Fight Parkinson’s Disease Rigidity | Trunk and Legs

  • Опубликовано: 18 дек 2024

Комментарии • 86

  • @1957nsc
    @1957nsc Год назад +4

    Thanks, Nathan for the numerous effective exercises to help improve the wellness level of Parkinson disease people like me!!

      @SKILLSANDWELLNESS  Год назад +1

      You are welcome. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 please conside sharing it to your support group if you have one

    • @1957nsc
      @1957nsc Год назад

      Yes, I've been sharing your workouts with both P .D. friends as well as my non-P.D. elderly friends as your excercises are simple and easy to follow. Thank you, Nathan

    • @beatemuller1696
      @beatemuller1696 Год назад


    • @SiripalaAmarasinghe
      @SiripalaAmarasinghe 7 месяцев назад


    • @SiripalaAmarasinghe
      @SiripalaAmarasinghe 7 месяцев назад

      3:40 3:43 3:44

  • @mayyue8459
    @mayyue8459 2 месяца назад +1

    Hi, Nathan,
    Thank you so much for your lessons in teaching us on how to relieve the various rigidity issues of our Parkinson’s disease.
    I found the exercises very helpful. ❤

  • @peghaight6085
    @peghaight6085 2 года назад +12

    I like these Parkinson’s disease exercises because they help the patients who have it, I know they help my husband so much. Please keep them coming.

  • @wyip2135
    @wyip2135 2 года назад +3

    thanks very much I had following all your video to fight my parkinson disease as you said never give up

  • @ArunMukherjee-ec2uo
    @ArunMukherjee-ec2uo Год назад

    Thanks a lot for your effective Exercises which are helping me to perform my daily activities more comfortably.

  • @nildamacalma6614
    @nildamacalma6614 2 года назад

    Thank you so much for this video. Salamat ng marami. Mabuhay!

  • @Pattyzak2012
    @Pattyzak2012 Год назад +1

    You are awesome Nathan you make it so easy to navigate all your videos and help people with PD in their new journey

  • @OnkarSingh-ge1vf
    @OnkarSingh-ge1vf 2 года назад +4

    This is very good exercise which is quite comfortable and useful. Sometime add comes in between which disturb the continuity. Thanks.

  • @sikandermcinemascript
    @sikandermcinemascript Год назад +1

    Thanks very much for your tips

  • @mukundvyas7153
    @mukundvyas7153 10 месяцев назад +2

    Very useful exercise.

  • @kalwanomparkash6179
    @kalwanomparkash6179 5 месяцев назад +1

    Thanks for helping of Parkinson's patients❤🌹👌

  • @angelakindon6061
    @angelakindon6061 2 года назад


  • @mollysurujbally887
    @mollysurujbally887 11 месяцев назад +1

    Hi my both knees I have osteoarthritis on one knee an Dr recommend me to do replacement on my other knee do you think I can do the knee stretches also I have Parkinson's so I did your exercise for parkinson's but my knees hurt a little should I continue my parkinson's exercises let me know I am very shaky but I keep strong trying toove around home can't go by myself alone

      @SKILLSANDWELLNESS  11 месяцев назад

      Try the stretches first. And discuss your concerns with your doctor.

  • @wilmafagio2461
    @wilmafagio2461 Год назад

    Amazing exercises.Thank you Nathan.

  • @keitymarley733
    @keitymarley733 Год назад +10

    Parkinson disease is a very terrible illness, my Dad suffered from it for 19 years until we finally got a help and a medicine that truly works that helped treat, cure and reversed all his symptoms•••My Dad is completely okay and healthy now..

    • @torazmiah3878
      @torazmiah3878 Год назад +2

      Please let me know what name of medication thanks

    • @ArunMukherjee-ec2uo
      @ArunMukherjee-ec2uo Год назад

      Please inform the medicines that prescribed by the Doctor for your father.

    • @angellalewis5858
      @angellalewis5858 Год назад

      Can you tell us anything about your dad's treatment that cure your dad's parkinsons. Thank you

    • @Tranquility39
      @Tranquility39 11 месяцев назад +1

      Please could you let me know the treatment your Dad has. Unfortunately, I have Parkinson's disease, and I am very interested in different treatments

    • @keitymarley733
      @keitymarley733 11 месяцев назад

      @@Tranquility39 My Dad got cured by using Dr Madida PD medicine, Dr Madida can help you too.

  • @lolitarestor3709
    @lolitarestor3709 2 года назад +2

    Enjoying very much this vedio Nathan

  • @brendatorres1851
    @brendatorres1851 4 месяца назад

    Thanks for sharing

  • @flipflopyeah4591
    @flipflopyeah4591 Год назад +1

    This is such a helpful channel.

  • @rafaelaquino9683
    @rafaelaquino9683 Год назад

    Salamat jho sa new additionl exercise, thanks

  • @maryjaneespino6747
    @maryjaneespino6747 2 года назад

    hi sir i folllow your all exercise helpful your video marami salamat😊😊

  • @maritesteodoro2867
    @maritesteodoro2867 3 года назад

    I hope you have a video regarding the stroke

      @SKILLSANDWELLNESS  3 года назад

      I do. There is playlist for stroke too. I hope it helps

  • @jospehinekanny6062
    @jospehinekanny6062 Год назад

    I like your exercises.

  • @dayamanigudishe7830
    @dayamanigudishe7830 2 года назад +1

    Iam unable to sit MRI two times was normal hands and legs have no grip plz advaise

  • @effathosseini795
    @effathosseini795 Год назад +1

    Thanks 💐

  • @inderbahl5072
    @inderbahl5072 2 года назад +1

    How many times in a day it is to be done

  • @sunjay-sd6hx
    @sunjay-sd6hx 5 месяцев назад

    Good one thanks for sharing l 👍🙏

  • @thomashorner9484
    @thomashorner9484 3 года назад +6

    I have Parkinson's and am a firm believer that exercise is key to keeping my body functioning like it should. I use several RUclips videos and this series is a great one. It gives a lot of different exercises and keeps me from getting in the rut of using just a few over and over. This also keeps all my muscles exercising and not just a few over and over.

      @SKILLSANDWELLNESS  3 года назад +2

      Wow. Your motivation is inspiring. Thanks for that. 🤙🏽🤙🏽🤙🏽🤙🏽

    • @nelvareboja7696
      @nelvareboja7696 3 года назад


    • @arpnakumar2144
      @arpnakumar2144 2 года назад

      This video is very nice and it is great

  • @nafeesahasanally7331
    @nafeesahasanally7331 2 года назад +1

    How many times should we do these exercise.

      @SKILLSANDWELLNESS  2 года назад

      It is recommended twice a day, 4x a week. With rest days in between. But please continue active recovery bu doing other exercises such as walking

  • @MegaMusical10
    @MegaMusical10 Год назад

    Great video, thanks!

  • @kiranbagga4745
    @kiranbagga4745 9 дней назад

    You are the best

  • @nganguyen-ug6oc
    @nganguyen-ug6oc Год назад

    Can i do this for stroke?Thanks

      @SKILLSANDWELLNESS  Год назад +1

      Yes. It does help really good. Just remember to exagerate your movements

  • @effathosseini795
    @effathosseini795 Год назад

    Thanks so much ❤

  • @shameemhabib1974
    @shameemhabib1974 4 месяца назад

    😊thanks Nathan

  • @3powerpuffgirls471
    @3powerpuffgirls471 Год назад

    ayos idol...

  • @leaveittolefty
    @leaveittolefty 2 года назад +1

    my rigidity/stiffness is in my ankles so far

  • @udayshetty8065
    @udayshetty8065 Год назад

    Exercises for wide gait

  • @conniechan3280
    @conniechan3280 2 года назад


  • @OnkarSingh-ge1vf
    @OnkarSingh-ge1vf 2 года назад +2

    I have just done the stretching part of the exercise comfortably.

  • @vip01357
    @vip01357 4 месяца назад

    My husband is suffering Parkinson. His health is deteriorate day by day.plz help

      @SKILLSANDWELLNESS  4 месяца назад

      Hows his appetite? If he is eating good, try to follow these exercises

  • @snehatodankar7915
    @snehatodankar7915 2 года назад +1

    I am unable to walkk

      @SKILLSANDWELLNESS  2 года назад

      Please do the exercises sitting down. With practice, i hope you will return to being able to walk. I will also make a video on how to improve sitting to standing.

  • @sarahason6017
    @sarahason6017 2 года назад

    Love it

  • @tpsen
    @tpsen 2 года назад


  • @garysargent4870
    @garysargent4870 Месяц назад


  • @SiripalaAmarasinghe
    @SiripalaAmarasinghe Год назад

    Parkinson spech exiçersis

  • @SA.D63
    @SA.D63 3 года назад +3

    Hello Nathan.. I like your videos very much.You are doing a great job 👍.Your videos for Parkinson's are very helpful.,if possible give me your email address. 🙏

      @SKILLSANDWELLNESS  3 года назад

      Hi maam. Yes. My email is

  • @effathosseini795
    @effathosseini795 Год назад
