmin, I can't stop being amazed by him in this song, video and album as a whole. He has changed
so much, matured and grew up at a professional level, although very little time has passed since the S-CLASS comeback and it is impossible to recognize Seungmin. Even his look has become completely different, more confident, and his eyes sparkle even brighter, as well as the visual of Seungmini is unrealistically beautiful, but what he is now cannot be described in any words, that's honestly I can't. He perfectly owns his voice amazing high notes angelic timbre and it has always been so only now his vocals have truly opened up with new power and force thundering all over the world. I just love the way he dances, his style of movement is so natural, while absolutely always clear and clean, it's really given to him, and with this choreography he blew up and burned everything around such a colossal return. I'm looking forward to Seungmin's solo album more than anything.
This is my all time favorite performance on Lee Mujin. Still playing on repeat in 2024. Seungmin showed his amazing talent. The warmth of his voice is so unique, and his hard work means he just keeps getting better and better. Also, his voice compliments Lee Mujin's so well. The harmonies melt my heart every time.
After so many years in K-POP, I didn't think anyone else would be able to impress me with their vocals until I heard Seungmin's voice👼🏻💎
Seungmin said that when he confused to choose a song to cover, hyunjin recommend this song to seungmin. Thank you hyunjin for recommending this song to seungmin
Hyunjin = Seungmin's biggest fan. Such a sweet friendship between those two. I too always thank Hyunjin every time I re-listen to this cover. :)
한 사람의 보컬리스트로서 승민에게 노래 할 기회를 주셔서 감사합니다. 승민의 노래 목소리를 알고, 인정하고, 믿어, 사랑해, 정말 고마워. 승민을 프로그램에 불러주고 승민에게 노래할 기회를 주며 승민과 콜라보를 해주셔서 정말 고마워요. 많은 사람들에게, 승민이라는 훌륭한 노래 목소리의 소유자가 알려지는 것이 정말 기쁩니다. 승민의 가성을 세계에서 가장 좋아합니다. 정말 축하해.승민의 낮은 목소리도, 높은 목소리도, 승민의 가성의 전부를 세계 제일 좋아해. 승민, 정말 굉장했다. 정말 훌륭했습니다. 승민의 가성은 정말 세계 제일이라고 생각한다. 승민의 태어난 낮은 목소리를 살린 낮은 가성도 깨끗한 중음·고음도 승민의 가성 모두 달콤하고 마음 깊게 닿아 여운을 남기고 있는 최고의 가성입니다. 세계 제일 좋아.
I will never stop admiring Seungmin and
this applies to absolutely everything, both his personality and his talent. Seungmin's vocals
are just something unthinkable apart from the fact that he perfectly or rather skillfully owns
his voice with each new album, his level of professionalism reaches new heights each
time his vocals amaze more and more with their power, range and variety. But most importantly, he never forgets about feelings and emotions, showing us all his sincerity. I'm looking forward to his solo album more than anything in the future.
수많은 리무진 서비스 중 가장 취저 그냥 목소리로 위로해주는 둘,,,귀하다 정말🫶
After so many years in the K-POP industry, I didn't think anyone else would be able to impress me with their vocals until I heard Seungmin's voice. He puts so many feelings and emotions into every note that one has only to hear his voice
and tears in a stream, the heart jumps out of his chest, and not every vocalist is capable of such
a thing. "The most precious diamonds and the brightest stars are hidden from human eyes"
now I began to understand this as never before.
2000년엔 무슨일이 있었던거지. 멋진 두 남자의 화음 정말 좋다
Wow, this is so underrated. The vocals of both of them 😍
Seungmin ❤✨
두 남자의 듀엣에 이렇게 설레이다니..!
MC무진 오래가자~
Seungmin's voice is an ocean of tears, a
heart that jumps out of his chest and a soul
torn apart, not every vocalist is capable of this. His voice is clear as crystal, soft as a cloud deeper than the ocean and at the same time
as strong as a hurricane.
Every now and then I would watch random videos of Seungmin singing and I fall for his beautiful vocals every single time. I'm so proud of you, my singer.
I'm in paradise and I don't want to come back, Seungmin's voice is truly unique for so many years, including in K-POP, this is only the second time I've met something like this. The voice is clear as crystal, soft as a cloud, and the timbre
is so sweet, solid honey and at the same time so sensual and deep that it immediately penetrates into your heart, doing something inexplicable with it just to goosebumps.
두분의 목소리를 함께 들으니 행복이 두배 ㅠㅠ🤍
승민아 뻡뻐 백만번 날렸으니까 스케줄 하면서 사랑이 필요할때마다 한개씩 받아줘🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
Literally every album every song and every performance of Seungmin's voice is a discovery, it never ceases to amaze, and to such an extent that you lose not only the power of speech but also your pulse. A voice that I want to listen to endlessly and how much more potential there
is in it, I'm even afraid to imagine. I will never
stop admiring Seungmin and praying for his
solo album.
무진님 승민님 두분 듀엣 뭐죠
설레면서 들었어요
I'm in paradise and I don't want to come back, Seungmin's voice is truly unique for so many years, including in K-POP, this is only the second time I've met something like this. The voice is clear as crystal, soft as a cloud, and the timbre
is so sweet, solid honey, but at the same time so sensual, emotional and deep that it immediately penetrates into your heart, doing something inexplicable with it, just to goosebumps😳 I pray to all the gods of mankind for his solo album🙏
두분 듀엣곡 나왔슴 좋겠어요~~^^
음색도 잘 어울리고 노래도 너무 내 자신을 토닥여 주는 위로를 받았답니다👍👏
Seungmin's voice and heart jumps out of his chest, his breath catches in tears like a stream, and his soul is torn apart and everything around him seems to freeze. To sing steadily to take a high note is a matter of technique and to evoke emotions, to awaken feelings, to touch the heart, to take the most painful and not let go until the end, only a few are capable of this. Seungmin's vocals don't just stand out and remember his voice is really unique a real diamond not only
in K-POP and the entire music industry.
두번째 리무진서비스 승차감도 최상.
두 분의 목소리로 풀어내는 '아이와 나의 바다' 너무 좋았다
리무진서비스 오래 오래 하자!!
오늘 새 소속사에서 새 출발하는 이무진 축하해!!👏👏 꽃길만 걷자 🎉💝
Every part and every song of Seungmin's voice
is a whole discovery for me It's so beautiful that you doubt it in reality, God knew which angel to reward with such talent😭🤲👼🏻🤍
고마워 승민아
승민이가 저 멀리 저 높이 성장하고 반짝일때까지 변함없이 응원할게 꼭!!!!
The only thing I am completely powerless against and I want to listen endlessly This is the voice of Seungmin, who I will never stop admiring, this is Seungmin, he is the real diamond not only of STRAY KIDS but of the entire K-POP industry💎
김승민 가성 왤케 좋음... 무진님이랑 음색 합 너무 좋다 진심ㅠㅠ
OMG Literally every day, Seungmin's voice is a discovery for me, every time his vocals open up from a completely different side, I just will never stop being amazed and admired. How masterfully, beautifully and skillfully he owns his voice, his amazing stability and most importantly, the strength, power and range of diversity of his vocals. Seungmin from the "angelic voice" turned into a real diamond not only for STRAY KIDS but for the entire K-POP industry as a whole.
밀레니엄 베이비들의 꿀조합👍🤍 이무진 김승민 짱짱🔥
I will never stop admiring Seungmin and
his vocals, it's just something unthinkable, incomprehensible and inexplicable in words,
I'm just crying. How amazing he is.
승민이가 활동하면서 크게 기억할 못 잊을 하루라고 했는데 나도 그래. 승민이의 목소리로, 무진님과 함께 합을 맞춰 목소리를 들려준 오늘이 크게 각인돼서 오래오래 기억될 것 같아🤍
I sincerely apologize but the voice
Seungmin's "something that cannot be explained in words-you can only feel" one note of one second is enough and the heart jumps out
of the chest and tears flow only he is capable
of it. Seungmin is one of those few vocalists
who touch the most remote corners of your
heart without leaving anyone indifferent.
두 분의 아름다운 하모니♡
이무진 리무진 서비스♡
Kim Seungmin is too posh for this world👑
이제 2회를 마친 리무진서비스 후기를 쓰고 싶은데,, 사실 나는 장르를 많이 가리며 음악을 듣진 않지만 그래도 좀더 노래위주의 음악을 많이 듣다 보니 리무진서비스 인터넷기사에서처럼 듣는 뮤지션과 보는 뮤지션이란 기사내용을 보고 조금은 의아했지만 민니님편에 이어 승민님편을 보고나니 이제야 이 프로그램의 취지또는 의미를 이해할수 있었다~ 뮤지션으로서 아이돌로 활동하신 분들의 보컬분들 또한 끊임없이 생각하고 노력하지만 보여드릴 기회가 없어 아쉽고 간절한 부분들을 리무진서비스에서 그 목소리를 들려줄 수 있다는게 팬들에게는 너무너무 감사하고 감동이 되어지는것 같다~특히 승민님편은 앞으로 활동을 하면서도 잊지못할것 같다는 그 말이 정말 진심으로 느껴지고 나도 큰 감동이 되어졌다~그 중심에 이무진이라는 뮤지션을 MC로 기회를 주신 제작진분들 넘 감사하고 나또한 팬으로서 너무너무 행복하당~💛 리무진 서비스 100회,200회 까지 쭉쭉 가보자고~‼️ 정말 팬들에게 감사한 코퀄 라이브컨텐츠 리무진서비스 사랑함당❣
No record, no disc will transfer all the beauty, depth, strength and power of Seungmin's voice. The most precious diamonds and the brightest stars are hidden from human eyes, and it's not for nothing that when I met Seungmin, I understand this like never before.
원래 담백한 목소리가 화음이랑 잘 어울리는거 아는데 대부분 담백한 목소리는 유니크한 목소리에 묻히는 느낌이 들때가 많거든? 근데 진심 이 둘은 각각 음색이 안 묻히고 잘 어우러져서 화음 듣자마자 소름이 쫙....그냥 이 둘의 음색이 너무 잘 어울린다.
As soon as you hear Seungmin's voice, your heart jumps out of your chest, your breath catches, and tears flow like a stream. And it's not just his great technique, excellent command of his voice, incredible strength and amazing range. His vocals are able to evoke emotions, give birth to feelings and touch the farthest corners of the heart, at the same time capturing your soul and no longer letting go. Not every vocalist is capable of this, but rather one in millions Seungmin's really unique voice. MORE THAN ANYTHING, I'M WAITING AND BEGGING FOR HIS SOLO ALBUM.
진짜 너무 좋다.....목소리가 엄청 잘 어울린다ㅠㅠ
Why does Seungmin's voice sound like
you're hearing the dearest and dearest
person how much he penetrates your
heart and warms your soul.
우리 승민이 콜라보할때 상대방 계속 바라보면서 그때그때 맞추는거 너무 감동이야 🤍🤍🤍
와 아이유님 빼고, 두 분 곡 해석이 너무 좋아요. 들어본 적 없는 음색과 발성! 이슬이 굴러가는 듯 ❤
우리 명창강쥐 승민이 오래오래 노래해줘🤍 나도 오래오래 곁에서 응원할게🤍
"The brightest stars and the most precious diamonds are always hidden from human eyes", when I met Seungmin, I began to understand this as never before. To be honest, after so many years in K-POP, I didn't think that anyone else
was able to impress me with their vocals, there were no hopes for new generations until I heard Seungmin's voice. I just pray to all the gods of mankind for his solo album🙏
선공개가 너무 좋아서 기대했는데 그것보다도 훨씬 좋았어요.. 듣는 내내 행복했습니다 리무진 서비스 감사해요🤍
The only thing I'm completely powerless
against and want to listen to endlessly is Seungmin's voice. His voice is capable of the most important thing, it is the ability to evoke feelings and emotions touching the farthest corners of your heart, piercing the soul through and through, and not every vocalist has this ability, or rather a gift from heaven. Seungmini
is truly the real treasure and diamond not only
of STRAY KIDS but of the entire music industry.
And no words can describe how much I want
this diamond to shine even brighter with my
solo album.
오늘의 리무진 서비스는 역쉬 역대급!!! 남자 듀엣이 이렇게 아름다운 화음을 낼 수 있다니 언빌리어블~!!!
After so many years in the K-POP industry, I didn't think that anyone else would be able to impress me with their vocals until I heard Seungmin's voice, which not only sounded flawlessly clean and phenomenally stable, but so deeply and sincerely that it managed to penetrate into
the farthest corners of my heart, punishing it irrevocably and finally. Seungmin is one of those few who puts their feelings and emotions into every note, literally living the song with a truly unique voice of a unique vocalist. It is not surprising that the natural pattern is that the most precious diamonds and the brightest
stars are always hidden from human eyes.
둘 목소리 합 너무좋아요 음색깡패들 🤍
Randomly had this performance stuck in my head months after watching this episode and instantly remembered it was this. Their voices leave on hell of an impression as they blend and weave together.
3:39 조용했다가 들려오는 이무진 목소리 소름이 다 돋네..
좌절하고 무너질 시간에 갈고 닦고 부딪혔다더니.. 그걸 증명해주는 노래가 아닐까 싶어,, 승민아 오늘도 노래 해줘서 고마워. 앞으로도 잘 부탁해🤍
Я в раю и мне не хочется возвращаться голос Сынмина воистину уникальный за столько лет в том числе в K-POP я лишь второй раз встречаю нечто подобное. Голос чистый
как хрусталь мягкий словно облако а тембр настолько сладкий сплошной мёд но при этом такой чувственный эмоциональный
и глубокий что сразу проникает в твоё сердечко вытворяя с ним нечто необьяснимое просто до мурашек😳
Молю всех богов человечества
о его сольном альбоме🙏
진짜 두분다 넘 잘어울리는 선곡!!👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻🎶💛💛
As soon as you hear Seungmin's voice, your heart jumps out of your chest like tears and your soul is torn apart, and not every vocalist is capable of this. His voice is clear as crystal, soft as a cloud and deeper than the ocean, while being as strong and powerful as a hurricane. Seungmini is the real diamond not only of STRAY KIDS but of the entire K-POP industry.
im so proud of seungmin his vocal skills are gonna be recognized more it must be such an honour for him to be singing w lee mujin😭
После стольких лет в K-POP я уже не
думала что ещё хоть кто-то способен поразить меня своим вокалом пока
не услышала голос Сынмина👼🏻💎
두분의 블렌딩이 참 좋네여.. 울 승민이..ㅠㅠ 노래해줘서 고맙고..연습은 절대 배신안해..네가 행복하게 노래해주고..우린 옆에서 평생 스테이 할거니까 영스평스..알지?!🤍🤍🤍
목소리 합이 너무 환상적~~ 🥺🥺
00년생 동갑내기 이무진 엠씨님 덕분에 승민이도 좋은 기회에 멋진 경험을 할 수 있었던 것 같아 감동🤍 두고두고 돌려볼 영상 하나 추가되어서 좋네요 ㅎㅎ
"Самые яркие звезды и самые драгоценные бриллианты всегда скрыты от глаз людских" встретив Сынмина я стала понимать это как никогда раньше. Скажу честно после стольких лет в K-POP я не думала что ещё хоть кто-то способен поразить меня своим вокалом не было никаких надежд на новые поколения пока я не услышала голос Сынмина. Просто молю всех богов человечества о его сольном альбоме🙏
무지니. 혀~~~~~~여~~~엉
날 실망시키지 않으심. ㅠㅠ
시간이 겁나 짧은게 갈증을 유발하면서도
매주 기다립니다...
나 또 들으러왔어 명창강쥐야 불러줘서 고마워🥹
음원 발매가 시급하다... 두 사람 목소리 합 미쳤어~
킹덤때 승민님이 은광님이랑 종호랑 러브포엠 했을 때도 보컬 색이 너무 예쁘고 개성있는데 승민님도 보컬 욕심이 있으신 것 같아서 이런 기회들이 승민님을 얼마나 더 성장시킬 지 기대하게 만드네요. 이번 곡도 목소리가 가사를 더 살려주는 것 같았어요. 이무진님의 편곡도 그렇고... 정말 너무 귀호강하는 곡이었습니다... 진짜 노력 많이 하셨을 것 같고, 그 노력이 한 곡에 곱게 다 담겨있는 것 같아요. 앞으로도 응원하겠습니다! 너무 잘 들었어요!
너무너무너무 잘했어 우리 승민이 ㅠㅠ
ㅋㅋㅋ 너
Hi i am kokonutt industries
둘이 음색 합이 너무 좋다… 이조합 또 볼 수 있길…🤍
이무진은 왜 기타도 잘치는거야? 귀녹아
우와 너무 달콤해
리무진서비스는 행복입니다👍💛👏
승미낭 요즘 들어 현타가 많이 온당 친구 관계든 일이던 참 수많은 생각이 들어 우리 승민이 노래 들으니까 뭉쳐있는 이 감정들이 한번에 터져서 시원하게 울수 있는거 같아 항상 생각하지만 승민아 가수 해줘서 너무 고마워 스키즈 해줘서 너무 고맙고 앞으로도 좋은 목소리로 노래 많이 해줘 항상 스테이가 옆에있다는거 잊지말구 영원하자❤
소울 보이스가 가득한 승민과 무진의 목소리는 마치 집에 온 듯한 느낌을 주었고, 승민의 목소리는 깨어나기 싫은 꿈 같은 소리를 낸다. 아무리 해도 질리지가 않아요. 난 절대 실망하지 않아.
내 귀는 축복받았어 🤍🤍🤍
선공개도 너무 좋아서 30초짜리를 몇백번을 들었는데 풀버전은 더 좋은거같아 특히 승민이가 고음에 대해서 고민도 많이 한 만큼 마지막 부분이 너무 감동스럽고 기특하다... 오로지 노력으로 한다면 해내는 승민이가 너무 자랑스러워 항상 승민이의 도전을 응원할게 많이 사랑해!!
Beautiful!!! Perfect combination!!! Both have a smooth yet powerful timbre.
둘다 진짜 목소리가 넘 달달하고 뭔가 말랑말랑하니까 듣고있으면 힐링하는 느낌이라서 넘 좋다…ㅠㅠ
리무진 승차감 최고예요.. 무진님과 승민이 목소리를 함께 들을 수 있도록 해주셔서 감사합니다 선생님들❣️
그리고 아이폰 에어팟 유저분들 배경사운드로 바다 혹은 빗소리 켜고 영상 재생하면 극락이예요..... 스테이분들 꼭 한번씩 해보세요🥺
진짜 실력자들이 만나면 이런 기막힌 시너지 가 있는 듀엣이 되는군요. 햐, 진한 향이 깊게 스며오는 감동입니다.
Stray Kids comeback this March 18 firday 1pm kst pls lee mujin fans look forward to Stray Kids too. Thank you!
와 정말 감동입니다. 와 승민오빠 목소리가 너무 맑아서 눈도 깜박이지 않고 봤어요 너무 완벽했어요 아. TV 시리즈에도 노래를 만들어야 한다고 생각합니다. 당신의 목소리는 전체 시리즈 노래와 아주 잘 어울립니다. 당신은 완벽했습니다 당신을 사랑합니다. 😮😮🥲🥲🥲🥲😍😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰🥰👏👏🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍❤❤❤❤🇹🇷🇰🇷
정말 무지니는 듀엣대장이군여👍 어쩌면 이러케 잘살려줄까나😇 남성듀엣임에도 완전 환상적이네요~~아흐 넘좋으다
승민이 목소리 는 진자…눈물만 흘려…너무 자랑스럽다 진자
내가 좋아하는 두 목소리가 내가 젤 좋아하는 노래를 부르다니... 꿈인가?
힐링무대 감사합니다~~넘 좋으네요👏👏👏👏👏👏
와~승민 무진 두분의 화음이 너무 좋네요
게스트를 빛나게 해주는 무진님은 최고입니다
My sea was my favorite song by IU and seeing this, Kim Seungmin from the group I stan called Stray Kids sings this song together with Lee Mujin makes me wanna cry. Seungmin's adlibs and high notes plus the way he and Mujin sang this song with emotions, I would definitely going to watch this on repeat. 🥺
im agry with u. i like their voices
@@rafikaulya2786 I also like their voices.
Mini 🥹🫶🏽 what a blessing to hear his voice
감정 표현력이 정말 좋아서 가사를 한 번 더 곱씹어 보게 되네ㅠㅠ
that was a beautiful cover didn't know straykids boy can sing like this!
둘의 소년의 목소리가 이렇게 조화롭게 들릴 수가.. 너무 좋아요
An open letter to our Dandy Voice:
Seungmin, our bravest, most diligent and hardworking Odd Star. Your voice will always bring incomparable healing to every Stays' heart. You've been through a lot Seungmini😢~ having to step up as the main in charge in SKZ's vocals, for sure it wasn't easy as it sounds, it never is for confidence and courage are things you need to gather first hand. You've been so dedicated to spend extra hours after work to get vocal lessons and exerted so much effort to be able to handle your position in the group and be a member everyone can depend on.😢
My heart aches for what you have been through that none of us may have truly known, but I am smiling for the fact that you are indeed the STRONGEST person I have ever known, emotionally and mentally.❤ I am so thankful that you are a Stray Kid, you are an important piece of Stray Kids as much as all the other members.
Seungminii, you are doing so well and you are improving more and more each day, each comeback and WE ARE SO PROUD OF YOU. You said that you are still imperfect, and even if the 8 of you are together - you don't make the perfect team because your imperfections are what make you Stray Kids~ I was deeply touched by that statement uri Seungmini, and because of that, my view of Stray Kids had changed totally!
I am looking forward to every member's continuous progress, I love each one of you and I hope all of you the best.
In this earth, your voice will always be my favorite and nothing will beat that. 💕
‘리무진서비스’를 통해 실력 있는 많은 아이돌 스타들이 알려지길 바래 봅니당~무진과 승민의 하이퀄리티 듀엣 서비스에 귀와 눈이 녹는중~❤️매력적인 무지니와 승민의 듀엣무대로 기억될 오늘이 넘 사랑스럽네요
Seriously, Lee Mujin and Seungmin voices gave me goosebump. The high notes are powerful yet very soothing to hear. I hope this will reach a lot of people. Thank you so much including the pianist and staff for having Seungmin. Lee mujin service I hope this program will prosper. :))
i like their voices
두 분 다 너무 몽글따뜻한 목소리에요 🥺❤️
Always comeback for this duo cover
울승민이 잘부르네♡ 그와중에 무진님 양말이 시강 ㅋㅋ
승민오빠 무진오빠 좋은 노래를 불러줘서 감사합니다
너무 감동 받았어요ㅜ
승민이가 무진님이랑 이 노래를 부르는 거 보니까 너무너무 행복해요...
리무진서비스 이만하면 최고의 서포트를 넘어
갓벽한 작품이다😭
뛰어난 보컬리스트인 두 분의 화음을 들을 수 있어서 정말 뜻깊었어요
오늘 받은 감동 좋은 추억이 될 것 같아요 두 분 모두 앞으로가 너무 기대되는 가수에요👍👍
또 한 번 함께 노래부르는 날 기대하고 있을게요! 감사합니다!
1:04 아이는~ 이 너무너무좋음..