Seems like there will be more fighting in the game. In the video they said "top lane is an island" but since there will be these new creatures spawning multiple times I bet top jungle mid support will be there quite often.
A jungle may want to be Pro-active at obtaining these new buffs but now the map allows everyone to contest even easier. Looks like next season will be fun.
The void monsters will shift the meta sooo hard. Now fights at min 5 and min 9-10 will be a constant thing because they will be very impactful so top lane and midlane prio/dominance is more important.
I don't think this will have any impact on top lane. The lane is too far away from any objectives. Now with the gank paths cut off it would be etter to hard shove every wave. Make your opponent lose cs while stuck under tower.
@@herpderp66 ??? We are talking about the baron pit void spawns at min 5 and min 10. How is the baron pit far away from toplane ? The effects of those are soo good that every game jungler will try to kill them so having a strong toplaner that can shove the wave and come to help will have a big impact on the toplane and the whole team.
What's to stop bot lane from going top now? Seems like that would be the case since they are more protected. Also red side bot seems to the be the most vulnerable position now
@@voice5sur5 it seems like voidgrubs are really valuable early game especially if it means you get more plates. Just seems like drake isn't a big enough reason for them to not switch lanes
If this actually pulls a Smite and Top laners go to bot lane while the duo lane goes to top this will be interesting. As less work for the support to ward and less opportunities for the enemy jungler to gank
As a fiddle supp main those are really bad changes: Bot lane will be a constant gank party, and I cant roam and gank mid anymore becouse the bushes are to far away. Which means jungler will camp at bot side for literally every gank.
its called rotating, its already a thing lol. and no we arent going to see that because a top laner will still be ahead in levels because of 2 top and will just destroy them
No, turret plating in botlane is alot squeshier than the rest. It would be dis-advantageous position for the team if the solo laner is in the botlane vs. duo/supp.
@@KevinPao-fj9cb Maybe reverse swap? Bot starts top, top starts top. They fight for the void mites or what, getting turret destroying power, then rotating to bot.
Originally bot lane was the two man lane because Dragon was there to fight over, while top only had Baron. If the grubs turn out to be a more compelling objective than early dragons, that might lead to a swap.
@@driftwisp2797 which would be funny as the bot change was for the duo lane to be ganked more. I would like to see the look on Riot's face if this does happen. And watch them make the same change to top lane then
As a support main I love the changes around gank paths in lanes. It gives a larger incentive for my jungler to actually gank bot instead of only having the enemy jungler just turn up 7 times in a row.
As a jungle main I love the changes around gank paths in lanes. It gives a larger incentive for my support to actually roam from bot instead of only having the enemy support invade me 7 times in a row.
I like all the changes except I feel like the grubs are unnecessary and gonna be too impactful. It’ll change meta for early skirmish/assassin champs and/or allow too many split push champs to just end the game no matter the circumstances.
meh toplane used to be an easy-to-gank lane because of how long and isolated it is, now it will become much harder. To get the early void monsters, junglers would actually need help from their laners.
The made the jungle more important but cucked junglers except for bot there's less gank opportunity and now i gotta spend more time farming, which means you laners in soloQ might wanna help ur jungle every now and then
I'm excited about the new season changes! The game was starting to feel stale so these are exciting and will change things up in a fun way... I just hope the randos in my ranked queues are actually going to read patch notes and not go "Wait the map is different??"
This is gonna be an exciting update, finally for a season they change something major unlike the last 2. Glad that Baron is gonna have an elemental frame effect (If only around his pit). I think riot took the baron field outrage and worked in a better way, but now I’m really interested to see how a baron field would affect gameplay now that we know how it works.
Holy shit this is so hype, it feels like a new map almost. The mid turret being away from the wall is always huge, it means it's harder to funnel enemies into the tunnel on the wall side of the turret, making it easier to defend. At least in theory.
Well, as an adc main, I think its over for traditional marksmen in low elo. Unless we see a shift in lane-meta. If botlane goes top, we might be good. Having the duo being bot while the most important and impactful early-buffs are topside seems risky. I see multiple people talking about rotations, but that doesn't make up for the fact that marksmen don't have tp. It seems better for a sololaner with tp to rotate top then tp bot, then for a marksman to rotate top, then walk all the way down. It's just not practical. In other words, if grubs become powerful, it might shift the meta entirely. I hope it will, or my role is gonna be useless untill all earlygame is decided. And so the game is decided too. If you accumulate too much power, you just snowball the game out of control. Also all these changes makes for an even more team-reliant game. I'm looking forward to seeing my emerald teammates not being able to coordinate shit.. There is no voice-chat, and the way chat works atm its just better to have it off all the time. I dunno. Sceptical
im in bronze, when I finish my first jungle clear(hecarim) one of my lanes is already 0/5 and they blame me for starting on the opposite side and not being there to babysit them
7:15 These changes may appear small but it really helps immobile laners. For one instance midlane walls have specific areas shaco players can invis and box stun lock immobile mages.
So let me see if I'm tracking this correctly. Two years ago Riot nerfed bot lane exp directly. One year ago they buffed solo lane exp (nerfing bot indirectly). And this year they made bot even more gankable while simultaneously making solo lanes less gankable. Apropos of nothing, anybody know why adc is now an autofill protected role?
I don't think you appreciate just how insanely broken marksmen can be if they are given an inch. Crit is arguably the strongest stat in the game. It's not fair to be reduced to 20% hp because someone hit you once with an auto attack.
but if you get them your tower pushing is way better, seems like riot wants to make games shorter and more full of action and fighting, also around the new scuttle and buffs since stealing/invading the enhanced buffs will be incredibly valuable.
These are huge changes, pretty exciting. Should make junglers much more impactful in the game, as well as allow tactical objective based players to win a game, despite a losing team through rift bugs.
So IF for some reason Top lane stays a solo lane this is a major buff to Soraka top or any support top really, especially if they start red side as harder to gank with the changes. Also i say if as when Soraka Top was meta before 10.4 literally people would have shut it down if they rushed a exe as first item. You know the situational item at the time made to kill healing, but they prioritized their own personal build and that gave her a near 70% wr till 10.4 Pretty much league players don't really know when to do good strats till they are popular
so in top they removed a gank option and instead of doing the same to botlane they just added one it is either gonna be a tank jungle meta because of the items or an assasin jungle meta because of the easy bot ganks
As far as I understand: 1) Junglers cant gank as easily as they could before. They will focus more on objectives. 2) Top lane will be a 1v1 island. 3) Bot lane will be chaotic. There are easy and safe paths to the river to help junglers. Also there is a safe path from mid to bot so we can see lots of roams. 4) High elo will abuse the lane push and tower destroyer champs. 5) Low elo will try to figure out the new map and eventually find stupidly fun metas. 6) Ap shaco mains will enjoy the game no matter what the change is. What I wonder is how those changes effect the late game.
i havent played for years..paused for a good minute when he said "ride the rift heraled"..this would have come as a huge shock to me if i had just jumped back in lmao. It seems they want games OVER much FASTER. and thats good
@@zackmorris4977 yea u gonna be one of the few jungler that can gank top. I like this change to top though cuz the lane often become unnplayable if ur opponent jungler decide to just camp u
OK - But I love all of this! The new gateways through the jungle make so much sense, and I feel like generally you want to create more battle arena's and zones where there is space and fairer play. I'm an adc main and I love the idea of botlane becoming this constant brawl lane. Cause it is like that already but now the way ganks could work felt toxic. Now it will feel fairer.
could really be the case since the new void monsters seem pretty strong and they are more protected up there. Depends on how bad you need dragons and how well adc and support can rotate.
@derkonigk4011 To me, the new voidlings seem to be a high priority, and leaving that to just your top laner and jungle seems more risky. A good support will also know to rotate to dragon when the time comes. The adc is safe up there. I'm hopeful for this to be the new meta lol
I don't believe the lanes will swap due to one sinole question: "What happens if the opponents dont swap?" And due to multiple reasons, its insanely bad if they dont. 1. Bot outer towers have the least defensive stats in the game. This was a tactic done by riot to remove the previous lane swap strat. Even if I'm entirely wrong and the meta does flip, this may be another lever they adjust to accommodate. 2. Being 1v2 in top is much easier than 1v2 in bot. A top laner would be under serious pressure just due to how easy bot is to gank. With the top laners exposed position in bot, they'll likely get pressured out and not be able to defend the previously mentioned squishy turret. 3. Grubs can be easy countered with dragons. Theres an obvious cross map play, so it's not quite as one sided. Also, if you fail to capitalize on your 2v1 in top and the enemy takes grubs, well that squishy tower bot becomes paper. 4. The easy to gank aspect of bot also makes it easy to roam for supports. Itll be much easier to get active on the map in bot than top just due to the pathing. Beyond that, one aspect of being a roaming support is return ganking, which will be easier to do to bot. Do I expect some teams to try a swap in say pro when they want to press a strong early game comp? Probably. However, if the strat becomes standard itll likely be patched out.
Why not make the map completely symmetrical so that camera advantage for blue side doesn't exist, they just removed all the advantages for red side and the win rate gap will become even larger.
to be honest im glad they are having fun with the game, but this is a completely different game entirely than it was a even just a year ago. i really enjoyed old league where everyone built up and then fought. seems like everyone just fights all the time now lol
no.. lol that would be the dumbest idea ever, a regular top laner against 2 players will be ahead in experience because facing 2 top by yourself you get more exp, he will just be ahead and able to counter easily while the xp rates with the two top will be so messed up the bruiser will just instantly destroy them. its never going to happen lmao@@herpderp66
It seems to favor poking, because it does not stack. If it was applied directly it would be a lot stronger for high attack speed champions, but now it is more even
my take on this is: adc+sup on toplane, secure 6 void minion and then hardpush all the turrets before min 20? there isnt realy a counterplay because toplane is now near ungankable.. why would sup and adc stay on this bullshit botside? securing the most important objective (drake) was the reason they went bot in the first place, wasnt it?? these minions seem to be MUCH stronger then the first drake..
As a top laner i would humbly ask yhe sup and adc to go top from now on, and i can play my garen in bot, objectives in toplane is so much more important now, and the added safty is good for adc and sup
The walls would help a lot if half the champions that play jungle couldn't jump them, not like it matters to me tho, I play botlane, I'm ready to go 0/9 at 5 minutes from the constant 3v2 dive
These changes look amazing and refreshing for the game. Only thing I'm worried about is how champs that rely on walls will do in lane. Camille e, poppy e , zoe e, akshan e, illaoi tentacles, qiyana r . As well as rengars gank potential with the lack of bushes. Terrain changes will indirectly make certain champs really struggle without some kind of range adjustment.
Well I’ll say my thoughts for each champ Camille - Will be fine, walls aren’t changed too drastically, plus she’s really strong, a minor nerf won’t mean much Poppy - Most walls a thicker, allowing for poppy to hit them easier (especially topside). As for Botside, only changes will affect all junglers, not poppy in particular. Zoe - She has wall interactions? Akshan - Still the same amount of swinging, in fact there’s way more swing to have in botside. Illaoi - Quite literally buffed if she pushes her laner under their tower when on blue side. Qiyana - Won’t matter Rengar - Yeah he’s probably gonna need a buff or two (All champs will probably need slight damage increases around the board due to weaker items, but Rengar is gonna need more) In conclusion, changes won’t affect specific champs too much, but someone like Rengar is probably no longer a jungler just so they could potentially roll the lottery and get an Ivern jungle.
@@GameGuinAzul Illaoi camille and poppy will be fine in jg and other parts of the map, but specifically in lane phase, they will struggle a lot more. In top lane, the bottom walls are nonexistent leaving a rather open field where minions meet. trading will be a lot harder. Akshan will probably be fine but they might need to adjust the range. Zoe's pick potential through the midlane walls was pretty significant. And qiyana might be hit the hardest. grabbing grass for trades will be harder as bushes are farther and her kill threat around midlane walls will also be affected. Rengar is just going to be super ult reliant bc bush ganks won't work. compensation buffs or the range of abilities might help solve most of these. basically will affect a lot of trade patterns in laning bc of opening up the map. overall though i think it will make laning phase more fun.
also early game champs for the grubs will be favoured, you need either bot or mid pro or a strong early game jungle, also invades are easier which strengthens this.@@GameGuinAzul
Mid Lane changes: "We want it to be harder to gank so people can play immobile mages ADC changes: "Lets open it up so its even easier to gank a lane with no real early game agency who rely on scaling..." GG Riot lol
RANK UP FAST at: 👈👈👈👈👈
Seems like there will be more fighting in the game. In the video they said "top lane is an island" but since there will be these new creatures spawning multiple times I bet top jungle mid support will be there quite often.
i think bot will go to top and top will go to bot
@@modgenesis3868that's not a bad idea
@@modgenesis3868came here to say this. With the increased safety and the new objective it makes sense.
A jungle may want to be Pro-active at obtaining these new buffs but now the map allows everyone to contest even easier. Looks like next season will be fun.
Hey narrator, you alright bro? How's your love life? XD
"While botlane is more open than my girlfriends dms" I was not prepared at ALL to hear this LMAO 😭
That’s deep, but not as deep as her-
I hope he is ok lol
The void monsters will shift the meta sooo hard. Now fights at min 5 and min 9-10 will be a constant thing because they will be very impactful so top lane and midlane prio/dominance is more important.
At least mid and top laners will be rewarded for having prio instead of getting ganked by the enemy jungler
I don't think this will have any impact on top lane. The lane is too far away from any objectives. Now with the gank paths cut off it would be etter to hard shove every wave. Make your opponent lose cs while stuck under tower.
@@herpderp66 ??? We are talking about the baron pit void spawns at min 5 and min 10. How is the baron pit far away from toplane ? The effects of those are soo good that every game jungler will try to kill them so having a strong toplaner that can shove the wave and come to help will have a big impact on the toplane and the whole team.
@@XPusatX Same reason most of the time top does not rotate to herald. Mid lane does. Top loses tempo. Mid does not.
What's to stop bot lane from going top now? Seems like that would be the case since they are more protected. Also red side bot seems to the be the most vulnerable position now
@@voice5sur5 it seems like voidgrubs are really valuable early game especially if it means you get more plates. Just seems like drake isn't a big enough reason for them to not switch lanes
Yeah it's a good call to be honest mate, will be interesting to see how it plays out!
@@Dopadroid Hard synergizes with early ADCs like Cait who farm plates as apart of her in lane gameplan.
If this actually pulls a Smite and Top laners go to bot lane while the duo lane goes to top this will be interesting. As less work for the support to ward and less opportunities for the enemy jungler to gank
As a fiddle supp main those are really bad changes: Bot lane will be a constant gank party, and I cant roam and gank mid anymore becouse the bushes are to far away. Which means jungler will camp at bot side for literally every gank.
So Bel’Veth will be bringing her family to the rift 2024. She’s going to be in the OP tier all season.
I think it's more likely that she loses her void army, and it gets replaced by these little grubs.
will we see marksman + sup duo shift top lane? grubs and new herald make that more valuable too. Not a lot of value in keeping the duo bot anymore
its called rotating, its already a thing lol. and no we arent going to see that because a top laner will still be ahead in levels because of 2 top and will just destroy them
@@TRVPHAUS He means that both teams adc + supp will start tha game at top and bot will be solo lane like top is now
No, turret plating in botlane is alot squeshier than the rest. It would be dis-advantageous position for the team if the solo laner is in the botlane vs. duo/supp.
@@KevinPao-fj9cb Maybe reverse swap?
Bot starts top, top starts top. They fight for the void mites or what, getting turret destroying power, then rotating to bot.
best opening joke I've heard in a long time! Made me giggle! Thanks!
These changes are awesome and cant wait for them to drop. As a Jungle main these changes will really change how every role is played.
could it be advantageous to put adc and support permanently in the toplane, being more protected?
thats called rotating, thats a thing already. lol
@@TRVPHAUS no, he means changing lanes. And it is a quite interesing idea indeed
Originally bot lane was the two man lane because Dragon was there to fight over, while top only had Baron. If the grubs turn out to be a more compelling objective than early dragons, that might lead to a swap.
@@driftwisp2797 which would be funny as the bot change was for the duo lane to be ganked more. I would like to see the look on Riot's face if this does happen. And watch them make the same change to top lane then
As a support main I love the changes around gank paths in lanes. It gives a larger incentive for my jungler to actually gank bot instead of only having the enemy jungler just turn up 7 times in a row.
It will just result in their jungler camping you even harder and your jungler not doing anything and then wonder why they lost the game.
That's so cute. He thinks his jungler will understand incentives....
Naah it looks like a mess man like wtf yoy gonna get camped harder. And top is just a 1v1 lane
As a jungle main I love the changes around gank paths in lanes. It gives a larger incentive for my support to actually roam from bot instead of only having the enemy support invade me 7 times in a row.
or you will probably play top, since it's more protected
I like all the changes except I feel like the grubs are unnecessary and gonna be too impactful. It’ll change meta for early skirmish/assassin champs and/or allow too many split push champs to just end the game no matter the circumstances.
Feels good to be a Sion/Volibear main.
Yooo this seems insane for a bel main.. even more minions to push with lol
the "and botlane is more open then my girlfriends dms" really caught me off guard. almost pit my water on my laptop
Riot Games : "We want to reduce the power of the Jungle"
Also Riot :
meh toplane used to be an easy-to-gank lane because of how long and isolated it is, now it will become much harder. To get the early void monsters, junglers would actually need help from their laners.
The made the jungle more important but cucked junglers except for bot there's less gank opportunity and now i gotta spend more time farming, which means you laners in soloQ might wanna help ur jungle every now and then
@@colour1246 No, their gonna stay in their lane and complain even more because less ganks.
I'm excited about the new season changes! The game was starting to feel stale so these are exciting and will change things up in a fun way... I just hope the randos in my ranked queues are actually going to read patch notes and not go "Wait the map is different??"
I'm going to say it anyways despite reading the patch notes
bro imagine almost 15 years old but never change map pattern
Nah they seeing the videos. However, people just rejoining the game will definitely comment that.
Making top even more a solo lane is bad how much stronger will champion's will get that want late game and Just to farm
Nasus will be dangerous
S4 changed a lot to the map tho@@lucratyo2285
This is gonna be an exciting update, finally for a season they change something major unlike the last 2. Glad that Baron is gonna have an elemental frame effect (If only around his pit). I think riot took the baron field outrage and worked in a better way, but now I’m really interested to see how a baron field would affect gameplay now that we know how it works.
Holy shit this is so hype, it feels like a new map almost. The mid turret being away from the wall is always huge, it means it's harder to funnel enemies into the tunnel on the wall side of the turret, making it easier to defend. At least in theory.
Well, as an adc main, I think its over for traditional marksmen in low elo. Unless we see a shift in lane-meta. If botlane goes top, we might be good. Having the duo being bot while the most important and impactful early-buffs are topside seems risky. I see multiple people talking about rotations, but that doesn't make up for the fact that marksmen don't have tp. It seems better for a sololaner with tp to rotate top then tp bot, then for a marksman to rotate top, then walk all the way down. It's just not practical. In other words, if grubs become powerful, it might shift the meta entirely. I hope it will, or my role is gonna be useless untill all earlygame is decided. And so the game is decided too. If you accumulate too much power, you just snowball the game out of control.
Also all these changes makes for an even more team-reliant game. I'm looking forward to seeing my emerald teammates not being able to coordinate shit.. There is no voice-chat, and the way chat works atm its just better to have it off all the time. I dunno. Sceptical
im in bronze, when I finish my first jungle clear(hecarim) one of my lanes is already 0/5 and they blame me for starting on the opposite side and not being there to babysit them
7:15 These changes may appear small but it really helps immobile laners. For one instance midlane walls have specific areas shaco players can invis and box stun lock immobile mages.
So let me see if I'm tracking this correctly. Two years ago Riot nerfed bot lane exp directly. One year ago they buffed solo lane exp (nerfing bot indirectly). And this year they made bot even more gankable while simultaneously making solo lanes less gankable.
Apropos of nothing, anybody know why adc is now an autofill protected role?
I was just thinking about how fucked adcs are. Absolutely wrenched. It will really be a coin flip game for adcs
riot hates marksmans, they love mages and assasins they won t admit it ,where is graves reverse rework ,GIVE ME BACK CIGAR ADC.
I don't think you appreciate just how insanely broken marksmen can be if they are given an inch. Crit is arguably the strongest stat in the game. It's not fair to be reduced to 20% hp because someone hit you once with an auto attack.
Deserved. Top lane been neglected for years now, ADCs have no right to complain
I feel like top and bot are going to swap with the void mites and shelly
Void Grubs seem like a huge liability, especially in low elo, too tanky and low pay off unless you get all three. Perfect spot for chaotic throws!
Love u
but if you get them your tower pushing is way better, seems like riot wants to make games shorter and more full of action and fighting, also around the new scuttle and buffs since stealing/invading the enhanced buffs will be incredibly valuable.
time to main zac and kayn GG
Lee Sin, Jax, Kindred, Rell, anyone that can jump walls really. Maybe a come back of Fizz & Tristana jungle too :D
These are huge changes, pretty exciting. Should make junglers much more impactful in the game, as well as allow tactical objective based players to win a game, despite a losing team through rift bugs.
I’m pretty sure When you kill The void grubs it doesn’t tell the map until all the grubs are killed
woid grubs will be op with malz we already use our minions to do massive damage when the cannon is tanking
I can see these maps changes might be a tiny bit better for solo-ing low elo when you essentially have to no teammates and going against 9 people.
but with no teammates you need a good early game pick so you can get grubs
Baron looks like an eldrazi now (if you know you know) and I'm here for it
The herald is gonna be fun to watch in competitive esports 😂
As a Shaco main, I am happy about these changes
You are? Can you explain? I can't see anything good for Shaco.
Maybe AP support shaco, as more ganks means more outplay potential, but for jungle shaco it seems detrimental
I feel like the favorite path to gank mid was already the raptors' side. Not sure I'll feel safer.
Well, finally lol2 IS coming
So IF for some reason Top lane stays a solo lane this is a major buff to Soraka top or any support top really, especially if they start red side as harder to gank with the changes.
Also i say if as when Soraka Top was meta before 10.4 literally people would have shut it down if they rushed a exe as first item. You know the situational item at the time made to kill healing, but they prioritized their own personal build and that gave her a near 70% wr till 10.4
Pretty much league players don't really know when to do good strats till they are popular
So basically jungle is now the most important role leaving almost all other roles far behind.
but more difficult to gank. Also this is a huge buff to strong early game junglers.
@claudeheinrich3613 Also, Kayn is going to be huge. He can just wall jump most the changes. Big threat.
Thank you so much ! Truly great
Pls let this guy do more vids, he's funny af
so in top they removed a gank option and instead of doing the same to botlane they just added one
it is either gonna be a tank jungle meta because of the items or an assasin jungle meta because of the easy bot ganks
Couldnt go past the red and blue buff monsters going full lgqbt
what about the drakes that modify the map, now that the structure of the map changed what does it affect?
Herald seems complealty busted.
Thats more than half a tower of health for a charge for 100% hit chance as long as you aim at it.
is the opposite blue buff path also changed or same
As far as I understand:
1) Junglers cant gank as easily as they could before. They will focus more on objectives.
2) Top lane will be a 1v1 island.
3) Bot lane will be chaotic. There are easy and safe paths to the river to help junglers. Also there is a safe path from mid to bot so we can see lots of roams.
4) High elo will abuse the lane push and tower destroyer champs.
5) Low elo will try to figure out the new map and eventually find stupidly fun metas.
6) Ap shaco mains will enjoy the game no matter what the change is.
What I wonder is how those changes effect the late game.
Or bot duo goes top and bot switchs to solo lane XD
As a jungle main - yay now i can lose a grub fight at 4 mins and get flamed all game until we ff or get hostage held.
didnt league just nerf turret plates to stop snow balling and now they're making it easier to take plates?
Herald will now appear at 14:00. So only voidgrubs for plates.
i havent played for years..paused for a good minute when he said "ride the rift heraled"..this would have come as a huge shock to me if i had just jumped back in lmao. It seems they want games OVER much FASTER. and thats good
Omg bro I love how video is done. Good job
Fix rumble bug, nah
Add baron fight music, FUCK YES.
I'm hoping they do something new with the keystones too. Add new ones and make changes to predator and unsealed spellbook.
Need someone to Herald ram into Yasuo R combo
Lillia with that void DOT is going to be insane lol
Make a winter landscape!
more open than my gf dm's
i cant.. 🤣
0:11 we’re not gonna ignore that are we?
Prepare for a farm jungler nocturne and Evelyn meta. Top is now pretty much gankable and mid lane is much harder to gank while bot is easier.
Good. I'm a nocturne main 😁
@@zackmorris4977 yea u gonna be one of the few jungler that can gank top. I like this change to top though cuz the lane often become unnplayable if ur opponent jungler decide to just camp u
OK - But I love all of this! The new gateways through the jungle make so much sense, and I feel like generally you want to create more battle arena's and zones where there is space and fairer play. I'm an adc main and I love the idea of botlane becoming this constant brawl lane. Cause it is like that already but now the way ganks could work felt toxic. Now it will feel fairer.
How will rengar be affected with the new bushes?
I wonder if the adc and support meta will now move to the top lane? 🤔
could really be the case since the new void monsters seem pretty strong and they are more protected up there. Depends on how bad you need dragons and how well adc and support can rotate.
@derkonigk4011 To me, the new voidlings seem to be a high priority, and leaving that to just your top laner and jungle seems more risky. A good support will also know to rotate to dragon when the time comes. The adc is safe up there.
I'm hopeful for this to be the new meta lol
Honestly I’d be kind of surprised if it didn’t shift that way
@z3llmer I don't play league anymore, but if I did, that's how I'd play it. I mained support and jungle.
I don't believe the lanes will swap due to one sinole question: "What happens if the opponents dont swap?" And due to multiple reasons, its insanely bad if they dont.
1. Bot outer towers have the least defensive stats in the game. This was a tactic done by riot to remove the previous lane swap strat. Even if I'm entirely wrong and the meta does flip, this may be another lever they adjust to accommodate.
2. Being 1v2 in top is much easier than 1v2 in bot. A top laner would be under serious pressure just due to how easy bot is to gank. With the top laners exposed position in bot, they'll likely get pressured out and not be able to defend the previously mentioned squishy turret.
3. Grubs can be easy countered with dragons. Theres an obvious cross map play, so it's not quite as one sided. Also, if you fail to capitalize on your 2v1 in top and the enemy takes grubs, well that squishy tower bot becomes paper.
4. The easy to gank aspect of bot also makes it easy to roam for supports. Itll be much easier to get active on the map in bot than top just due to the pathing. Beyond that, one aspect of being a roaming support is return ganking, which will be easier to do to bot.
Do I expect some teams to try a swap in say pro when they want to press a strong early game comp? Probably. However, if the strat becomes standard itll likely be patched out.
Why not make the map completely symmetrical so that camera advantage for blue side doesn't exist, they just removed all the advantages for red side and the win rate gap will become even larger.
to be honest im glad they are having fun with the game, but this is a completely different game entirely than it was a even just a year ago. i really enjoyed old league where everyone built up and then fought. seems like everyone just fights all the time now lol
I feel like they're trying to get away from the old SR
I was hoping for 1 baron form to completely destroy it's pit
i wonder if top/bot wall changes will not swap them, adc/supp top and solo on bot :P
That is exactly what is going to happen.
no.. lol
that would be the dumbest idea ever, a regular top laner against 2 players will be ahead in experience because facing 2 top by yourself you get more exp, he will just be ahead and able to counter easily while the xp rates with the two top will be so messed up the bruiser will just instantly destroy them. its never going to happen lmao@@herpderp66
love that they are making the void the battle ground.
Void Grubs spawning at 5 mins with crazy team stats + an ungankable top lane?? Inb4 Laneswap meta.
feels Like void baron its quite unqiue with 3 type actually
Just curious, what is the reasoning behind making the Void Grub tower damage DoT? Does it make any practical difference?
It seems to favor poking, because it does not stack. If it was applied directly it would be a lot stronger for high attack speed champions, but now it is more even
ganking top is no problem for Kaym, Talon, Zac
Bard will be so good on this map, im glad i otp him
Fiddle and Zac join the Chat
my take on this is: adc+sup on toplane, secure 6 void minion and then hardpush all the turrets before min 20?
there isnt realy a counterplay because toplane is now near ungankable.. why would sup and adc stay on this bullshit botside? securing the most important objective (drake) was the reason they went bot in the first place, wasnt it?? these minions seem to be MUCH stronger then the first drake..
what day it comes?
When does the update appear?
Mark my words, botlane will switch with toplane, since herladpit has now absolute prio early.
Good old skillcapped
So why is ther no pre season...?
As a top laner i would humbly ask yhe sup and adc to go top from now on, and i can play my garen in bot, objectives in toplane is so much more important now, and the added safty is good for adc and sup
Welcome to the all new Jungle Of Legends!
I stopped playing in 2019. I just started watching worlds randomly. I have watched a lot of champion spotlights. I am scared
0:12 "more open than my gf's DM"
damn man is everything ok?
I love these map changes.
The walls would help a lot if half the champions that play jungle couldn't jump them, not like it matters to me tho, I play botlane, I'm ready to go 0/9 at 5 minutes from the constant 3v2 dive
When does season 14 start????
Estimated start of Januray. No date given AFAIK.
as a jungler, I did not ask for more headache T_T
Segue at 08:48 is delicious.
Kinda a shame it looks like world 2024 will be 50 mins 5 kill games.
Yorick entered the chat.
They’ll know where you are once you take a buff tho
why is there a dear in the bot ?
Kayn smiling for top
As a toplaner I see this as an absolute win.
Until adc and support start going top and you’re forced to go bot.
you will be botlane my friend.. sorry to shatter your dreams.
Btw you forgor the Azir changes in your Tier list video. Where would you place him?
These changes look amazing and refreshing for the game. Only thing I'm worried about is how champs that rely on walls will do in lane. Camille e, poppy e , zoe e, akshan e, illaoi tentacles, qiyana r . As well as rengars gank potential with the lack of bushes. Terrain changes will indirectly make certain champs really struggle without some kind of range adjustment.
Well I’ll say my thoughts for each champ
Camille - Will be fine, walls aren’t changed too drastically, plus she’s really strong, a minor nerf won’t mean much
Poppy - Most walls a thicker, allowing for poppy to hit them easier (especially topside). As for Botside, only changes will affect all junglers, not poppy in particular.
Zoe - She has wall interactions?
Akshan - Still the same amount of swinging, in fact there’s way more swing to have in botside.
Illaoi - Quite literally buffed if she pushes her laner under their tower when on blue side.
Qiyana - Won’t matter
Rengar - Yeah he’s probably gonna need a buff or two (All champs will probably need slight damage increases around the board due to weaker items, but Rengar is gonna need more)
In conclusion, changes won’t affect specific champs too much, but someone like Rengar is probably no longer a jungler just so they could potentially roll the lottery and get an Ivern jungle.
@@GameGuinAzulZoe's E (Sleep Bubble) can travel through walls.
@@GameGuinAzul Illaoi camille and poppy will be fine in jg and other parts of the map, but specifically in lane phase, they will struggle a lot more. In top lane, the bottom walls are nonexistent leaving a rather open field where minions meet. trading will be a lot harder. Akshan will probably be fine but they might need to adjust the range. Zoe's pick potential through the midlane walls was pretty significant. And qiyana might be hit the hardest. grabbing grass for trades will be harder as bushes are farther and her kill threat around midlane walls will also be affected. Rengar is just going to be super ult reliant bc bush ganks won't work. compensation buffs or the range of abilities might help solve most of these. basically will affect a lot of trade patterns in laning bc of opening up the map. overall though i think it will make laning phase more fun.
Personally IDGAF. Poppy, Akshan, Camille and Illaoi deserve this happening to them.
also early game champs for the grubs will be favoured, you need either bot or mid pro or a strong early game jungle, also invades are easier which strengthens this.@@GameGuinAzul
Top lane changes: "We want to make it even so that its harder to gank both
Mid Lane changes: "We want it to be harder to gank so people can play immobile mages
ADC changes: "Lets open it up so its even easier to gank a lane with no real early game agency who rely on scaling..."
GG Riot lol
in summary, they nerfed fiddlesticks.
Trick crying happy tears rn lol
Man the jg diff is real now
I really like the top changes. As a top main getting camped all my games i appreciate this change
I’m no longer jungling my main position and adc